Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2232199-A-romantic-holiday-in-Paris
by Mira
Rated: 18+ · Fiction · Crime/Gangster · #2232199
A chapter of my book
Once out of Paris Charles De Gaulle airport, Mira and Aleksi navigated the underground system to the centre of Paris. After checking in to their hotel and having a steamy shower, they made their way to the River Seine. Standing by the river, they looked across it and could see Notre Dame. A Medievel Cathedral standing there in all its glory basking in the sunshine.

"This is beautiful!" Mira exclaimed.

"Just like you Mira." Aleksi replied. "That's Notre Dame over there" He added pointing towards the cathedral. "Do you want to go inside?"



They crossed the bridge over the river and entered Notre Dame. The architecture magnificent with high ceilings, Gothic statues on the pillars and stained-glass windows with different pictures and colours. The light shining through them adding to their magnificence and awe. It was busier inside the cathedral than she expected with a mixture of tourists taking photos and people praying in the pews. Mira was in awe as they made their way around the Cathedral. Everywhere she looked had something different in it. Figures of Mary and Jesus in the chapel area, the choir area laid out with rows for the choir boys with the organ pipes behind them, another chapel to pray in with candles lit by those who have prayed and candles awaiting to be lit by new comers wanting to pray. They exited through the doors on the opposite side to where they had entered and walked back across the bridge over the River Seine and to the Musee de Louvre.

"Where shall we go for dinner?" Mira asked as they exited the Louvre Museum some hours later.

"Lets walk down the river and see what we find." Aleksi replied taking Mira by her hand and leading the way down the steps to the river. They followed the river for a while then spotted a french restaurant called 'La Rouge' and sat down at a table.

After they were settled a waiter came over "Bonsoir monsieur et madame" He greeted them and handed them each a menu. "Puis-je vous offrir des boissons pour commencer?" He continued to ask.

"Bonsoir. Nous urons une bouteille de votre plus belle rose, s'il vous plaît." Aleksi replied smiling at Mira as he ordered.

The waiter nodded and went off to prepare their drinks at the bar returning a few minutes later with the wine in an ice bucket and two glasses. He poured a small amount into a glass for Aleksi to try.

Aleksi nodded that the wine was satisfactory and the waiter filled up his glass. He filled another glass and handed it to Mira. “Merci" She smiled and the waiter disappeared into the kitchen.

“I know what I want for dinner." Aleksi winked at Mira making her blush.


Behave" She scolded playfully, looking around to see if anyone had heard him.

The waiter returned and Mira ordered the gambas à l'ail et beurre de piment for her starter and the Poulet Breton for her main course whilst Aleksi ordered the blanc paine avec mayonnaise citron & coriandre for his starter and the 8oz sirloin steak et frites for his main.

The meal was delicious and after paying the bill, they carried on walking along the River Seine. It was dark by now and the street lights lit the river casting shadows that moved with them as they walked.

Aleksi took Mira's hand in his and stroked the back of it with his thumb. He pulled her hand towards his lips and kissed it. "You smell like a coconut"

Is that a problem?" She asked worried.

"No. No problem at all. It's lovely like the rest of you. Mira I love you. I am so
glad to have you in my life. Since I met you, my life has been magnificent. I am the proudest man alive right now." He proclaimed and pulled her into his warm embrace under the moonlight sky.

"Lets go back to the hotel now, I want my dessert."

The next day they visited the Eiffel Tower and the Sacré-Cœur. The views from up the Eiffel Tower were truly breathtakingly amazing. They could see the Seine, Trocadéro Gardens, The Louvre Museum and the Avenue des Champs-Élysées leading up to the Arc de Triomphe. The people and the cars below looked like small ants going about their daily business. The Sacré-Cœur positioned on top of a hill had even more breathtaking views across Paris. Aleksi put his arms around Mira’s waist and they looked out over Paris together.

"It's so beautiful and romantic." Mira gushed "I'm so glad I am here with you Aleksi." and he hugged her tightly.

Back at the hotel Aleksi grabbed Mira from behind and pulled her onto the bed on top of him. He kissed her passionately. He loved the way her long brown hair fell down her back, the way her hips curved, her long slim legs, her rounded breasts, her flat stomach. She turned him on. The way she was vulnerable and confident at the same time. She let him give to her and not the other way round like other women he had been with in the past who tried to give to him and this eventually ended up with him bored and leaving them. He really wanted to find a woman he could be with long term. He hoped Mira was that woman. Only time would tell.

They dressed for the evening and set off into warm evening sun towards the restaurant they had booked earlier in the day. Mira wearing a sleek black dress which showed off her curves and a pair of black heels which complemented her dress and elongated her long slender legs. Aleksi wearing a black shirt, dark blue jeans and brown shoes.

They were seated at a table outside with a view of the sunset over the River Seine. Aleksi ordered a bottle of white wine. "So here we are in Paris." he said sitting back in his chair with a huge grin on his face.

“Yes its so romantic." She smiled back. "Here's to us." She announced a toast and they clinked glasses. "I love you Aleksi.”

After dinner, they retreated to the hotel for drinks in the bar and Aleksi addressed Mira seriously. "Mira i have been thinking about how attracted I am to you. I feel I need to protect you and keep you safe. I'd like to spend more time with you when we get back to England. How do you feel about staying at my place for the week?"

"You want me to move in with you?"

"No. I just want you to stay at mine for a while. I love your company and want to see how I feel about you being around when I get home from work."

"Okay." She agreed.

Once back in the hotel room, Aleksi stripped to his boxers and lay on top of the bed flicking through the channels on the TV mounted to the wall.
He watched Mira as she walked around the bed and pulled out a pair of
silky pyjamas from her suitcase which was open on the floor.

"You won't need those tonight." Aleksi pulled Mira down onto the bed towards him and kissed her neck. "I want to make love to you right here." He whispered into her ear and reached around her back to unfasten her bra. He threw the bra on the floor and sucked on her nipples sending waves of pleasure through her body. He hooked his thumbs into her knickers, pulled them off and threw them on the floor. Then removed his own boxers and plunged his erect penis into her. Mira called his name in pleasure as he climaxed inside her once again. Aleksi rolled on to his back feeling relaxed and Mira snuggled up to him, He wrapped his arm around her, and they both drifted off to sleep.

The following evening they went to the cabaret at the Moulin Rouge for dinner, drinks and to watch the burlesque acts perform. A fun night out and their last night in Paris together. It had been a great holiday and Mira did not want to return to the mundane days of normal life back in England. The show ended, and they walked back to their hotel hand in hand under the moonlight sky. A perfect end to a prefect holiday.
© Copyright 2020 Mira (mira2016 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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