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Rated: 18+ · Non-fiction · Death · #2231081
Continuation of the story of my character Josef Ludwig and Marie Wogel.

Marie stood outside of the dark wood door. Bolted to the top was a metal plate with the word "Guest" engraved into it. Her temporary room. She still held her bag in her arm, but more loosely than when she was at the airport.

"Well, here you are, miss. It ain't much, almost something like a hotel room, but it'll work for you, hopefully." Tavish smiled, and motioned for her to open door, waving as he began to walk off to his own business before stopping quickly and turning to face Marie once more.

"Oh! And I'll come back in a few hours to take you to the cafeteria for dinner so you don't get lost." He nodded finally and began walking down the hall, leaving Marie at the door. She grabbed the door and slowly entered, the stagnant scent wrapping around her from the room that very obviously hadn't been used very much, if at all. Walking in, she almost immediately came upon the main room that contained a queen sized bed in the center of the side wall, desk and chair, TV, and lounge chair. She was pleasantly surprised on the quality of the room based on where this building was. The middle of no where. As she walked in further, closing the door behind her, she made her way over to the desk. As she reached it, she took her bag from over her shoulder and began to remove items. Her wallet, which she placed in her coat pocket, her keepsakes like jewelry and other sentimental things, and finally her notebook, which she placed under her bed far enough to where it wouldn't be seen without actually bending down to look under the bed. She took a few steps back to make sure the hiding was to her liking. Once she was pleased, she headed to the bathroom.

Along with the bathroom, a fairly decently sized closet was also attached to the room. She walked into the large white bathroom, taking off her tan coat, revealing her white button up tucked into her tight black dress pants and black heels that were much cleaner than the mud caked ones she left at home from running for miles after the incident. She shook the thought from her head and looked at herself in the mirror, studying her own eyes. It's always said that eyes are the window to the soul, but at a doctor, she never understood it. All she saw was her blues eyes looking back at her from the mirror. Something was off though, she looked harder, and it didn't take long before she noticed her blinking was out of sink from the reflection. Marie shook her head and waved it off.

"Not right now. I'm going through enough already." Marie rolled her eyes as she exited the room, hanging her coat an the rack outside of the door before walking back to the main room and flopping down on her back as she fell on the bed, letting her legs dangle off the side. She sunk into the soft bed, letting her muscles finally relax before her hands flung up to cover her face and inhale sharply instead of screaming, which is what she would've preferred to do. Her hands slid down her face, taking her glasses off as well before resting on her chest, it rising and falling as she breathed. Closing her yes, she began to dose off quietly.

She was woken by a knock at the door.

"Excuse me, Doctor Wogel. I'm Miss Pauling. I was sent by Tavish to get you."

Marie shot up from the sound of the woman's voice, rubbing the sleep from her eyes. She hopped off the bed before walking over to open the door. The woman backed away slightly from the doorknob being turned before swinging open, revealing Marie on the other side. Miss Pauling looked up at the woman, wide-eyed, seeing the German doctor for the first time.

"Oh, hi! You must be Marie. Sorry for the...whole meeting on such short notice, but Tavish had to help one of our other workers, and sent me to show you to the cafeteria," She smiled, holding her hand out to shake. Marie quit rubbing her eyes, and placed her glasses on her nose before taking her hand to shake. "Alright, let's go," she continued before motioning for Marie to follow her.

The two women began walking the tiled hallways, the opposite direction that Tavish went when he left Marie to her room. The silence of the hallway was borken only by the clicking of the heels worn by them before Pauling began to speak once more.

"So I hope you like your stay here. It's honestly nice having another woman here to talk to and not just the guys."

"You only hire men here?"

Pauling looked over at Marie and shrugged. "Well, yes and no. We do...but only because Women don't exactly want to work here." she laughed slightly. Her comment caused Marie to furrow her eyebrows, annoyed.

"Well," Marie looked away from Pauling, focusing on the hallway in front of her to keep from glaring at the woman. "What DO you guys do here, anyways." There a silence for a moment, Pauling contemplating what to say.

"Well, since I now am assuming Tavish didn't tell you, then I'll follow his actions since that is probably for the best." Marie frowned at the response, but decided to keep her mouth shut about it for now.

It only took a short while later to get to the cafeteria. It was a fairly large area that had three round tables, surrounded by 5 chairs each. One one wall there was an open window that separated the room from the kitchen with a counter to pass trays through. It seemed closed which was odd for Marie considering she was told multiple times it would be dinner at this. On one table though, there were two trays that were unoccupied.

"So today is takeout day since it is Wednesday, so that means no food was made today. Since you weren't put on the list for takeout though, I made us grilled cheese. I didn't know what you liked, so I tried to keep it safe," she laughed nervously. "I made it for myself also because I thought we could eat and I answer some of your questions. You being the new employee and all." Pauling continued as the women both sat down, sitting in the chairs right next to each other. Marie's eyes widened, confused at what she had just heard.

"I-I'm sorry. Did you just say new employee?" Miss Pauling looked back up at Marie, obviously not seeing anything wrong with what was said.

"Well, yeah. Are you not the new doctor? I mean, you obviously aren't replacing our current one," she laughed, "but I figured you were a new off field doctor of ours? I thought that's why Tavish brought you here and didn't tell you about what we do here because you wouldn't be on the field anyways. " Marie scoffed in disbelief.

"With all due respect...why would I work for a place if I'm kept from what they do?"

"That's fair," Pauling replied bluntly. "Well, Doctor, we are mercenaries, to put ti nicely. We were hired by our boss, Redmond Mann, to protect his land from offenders that are sent to kill us and take over. Luckily...he hired good people who aren't killed easily. Mostly because we don't care are killing people, and...if I'm being honest, we all are bastards who care about ourselves and are here for mostly selfish purposes. " Pauling grinned at Marie after speeding through the explanation, leaving Marie is awe at what was said. She opened her mouth to respond before she was cut off by someone walking into the cafeteria.

The person who walked in was a tall man with dark black hair, and light blue eyes that made contact with Marie's as she looked to see the source of the foot steps. The man almost seemed to be glaring at her, whether it be his permanent face, or his displease in a new face being in the building. She couldn't help but quickly looking away from the man, eyeing her food. Pauling broke the awkwardness by waving to the man and greeting him.

"Good Evening, Josef."
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