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Spider-Man's greatest enemy reveals his plan for the web-slinger. |
Previously: "S02E12 "The Master Planner"" ![]() "REVENGE OF THE LIVING BRAIN" FADE IN: INT. OSCORP TOWER -- SUB-BASEMENT -- LAB SPIDER-MAN, bathed in the bluish-white glow of the Energy Focus Device. THE LIVING BRAIN approaches him. THE LIVING BRAIN Finally, Spider-Man, I am about to take my sweet revenge. Spider-Man glances over at SPIDER-MILES. THE LIVING BRAIN Your little friend can't help you now, web-head. SPIDER-MAN Doctor Octopus. I don't believe it. Is it really you? THE LIVING BRAIN Who else could it be? My real body might be in a coma, but this metal shell houses my most valuable asset. My mind. Spider-Man struggles to his feet, GASPING and nursing his bruises. SPIDER-MAN Downloading human consciousness into a robot body? That's supposed to be impossible. THE LIVING BRAIN Nothing is impossible. It was a simple matter of amalgamating the encoded-- Wait. I know what you're doing, Spider-Man. SPIDER-MAN (edging away) What? No, I'm seriously interested! Please, go on. THE LIVING BRAIN You are only attempting to buy yourself time. But that is a luxury you no longer have. The Energy Focus Device powers up. Spider-Man shoots a web to the side, snagging a heavy cylinder and flinging it in the robot's face. It CRIES OUT as electricity arcs off it. THE LIVING BRAIN Mental feedback! Spider-Man pulls Spider-Miles onto his shoulder and hobbles away. SPIDER-MAN Let's get you out of here, Miles. As the electricity dies out, the Living Brain regroups and picks up a heavy metal dingus. THE LIVING BRAIN There is no escape from me, Spider-Man. Spider-Man hurls Spider-Miles over a barrier. SPIDER-MAN You'll thank me for this later! The Living Brain hurls the dingus at Spider-Man. He catches it, then is crushed beneath its weight. The Living Brain advances on the pinned wall-crawler. THE LIVING BRAIN Ha ha ha ha ha ha. SPIDER-MAN Being a robot hasn't made you any less creepy, Ock. In fact, haven't I spent the last few weeks telling everyone how creepy your new home is? THE LIVING BRAIN This shell was but a necessary tool. Oh how delightful it was to hide in plain sight. Ha ha ha ha. Masterminding your demise. All I was missing was this Focal Energy Device I once designed for Osborn. It gives my robotic form the power it needs to complete my plan. The Energy Focal Device begins powering up again. SPIDER-MAN Wait, so your big plan was to zap me with some gizmo? This is a lot of effort to go to just for that. THE LIVING BRAIN Oh, no. This is so much more. I am going to obliterate your very essence, Spider-Man. Annihilate your very being. I am going to take everything from you. Just like you took everything from me. The beam blasts Spider-man. He GASPS and GRUNTS and SCREAMS. END OF TEASER FADE IN: INT. OSCORP TOWER -- SUB-BASEMENT -- LAB The Living Brain towers over Spider-Man, bathing him in the rays of the Energy Focus Device. Spider-Man GASPS and PANTS. THE LIVING BRAIN Oh, do not worry, Spider-Man. Your suffering will not last long. SPIDER-MAN You have a terrible bed-side manner, Doc. He lifts the debris and hurls it at the robot, knocking it back. THE LIVING BRAIN Blast it! SPIDER-MAN Time to take this outside. Spider-Man struggles to his feet, then leaps to a wall. The Living Brain pursues. THE LIVING BRAIN You infuriate me. EXT. OSCORP TOWER -- NIGHT A panel in the exterior wall. Spider-Man pushes it out and falls out onto the street. He staggers away, nursing his bruises. SPIDER-MAN Got to get Ock away from Miles! He stumbles and falls to the ground. Behind him, a BLAST blows another hole in the wall, and the Living Brain emerges. It approaches the prone super-hero. In the distance, police sirens WAIL. THE LIVING BRAIN Your feeble attempts to defeat me are only going to make my victory all the sweeter. Headlights bathe The Living Brain from behind. It turns as a police car pulls up. Spider-Man struggles to his feet. THE LIVING BRAIN (to Spider-Man) This does not end here, web- head. The Brain powers down as FIRST POLICEMAN and SECOND POLICEMEN get out of the car and approach Spider-Man and the robot. FIRST POLICEMAN Trouble at Oscorp again. And look who's here. Big shock. The two cops kneel beside Spider-Man. SPIDER-MAN (mumbling) Stop! Have to stop Ock! Inside! My friend's inside. Where's Senor Trunks? Spider-Man passes out. FIRST POLICEMAN Any idea what he's talking about? SECOND POLICEMAN Maybe Spidey's finally lost his mind. Let's take all this in and let Chief Watanabe sort it out. FIRST POLICEMAN (snorts at Living Brain) You bring a forklift? EXT. THE RAFT -- NIGHT -- ESTABLISHING INT. THE RAFT -- ARMORY -- NIGHT Lights come on as First Policeman and Second Policeman wheel The Living Brain (prone) along a corridor past cages that hold weapons. FIRST POLICEMAN Look at this crazy thing! Must be way too dangerous if they want us to store it down here with the rest of the mad science stuff. SECOND POLICEMAN This stuff freaks me out. I can't wait to get back to our usual beat. Give me a mugger any day over the super-powered maniacs they lock up in here. Seriously. They exit, leaving the Brain. The lights go off as their FOOTSTEPS fade. When they are gone, The Brain's electronic eye comes on. EXT. OSCORP TOWER -- NIGHT -- ESTABLISHING INT. OSCORP TOWER -- SUB-BASEMENT -- LAB Spider-Miles, still on the floor, GASPS as he wakes. THIRD POLICEMAN (O.S.) I'll tell you what. It's about time someone brought that menace to justice. All he's ever done is cause us trouble. Spider-Miles crouches and hides. ANGLE ON SPEAKER A small crowed of cops and technicians in hazmat suits examine the lab. THIRD POLICEMAN (continues) The chief's not gonna keep that Spider-dude in supervillain holding for long. She'll send him straight to the Cellar. SPIDER-MILES (to self) Spidey's in holding? He activates his invisibility cloak and runs out. WIPE TO: INT. THE RAFT -- INTERROGATION ROOM -- NIGHT Spider-Man, sagging with exhaustion, sits in a chair. His image is reflected in a mirror. CHIEF WATANABE (O.S.) Wake up, sunshine! SPIDER-MAN (starting up) Huh? What? Where am I? He is sitting in front of a desk, bound by the wrists to the arms of the chair. CHIEF WATANABE paces about him. SPIDER-MAN Cuffs? One-way mirror? Harsh lighting? Things aren't coming up smelling like roses for Spidey, are they, Chief Watanabe? CHIEF WATANABE No, Spider-Man, they are not. I was one of the only people in the city defending you. I gave you a chance when everyone else told me not to. SPIDER-MAN And I really appreciate that. CHIEF WATANABE So why did you show that appreciation by breaking into Oscorp and blowing up a lab? SPIDER-MAN Uh, this is going to sound crazy, but ... Remember when you told me someone hired Chameleon? It was Doc Ock. He's behind it all. I got a lead on that Chameleon tech you showed me. But when I went to investigate-- CHIEF WATANABE I told you not to investigate anything without me! You promised me you wouldn't! SPIDER-MAN Right. Kind of forgot about that. CHIEF WATANABE As for your story, one of my officers said you mentioned Otto Octavius, so I checked up on it. And guess what? She shows Spider-Man a computer tablet with Otto's picture on it. CHIEF WATANABE This is a live feed from the hospital. He's still in a coma, Spider-Man. Like he has been for months. SPIDER-MAN It's way more complicated than that! CHIEF WATANABE No, it's not. It's simple. I can no longer let a vigilante like you operate in our streets. I'm formally arresting you. And like any criminal in our holding cells, there are no secret identities. Unmask, Spider-Man. It's time we found out who you are. The cuffs unlock. SPIDER-MAN I-- I can't. CHIEF WATANABE You're either going to take that mask off now, or I'm going to remove it by force. Spider-Man sighs, and slowly starts to remove the mask. He gets it up to his nose when the ambient lighting turns red, and ALARMS sound. CHIEF WATANABE What? Emergency power's kicked in. INT. THE RAFT -- CORRIDORS AND ROOMS -- NIGHT Shots all around the interior of the Raft as automatic doors close, sealing off windows, rooms, and corridors. OFFICERS react. EXT. THE RAFT -- NIGHT Exterior doors close. Spider-Miles swings toward the main gates as they begin to close. SPIDER-MILES This can't be good! The gates shut, and he bounces off them, falling to the ground. SPIDER-MILES Ow! Okay. The supervillain holding facility slams shut right when Spidey's taken inside. No way this is on the level. I need in! INT. THE RAFT -- INTERROGATION ROOM -- NIGHT Doors close on Chief Watanabe and Spider-Man. CHIEF WATANABE Not just emergency power. This is lock down! A protocol in case a supervillain tries to escape. SPIDER-MAN It wasn't me! You're my witness for when J. Jonah Jameson tries to blame this on me! The Chief touches an intercom button beside the door. Spider-Man joins her. CHIEF WATANABE Chief to control, status report. Now. SPIDER-MAN He's probably blocking the comm channel. CHIEF WATANABE You think someone's hacked our system? SPIDER-MAN Yeah, and I have eight guesses about who it is. The computer screen on the desk activates. The silhouetted form of THE MASTER PLANNER appears on it. THE MASTER PLANNER I told you, there is no escape from me, Spider-Man. But now you have a mission. Come and find me. Face Doctor Octopus before I destroy this building and everyone trapped inside. The door to the room slides open. SPIDER-MAN Destroy them? How? THE MASTER PLANNER There was more than enough tech in here in the armory to fashion a bomb. One with a countdown just to liven up the situation. You have fifteen minutes, Spider-Man. The Master Planner laughs, and the screen goes blank. SPIDER-MAN Doesn't look like I'm gonna need those other seven guesses. END OF ACT ONE FADE IN: INT. THE RAFT -- CORRIDOR -- NIGHT Spider-Man and Chief Watanabe walk along. THE MASTER PLANNER (V.O.) The clock is ticking, Spider- Man. If you want to save the lives of everyone in this building, come and find me. SPIDER-MAN Why couldn't Ock get into model trains or something? Why do I have to be his special project? CHIEF WATANABE Despite all logic, looks like you were telling the truth about Octavius. SPIDER-MAN Is it against the law to tell the chief of police, "I told you so"? CHIEF WATANABE I should have trusted my gut, Spider-Man. I should've trusted you. But how did Ock even get inside here? SPIDER-MAN Ock's mind isn't inside his body. Did your officers bring a robot in when I was arrested? CHIEF WATANABE Yes. The officers would've put it in the armory. SPIDER-MAN Oh, great. That place again. Where it could make a bomb and arm itself with who knows what! EXT. THE RAFT -- FRONT GATES -- NIGHT Spider-Miles GRUNTS as he tries to tug the gates open. He finally collapses. SPIDER-MILES (panting) Not even a dent? I guess this place really was designed to withstand a superpowered attack. He glances to the side, at a control panel beside the gate. SPIDER-MILES (continues) But maybe overloading the energy supply could pop this joint open. He rips the panel off and reaches inside. SPIDER-MILES Electro-sting time! The speaker over the panel BEEPS and comes to life. THE MASTER PLANNER (V.O.) Where are you, Spider-Man? Only eleven minutes left, so I would pick up the pace if I were you. So many innocent lives rest in the hands of Doctor Octopus. SPIDER-MILES Doc Ock? Oh, man! This situation just got every kind of even worse. He puts his hands back inside the panel. Electricity SPARKS, and he GRUNTS, CRIES OUT, and is flung backward. He GROANS as he sits up. SPIDER-MILES I'm gonna need some help. INT. THE RAFT -- HOLDING CELLS -- CORRIDOR -- NIGHT Chief Watanabe and Spider-Man continue to walk. CHIEF WATANABE This is the fastest way, through the holding cells. They pass two cells that are open. SPIDER-MAN Okay, what are the odds those two open cells are for inmates out on good behavior? CHIEF WATANABE Ock must have remotely sprung the doors. Who was in them? She goes to check the computer at an abandoned desk. Spider-Man investigates one of the cells. The padded walls are covered in scorch marks. SPIDER-MAN Electrical insulation? Scorch marks? Oh, this cell's gotta be for someone who-- O.S., ELECTRO LAUGHS. SPIDER-MAN Oh no. ELECTRO (O.S.) Oh yes! ANGLE ON ELECTRO, ON A CATWALK ABOVE She powers up to maximum, transforming into a SIZZLING figure of pure electricity. She LAUGHS again. ELECTRO Someone call for a bug zapper? SPIDER-MAN You've been practicing that, haven't you? She flies down at him. EXT. THE RAFT -- GATES -- NIGHT Spider-Miles perches on the gates. He looks down at ANYA CORAZON, who is pulling wires out of the panel he busted open. SPIDER-MILES So what do you think? ANYA I'm thinking it would be easier to reprogram an access panel if someone hadn't fried it first! Wait! She pulls out two wires and touches them together. The gates open. SPIDER-MILES Yes! The gates close again. SPIDER-MILES No! ANYA So you're gonna be that way, huh, door? Fine. We don't need you. We can find a different way in. INT. THE RAFT -- HOLDING CELS -- CORRIDOR -- NIGHT Electro attacks Spider-Man; he dodges and dodges and dodges. ELECTRO You're falling apart, Spidey. Plus, let's face it, loser, you only beat me last time 'cause you built some fancy containment suit. But where's your suit now? Electro overloads on electricity, filling the space with bolts. Spider-Man desperately dodges. SPIDER-MAN I must have left it at the dry cleaners. And since I don't think you're gonna give me time to go pick it up-- He webs his hands over with fluid, creating basketball-sized mitts. As she shoot SIZZLING bolts at him, he dives at her and punches her. Both of them GRUNT and YELL as he connects, knocking her to the floor. SPIDER-MAN I thought I might improvise. He notices that one of his mitts is on fire. SPIDER-MAN (continues) Huh? (yells) Hot! Hot hot hot hot hot! He tears the mitt off and flings it away. CHIEF WATANABE Spidey! Get her contained! SPIDER-MAN I can't! She's right. Last time I only beat her because I had special equipment. CHIEF WATANABE We have special equipment here too. SPIDER-MAN Of course! Electro, depowered, rises from the floor and powers up again. ELECTRO Oh no you dont! She chases Spider-Man, who arms himself with a pair of padded shields. He blocks her with these as she knocks him backward into her cell. SPIDER-MAN It's not as cool as my Electro suit, but it'll do. They both GRUNT as he knocks her to the floor with one of the pads. ELECTRO (growls) Spider-Man, I'll make you-- She charges him, but she's inside her cell and he is outside. He closes the door on her. O.S., she POUNDS the inside of the door. SPIDER-MAN "--make you a nice ice cream sundae" is how she was gonna finish that sentence. Probably. Chief Watanabe uses one of the padded shields to break the control panel to the cell door. CHIEF WATANABE Hopefully, taking the panel offline means Ock can't open it remotely again. SPIDER-MAN Good thinking, Chief. Guess we make a pretty good team. Up high. He raises his palm for a high-five, but she ignores him. CHIEF WATANABE But don't forget, there were two open doors. ANGLE ON THE OTHER OPEN CELL WIPE TO: INT. THE RAFT -- STAIRWELL It's a tall, open shaft with stairs curling around the outer wall. As Chief Watanabe and Spider-Man run down them, Spider-Man slips and tumbles. He GRUNTS in pain. CHIEF WATANABE Whoa there, hero. SPIDER-MAN Sorry. I've been going nonstop for days. Passing out when they arrested me is the closest thing I've had to sleep in forever. (sighs) I've been hammered by villain after villain, day after day. I-- I gotta be honest, Chief. I don't know if I've got the strength to do this. CHIEF WATANABE There's a reason I've held off on bringing you in. I've been assembling a file on you. And if there's one thing everyone says about Spider-Man, it's that-- SPIDER-MAN I'm really cute and lovable? CHIEF WATANABE That when things are at their worst, Spider-Man always rises to his best. Spider-Man hangs his head, the clambers to his feet. SPIDER-MAN You're right. This isn't the time to give up. BEETLE (O.S.) (sneering) A nice sentiment. BEETLE, on beating wings, rises up the center of the stairwell. He is armed with a bazooka-like weapon. Spider-Man and the Chief both react. SPIDER-MAN Beetle! The other open cell! BEETLE That's right. And while you were distracted with that electric loon, I managed to get my confiscated gear, along with a few other toys. Beetle aims the bazooka at Chief Watanabe. BEETLE (continues) Say goodbye to your friend, Spider-Man! Beetle fires. END OF ACT TWO FADE IN: INT. THE RAFT -- STAIRWELL -- NIGHT Repeat of last beat of last act, from a different angle. BEETLE Say goodbye to your friend, Spider-Man! SPIDER-MAN No! Beetle fires. Spider-Man leaps, knocking Chief Watanabe out of the way as they are engulfed in a hail of candy corn. CHIEF WATANABE Spidey! Are you okay? SPIDER-MAN Totally fine. Except that I hate candy corn. BEETLE (raging) Who would make a gun that shoots candy corn? SPIDER-MAN (chuckling) Oh, so you haven't met Jack O'Lantern. The police must have confiscated his weapons. He's the worst. Everything's Halloween with that doofus. Beetle breaks the bazooka and flings the pieces away. BEETLE Never trust someone else's gear! Especially when my own will do the job. Micro-grenades! He aims his fist at Spider-Man, but Chief Watanabe leaps at him, grabbing him by the wrist. The tiny rockets he shoots fly wild, exploding against the stairs. Beetle swings around in mid-air, trying to shake off the Chief, who hangs on tightly to his arm. BEETLE (yelling) Get off! Beetle hurls the Chief away. SPIDER-MAN Chief! She hits the wall of the stairwell hard with a GRUNT and GROAN, and falls to the floor unconscious. Beetle turns to Spider-Man and charges him, hitting him and knocking him about. Both of them GRUNT and GROAN and YELL. Beetle knocks Spider-Man to his hands and knees. He looks over at the Chief. BEETLE Don't worry. After I'm done with you, I'll finish her off too. He fires more mini-rockets at Spider-Man, who leaps and webs and dodges the rockets and the explosions, GRUNTING as he does. EXT. THE RAFT --GATES -- NIGHT ANYA and Spider-Miles are still outside. Both of them are concentrated on their cell phones. ANYA See? We don't need that stupid door. Idiota! SPIDER-MILES Anya, you realize that the door's not after you personally? ANYA Says you. Almost in the air ventilation operating system. Get ready with the malware patch. Explosions BOOM O.S. SPIDER-MILES Were those explosions? ANYA Just concentrate. Okay. You've got an open slot. SPIDER-MILES I see it. Intrusion file in three, two, one-- Up high in the wall, a ventilation duct panel pops out and falls with a BANG to the ground at their feet. ANYA Yes! Thinking our way in! SPIDER-MILES All right. Thanks for your help, Anya, I couldn't have done it without you. He webs his way up to the open panel. ANYA calls up to him. ANYA Wait, one question before you go. How did you know to call me? And how do you know my name? SPIDER-MILES Huh? Oh. (stammers) I, uh, got friends at Horizon, and they told me you're the smartest student there! ANYA They did? SPIDER-MILES Yeah! Well, second smartest. They said your friend Miles comes out a tiny bit ahead. But they say you're definitely smarter than your friend Peter Parker! He jumps into the duct, leaving ANYA behind with a thoughtful expression on her face. INT. THE RAFT -- STAIRWELL -- NIGHT Spider-Man swings around the stairwell with the Beetle in pursuit, still firing his micro-rockets. They close and grapple. SPIDER-MAN Come on, Beetle. Stop being such a pest! Beetle flings Spider-man into a wall. Spider-man sinks to his hands and knees. BEETLE You're really off your game, Spider. I was hoping for a bit more of a fair fight. He raises his hands to shoot another round of rockets, but is hit in the head by a falling grate. Spider-Miles jumps in. SPIDER-MILES Surprise! BEETLE What is this, a bug party? He fires the rockets at Spider-Miles, who dodges and dives in, and the two grapple and punch with GRUNT and YELPS. Spider-Miles puts Beetle on the ground with a roundhouse kick. Spider-Man struggles to his own feet. SPIDER-MAN Please tell me I didn't fall asleep and that this is a dream. SPIDER-MILES Don't worry, man, I'm for real. He kicks Beetle around the stairwell. SPIDER-MILES I heard Doc Ock on the intercom. I know the clock's ticking, Spidey. I'll handle this guy. Go stop Ock! SPIDER-MAN Thanks. You're a life-saver. For everyone here. He webs away. INT. THE RAFT -- ARMORY -- NIGHT Corridors lined with cages filed with weaponry. Everything is bathed in red emergency lights. SPIDER-MAN enters, searching. SPIDER-MAN (to himself) The bomb! The bomb! Gotta defuse it, gotta defuse it! But where--? INSERT CLOSE UP -- BOMB A bomb with a countdown clock. It BEEPS down the seconds. BACK TO SCENE Spider-Man scampers about the room, searching. O.S., as the bomb BEEPS. SPIDER-MAN Gotta find it gotta find it gotta-- (reacting) Huh? What's that? He runs to a locker and tears the door off, revealing the bomb. As he kneels to defuse it, The Living Brain appears around a corner. THE LIVING BRAIN Spider-Man. So predictable. SPIDER-MAN Ock? The Brain shoots out a tentacle, catching Spider-Man and ramming him to a wall. Spider-Man GRUNTS in pain. SPIDER-MAN What are you doing? If that bomb goes off, everyone in the building will be destroyed, including you and that tin box you're scooting around in! The Living Brain pulls Spider-Man to his chest, crushing him in an embrace. THE LIVING BRAIN Do not concern yourself, Spider- Man. As soon as I've defeated you, I'll take care of the bomb myself. It's all part of my master plan. Spider-Man braces his feet against the walls and hurls The Living Brain across the room. Spider-Man falls to the floor, exhausted and hurting. SPIDER-MAN I hope your new appliance came with a warranty. The Living Brain rises from the floor. THE LIVING BRAIN This metal frame was never meant to be a permanent home for my precious mind. No, I've had my eye on a much better model. It charges Spider-Man, slamming him into the wall, then picks him up and throws him at the floor. THE LIVING BRAIN You put my original body into a coma, Spider-Man. You owe me a new one! The Brain squats over Spider-Man, pinning him to the floor. THE LIVING BRAIN (continues) One that's spider-powered, perhaps? The Energy Focal Device powers up and shoots from his eye, enveloping Spider-Man's head. CLOSE UP ON SPIDER-MAN FACE. He twists as the Ray plays about his head. SPIDER-MAN Wait! What are you--? What are you saying? EXTREME CLOSE-UP OF SPIDER-MAN'S EYE It fills with the blue-white glow of the Download Ray. FAST WHITE DISSOLVE TO: Still images of Spider-Man's recent fights, interspersed with images of the villains he has recently fought. THE LIVING BRAIN (O.S.) Ha ha ha. I am going to take everything from you, Spider-Man. All that was yours will be mine once I have downloaded my precious mind into your body. Then I will be Spider-Man, and you will be just a memory! Ha ha ha. DISSOLVE TO: ANGLE ON THE LIVING BRAIN The Brain pins Spider-Man to the floor, blasting his face with the Download Ray. Over the scene appear images of Spider-Man's friends and loved ones as he SCREAMS. It climaxes with an image of Doc Ock flying at the viewer, filling the screen. DISSOLVE TO WHITE FADE IN ON SPIDER-MAN Spider-Man -- twisting, GRUNTING, PANTING. He freezes, then GASPS and braces his feet against The Living Brain's chest. SPIDER-MAN Oh, nice try! But this body is presently occupied! With a ROAR, he shoves the robot off and leaps onto his feet. The Brain hits the wall behind, and slumps. The Download Ray powers down. Spider-Man looks around, PANTING HARD. INSERT SHOT: The bomb, still BEEPING, the numbers now closer to zero. INT. THE RAFT -- CONTROL ROOM -- NIGHT Scene still bathed in red emergency lights. Beetle CRASHES through a door and into the room. He GRUNTS. Spider-Miles walks in after. SPIDER-MILES You don't play well with others. I'm taking away your toys. He casts aside BEETLE's bent and broken equipment. BEETLE You'll pay for-- Miles shoots him in the face with webbing, then wraps him up in a cocoon of the stuff. SPIDER-MILES You're on time out! He looks around, then runs over to one of the many terminals. SPIDER-MILES Hey, the facility's computer nerve center! Let's see if we can cancel the lockdown from in here. He TAPS at some consoles. INTERCUT Shots of OFFICERS reacting as the emergency lights die and doors open. EXT. THE RAFT -- MAIN GATE -- NIGHT Officers run out, including CHIEF WATANABE, nursing her side. Spider-Miles exits too, carrying BEETLE. He hurls him to the ground at the Chief's feet. SPIDER-MILES Don't have much time left. We gotta get back in and help Spidey! ANGLE ON ROOF Clouds of dust and the CRUNCH of pulverized masonry as Spider-Man and The Living Brain come flying out. Spider-Man has the bomb strapped to his back with webbing, and in slow motion he delivers a devastating, full-body haymaker to the robot. The Living Brain hits the pavement, shattering. Spider-Man shoots a web and swings up into the air, pulls the bomb off his back, and with a GRUNT hurls it away. It EXPLODES in mid-air. Spider-Man lands on the roof and turns at the sound of CHEERS from below. ("Spider-Man, yeah!" "Way to go!" Etc.) Sirens WAIL as a fire truck pulls up. Spidey drops to the ground to join his friends. CHIEF WATANAMBE You did it, Spider-Man. ANYA Listen to the crowd! They don't think you're a menace now! SPIDER-MILES You know, maybe people will finally start seeing you for who you really are, man. SPIDER-MAN Oh. (nervous laugh) Well, in that case, maybe I better split before they have a chance to get the right idea. Spider-Man shoots out a web and swings away. SPIDER-MILES Hey, where you going? SPIDER-MAN Home! I'll see you back at Horizon tomorrow! Everyone watches as he swings away and disappears. ANYA turns to Spider-Miles. ANYA Why is Spider-Man going to see you at Horizon? SPIDER-MILES Huh? Oh, uh, gotta split too! He webs away, in the other direction. ANYA frowns. EXT. PARKER HOUSE -- NIGHT -- ESTABLISHING Lightning flashes overhead. INT. PARKER HOUSE -- PETER'S BEDROOM -- NIGHT Peter, in pajamas, crawls into bed. His eyes are shut. He pulls the covers up to his chin and snuggles up with a stuffed elephant. Thunder RUMBLES distantly O.S. PETER Boy, am I exhausted. Talk about intense. I've never worked at anything so hard in my life. (yawns) But you know what? Here, at the end of it all, with Senor Trunks? Peter opens his eyes, and a malicious grin spreads across his mouth. Lightning flashes cast sinister shadows over his face. OTTO OCTAVIUS (V.O.) It was worth it. Another lightning flash, and THUNDER. OTTO OCTAVIUS's features are superimposed on Peter's. Otto LAUGHS maniacally (V.O.) EXT. THE RAFT -- NIGHT The shattered body of The Living Brain, lying like a discarded doll in a cratered pavement, as rain PATTERS on it. INT. THE LIVING BRAIN A maelstrom of electronic signals, punctuated by warped and distorted images. PETER PARKER (V.O.) Hello? Hello? Is anyone there? Where am I? WHITE DISSOLVE TO: FADE OUT The above, with some minor changes, is an almost exact transcript from "The Living Brain," by Kevin Burke and Chris "Doc" Wyatt. "Spider-Man Commentary: Revenge of the Living Brain" ![]() Next: "S02E14 "A New Life for an Old"" ![]() |