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Spider-Man tracks down the enemy who put a bounty on his head. |
Previously: "S02E11 "The Man Behind the Mask"" ![]() "THE MASTER PLANNER" FADE IN: INT. PARKER HOUSE -- DINING ROOM -- DAY AUNT MAY enters and bends over PETER PARKER, who is gently snoring with his face on his breakfast plate. AUNT MAY Peter, honey. Wake up. Peter leaps up, fists raised, with a pancake stuck to his cheek. PETER PARKER (half asleep) Huh? You wanna fight too? Bring it on, Panda Girl! Huh? He fully wakes and looks around. Aunt May stares back. PETER (nervous laugh) Sorry. Weird dream. AUNT MAY I would say so. You don't want to be late for school. She wipes his face. AUNT MAY (continues) Oh hey, you never told me how the Horizon Open House Project went. Peter winces as he exits. PETER (over shoulder) It, uh, went about as expected. INT. PARKER HOUSE -- PETER'S BEDROOM -- DAY Peter picks up his book bag and studies himself in the mirror while addressing himself. PETER Conking out mid-wheatcake. That's a new low. After villains crawled out of the woodwork to try and collect the bounty Chameleon put on my head, getting a good night's sleep hasn't been-- His eyes close, his head sags, he snores. EXT. CITY STREET -- DAY High over the street, SPIDER-MAN swings through the air. SPIDER-MAN Eesh. Falling asleep standing up? I'm glad I can take the web express to school. And now that Chameleon's behind bars, things have gotta start looking up. He settles on a clothesline next to an open window where a radio is playing. J. JONAH JAMESON(V.O.) The Bugle is officially calling out Police Chief Watanabe. It's time she recognizes Spider-Man as the clear and present danger he is! A GIRL AT THE WINDOW reacts ("Huh?") as Spider-Man races off. SPIDER-MAN (airborne again) Uh, okay. I still might have a few problems, like-- A glowing boomerang whirls through the air, slicing one of Spider-Man's webs. SPIDER-MAN (falling) --a boomerang?! He CRIES OUT as he tumbles and hits a wall. He GASPS as he slides down it while grabbing for a purchase. SPIDER-MAN What is happening?! He hits a rooftop, hard. He rubs his neck as he sits up. SPIDER-MAN I did not in fact stick that landing. He dodges the returning boomerang. SPIDER-MAN Wha--? ANGLE ON TINKERER TINKERER catches the boomerang, which fades in his grasp. TINKERER Revenge, and the bounty, appear already in hand! SPIDER-MAN Tinkerer! Gah! Do you not own a TV? Radio? Chameleon's in prison. The bounty's gone. Kaputsky! TINKERER Lies! Tinkerer activates two energy whips and attacks Spider-Man, who can only roll and dodge in the dust. SPIDER-MAN My spidey-sense is barely working! What's going on with me? He is lashed about the legs and pulled to the ground. Desperately he rifles inside a pocket as Tinkerer looms over him. SPIDER-MAN Fine. You don't want to leave empty-handed? I get it! He counts and holds out four bills. SPIDER-MAN (continues) How's ... four dollars sound? TINKERER Bounty or no, this changes nothing! SPIDER-MAN Is this about that time I punched you out in the Raft? Or when I made your baseball team lose? Tinkerer activates a pair of clubs. TINKERER Taste my revenge, Spider-Brat! You're about to be ... How did you put it? Kaputsky? SPIDER-MAN So, you don't want the four dollars? END OF TEASER FADE IN: EXT. CITY -- ROOFTOP -- DAY Spider-Man, his legs bound together by a virtual lash, gazes up as Tinkerer advances with a pair of energy clubs. SPIDER-MAN Gotta shut down this clown's wrist-tech. POV SHOT The Tinkerer, seen through the Spidey-Visor, with lines and curves and equations targeting his limbs. SPIDER-MAN (V.O.) Physics, don't fail me now! BACK TO SCENE Spider-Man shoots and swings a wad of webbing, which hits the Tinkerer's wrist bands, causing a short out. The clubs fade and the virtual lashes dissolve, leaving the Tinkerer flummoxed as his weapons vanish. tinkerer What? Huh? How? Spider-Man shoots a wad of webbing into the Tinkerer's mouth, then blasts him onto a wall with a blanket of webbing. SPIDER-MAN Gotta excuse me. I feel a nap coming on. To the Tinkerer's MUFFLED YELLS O.S., Spider-Man sprawls on his back, limbs splayed, and shuts his eyes. SPIDER-MAN (continues) Ah. Nothing like the sweet, soothing sounds of stifled villainy. A door to the roof bursts open and FIRST and SECOND POLICEMEN rush out. FIRST POLICEMAN The tip was on the money. Round 'em up. Ahem. Spider-Man wakes with the two cops looming over him. He sighs as they pull him to his feet and cuff him. SPIDER-MAN Huh. Hippos, octopuses, chameleons. And yet it's the evil mastermind exhaustion that does me in. SECOND POLICEMAN Alright, don't try anything, Spidey. You're coming with us for questioning. Spider-Man GROANS. DISSOLVE TO: EXT. CITY STREET -- DAY Spider-Man, handcuffed, stands with First Policeman before CHIEF WATANABE. CHIEF WATANABE Good work. But I can take it from here, officer. The policeman exits. When she and Spider-Man are alone: CHIEF WATANABE Do you know how much pressure I'm getting to bring you in? SPIDER-MAN Lemme guess. Rage face, moustache, flying spittle when he talks? CHIEF WATANABE Destruction of property, public endangerment, trespassing. That's a big list of things you're accused of. She uncuffs Spider-Man. CHIEF WATANABE (continues) So I can't believe I'm doing this. SPIDER-MAN Uh ... Neither can I? CHIEF WATANABE It's because I'd rather work with you than fight you. SPIDER-MAN Thanks, Chief Watanabe. I'll help any way I can, obviously. CHIEF WATANABE Good. Because Chameleon isn't talking, and we have reason to believe he wasn't the one who put the bounty on your head. He was only a hired gun. SPIDER-MAN Wait. What makes you think it wasn't him? CHIEF WATANABE He's clammed up. Something, or someone, scares him more than jail time. And his gear was too advanced for him to have worked alone. She holds out a sliver of material, which Spider-Man takes. CHIEF WATANABE (continues) Our labs ran some tests. They haven't been able to make heads or tails of Chameleon's technology. Thought maybe you could take a piece to your ... Spider-Lair? And see if you can uncover a lead. Ideally pointing to someone I can arrest. Just promise me, if you find a lead, you call me first. SPIDER-MAN Deal! WIPE TO: INT. HORIZON HOUSE -- MILE'S LAB -- DAY Peter trudges into the lab with head hanging low. THE LIVING BRAIN enters. Peter recoils as it thrusts a drinks tray at him: paper cups with straws. THE LIVING BRAIN Peter Parker. May I interest you in a tasty beverage? PETER (fearfully) Miles? MiLES MORALES enters. MILES Oh, you're not still scared of L.B. here, are you, Pete? After all he's done for you? PETER I'm not scared of him! I just can't shake the feeling that there's more to him than meets the eye. MILES Maybe it's the rocket boots we added yesterday. PETER You gave it rocket boots? He bends to examine The Brain's feet. PETER (continues) Actually ... that's pretty cool. MILES It was L.B.'s idea. To help him get around quick in case he needs to help us. Peter takes a cup that The Brain is offering and walks over to Miles's desk. He sits and takes out the fragment of Chameleon's mask. PETER Speaking of help, I need yours with this. The police gave me a piece of Chameleon's tech. You ever see anything like it? Miles takes and examines the piece. MILES Huh. Metamorphic silicate. PETER Metamorphic ...? Wait, I've heard that phrase before. If I just weren't so ... Peter's eyes droop. Miles continues talking, oblivious, as Peter starts to softly SNORE. MILES It's like clay, only you can program it to take particular shapes, and it will hold those shapes as long as the signal lasts. I've never seen anything this advanced, though. As for who could supply this tech, I got nada. But watch this. Living Brain! The Brain, which is sweeping up in the corner of the room, looks up. MILES (continues) Who in New York holds a technology patent on metamorphic silicates? THE LIVING BRAIN Processing. Subject: Warren, Raymond. Technology patent: Programmable Metamorphic Silicates. Fall, last year. Peter perks up at this recitation. PETER That's incredible! So, Raymond Warren. You think the Jackal's behind these attacks? MILES We haven't seen him in months. But it could also be someone stealing his tech. Wouldn't be the first time. Peter's head abruptly droops, and he pokes himself in the eye with his straw. PETER Ow! MILES Oh! You okay? You don't look so hot. Miles bends to shine a pencil flashlight in Peter's eye. PETER What would make you think that? Miles straightens up. MILES When was the last time you slept? PETER If by "slept" you meant "unexpectedly passed out in aeronautics class" ... forty- five minutes ago. If you mean "a full night's rest," then probably about a week. And a half. MILES Dude, that's insane! No one can function like that, not even you! PETER Now that you mention it, I guess my powers have kind of been on strike. MILES And that doesn't seem odd to you? PETER I'll catch up on sleep when I catch the Jackal, or whoever's behind this. MILES Yeah, it'll be hilarious when you snore on him. You need rest, Pete. Miles takes out his phone; it BEEPS as he dials. Peter sits up in alarm. PETER Who are you calling? MILES Hey, Mrs. Parker. It's Miles. PETER No no no! Don't tell her! Peter leaps up and grabs for the phone, but Miles easily pushes him back into his seat. Peter slumps and pouts as he listens. MILES So Pete's come to school looking a little, well ... You know how a balloon looks on day five? ... "Deflated?" I was going to say sad. ... I agree. He's coming home. Peter grimaces, groans, face-palms. DISSOLVE TO: EXT. PARKER HOUSE -- NIGHT -- ESTABLISHING Lights blaze in the windows as evening settles over the city. INT PARKER HOUSE -- UPSTAIRS HALL -- NIGHT Aunt May pushes Peter up the stairs. PETER This is so blown out of proportion! (fighting yawn) I'm not that tired! AUNT MAY You're not the boss here, young man. BEDROOM DOORWAY AUNT MAY And would you want to disappoint your slumberland pal? Peter GASPS and runs to the bed, where a stuffed elephant is resting. He jumps onto the bed and hugs the elephant. PETER Senor Trunks! Haven't needed him to sleep since I was six. He hugs it, turns onto his side, and instantly starts SNORING softly. AUNT MAY No one says "no" to Senor Trunks. She closes the door behind her as she leaves. Once the door is closed, Peter opens his eyes and takes his phone from his bag. He dials. MILES (V.O.) This better be a dream-dial, Pete! PETER Dude, calling Aunt May was a low blow! Wait, where are you? INTERCUT Peter listening to Spider-Miles (V.O.), with SPIDER-MILES in gear swinging through the city. SPIDER-MILES Looking into things. L.B. found another warehouse registered to the Jackal. I'm headed there now to check it out. PETER Miles, listen, I went through the wringer with all these villains. Don't do it alone, you need back up! SPIDER-MILES And the guy who's powers have gone whackadoodle is going to help? Get some zeez, I got it covered, man. WIPE TO: INT. JACKAL'S ABANDONED LAB -- NIGHT Miles, armed with a flashlight, enters a room filled with discarded gear and sheet-covered machinery. Spider-Miles addresses himself as he explores. SPIDER-MILES Just an empty office? Abandoned tech? No lab? He approaches a wall-mounted lab with excitement. SPIDER-MILES Oh, wait! Could it be? Could this light be a lever that opens the door to a super-secret hidden lab? He twists and pushes the lamp, but nothing happens. He moves on with a frown. SPIDER-MILES Dream crusher. MONTAGE Spider-Miles looking into various corners. SPIDER-MILES Not seeing any clues here. SPIDER-MILES Nothing but outdated tech. SPIDER-MILES Ew, spiders. Real ones. END OF MONTAGE He sits in a chair and leans back. SPIDER-MILES I got nothing. With a CRY falls backward out of the chair to the floor. SPIDER-MILES I'm really glad no one saw that. As he pulls himself to his feet, he grabs the edge of a bookcase, pulling it open like a sliding glass door. SPIDER-MILES I knew it! Awesome super-secret lab! Now, this is what I call a clue! He enters and looks around. The equipment is new and shiny. In the middle of the room is a pedestal holding a mask. As he watches, cycles through a series of faces. Some are new, but some, including J. Jonah Jameson and Chief Watanabe, will be familiar. SPIDER-MILES Metamorphic silicates! So cool! And this must be the image- matrix server that uploads identities to it. He begins to fiddles with the machine. SPIDER-MILES (continues) Just need to download Chameleon's server files and decrypt later. Hopefully there's a digital trail or something that leads back to who he's working for. The display freezes on Jameson's face. SPIDER-MILES (continues) Ugh. J. Jonah Jameson? Portals open in the walls, and laser guns extend out. SPIDER-MILES (continues) Uh-oh! Triggered security! If his is the last face I ever see, I'm going to be so mad! END OF ACT ONE FADE IN: INT. JACKAL'S ABANDONED LAB -- NIGHT Spider-Miles dodges laser blasts and dives behind a barrier. SPIDER-MILES Okay, maybe Pete was right. Back-up would've been a smart idea! He peeks out and almost gets his head blown off. SPIDER-MILES Aw, great, now I'm trapped! A wall EXPLODES inward, creating a dust cloud. Through the hole and the cloud stalks The Living Brain. THE LIVING BRAIN Miles Morales. Do you require--? SPIDER-MILES Yes! Living Brain! The Living Brain stalks over. It picks up Miles, cradles him in its arms, rolls into a ball, and rolls from the room with laser blasts bouncing off its body. THE LIVING BRAIN Safety tumble! Miles OOFS and OWS until they are outside. The robot unwinds and sets Spider-Miles on his feet. SPIDER-MILES Wow! You ... you followed me? THE LIVING BRAIN When you left, your vital signs revealed heightened stress. I only care to assist. SPIDER-MILES Want to assist? Get me access to whatever data's in that room. The Living Brain re-enters the lab. Laser beams bounce off its body. It wrenches one from a mount and uses it to knock out the others. THE LIVING BRAIN Threat assessment: zero percent. SPIDER-MILES Thanks, Living Brain. That was-- He looks around and GROANS when he sees the mess, including the smashed pedestal. SPIDER-MILES (continues) So much for evidence! Spidey's going to kill me! THE LIVING BRAIN What is a "spidey"? Spider-Miles tries logging into a computer, but the monitor shorts out. SPIDER-MILES Spidey? Short for "Spider-Man"? Short for "He who will wring my webs for losing evidence"? I'm following up on a lead for him. The Living Brain scans a wall with a light beam mounted in its face. THE LIVING BRAIN Will a communications record be of sufficient use? SPIDER-MILES Like a call history? THE LIVING BRAIN Affirmative. The Living Brain tears a hole in the wall it scanned, pulls out some wires, and attaches them to its head. THE LIVING BRAIN Accessing root files, date range activity available: one year. SPIDER-MILES One year? I'll take last week! THE LIVING BRAIN Affirmative. Oscorp. Sub- basement IP, via digital voice record. Number of calls: ten. SPIDER-MILES Someone here was receiving calls from an Oscorp sub-basement? I know Oscorp, and there's no sub- basement. Unless ... It's another super-secret lab! Living Brain, you may have just cracked this thing wide open! WIPE TO: INT. PARKER HOUSE -- UPSTAIRS HALL -- NIGHT Peter, in his backpack, approaches the stairs. His phone buzzes, and he answers. PETER Miles? A muffled ROAR sounds over the phone as Spider-Miles speaks. SPIDER-MILES (V.O.) Sorry to interrupt, but me and the Living Brain-- PETER Hold up. What's that sound? (face falling) You're riding the flying robot, aren't you? EXT. CITY STREET -- NIGHT Spider-Miles seated atop The Living Brain, which is rocketing along. SPIDER-MILES You have a flying robot, you get to fly it! But that's not why I called. Get this. Living Brain uncovered ten calls logged from Oscorp to Jackal's lab, just this past week. All from some sub-basement. BACK TO PETER He sneaks into the darkened kitchen. PETER A secret lab! I have to call Harry! Be careful, Miles. He dials. It RINGS. PETER Come on, Harry. Where are you? With a GROAN he puts the phone away and begins to pace. PETER Who could be behind all this? Maybe Norman's back? Harry? No, that doesn't track. I gotta-- The light flicks on. Aunt May enters. AUNT MAY Peter? PETER What? Oh! Uh! Where am I? I must have been, uh-- Sleepwalking? AUNT MAY With your backpack? PETER I, uh, I guess I take school very seriously. Even in my dreams. Aunt May cocks a skeptical eyebrow. WIPE TO: INT. PARKER HOUSE -- PETER'S BEDROOM -- NIGHT Peter enters, dragging his backpack behind. Aunt May glowers in the doorway. AUNT MAY Go to bed, Peter. I don't want to see you awake until tomorrow. She closes the door. Peter falls onto his bed with an angry groan. INT. OSCORP TOWER -- CORRIDOR -- NIGHT -- ESTABLISHING INT. OSCORP TOWER -- CORRIDOR -- NIGHT The Living Brain, a light flaring from its eye, marches along with Spider-Miles perched on its back. SPIDER-MILES You sure there's no cameras down here? Because as cool as all this super-spy stuff is, getting caught sneaking around Oscorp is not on my schedule. They come to a door. Spider-Miles hops to the floor. THE LIVING BRAIN Scans indicate basement clear, sub-basement level ahead. Spider-Miles opens the door and looks in. SPIDER-MILES And it looks like you hit your first glitch. ANGLE ON THE INTERIOR A janitor's closet, filthy with slop buckets and other gear. SPIDER-MILES (continues) This is a janitor's closet. The Living Brain enters, pushing Spider-Miles away and almost crushing him. SPIDER-MILES (continues) Hey! L.B.! Little room? Yeah? You're invading my space bubble! The Living Brain touches the back wall. A circle on it lights up, and the patch of floor where they are standing begins to lower. Spider-Miles flinches in surprise. SPIDER-MILES An elevator? Of course the super-secret lab is under the fake janitor's closet! INT. OSCORP TOWER -- SUB-BASEMENT -- LAB A door slides open, and Spider-Miles and the Living Brain enter. SPIDER-MILES Winner, winner, chicken dinner! He looks around. It is filled with equipment, including a Goblin Glider. SPIDER-MILES But who's using this lab and how does it all connect? Raymond Warren is still a suspect. Harry's supposed to be in Europe. I guess there's always the ghost of Norman Osborn. THE LIVING BRAIN Norman Osborn: presumed deceased. Spider-Miles's phone BUZZES. He jumps and takes it out. SPIDER-MILES I get reception down here? Nice! (into phone) Spidey! Guess what we just found! Someone's been running the show from this hidden Oscorp lab. PETER (V.O.) Alright. I'm on my way. SPIDER-MILES Don't. Dude, take the night off. L.B. and I got this. I'll give you the play-by-play tomorrow. INT. PARKER HOUSE -- PETER'S BEDROOM -- NIGHT Peter hangs up his phone. PETER You are not keeping me away. He edges out of his bedroom into the hall. As he turns the corner, he bumps directly into GWEN STACY, who drops some papers she is carrying. She stoops to pick them up. PETER Gwen! What are you doing here? GWEN You're awake! I was bringing you the homework you left on your desk. AUNT MAY (entering from the stairs) Isn't Gwen nice? PETER (sagging) Yes. Awesome. He snatches the homework from Gwen and stalks back into his room. INT. OSCORP TOWER -- SUB-BASEMENT -- LAB Spider-Miles taps away at a computer monitor. He addresses The Living Brain as he works. SPIDER-MILES According to the data on these files, this lab has only been in use since Norman's death. Wait! This folder has multiple encryptions. ANGLE ON COMPUTER As Spider-Miles guesses passwords, rejections appear on the screen. SPIDER-MILES "Oscorp"? No, that was too obvious. "Harry." Ungh. Guess the passwords too many times, and the system could wipe itself. THE LIVING BRAIN Affirmative. Someone with better knowledge would be advisable. Spider-Man, perhaps? SPIDER-MILES You're right. I'm backing up the encrypted files. We can decode these back at the lab. The Living Brain crosses to another monitor. THE LIVING BRAIN This console is activated. SPIDER-MILES Living Brain, wait! A lock appears on the monitors. THE LIVING BRAIN Incoming. Multiple energy signatures in ventilation duct. SPIDER-MILES I hope Spidey got some sleep, because now I do need help. Dialing. A duct opens in the wall, and a small ROBOT enters. It is a miniature Spider-Slayer, and it shoots a laser, knocking the phone from Spider-Miles's hand. Spider-Man's icon shows on the screen as it hits the floor. SPIDER-MILES No! More portals open, and more robots leap into the room, lasers cocked and aimed. THE LIVING BRAIN They are here. SPIDER-MILES Mini Spider-Slayers? Okay, well, I guess it's just up to you and me, L.B.! END OF ACT TWO FADE IN: INT. OSCORP TOWER -- SUB-BASEMENT -- LAB Spider-Miles and The Living Brain stand back to back as miniature Spider-Slayers surround and fire at them. SPIDER-MILES Living Brain, time to divide and conquer! THE LIVING BRAIN I am here for assistance. The two begin tossing mini spider-slayers about. WIPE TO: INT. PARKER HOUSE -- PETER'S BEDROOM -- NIGHT Peter slouches at his desk, SNORING. His phone buzzes, and with a CRY he falls out of his chair. He picks up his phone and studies the screen with a frown. It shows a location. PETER Miles! THE HALLWAY Aunt May and Gwen are standing just outside Peter's door. They turn as he opens it. PETER Aunt May! Mind if I talk science with Gwen before she goes? (fake yawn) Gettin' pretty sleepy! AUNT MAY Sure thing, honey. And then, rest. She puts her hands on his shoulders. AUNT MAY (continues) I'm serious. She exits. Peter hisses to Gwen: PETER We don't have a lot of time! GWEN Not a lot of time ... for science? She follows him into the bedroom, where he's donning his backpack. PETER Yeah, I can't explain. Can you cover for me and keep Aunt May occupied? GWEN What? No way! Do you know how much trouble--? PETER It's important! Like, life or death important. Just trust me. As a friend. GWEN How would I even distract her? Peter thinks. Then he smiles. WIPE TO: INT. OSCORP TOWER -- SUB-BASEMENT --LAB Spider-Miles and The Living Brain toss mini-Spider-Slayers around. Spider-Miles finds his phone under one of them. SPIDER-MILES My phone! Woo! The alert got sent! Cavalry should be on the way, L.B.! He and the robot talk as they fight. THE LIVING BRAIN Estimated wait time for subject, cavalry? SPIDER-MILES I actually have no clue. With a single blow, multiple mini-Spider-Slayers are knocked out as Spider-Man leaps into the room. SPIDER-MAN Did somebody call for a web special? The Living Brain spins, knocking out several more adversaries, but one of his stray laser bolts knocks the Goblin Glider from the roof. It falls on Spider-Miles. SPIDER-MAN No! He races over to Spider-Miles and pushes the Glider off hm. SPIDER-MAN Oh man, oh man! Please be okay, please be okay! Spider-Miles GROANS faintly. WIPE TO: INT. PARKER HOUSE -- KITCHEN -- NIGHT Aunt May flips a wheat-cake in a pan. AUNT MAY The key to success? It's all in the wrists. Gwen, also in the kitchen, sifts flour. She is clearly fighting to suppress her sarcasm. GWEN Wow. Thanks for showing me how to make your famous pancakes. Aunt May puts the skillet down and advances on Gwen with a glare. She puts her hands on the girl's shoulders. AUNT MAY They're called "wheat-cakes." GWEN (nervous) Right. That's what I meant. WIPE TO: INT OSCORP TOWER -- SUB-BASEMENT -- LAB Spider-Man huddles with a limp Spider-Miles behind a barrier as laser blasts flare overhead. The Living Brain dual-wields laser pistols at the enemies. THE LIVING BRAIN Rendering assistance. It rakes the room with the laser beams, blasting rows of robots. It lowers its weapons. THE LIVING BRAIN Spider-Slayers remaining: One last mini-Spider-Slayer peeks out around a corner. Without looking around, the Living Brain blasts it. THE LIVING BRAIN Zero. SPIDER-MAN You're certainly ... efficient. Except when you're accidentally dropping a Goblin Glider on my friend's head. THE LIVING BRAIN Apologies for reckless behavior. It turns toward Miles and scans him with a ray from its eye. THE LIVING BRAIN Vital signs: Strong. Scans reveal mild contusions. Chance of recovery: one hundred percent. Would he like a tasty beverage? Spider-Man pulls Spider-Miles up. SPIDER-MAN No. We gotta get him out of here. THE LIVING BRAIN Shall we collect the Energy Focal Device before departing? SPIDER-MAN Energy Focal What Now? ANGLE ON DEVICE The Living Brain gestures at a large tool tucked unobtrusively beneath a work bench. THE LIVING BRAIN Computer scans indicate a possible clue. SPIDER-MAN Okay ... Spider-Man props Spider-Miles carefully next to a barrier. SPIDER-MAN (continues) Guess we can take it back to Horizon for analysis. Is this the clue that you and Miles were--? He reaches out to grab it. Electricity shoots off it, enveloping him. He YELLS and CRIES out in pain, then collapses to the floor. THE LIVING BRAIN Ha ha ha. A panel in the device opens. The Living Brain reaches in and withdraws a lens mounted in a heavy metal ring. THE LIVING BRAIN Followed my breadcrumbs. Sought out those that aimed to destroy you. Well, here I am. SPIDER-MAN (raising head) What? I don't understand. Living Brain? THE LIVING BRAIN You thought I was gone, Spider- Man. But, hiding in the circuits of the Neuro-Cortex, I, Dr. Otto Octavius, was planning my sweet revenge the whole time. SPIDER-MAN Doc Ock? How did you--? FLARE TO WHITE Flashback images of Dr. Octavius, unconscious beneath the Neuro-Cortex. As The Living Brain speaks in V.O., his tentacles twitch, rise, and attach themselves to the Neuro-Cortex. It flares to life. THE LIVING BRAIN (V.O.) During our last encounter, your attack forced my consciousness to download into the Neuro- Cortex. I was trapped there but I survived, and even in my new home I could still communicate with the outside world. Images of THE MASTER PLANNER on a giant view-screen, addressing a gathering of super-villains. THE LIVING BRAIN (V.O.) (continues) I recruited a gang of amateurs and morons to keep you busy, wearing you down, preparing your rendezvous with destruction. Images of The Living Brain at Horizon. THE LIVING BRAIN (V.O.) (continues) Then I tricked those imbeciles at Horizon into creating a robotic body for me. Animation of the Living Brain working with Spider-Miles in the lab, working, and battling. THE LIVING BRAIN (V.O.) (continues) I followed your partner to my associate's secret lab in hopes you would meet up with him. Then I led him here, to where the final piece of my puzzle resides. Ha ha ha. But again and again, he was too incompetent to ask for your help. Animation of the Living Brain picking up Spider-Miles's phone and completing the alert to Spider-Man. THE LIVING BRAIN (V.O.) (continues) So I forced his hand. END OF FLASHBACK SPIDER-MAN Your bedtime stories need serious work, Ock. He swings a punch at the robot, but the Brain catches his hand. THE LIVING BRAIN There's still life in you yet. Good. It hurls Spider-Man to the floor. Spider-Man GRUNTS and PANTS and clutches his side. SPIDER-MAN It's nice to know you care. The Living Brain removes its face plate and substitutes the Energy Focal Device, which once in place resembles an enormous electric eye. THE LIVING BRAIN What benefit if you were destroyed? After all, I'd only be hurting myself. SPIDER-MAN What are you talking about? As The Living Brain speaks, its new eye powers up. THE LIVING BRAIN All you need to know, Spider- Man, is that I am finally about to take my sweet revenge. CLOSE ON SPIDER-MAN'S FACE Bluish-white light pours over him. THE LIVING BRAIN (O.S.) Ha ha ha ha. FADE TO WHITE DISSOLVE TO BLACK TEXT ON SCREEN: TO BE CONTINUED ... The above, with some very small tweaks, is an almost-exact transcript of "Brain Drain" by Jacob Semahn. "Spider-Man Commentary: The Master Planner" ![]() Next: "S02E13 "Revenge of The Living Brain"" ![]() |