Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2226372-Angels-can-be-people
Rated: E · Letter/Memo · Community · #2226372
About human angels.
Humans can be angels as well. Not all angels are from Glory on High some are fallen angels. Have you ever had someone that was earthbound like you come to your rescue? Have you ever just really needed help and just in the nick of time, someone came to your rescue? Some examples of recusing others are when your car brakes down on the side of the road, or you need a ride to the doctor, or a fireman saves your home from a blaze.
I say these earthly angels have no wings or special heavenly powers but they are heroes to humanity many times. They just choose to be available wherever God seems to need them. They choose to obey God and love others to the fullest. They live in such a way that gives others hope. Hope that is not of this world. An earthly angel is the best kind of angel because they encourage others to be earthly angels also. These earthly angels encourage us all to live our best lives also. I am happy to have earthbound angels all around me because more than one has rescued me. Will you choose to be an earthbound angel also?
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