Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/photos/item_id/2222584-Our-Garden
Rated: E · Photo Album · Educational · #2222584
Beautiful Flowers at our House
Here are a few lovely images from our house. We love flowers, and we work with them year round to beautify life for ourselves and for others.
Caladiums ~
Dianthus ~
Hosta ~
Memorial Day 2021 ~ Hometown observance in Statesboro, GA
Tink's Rose ~ If onlyTinker lived in my town on this date, April 12th, 2021, then she could get her free rose.  If only I had a better angle on the photo, then you could see the "r" in "rose.  I got it.  Speak the "your" extra long, and we have solved the problem.  "Yourrrrrr ose."

'Nuff said.  :D
LinnAnn - Movie Set, 1978 ~ Claim to fame.  *Smile*
Forsythia Bush ~ The forsythia bush is thriving in her new home near one of our pine trees.  She seems to be doing well with her neighbors, two asparagus ferns.
Wildflower Garden ~ This is the old home of our forsythia bush.  Wildflowers have been sown, and the place is looking great!  *Smile*
Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/photos/item_id/2222584-Our-Garden