Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2221974-Time-Capsule
Rated: E · Poetry · Comedy · #2221974
Mementos from an era, epoch of isolating terror
Time Capsule

I picture the far off day, some fifty years away
Secreted within legume, distant treasures in the tomb
A buried time capsule stuffed with such strange samples
Gifts left lovingly behind, a visual tale of all mankind
Mementos from an era, epoch of isolating terror
Unearthed to someday reveal, so many years concealed
Gizmos and gadgets odd, to mock us from the sod.
A mystifying store of items, the curiosity heightens
A generational mind baffler, sure to garner lots of laughter
Current time misunderstood, a drama cast in Hollywood
Finders of our golden pod, sure to make them wink and nod
They won’t remember the reason, of a bizarre pandemic season
Within the tube encased, reminders of the trials faced
One question surely asked, why everyone was masked
Stimulus check left uncashed, legacy’s kind bank draft
Head gear meant to save our ears, from elastic that caused us tears
Purple boxes of unused gloves, meant for our golden archives
With a multitude of goggles, the mind it certainly boggles
Bottles of hand sanitizer, the promised germ disintegrater
Swabs to go up your nose, and cause you to wiggle your toes
In search of an invisible virus, that blooms hardy like an iris
Graduation caps left unpacked, precious memories sacked
Computer images of zoom, newfound tool for the classroom
Bold newspaper headlines, a telling sign of our times
At home to be confined, lists of isolation guidelines
Printed political rhetoric, with citizens left festering
Revolving numbers of counted cases, the death of unknown faces
Signs of protest to let us open, so many fears left unspoken
But the most curious tale to be behold, never to be foretold
A rarity very seldom seen, riches from the old latrine
Captured in the history’s scroll, epic saga of the pristine roll
The great toilet paper caper, disappeared from shelves like vapor
Even if you come to view it, unless you lived through it
Year of 2020 quite a head scratcher, or past version of the body snatcher

Line count 40

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