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A review of racism amongst ourselves

Helping Hands Vol. 5


Racism of the Mind

Are you Racist? We live in a world where society dictates everything that we do. When we watch television, we are programmed to believe and behave a certain way. We do not see ourselves as plantation owners, or the KKK but we do have racism of the mind. This can be an attribute of the family to not marry a person due to race, ethnic background, or religious beliefs. We subscribe to what is acceptable to others versus what is acceptable to us as an individual. People are afraid to speak up and make a stand when racism appears, for fear of backlash and loosing acceptance from those around us.

What is Racism? According to Britannica, Racism is also known as racialism where actions, practices, and belief systems reflect worldly views. The ideas that humans can be divided and kept separate due to biological traits, (race). Racism is the belief that there is a link between physical traits, personality traits, based off one's race that may dictate unfavorable intellect, morality, and other cultural differences. This type of thinking has created individuals to view one race of people more superior than another race of people.

When did Racism begin? We know that the bible speaks on racism but does not explicitly speak on interracial marriage as some racist would have you to believe. They are twisting the words of God to fit their own agenda. Let us talk about Solomon, he was the wisest of all the land. He won God's favor by being a humble servant and a fair king. He did not seek riches for his kingdom, he sought wisdom and knowledge from God. This is where the story begins, God gave Solomon wisdom along with riches and much more; however the only catch was he was not to marry women of foreign origin. He was not to take on concubines, for the Lord wanted Solomon to love only one woman. Solomon did not listen to what God stated to him. The reason God did not want Solomon to marry women of foreign origin was not due to race but due to their religious beliefs. The woman of Egypt did not believe in one God, they were polytheistic. They believed in multiple Gods not to mention demons and other celestial beings. The belief in sacrifice of young babies to the God Molech and other Gods including other deities would prove troublesome for King Solomon. Solomon not only married such women but took on concubines and participated in rituals to pagan Gods and demons. The belief in other Gods, spirits and deities contributed to Solomon's downfall. God knew that Solomon loved women, especially interesting women. Due to his curious nature he was intrigued by all matters; however, he was not aware of the snare that awaited him. God knew what would happen to Solomon if he did not adhere to God's rules; God gave Solomon several opportunities to turn away from magic and return to him; unfortunately, Solomon could not. I am a fan of Solomon and I am aware of his story. I will do a separate piece on Solomon next. It is safe to say that Racism was not condoned in the bible, there are many bible versus that speak against Racism.

  • Galatians 3:28 There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is no male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus

  • John 7:24 Do not judge by appearances, but judge with right judgment.

  • Acts 10:34 So Peter opened his mouth and said: "Truly I understand that God shows no partiality, but in every nation anyone who fears him and does what is right is acceptable to him.

  • Acts 17:26 And he made from one man every nation of mankind to live on all the face of the earth, having determined allotted periods and the boundaries of their dwelling place,

  • Romans 2:11 For God shows no partiality.

  • John 13:34 A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another.

  • James 2:9 But if you show partiality, you are committing sin and are convicted by the law as transgressors

I can continue with the bible verses, but I think we all get the picture. We are made in the image of God, if you believe in God; therefore why would God create one man to be superior over another? He would not. The bible is open to interpretation and it is necessary to seek God and the Holy Spirit to guide us when deciphering the scriptures. If my mind is carnal and I lack spiritual growth and spiritual pureness of heart, I can read the bible and misinterpret everything. If my mind is of God and I have spiritual growth and pureness of heart, I will interpret the scripture correctly. If I have difficulty understanding, I must pray directly to God asking that he help me to understand. People can lead on another astray, we see this in white supremacist groups and other groups of hate.

What happened with slavery? Racism is essentially brainwashing and lies spun to obtain a particular outcome. In slavery we saw European whites, take blacks, not just from Africa but here in America too and they lied. They hated what they did not understand, they believed that because one was black or "colored", they represent evil. The put together that darkness equals evil, whereas white equals purity. This lie was born to justify their own evil intentions of recreating a more modern Egypt centuries later. They failed to understand that Pharaoh was black and many of the Egyptians in Egypt were too. Egypt is extremely hot with no barrier between the sun and humans. Even if a person were born white or lighter in pigment, they soon would be dark due to the nature of the sun. Europeans began to plant the seed that blacks were evil and that they were not worthy to be Kings and Queens. They were not worthy to be leaders of tribes and have power with God. Napoleon Bonaparte married Josephine who was Creole; Creole is a mixture of black, European, French and or Spanish. Napoleon also had other family members that were enchanted by the melanin of blacks and had several children with black women. When we observe what White people have done to our history books, pictures, and so on it is rather disgusting. I have seen black statues of the Madonna as a child in Catholic school. I saw a black Jesus as well in Catholic school, and I would question the white Jesus that hung on my mother's wall in our home. Who is that man? The description given in the bible regarding Jesus being of dark skin, red eyes, and hair of wool also made me question which bible white people were reading. Revelation 1:14-15 "The hairs of his head were white, like white wool, like snow. His eyes were like a flame of fire, his feet were like burnished bronze, refined in a furnace, and his voice was like the roar of many waters."

Read more: https://www.whatchristianswanttoknow.com/7-wonderful-bible-verses-that-describe-jesus/#ixzz6LaOtCBuu

What color is God? God is all colors, all races, all shapes, and all sizes. God is the ultimate creator and he can be what you are because he created us all in his divine image. God is not hateful or vengeful nor did he allow rape, or slavery. We must understand the bible times and Egypt. This was a time where the rich took on servants, and if you committed a crime the King could make you an indentured servant. Now, people will huff and puff about it, but they did not get a ship and go to a land and kidnap people and pull them into service. They did not whip and beat their slaves like Pharaoh did, and the reason he did that was to show is power and anger to God. Many scholars state that Pharaoh believed that the Israelites outnumbered those in Egypt, and he feared they would revolt against him. He took all the Israelites into slavery, made them practice magic, and abused them because he hated God. God does not condone abuse of the mind, spirit, or body. Our bodies are our temples, and we have access to God and his power when ever we want it; providing that we come pure of heart, mind, and spirit. We see two attributes about Pharaoh. He was afraid and hated a group of people that meant him no harm. He allowed his own insecurities to run wild; therefore providing a blueprint for racism for centuries to come. We must wonder why God chose to make Jesus black. It could not have been because everyone was white. God did this so that Jesus would fit in with his physical traits, in land where those traits were favorable. God already knew that Jesus would die on the cross for our sins, by the hand of his peers. God created Jesus inside of blessed Mary who was black as well, so that the only issue on the table would be, is he the Messiah. God is an intentional God; he is not a God that is feeble minded or distant in thought. Everything God has done; he did with intention.

How do we stop racism? This is both an easy question and a hard question. First, we must let go of the brainwashing that has been handed down. We are all one, and we all are good, bad, or on the fence when it comes to our lives. No one is bigger or smaller, smarter, or dumber than the next. We must begin to see each other the way God sees us. He sees our spirit, first and foremost, then he sees us. He investigates our hearts and listens to our hidden desires. When we look in the mirror, we should ask ourselves, what is if I were a different color; would I want to be treated differently? Do not accept hatred or racism around you. Do not allow family members to plant seeds of hate around you or to the next generation. Give people the benefit of the doubt and if they let you down, then that person let you down. Do not punish the entire race, or culture of people for one or ten people. Get to know someone of another race. You will find that we are not so different, that we all have crazy families and crazier lives. Love yourself and you can love others of any race. I find that people who hate, also hate themselves. Finally, love God and in loving him first you can love anyone, or anything.

I hope this is a helping hand to better understand how a lie can write history books and kill millions of people. I hope that everyone talks to one another about race openly. When we hide it, we give it power, so talk about it. There needs to be a discussion, and we need to open our hearts to one another despite our race, or culture. Change your mind and change your life, in the end keep it moving. I wish you all love and peace during this difficult time. Stay safe and give a helping hand to others.

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