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Rated: E · Fiction · Comedy · #2219511
the fearful expanse of things to rescue from the scourge of dust.
136 words

The Land of Home is small in the universe of houses and streets. Its boundaries are defined by walls and a roof.

Within The Land of Home, there are many peoples who occupy themselves with many different industries.

There are the people of the cold inner reaches of Frigidaire.

The scalding rings of Hotpoint singe all who capriciously cross the territory of the pans.

The desiccating heat of the underworld of Oven sits in blatant warning to all who would displease the goddess Housewife.

The terraced levels of Hutch, Bookshelf and Entertainment Center hold their inhabitants high above the reaches of the evil hellhound Fluffy.

Upon the Entertainment Center Sits the most hallowed of all, Television the window unto the rest of the universe. Through it can be glimpsed parallel realities, the frolicking of the gods and the all-important medium of The Commercial.

The Land of Home is patrolled by the Three Heroes of Power: Mrs. Frufrubottom, the feather duster also known as, Dustbuster; Rumba, Sweeper of Floors; and Sloppy, He Who Mops All.
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