Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2218785-Room
Rated: 18+ · Fiction · Drama · #2218785
I entered the room with my gun drawn. It was empty except for a device sat on a small table in the middle of the room. I heard a loud bang behind me. The heavy metal door slammed shut. I tried to open it but it was firmly locked. Looking at the device, a series of red numbers stood out in the near darkness.


The only other light came from a glass panel in the door. I tried my radio, something was shielding the signal. All I could get was a crackle with the occasional broken word. There were no windows, no other outlets except the door. The device stared at me out of the darkness, daring me to touch.


The light was shadowed suddenly and I made out a face at the glass panel.

"There's a bomb," I shouted. The head nodded and moved away. When it reappeared I tried to hear what was said.

"Device ... timer ... dis .." was all I could get.


I searched my pockets for tools. I found nail scissors, chewing gum, a nail file, two hairgrips. Maybe I could improvise, hopefully I wouldn't have to.

"The lock," I hollered at the top of my voice, pointing to where the key pad was positioned. A shrug told me whoever was out there trying to help me had no idea of the code.


The helmet identified the new face as bomb disposal. I showed him what I had. He made a screwing motion. I looked at the device. There were two screws holding an end cap. I used the nail file to carefully remove them, Holding the cap in place in case there was a booby trap. I unwrapped a stick of gum and started chewing. I used the wrapper to slide under the cap looking for wires. The foil moved freely around the rim so I took the cap away.


So many wires. And the numbers were counting down my life. I moved back to the door. The disposal man was mouthing something. I couldn't make it out. He made a snipping motion. I held up the scissors and he nodded.

"Which wire?" I almost screamed. He said something but I couldn't hear. I looked again at the choices. In the half light the white stood out. I could make out the red. The others all looked different shades of grey. In the movies it's always the red wire. But that's the movies. Should I cut the red?


I was wearing a red scarf. I held it up to the glass. The head shook. Not the red then.


I took out my white handkerchief and held it up. The head nodded.


My hand was shaking as I grasped the scissors.


I grabbed the white wire firmly and cut.


I knew it should be the red wire.

480 words

© Copyright 2020 Odessa Molinari (omstar at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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