Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2217188-Kai-and-Kara
Rated: 18+ · Short Story · Action/Adventure · #2217188
About Kai and Kara who are brother and sister when their lives change forever.
Kai and Kara

[Pineville, North Carolina, 2045]

In Pineville North Carolina its summer but for Kai and Kara who are brother and sister it’s summer vacation and on the their first day of summer vacation Kara sits in front of her mirror in her room trying on outfits “hmm, I’m not sure what to wear today” said Kara until moments later she picks out a white shirt and jean shorts “yea perfect!” said Kara. Kai whose one year older than Kara is in his room with music up loud rocking out until Kai and Kara’s guardian uncle Rob looks up hearing the music and puts the newspaper down marching upstairs and knocks on Kai’s door “Kai turn that down!” said uncle Rob but Kai ignores him so Rob opens the door and turns Kai’s computer off “hey what the hell uncle Rob?” said Kai “it’s ten in the morning do you really need to play that music loud this early” said Uncle Rob “come on it’s summer vacation I’m aloud to play whatever I want I mean no homework, no school, no teachers, no worries” said Kai smiling “you say all those things yet you never cared about any of them. When are you going to realize Kai that without taking things seriously you’re going to fail. Look I’m not trying to put you down I promised your parents that I would take care of you and Kara and have the best life you guys can get” said uncle Rob “oh come on live a little uncle Rob it’s summer time to have fun!” said Kai running past Rob and heading downstairs. Kara texted on her phone to all her friends while walking downstairs “hey sis! What do you want to do today?” said Kai “oh well I was actually going to meet my friends at the mall today. You know to hang out with my best friends Tara and Donnie” said Kara “I forgot you hang out with the perfect people” said Kai “well your friends are a bunch delinquents Kai” said Kara “I like to call us people who express ourselves in different way” said Kai “by getting in trouble?” said Kara “let’s not get into that. Kara every summer we always do fun things together and hang out it’s like a tradition and we never do that during the school year and we have two whole months besides when school starts you’re going to be a Sophomore and I’m going to be a junior so I just want to enjoy the time we have before we part ways in life” said Kai “you realize we are together all the time. Kai I love you but every time I hang out with you and your friends we almost get in trouble I don’t want that life I want my own life and I like the group of people that I belong to. I’m not spending another summer joining you and your gang into more trouble” said Kara “it’s not going to be like that I promise this summer is going to be strictly fun” said Kai “I want to believe you but you always say that and it never happens. I got to go” said Kara walking out the door while Kai watches her leave. Kai walks towards the park and sees his friends standing and sitting waiting for him “yo guys what’s going on?” said Kai “it’s finally summer we can do whatever we want” said Alina “I heard there’s this party that those popular assholes are throwing tomorrow night we can crash it and make them see we’re not afraid of them” said Zak “or we can do something else” said Kai “like what?” said Zak “we can go to the mall” said Kai. Alina and Zak look at each other confused “are you feeling alright Kai?” said Zak “look last year was a disaster. Everyone at our school looked at us as monsters and Kara doesn’t want to hang out with me anymore” said Kai “look we know she’s your sister and you love her but she’s changed she’s hanging out with all the jerks and people who step all over us” said Alina “honestly Alina I’m starting to think change isn’t really a bad thing” said Kai “Kai you’re my best friend ever since we were little but keep talking like that and you’ll lose who you really are” said Alina “come on Kai you’ve always been the leader of us don’t ever lose your true friends that accepted you for who you are” said Zak. {linespace:2. 0}

At the Carolina place mall Kara sits at the food court with Tara and Donnie “ugh my brother can be so confusing and he gets on my nerves” said Kara “Kara no offense but your brother really is a troublemaker I mean those bad kids always try to ruin everything we do” said Tara “it’s a good thing Kara you decided to join us because you truly belong with people that actually matter in this world” said Donnie “I know I’m glad I made this decision I mean my brother and I can be close but it’s suffocating me. I’m finally becoming who I was meant to be” said Kara “oh by the way the party is tomorrow night. Are you going to come?” said Tara “yea I will” said Kara “this summer is going to be fun. You’re going to enjoy things without hanging out with those losers” said Tara “yea…” said Kara thinking. Meanwhile Kai, Zak, and Alina walk around Pineville until they go into a hangout restaurant spot called rockers but Kai spots kids from their school known as the popular crowd “oh great they’re here” said Zak “let’s just find a table” said Kai walking towards a booth and is about to sit down until one of the kids shouts his name “hey Kai!” “Hello Derek” said Kai “quite an interesting year you and your loser friends made in school. I did not think you could get any lower” said Derek “you know Derek I never liked you but why tolerate you when I can easily beat the shit out of you” said Kai “I’m not afraid of you and your little gang. You know, you and your sister have always been different however, she knows how to fit in because she was already special but you Kai you’re going to realize that you’re not as tough as you think you are and this whole little act will end you” said Derek walking away. Kai sits down “I can’t stand people like him” said Kai “they’re all jerks” said Alina “who the hell do they think they are just because they rule the school” said Zak “I say we really crash that party that they’re holding” said Alina “I agree it’s time we show them that we’re not to be messed with” said Kai staring at Derek and his friends. Outside of Earth a space craft slips through the space force in stealth mode entering earth’s atmosphere heading towards the city of Charlotte undetected then lands in the woods of a greenway in Pineville crushing trees in the surrounding area. The doors of the ship still in invisible appearance opens up with an alien being stepping onto the ground with his body surrounded with gear “so this is Earth heh well so much for their security. This is going to be an easy mission to destroy this place for sake of the Critons” said Crisus an alien mercenary. At Kara and Kai’s house Kara is in the bathroom looking herself in the mirror and focuses on her eyes. Kara gently takes the color contacts out of her eyes and reveals her true color eyes which are red then she gets sad when looking in the mirror until Kai barges in the room making Kara excited “do you knock at all Kai?!” said Kara “I’m sorry I really had to go to the bathroom” said Kai staring at Kara’s eyes “I didn’t know you were changing your contacts” said Kai “I hate wearing them, I really hate it” said Kara “you know your eyes don’t look that bad I think they’re really cool” said Kai “you’re the only one, you and uncle Rob are the only ones who know what I really look like. I hate it” said Kara “why?” said Kai “Kai it’s not normal for me to have red eyes! Why do I have red eyes Kai?!” said Kara getting upset “I don’t know Kara but do you really think you’re going to hide your real eyes forever” said Kai “if I show people what I really look like people will think I’m some kind of freak like those super human myths or a monster I’m afraid people will treat me different” said Kara “who cares, Kara it’s not a bad thing for people to see who you really are. Take it from me people don’t like me I don’t care I keep being who I am I rather be who am I and ignoring people who think they know me than change who they want me to be. Kara you have red eyes you’re still you and if people don’t except that then that’s on them because they don’t know how special you really are” said Kai “thanks Kai you always know how to cheer me up” said Kara “duh I’m your brother and I’ll always have your back” said Kai “I just thought of something I think this is a genetic thing like maybe someone in our family had red eyes or mom and Dad” said Kara “I don’t know, to be honest Kara I don’t think about mom and dad that much. The only thing that Uncle Rob told us is that when you were born they abandon us or couldn’t take care of us” said Kai “I always question it like they left because of a bigger reason” said Kara “maybe but you and I are still together. No matter what together or apart I will always be your brother. The two of us can take on the world” said Kai “I always liked your confidence Kai” said Kara.

In the evening Kara heads out of her house to meet her friends at Rockers when suddenly Kara gets this strange feeling that someone is following her so she turns around seeing nobody behind her then continues to walk ahead until she gets startled by a group of popular girls from her school “Kara, its good to see you” “Lexi” “why are you so jumpy?” said Lexi “I’m not, its strange I thought someone was following me” said Kara “Kara I just want to let you know no matter what you do you will never be one of us. You’ll be a loser like your brother, I don’t know what Derek is thinking letting you become one of us but I know you don’t have what it takes to become important to this town” said Lexi “well you’re wrong, you don’t know me like you think you do Lexi” said Kara “please, what I say is true eventually you’ll be a nobody in this world and your brother is the one that’s dragging you down” said Lexi shoving Kara while the others girls push Kara out of the way. Kara continues on walking trying to ignore the feelings she has inside her. Meanwhile Kai and a bunch of his friends hang out at parking lot in a shopping center “so here’s the deal we crash the party, tear up the place, and show Derek who we really are” said Alina “it’s a good plan but my sister is going to be at that party” said Kai “so?” said Zak “so I don’t want her to get hurt in all of this” said Kai “Kai do you really want Derek and his friends to step all over us. This is our chance to get back at them besides they’re all bullies anyway” said Alina “yeah!” said everyone “Kai to me it sounds like you’re having second thoughts on this, usually you’re always on board with anything we do” said Zak “it’s not that it’s just, I don’t know I’ve been feeling weird lately” said Kai. Suddenly a cop car pulls up with a short siren going off in front of the gang with two officers coming out of the car “well, well, why am I not surprised you kids are here?” “Officer King” said Kai “you better get out of here Kai, every time you and your gang are here something bad happens” said Officer King “do you see us doing anything wrong? I don’t think so just leave us alone” said Kai “we have the right to be here King” said Alina “shut up Alina” said King “you don’t seem to be happy to see us officer King” said Kai “why would I be? You’re an embarrassment to this town. One day Kai you’re going to make a bad decision and you’ll be locked away for good. You’ll never change you’ll always be a loser so to make this simple leave this parking lot and take your gang of rejects with you” said King “why don’t you just arrest us now and get it over with, obviously we did something to piss you off I know you’ll enjoy that” said Kai “out respect for your uncle who was once a police officer I will only warn you. To be honest you don’t deserve to be his nephew but if you and your friends ever fuck up again you guys are done” said Officer King getting in his cop car driving away “This town is really starting to piss me off” said Kai “I don’t blame you” said Alina “they don’t accept who we are and we’ll refuse to accept them” said Zak “come on let’s get out of here” said Kai. At Rockers Kara laughs with Donnie and Tara having fun until Derek and his crew show up at Kara’s table “Kara you’re coming to my party right?” said Derek “of course I wouldn’t miss it!” said Kara “excellent oh by the way Kara your brother is not invited. We can’t have trouble makers ruining fun for us” said Derek while Kara gets up pulling Derek aside “listen Derek my brother may be a lot of things but he’s not that bad” said Kara shocking Derek “your brother and his friends will never fit in this town and they will always be the enemy” said Derek “no offense Derek but you and the rest of the school always give them a hard time” said Kara “Pineville is a town that doesn’t except freaks and losers but you, you’re different Kara, you’re one of us…perfect unlike your brother who is considered a freak. You already know where you belong” said Derek “I heard that’s what they said about super humans” said Kara “super humans never existed stop talking nonsense Kara, super humans are just myths” said Derek walking away from her. After having fun at Rockers Kara walks home by herself until she gets an uneasy feeling again and senses something sneaking around her “Hello!” said Kara seeing a figure from behind a tree moving so she backs away until “BOO!” “AAH Kai you scared the shit out of me!” said Kara “HAHA you did the same to me once this just payback” said Kai watching Kara look back “you ok?” said Kai “I could’ve sworn someone was following me” said Kara “I don’t see anybody” said Kai looking around “whatever it’s nothing” said Kara walking while Kai still looks around then walks with Kara “are you sure you’re ok Kara?” said Kai “I don’t know I’ve just questioning things like who I’ve become and if I am really what people think of me” said Kara “to be honest I’ve been thinking the same thing. My friends don’t like your friends and I know Kara that nobody in this town likes them or I and I don’t blame them. I made too many mistakes and people don’t accept me in this town” said Kai “I do” said Kara “of course you do you’re my sister” said Kai “Kai maybe you should change I mean not change yourself but show your real self, who you use to be” said Kara “what do you mean?” said Kai “you were never like this when we were little you were different until uncle Rob told us about our parents you started acting out. I think that’s why most of your friends act out because they didn’t grow up like my friends did. Yes we’re on different worlds but you and me we’re family and I love you Kai I always will but recently your decisions have been getting really bad” said Kara “I know, Kara you’re right but the people in this town will never believe me to change I just have to accept that but at least people like you, hell Alina and Zak like you and not because you’re my sister it’s because you’re different from everyone. You make people see something good inside of them I know this because you do it to me a lot” said Kai “well you’re the only one I can always count on” said Kara.

As the two get closer to their house Kara gets that uneasy feeling again and looks behind her then all around her “Kara what is it?” said Kai “I don’t know I’m starting to get a really weird feeling. Something’s not right” said Kara. Suddenly someone drops from a building in front of Kara and Kai “what was that?!” said Kara so Kai hurries over to the person seeing a police officer lying on the ground so Kara rushes towards Kai “Kai is he alright?” said Kara “there’s no pulse, he’s dead” said Kai shocking Kara. Suddenly someone drops from the building in front of them removing his helmet revealing his face in front of Kara and Kai “what the hell?!” said Kai “well this is interesting I just killed this security human and now I found two more humans to kill. This must be my lucky night” said Crisus “who are you? What are you?!” said Kai “Kai let’s get out of here I don’t like this guy at all!” said Kara frightened “this world has gone rock bottom it’s not what it used to be making it easier to destroy” said Crisus “Kara run!” said Kai running with Kara away from Crisus as he takes out several blades throwing one at Kai but misses and hits a wall. Crisus chases after Kara and Kai like he’s on a hunt. Kara and Kai run towards their neighborhood and is almost close to their house “did we lose him?!” said Kara “I think so” said Kai until Crisus throws several throwing knives at them “Kara!” Kai and Kara duck down towards the ground while Crisus takes out his sword “HAHAHA game over kids it’s time for you to die” said Crisus “what the hell?! Why are you trying to kill us?!” said Kai “why? You’re humans that’s more reason enough. Where I come from humans are the enemy, earth is the enemy, and killing you two is just the way it is” said Crisus raising his sword. Kara holds onto her brother and closes her eyes but Kai feels powerful sensation within his body and his right arm changes into white crystals and blocks Crisus sword breaking it in two “WHAT?!” said Crisus. Kai looks at his right arm and couldn’t believe what he was seeing “what is this? What’s going on?!” said Kai until Crisus kicks Kai in the chest while Kara is trembling “that was strange oh well if I kill one of you that’s good enough for me” said Crisus pulling out another sword aiming it Kara and swings it at her but Kara starts to scream until a red crystal shield surrounds her shocking Crisus. Kara opens her eyes seeing the shield protect her then forms into one red crystal and drops on the ground “Kara! Are you ok?!” said Kai “yea but I don’t know how? What’s happening?!” said Kara “I don’t know” said Kai looking up at Crisus “I don’t know what you two are but you seem more than just humans. I was not expecting this but we’ll meet again and when we do you two will die and this world will be destroyed” said Crisus escaping. “Kai, what just happened?” said Kara “I’m just as confused as you are. Come on let’s go home” said Kai picking Kara up.

The next morning Kara wakes up still restless after what happened with Crisus last night so she tries to ignore it and gets ready for a new day. Kai who’s already up sits in front of his house on the porch until Kara walks out of the house “Kara can we talk?” said Kai “not now Kai I’m meeting my friends at the park” said Kara “listen Kara I don’t know what happened last night” “good then let’s forget about it” “no I don’t want to forget about it. Look what happened last night happened for a reason” “and what reason is that? The fact that we…that we’re not human…I refuse to except that” said Kara “look you saw it my arm changed, you were protect by something, and that guy I don’t think he was human at all” said Kai “you know what I think, I think it was all a dream. Having red eyes is bad enough, if we have powers that’s even worse” said Kara “well you might think it’s bad but I think it’s pretty cool” said Kai “Kai I still feel wrong about this, I want you to promise me not to tell anyone about this especially uncle Rob” said Kara “you can’t be serious? What if that guy comes back and hurts our friends or if we’re with them when that happens? Kara we’re going to have to tell everybody about this” said Kai “please Kai promise me! I’m only afraid people finding out what we really are and people will hate you even more. The last thing I want is people looking at us as monsters” said Kara “but we’re not” said Kai “Kai just please promise me I’m begging you” said Kara “I promise” said Kai as Kara walks away from him. Kai walks through the streets of Pineville heading towards Rockers until his right arm starts to hurt and sees white crystals spreading popping out all over his arm so he tries to cover them until he sees Alina and Zak walking towards him. Kai sees a bush in front a building and quickly shoves his arm in it “Kai?” said Alina “hey guys what’s up?” said Kai “why is your arm in a bush?” said Alina “I uh I drop my phone in the bush…trying to feel it so I can get it” said Kai panicking “well maybe I can help I’m good at finding things” said Alina “NO! I mean I think I got it” said Kai when suddenly his phone rings in his pocket “Kai your phone is ringing its in your pocket” said Zak. Kai slowly takes his arm out of the bush and sees it normal “well what do you know you’re right my phone was in my pocket the WHOLE TIME! HAHAHA…should have thought that one through” said Kai trying to cover it up. “Ok Kai you’re acting really weird is there something going on?” said Alina “its nothing everything’s fine, everything is perfect” said Kai “did you just say perfect you never use that word!” said Zak “mmm well I don’t mean it. Anyway I got to go” said Kai walking pass his friends “wait what about the party tonight? We need to discuss our plan, we agreed we were going to crash it!” said Alina “yea about that I don’t think I’m going to do it” said Kai shocking Alina and Zak “what the hell do you mean you’re not going to do it?! You were on board with yesterday!” said Zak “yea well I can’t tell you but I’m sure you guys can do it on your own…well bye!” said Kai quickly walking away “ok what just happened?!” said Zak “something’s wrong Kai’s not acting himself” said Alina. Kara enters the park seeing Tara, Donnie, Derek, and Lexi “hey guys! How you doing?” said Kara “Kara great news! As being the coolest kid in Pineville we’re throwing the biggest party at the mall parking lot and the whole town is invited, well almost the whole town” said Derek “why there?” said Kara “because its pretty much the only fun spot of the town and besides it will help the businesses in the mall so everyone wins” said Derek. Kara’s hands start to hurt as she sees red tiny crystals sprouting out of her palm so she hides her hands behind her back “that sounds great Derek!” said Kara then suddenly Kara’s powers connect to the ground creating little crystals rising from beneath her feet but no one notices them so she quickly stomps on the crystals until everyone stares at her “what are you doing?” said Derek “I thought I saw a spider…I hate spiders” said Kara “oh before I go Kara just to remind you not to bring your brother to the party but knowing your brother’s friends they probably plan to ruin it. That’s why the police are going to be there so if I were you I would tell Kai not to come” said Derek leaving the park with Lexi. “Kara are you alright?” said Tara “oh yea I’m great, I’m totally fine! Nothing to worry about” said Kara “you know you can talk to us about anything. Sure we may be part of Derek’s group but we care about you Kara” said Tara “trust us Kara we’re not like Derek, we support you because you’re a cool person” said Donnie “if this is about your brother not being accepted then we’re sorry but we’ll always be your friends even if you’re not part of the popular crowd” said Tara as Kara looks behind her seeing crystals in her hands “Tara thanks…I got to go I’ll see you at the party tonight” said Kara giving a sad face “Kara are you alright? You don’t look so good” said Tara “I hope so, sorry I got to go” said Kara leaving the park. Kara and Kai walk on different sides of the town in deep thought until they meet each other in front of Rockers “hi Kai” “hey sis” the two of them walk together “I almost had a close call today” said Kai “me too” said Kara “how long can we keep this a secret from everyone?” said Kai “until the end of time” said Kara making a joke “Kara” “look we will tell everyone just not now. What I want to know is why all of this is happening? I thought super humans were just myths, not real, but it’s happening to us…why us?” said Kara “maybe our parents were super humans! Kara that explains everything maybe something happened and that’s why they couldn’t take care of us!” said Kai “but you don’t know that for sure I mean maybe someone from each of our parent’s side of the family was one and it’s now us you never know” said Kara “Hey you know what maybe Uncle Rob knows he can help us! Kara he’s the only family we have…we have to tell him” said Kai watching Kara nod her head.

Kara and Kai sit in the living room at their house with Uncle Rob “so what do you guys want to tell me?” said Rob “this is not going to be easy for us to say” said Kai “so we’re just going to say it” said Kara “last night me and Kara we’re attacked by some strange guy and um well we fought him off but something happened to us when we did” said Kai “we don’t know how to explain it and it’s crazy. When he attacked us something strange happen…we have powers…me and Kai we think we’re super humans” said Kara. Suddenly a short silence occurs between the three of them waiting for Uncle Rob’s response “HAHAHA that’s funny did your brother told you to say that as a joke Kara” said Rob “it’s not joke Uncle Rob this is serious” said Kara getting upset “you guys aren’t super humans there’s no such thing…you can’t be you’re just kids” said Uncle Rob “Uncle tell me this…Why are my eyes red?! That’s proof enough that we’re not normal!” said Kara “Kara you were born with red eyes there are a lot of people born with different things, doesn’t make them a super human and you Kai you taught your sister had to lie…you really don’t care about anyone do you?” said Uncle rob “that’s not true…Uncle I’m telling the truth I care about Kara and we have powers” said Kai “prove it” “I will” Kai raises his arm forcing his powers to come out but moments later nothing happens then Kara tries to show her powers but nothing happens again. Uncle Rob gets disappointed in the two of them “you’ll never change Kai you just keep making up stuff and excuses its what you’re good at. Kara you are special in this town everyone likes you but keep hanging out with your brother and you’ll be a nobody” said Uncle Rob “Rob I’m telling the truth ok. Kara and I are asking you for help ok this guy who calls himself Crisus is going to destroy the town” said Kai “Crisus?” said Uncle Rob “yea why do you know him?” said Kai “uh no…sounds like a dumb name anyway” said Rob “you paused before it sounds like you know that name” said Kara “you two are wasting my time I’m going out” said Uncle Rob leaving the house. Kara and Kai step out of the house “Hey you think Uncle rob is Hiding something he got a weird look on his face” said Kara “yea something’s definitely wrong. Come let’s go” said Kai.
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