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Rated: GC · Short Story · Romance/Love · #2210250
what is normal?
He seemed normal to her, at first. There were no clues to his "special" qualities until it was too late. By the time she knew, she already loved him heart and soul. Her soul was what he was after, at first. Temptation was his game. She was a thirty-year-old catholic virgin who had flirted for years with becoming a nun. She was his favorite type, pure and innocent.

The first time she saw him he managed to act as innocent and inexperienced in love as she was. His hand trembled as it held hers. How could she know that it was with an unabating hunger rather than nervousness? With one touch he tasted her purity and craved it. She let him buy her a drink but carefully guarded it and barely sipped at it. One did not manage to stay a virgin into their thirties without a surplus of caution. Actually this was only her fourth trip to a club. Somewhere in the mosh pit were five fellow bridesmaids and a bride to be letting it all hang out. No doubt they were getting casually groped by now.

Alyssa was attractive. Her hair was long, satiny and auburn. Her eyes were the ghosty ice blue surrounded by a deeper blue. Her curves were generous without being excessive. The size of her chest and her hips was perfectly balanced with a waist size that gave her the perfect hourglass shape. She wasn't a virgin because of physical flaws. Her moral code was just as impenetrable as any iron chastity belt.

He liked a challenge and started to turn on the charm. That lasted just long enough to realize his only hope of entrance was feigned honesty. That failed too, she seemed to sense the lies. His last resort was to tell her as much of the truth as he dared. Honesty was not something he did well.

"It's a little crowded here," He observed.

"Yeah." She was a closed-door barred with a no entry sign.

"This doesn't seem like your kind of place. Do you mind my asking what you are doing here?"

"Bridal shower, spontaneously turned bachelorette party. Charlotte received a neglige and thigh-high black leather boots. She had to put them on and wear them. That led to a miniskirt and tank top. Somehow that led to this place," Alyssa sighed.

"I come here a lot. I am looking for the right type of woman and for the most part, am failing miserably," He stated, with just enough truth to fly, "Could you suggest somewhere to go to find women more like you?"

"A convent?"

He laughed, "I don't think I would be welcomed with open arms."

"I wasn't either," She smiled tentatively.

He set the hook, "I can't imagine them turning an innocent flower like you away."

She blushed.

"How do you feel about coffee?"

"I drink more of that than I do of this," She held up her nearly full drink.

"There is a coffee house just next door. It's open all night and doesn't get really busy until this place closes."

She glanced to the dance floor, "I really shouldn't."

He melted her resolve with one of his patented smiles, "Text them, let them know where you'll be. When they pour their drunken butts out of this place you can all meet up next door. Besides, they don't seem to care much about your happiness and comfort."

She nodded and put down her drink. She fished her purse from between her knees and stood. Field Goal! He hid his excitement, "They brew a mean espresso."

They moved their flirtation to the coffee shop next door. She texted her friends the plan, and then again to tell them she was going home, with him. That night they discussed her dreams and fears. He played the interested prospective boyfriend not really caring what she said, at first. By mid-morning, he felt an unfamiliar fluttering in the general area his heart would have been if he were human.

Three days later they met for coffee again. This time his interest was sincere. Unaccountably, even as he seduced the souls from other women, all he could think of was Alyssa. He thought of her porcelain skin, her satiny hair. The way the corner of her mouth turned up when he said something ironic. That was part of it, she shared his personal sense of irony. He had walked the earth stalking women for millennia, and never found that before.

The seduction was mutual and extended far beyond the few dates he usually needed. By late spring they were so involved with one another he had not fed in months. He was beginning to look as gaunt and withered as a cancer patient. Alyssa was quite concerned.

"Aren't you eating properly?"

"I have been off my feed for months darling. I only have eyes for you..." He responded.

"What in the hell does that mean Victor!"

He smiled wickedly, "To tell the truth beloved, I exist to feed upon the souls of the pure at heart. I personally prefer women, some of my brethren aren't as particular, and they don't bother with seducing them out of their prey. I offer at least brief satisfaction."

She laughed, "No, what really is wrong? Are you sick?"

"Lovesick. I can't bear the thought of taking your soul. I fear I may starve, but it is my choice."

She blinked, finally realizing he was dead serious, "What happens when you take a soul? Does it kill the woman?"

"No, it changes her. She becomes every bit the demon I am, a succubus," he replied flippantly. Until that moment he hadn't cared what happened to them.

"A sex demon?"

"Love, I am an incubus, it is what I do," he stated.

"Where did you come from?"

"I was born to a woman, I assume my father was an incubus. I don't know the mechanics of my conception, only the result," he gestured towards himself.

"Do you have any sons?"

"No, and I have tried."

"Were you in love with the women?" She asked brushing a stray hair behind his ear.

"No, I can't see what difference that would make," He shrugged.

"Love is magic, perhaps it is what has been missing," She leaned forward and kissed his chest.

"You don't understand what this would mean for you! You would be damned! For eternity!" He pushed her away.

"I understand that. You understand this, without you, I am just as damned! What good is paradise if you are alone?"

Victor melted into her arms. Her passionate words stole the last of his strength. He placed his mouth over hers and drew deeply from the well of her soul. She gave it up willingly. They knelt to the floor undressing one another. They fumbled like virgins. Finding one another's passion places through touch alone. Together they were one organism, they shared one soul. At the moment of climax both called out with roars of completion before collapsing spent.

Victor caressed Alyssa's cheek and waited for her to open her eyes. When they did open they were the cat eyes of a demon. Alyssa smiled seductively at him, "Now what?"

"Perhaps we become swingers. You take the male half. I get the women."

"Perhaps after our son is born," She smiled languidly. He noticed her abdomen was swelling already with the begining of a pregnancy.
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