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Lord Krishna here reveals various mysteries of life and makes complicated things easy. |
Bhagavad Gita A gift that enlightens. It was my past 10 standard where I took commerce as my stream. Then with the flow of time, I happened to take Sanskrit as my second language. Therewith regards to my syllabus, I have to study Bhagavad-gita as my poem. It was new to me. It consists of a distinction between divine and demonic qualities. It is a good poem but other than just qualities, I peeped to some different perspective of that. It depicts today's reality. It tells about the character of the present people. It was deep and vast. Some lessons it taught, went straight into my mind. "Be like a lotus leaf, never attach to people. " - Bhagavad Gita quote "The best thing about life is its uncertainty. Never make it worse by being so certain in everything " Bhagavad Gita is a modern debate between free will and predestination. It also helps students and youngsters like us to a great extent. 1. It talks about change lord Krishna advises change is a universal law. It is inevitable. It remains mandatory. It preaches us to update ourself to the changing condition. 2. It tells 'dream big' By dreaming big you forego on the focus of all obstacles. Any hurdles that affect your dream path will be concentrated less by you because your dream is far way bigger. Bhagavad Gita also served as psychology. It portrays the human mind, its defects and strengths. It helps us to lead a simple stress-free life. "A man is made by his beliefs, As he believes, so he is" - Bhagavad Gita quote It depicts the ultimate truth. There are no such things like happiness, sadness and pleasure, everything is just a belief. You live your life cause you believed it so. Life will begin only for those who believe that it will. It will never be enough to explain or talk about the goodness of Bhagavad Gita. One has to experience the world of Lord Krishna's words. I strongly recommend Bhagavad Gita to all those starters with a great determination to achieve something in life, it explores the different you. "Your mind can be your enemy if you don't control it". It helps you to control your dream. last but not least, lord Krishna always advises us to be yourself, "It is okay to lead your own path imperfectly rather than Leading someone else path perfectly" Bagavadgita made people believe in life, miracle and cleared all the ignorance. It enlightened me. The best thing that ever happened to me. |