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Sally the Sarlacc Sally lives on Tatooine in the lower Dune Sea. She is quite young for her kind, about 1086 years. Cyra visits her at least once a month. She is very playful with her food. She enjoys company, whether it’s the Jawas or Sand People, or whoever. Unfortunately, she only communicates in squeak-like sounds, so she is mostly ignored as she’s not understood. When she was younger, (300-500) she would accompany Cyra on some of her adventures. Now she is stuck in a nearly blank desert and she would cry if she’s could. Of course, she has a specially modified hologram communicator in case she wants to talk to Cyra. Despite her location, she is very friendly and thinks she very cute. ——————————————————————————————————— Aley the Acklay Aley was used in an execution arena on Geonosis. She hated her life there as the weird humanoid insects would shock her just to get her to attack. She is part aquatic, so it hurts. Also, the people that were executed were the ONLY thing she would get to eat. Nothing else, no water, and no rest. Cyra learned about the abandoned arena, she flew down and liberated her along with the reek and nexu. Aley can have a short temper, but that’s just because she dealt with a lot in her life. She hasn’t trust issues, but Cyra’s patience gives her confidence. She enjoys swimming when she has the chance and she prefers fish to humans. She’s relearning her hunting skills with Cyra and she’s enjoys having freedom instead of dealing with zaps and hot sand. ——————————————————————————————————— Zoe the Zillo Beast Zoe was in containment for a long time. Someone had captured her and taken her away from her jungle home. From what she had overheard, someone was planning to use her for war. She was disgusted at this as she would never hurt anyone. Her enclosure was cramped and she had to lay on her stomach to fit. No one around her cared that she was uncomfortable. They only talked about how they could use her. She once roared out of boredom and ended up getting shocked out. (Shocked until she passed out) Cyra heard about her and, knowing Zoe may be the last of her kind, got there and freed her. In return for the rebellion’s (Rebel Alliance) hospitality, Cyra and Zoe tag teamed and destroyed their entire main base, which is where Zoe was kept. Zoe does not require much food, and due to her size, she unfortunately doesn’t get to participate in many missions. Regardless, she’s loves hugs and cuddles once she warms up to you. ——————————————————————————————————— Cyra grew up on the streets of Canto Bight. She was looked down on many many as she was poor. However, she was smart. She tinkered with the rich snobs’ cars and got into a lot of fights. She has caught the First Order’s attention multiple times. The first time, she was 12 years old. The squadron that was sent to collect information of her found her sitting outside a bar, tinkering with a gun she had stolen from a police officer. The squadron started towards her, but stopped when a trio of (possibly) drunk derps came out the door and surrounded her. One of them grabbed the gun out her hand. She started to stand up, but another jerk pushed her down into the street. At that, she retrieved her gun from the first dude and held the trigger down. At the mouth, a ball of energy gathered, electricity crackled and an electric blue glow illuminated the four of them. The trio laughed, commenting on how she didn’t know how to use a gun. That’s when she released the trigger, causing the energy to disperse in bolts of electricity, which hit the trio multiple times. They fell to the ground, unconscious. The 9 troopers were taken aback, but proceeded with their task. As they approached, Cyra held the gun against her chest. The troopers explained that they needed her to come with them. Cyra wasn’t having it and raised her gun, but then Captain Phasma approached her, towering over Cyra, literally. (Phasma is 6ft 6in, Cyra is currently 3ft) The light reflected off of her chrome armor. Cyra knew it was time to stand down. The captain confiscated her caster, then lead her onboard the transport. They were about to take off when Cyra said she wanted her friend to come with her. Second Story Previously: The ship landed in hanger 72. As a group of troopers approached the opening door of the ship, ready to fire, a short, black haired girl came down from it. She had no emotion on her face and she was not surprised to see the troopers. They raised their blasters, but before they could fire, the clicking of boots hitting metal resounded. The troopers looked up to see Lieutenant Mitaka heading towards the ship. The girl merely glanced at the officer as he approached. He motioned for the troopers to back down and stepped up to the girl. “So, you finally brought the order.” He said, slightly annoyed. The girl replied, “I had to avoid two Resistance scum who were heading towards the area where I make these.” She motioned to the cargo that troopers were carrying out. F-11D rifles that had been updated to high, near illegal levels as well as tanks that Mitaka assumed were conflagrine. He attempted to hide his impressment by asking, “All of these are handcrafted?” The girl nodded, but didn’t look proud. She motioned to a pair of troopers, who started to leave the hanger. “I don’t want payment.” The troopers froze and turned towards her. Mitaka opened his mouth to question her, but she beat him to it. “I know for a fact that I am the top dealer for you and that just adds to what I need to do.” Mitaka was intrigued. He knew that he was supposed to get the delivery, pay her, then return to duty. However, he wanted to know more. “What do you mean by that?” The girl almost smiled at his question. “I’m a part time bounty hunter, mechanic and dealer, and master huntress.” Mitaka was taken aback by her answer. He hadn’t realized she was so skilled. Cyra snapped him out of his daze. “I’ll take the payment this time, but don’t expect me to accept it later on.” Mitaka had to restrain himself from smiling. He went over to the pair and secretly told them to pay her double. The troopers were unsure, but it was an order so they followed it. Cyra spoke again, “I need to talk to General Hux.” Mitaka and the remaining troopers looked at her dumbfounded. She repeated her question, and Mitaka motion for another pair of troopers to get him. Mitaka opened his mouth again, but she said, “I’m going to speak to him about it first, then you. Understand?” Again, he tried not to smile. She acted like General Hux, but was respectful of him as well. The first pair had returned with the extra payment and started to load it when the second pair returned with the General. He scowled when he saw the girl. Currently: Cyra-Clayre wandered the glowing streets of Cantonica. She had just gotten back from a delivery of weapons to the First Order. |
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