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by Dylan
Rated: E · Chapter · Action/Adventure · #2208442
The other two adventurers to the group set out for themselves.
Guild of A.I.D.

         The village of Ba-Haum-Pa-Tu was in an excited uproar as they attended the adulthood ritual of Ga-Zam-Pa. The young Ba-Zam-Shi; or known as Sprouts by other races; stood naked before their village as the elder heard their names and the mission granted for them by the gods before they could bloom. Once completed, the buds on their heads would bloom into beautiful flowers and they'd be granted all of the rights of an adult. For some, the task was too difficult or they failed by other means, but those who couldn't complete it never had their buds bloom and were never granted the rights of the other adults.
         The older Ba-Zam-Ra; or Brush; cheered as the third Sprout shook his name. The final Sprout shook as the elder placed his hand over her leaves, the black robes of the elder hiding his face from the township. "Young Ba-Zam-Shi," he stated loudly in their native tongue of Ra. "You've proven yourself with our ritual of Ga-Zam-Ha, but now, let us see how you embody the five tenements. Your Devotion and Altruism are exceptionally prevalent. Your Truthfulness and Charity are lacking, but not to a fault. However, your Joy is lost- you must learn to bring forth the joy that is within all of us."
         "I understand," the young Sprout stated with embarrassment.
         "Now then, by what name have you decided to embrace? And let it be known that your decision is eternal and not to be taken lightly."
         "The One of Nature's Bounty'. My name is Gaum-Ha-Ra." Her voice never rang out so bold. A warmth swelled in her heart as the crowds applauded her choice.
         "Very well. Henceforth and forever more, you shall be known as Gaum-Ha-Ra." The elder reached into his robes and extracted sparkling dust, sprinkling it into Gaum's leaves on top of her head. He stepped away from the newly-appointed Brush and stood at the front of the stage. In an instant, the elder trembled and swayed on his feet, wobbling around like a tree in the wind. His lips began to mutter ancient texts and celestial words.
         With a shudder, the elder froze. His eyes stared off behind the Brush into nothingness, but slowly he began to speak. "Hear my words and ensure my commands are completed." The elder's head turned to the first Brush. "Ju-Ka-Ra, the young are in need of guards. You are to watch them throughout the night for the next five days. Crawling monsters will invade during the night and leave by the morning's rays. They will devour the next batch of Ba-Zam-Shi. Failure will spell the death of the next generation." Ju nodded solemnly.
         He turned to the second one. "No-Wa-Ra, an illness will fall upon your village. You must travel through the Forbidden Forrest. Search until you find a tree covered in blue moss. Collect the mushrooms underneath and return on the path you took before. The herbalist will take it from there. Failure could spell the end of many young Ba-Zam-Ra." No nodded solemnly.
         The elder turned his head to the third. "Ka-Sam-Ra, you are to care for elder Ba-Ru-Ra until his passing. If he should perish before his time by any means you could prevent, you will fail." Ka also nodded.
         With one final tilt, the elder stared at Gaum. Despite her best efforts, she was hardly able to keep from smiling. "Gaum-Ha-Ra, your task is to go down to the human town of Glaowdine and join a guild." Worried whispers rang out among the crowd as her smile slowly faded. "Once you've trained and increased your magical prowess, you will fight three destructors of the realm: A dragon, the Am-Ba-Ra, and an undead army." A collective gasp came from the crowd at the mention of the Am-Ba-Ra. Gaum's legs began to tremble. "The first guild you meet in the business known as The Hero's Pint will be your guild. Do not leave them or else ruin will come to the house of man and you shall fail." Gaum's mouth hung open slightly in awe.
         The elder shuddered and trembled once again before falling to his knees. He coughed and righted himself, but turned his attention straight to Gaum. Everyone had their eyes on her- even the three other Brush who were alongside her. Gaum's normally green skin paled slightly at the challenge that fell upon her and what it meant. The elder shook his head from shock of channeling the voice of their god and got up to finalize the ceremony. He laid his hands over the four new Brush. "Aid them in their quests, we ask. Protect them from the creatures that surround us in the outside world and watch over us all." He said a protection spell for the new Brush. With his arms lowered, the rest of the village returned to their homes, loud grumbling from Gaum's quest.
         Ju, No, Ka, and Gaum headed for the steeple in prayer for guidance and protection. Gaum's head was still reeling over what was the right choice. If she obeyed her god-given task, she'd be rejected by every other Brush. Mankind didn't have a history of kindness towards the Brush as a people and many Brush resented them for it. The whole village did. For Gaum to aid the humans in any way was considered treason against her kind. If she rejected her mission, she'd never bloom and be treated like an adult. Even if she was allowed to live among the Brush, she'd be treated like a Sprout and would be refused apprenticeship by any of the druids who protected the land. All she wanted to do was to watch over the forest and it inhabitants from the dangers of mankind. Worse yet, if she were to accept the task and fail, not only would she be rejected by her society and forced to live among the humans, but she would never bloom as well. She was stuck both ways and nothing made sense anymore. Without any answers, she lit her incense and prayed for guidance.

         The sun was setting, coating the realm in a pinkish glow over the darkness of the forest. The elders stood outside of the temple in wait. As traditional, the young Brush were to leave and inform their elders of their choices. Jus stepped out into the fading light. An elder spoke down to him. "Ju-Ka-Ra, have you made your decision?"
         Ju bowed to the elders and stated firmly, "I have. I shall take upon my mission handed upon me by our god."
         The elders all raised their hands to the Brush. "Then may they protect you in your efforts." The elders lowered their arms as Ju bowed and followed the path home. No exited the temple. "No-Wa-Ra, have you made your decision?"
         No bowed and spoke with certainty, "I have. I shall take upon my mission handed upon me by our god."
         The elders repeated the motions and chants, allowing No to leave as well. Ka entered the dying light. "Ka-Sam-Ra, have you made your decision?"
         Ka bowed with a hint of jitteriness in her voice, responded, "I have. I shall take upon my mission handed upon my by our god."
         The elders did as they did before and let her depart. Several elders looked to one another as Gaum finally stepped outside, her face clearly wracked with uncertainty. "Gaum-Ha-Ra, have you made your decision?" The elders leaned forward to hear what the young Brush had to say.
         Gaum slowly bowed. "I-I... I have," she stammered. A moment of uncertain silence held in the air as she hesitated. "I shall take upon my mission handed upon my by our god." Her voice, beaten by guilt, was weak and staggered, but her words seemed true.
         Some of the elders sighed in disappointment, but the leader continued the ritual. "Then may they protect you in your efforts." He spoke quickly and with heavy sarcasm, but they finished the ritual and let Gaum leave. Before Gaum passed the final elder, he grabbed the young Brush and gave her a warning. "I advise you to leave as soon as you awake in the morrow- words spreads fast." Gaum bit her lip, but nodded and hurried off to the Sprouts' home. The first day of the rest of her life was soon upon her.

         Gaum awoke before the sun could rise. She couldn't sleep at all with her mind racing over her quest. Gaum collected what items she deemed necessary and ran out the door of the Sprouts' hut into the dark forest. Her mind raced with worry over her 'betrayal', fighting back and forth on whether her actions were detrimental to her people. Gaum wanted nothing more than to be as one with nature as the druids were, but helping humans was as unholy a sin as she could commit.
         Gaum had walked for several miles before she realized the one thing she forgot: A weapon. She took off her bag and shuffled through it. Rope, rations, and components for druidic spells, but no weapons. Cursing herself, Gaum began to search the forest floor for sticks and stones.
         Although the sun was soon to rise and there was a great deal of darkness, Gaum had collected a small bundle of sticks and twigs as well as a handful of big, semi-sharp rocks, but they were rather useless to her as is. Gaum crashed stone against stone in order to chisel a sharper edge in one of the larger rocks. Hours went by- the sun long since risen, but Gaum was able to construct herself a crude, small knife out of a long rock and three javelins from some downed branches. Upon arming herself, Gaum resumed her march.

         For most people, seeing the Hero's Pint represented hope and righteousness reigning over the darkness of the world and would bring a content warmth to their heart, but Gaum-Ha-Ra frowned as she entered the bar.  It was completely empty aside from a half-orc downing her mug at the bar and a young knight wearing ill-fitting armor drinking at one of the tables.  Gaum swore to herself in her native language of Ra at her poor luck.  She was supposed to join a guild, but she couldn't do that if there was no guild to join.
         Gaum was a typical Ba-Zam-Ra; or as they were known by the other races as 'Brush'- with green skin protected by a wooden exoskeleton.  Leaves, unopened buds, and blue berries decorated her head as if they were a form of hair.  She had a small bag packed on her back with tools of the trade inside and three long branches jutting out.
         Like most Brush from her small village, Gaum felt disdain and hatred for other races after their history of unfairness towards her people, but she was instructed by her god to aid the humans in their protection of the realm.  Without any other options, she approached the woman at the reception desk.
         Cardigar Gorn gave Gaum a warm and friendly smile.  "Welcome young adventurer, how may I help you?"
         Gaum didn't return the friendliness.  "I here to join guild."  Gaum wasn't as fluent in Common as other Brush in the area, but she knew enough to pass a conversation.
         The young knight's ears perked up from at one of the tables.  He turned stiffly in his metal suit of armor to pay closer attention.
         "Well, you've certainly come to the right place," the Cardigar giggled.  "Do you have your dog tag?  I could try to find a guild with a similar level."
         "Dog tag?"
         "Oh, so you haven't done any adventuring yet, have you?"  Gaum shook her head.  "Well then, you are going to have to complete a little test in order to obtain your tag."
         A series of metallic clanging rang out through the bar as the knight got up and ran to the Brush. He nearly plowed straight into Gaum with as fast as he approached, but he was able to steady himself in time.  "I couldn't help but overhear you talking about adventuring."  Up close, Gaum could see that it was a young girl, her face beaming red, though she didn't appear to be blushing.
         Gaum could tell where she was going with it and sighed in annoyance.  Of course the guild had to have a human.
         "I request you consider aiding me on my mission to become the greatest hero this realm has ever seen, Lord Lizardman."
         "Lizardman?"  Gaum had never heard that word before, but she figured it an insult.
         The girl's face reddened a darker tone.  "Oh, I'm sorry- I saw the green skin under your armor and assumed you were a Lizardman."  She cocked her head, trying to figure Gaum out.  "Um, what are you?"
         Gaum straightened her back and took on an air of pride.  "I Ba-Zam-Ra.  We true owners of land."
         The girl rubbed the back of her neck-plate.  "I mean, it's a pleasure to meet you, Bazamra, but what are you?"
         Cardigar sidled beside the girl and put a hand on her shoulder.  "That's the name of his race.  They're the locals in Glaowden."
         Gaum gave a quizzical glance at her.  She'd never heard the realm be referred to as Glaowden.
         "Ohhh!" the girl exclaimed in understanding.  She extended her hand to Gaum.  "My name is Roseland Undercheek."
         Gaum stared at the palm suspiciously.  Slowly she started to piece it together and placed her hand alongside Roseland's.  "Gaum-Ha-Ra."
         Roseland closed the gap and took hold of Gaum's hand, much to her surprise.  Roseland could barely keep herself from hopping around in excitement.  "I know we'll be the greatest adventurers around!"
         Cardigar smiled and began to leave the building.  "Follow me please and we'll get you started with your test."
         Roseland giddily responded and kept close behind her, nearly skipping.  Gaum sighed, but did as she was told.  If she was going to complete her god-appointed mission, she would just have to finish this little thing first.  The woman led them to a large-looking building that was devoid of anything besides a simple wooden door.  She opened it to them, revealing a poorly-lit hallway that looked like it was made of stone.  Cardigar smiled.  "Do take care of yourself and good luck.  Come back by the center and we can get you situated."
         Roseland saluted and took off ahead, slowly disappearing into darkness.  Gaum rolled her eyes and entered the hallway as well.  After she took a few steps in, the door slammed shut behind her, causing her to jump in surprise.  Gaum steadied her breathing as she took out her knife.  It was hard to make out, but there appeared to be another door ahead.  Saying a small prayer, Gaum watched as Roseland took hold of the handle and pushed.
         As soon as the door creaked open, a pair of groans lifted into the air.  Gaum jumped in fear as two zombies began lumbering towards them.  Roseland unsheathed her sword and cried out as she closed the distance.  Gaum reached to her back and withdrew her makeshift javelin.  Gaum took careful aim and threw the weapon at the zombies, impaling the closest one straight into its chest but barely missing Roseland.
         The two zombies advanced toward Roseland, but she sliced her sword clean through the nearest zombie's head and downed the undead fiend.  The other zombie swung its sword widely at Roseland, but she jumped out of its way and drove her blade straight through its eyes.  Roseland breathed heavily over the fallen foes.  A small, exasperated chuckle left her lips as she slumped onto the ground.  She let out a loud 'whoop!' in excitement at her feats of heroism as she lay on the ground joyously, resting against the steel armor.
         Gaum sighed in relief- not that she cared whether or not Roseland was hurt, but out of completing their first task.  When the ecstasy went away, Gaum walked up to inspect her used javelin.  Unfortunately, the wooden weapon had broken in half as the zombie moved, completely ruining it.  She sighed wearily, but picked herself back up and looked around the area.  Roseland held out a hand to ask for assistance to get off the floor, but Gaum acted as if she didn't even notice.  Roseland gave a small smile and rolled over to get up herself.

         Roseland went straight for the locked door, hoping to find it open without any issues.  Gaum cautiously watched the suits of armor as she passed, hoping that they weren't pretending to be inanimate, but to her relief, they never moved. Roseland yanked at the door, but it refused to move. With it not budging, Roseland stepped back to read the writing on the door. "To attack is to defend."
         "That's the puzzle." Roseland put a hand to her chin in thought. "'To attack is to defend...' What's that supposed to mean?" Gaum glanced around the room, inspecting the armor and the weapons. She sighed and folded her arms. Roseland stepped back to look at the armor. "Wish I could have some of these things." She yanked at the nearest spear, but the armor held it tight in its hand. Roseland grunted and pulled harder, but the armor wasn't moving. She sighed in defeat and looked around the room. "I don't really know what I could do with a spear anyway." A glimmer near the entrance of the room caught her eyes. A set of armor carrying a steel and wooden shield gave her a thought. "Although, I could use a shield." She grabbed it and started to pull, but like the spear, it refused to budge. She grunted and started to twist it. Unlike her pulling, her twisting allowed it to start moving.
         Gaum rolled her eyes as Roseland struggled with the shield. None of the items in the room were of any use to her. Gaum refused to use weapons or anything that was created from steel or anything mined. It was her solidarity against man's expansion.
         Roseland kept turning until a click rang out and the shield stopped moving. She grunted and tried to turn more, but it halted to where it stood now. A rumbling shook the room as the door opened on them. Roseland stopped to see what the noise was and cheered for herself for solving the puzzle. Gaum still didn't change her attitude.
         Roseland felt a chill roll down her back as they entered a dark hallway, unsheathing her sword and preparing herself for another battle.  It slightly startled them both as they felt the descending slope, but they trekked on.  Each step echoed around the duo as they walked, sending Gaum's heart into a terrified flutter.  The thick air choked her, but she still breathed all the heavier.
         With a final step, the sound of a crash and a subsequent rolling thundered throughout the hallway.  The light from the door was blocked out as a giant boulder plummeted behind them and started to roll towards them.

         "Run!" Roseland shouted and began moving as fast as she could in her armor. Gaum didn't need any instructions as she already booked it past Roseland, descending down the sloping path. The boulder rolled quickly, but even Roseland was able to keep ahead of it.
         When Gaum got to the bottom floor, she noticed a large wooden door with a glint of light shining through underneath. The young Brush grabbed the handle, but it stayed locked. Gaum threw herself at the door, thoroughly bruising her shoulder. She grunted and struggled with it, but the door was unmoving. The echoing of the boulder started to get to her as it rumbled through her thick, barky skin, reverberating throughout her entire body and causing her to feel ill. She fell to the ground from the sickness.
         Roseland hurried up to Gaum and bent down next to her. "Are you alright?"
         Gaum growled and swiped her away. "Just get the door open."
         "I got this Gaum!" Roseland shouted over the sounds and proceeded to smash her body against the door as well just as the boulder turned the final corner.  She didn't go down as fast as Gaum, but was clearly getting nowhere fast.  With her shoulder thoroughly hurting, Roseland withdrew her sword and struck at the wooden door, penetrating it enough to cause it to crack.  Roseland laughed to herself as she got into the swing of things, spending hit after hit until finally the door splintered away.  She stood in pride over her accomplishment and allowed Gaum in first.
         Gaum took inside as fast as she could, barely escaping the echoing with her sanity.  She passed Roseland without any form of appreciation, but Roseland didn't take it to heart and hurried in after, just as the boulder crashed against the wall behind her. Roseland sighed in relief before taking in her surroundings.
         The room was lit by a flickering light on the desk where a cloaked elf had his back to them, too engrained in his work to even notice their entrance.  There were shelves stocked full of scrolls and notes with the desk coated in several unwritten scrolls and several components for spells. Roseland called out to the elf, but he still didn't stir beyond his work.  "Yoo-hoo!  Hello?  Two adventurers over here."
         Gaum removed her knife and began to walk nearer.  "We kill."
         Roseland grabbed her before she could get any further.  "Woah woah, Gaum- let's try talking."
         Gaum growled at her.  "Gaum-Ha-Ra."
         Roseland stepped up to the distracted figure and tapped him on the shoulder.  "Hello?"
         The elf jumped and shouted at Roseland's touch.  Roseland fell onto the ground due to shock and the heavy weight of her armor.  "What are you doing sneaking up on me like that?  I nearly had a heart attack!"
         Roseland rolled over like a turtle to pick herself up.  "I'm sorry, but you didn't respond when I called to you."
         "Doesn't give you a right," he stated with a grumble.  The elf straightened himself up.  "I am the elven wizard Fleecreck:  Keeper of Scrolls, and Appointer of Heroes."  He turned away from them and began to scribble some notes down in his book.  "I take it you two want to be heroes."
         Roseland proudly straightened herself.  "Yes sir!  My name is Roseland Undercheek and I have travelled from the town of Passandova after losing my-"
         "I don't need a history lesson," Fleecreck snapped at her, pulling out the tags.  "Being an adventurer comes with facing deadly demons, treacherous traps, and perilous... perils.  Do you still want to embark on the journey?"  His voice seemed downtrodden and lacked any form of enthusiasm for his work.
         Roseland saluted the wizard.  "Yes sir!  I accept this noble task befallen upon me by-"
         Fleecreck waved her off.  He cocked his head at Gaum.  "And you?  Third time I've seen a Brush request to be an adventurer- though they all were servants to who they came with."
         Gaum scowled.  "Ba-Zam-Ra.  I want adventurer no.  Appoint by god."  She looked away in annoyance.
         Fleecreck rolled his shoulders.  "Whatever."  Nonchalantly he tossed the dog tags to each of them.  Roseland fumbled with hers but held onto it as if it were her heart.  Gaum grabbed it with a startle, but returned to her sulking.  "These are your levels: Dirt.  Do some work to prove yourself and come back to upgrade later."  Fleecreck sat at his desk and began scrolling through his papers.
         Roseland stomped her foot, causing her armor to clatter against itself.  "How can you be so cold to future adventurers?" she shouted, having had enough of Fleecreck's attitude.  "You are blessed with the chance to meet the strongest, smartest, and most cunning heroes the realms have ever seen and you just don't care!  You get to meet the heroes of legends who are talked about for generation after generation- people who become so amazing that they are deemed a myth to some people because of their heroic deeds!  How can you just ignore us like this?"
         Fleecreck stood up from his desk silently.  He turned to face Roseland with a glimmer in his eyes- not one of enthusiasm, joy, or anger, but one of condescension.  The elf slowly walked up to the girl, each step colder than the last, until he towered over her with a frozen presence.  "My sole purpose for accepting the title was for the lost scrolls they promised me and the sanctity of silence- I have no desire to meet these would-be adventurers before or even after they became famous.  All I've ever seen is young men and women who believe themselves heroes after fighting off a single goblin and deem themselves worthy to earn a living for it.  You think you'll be a great hero?  There are only three futures ahead of you, little Undercheek:  One, you'll be of the lucky few to make it to levels above dirt- again, I've seen many start, but few continue.  Two, you'll quit after realizing how difficult adventurering truly is and take on a smarter and safer career.  Or three, you'll die in a stinking cavern and be left for the rats to feast on you."  Fleecreck leaned in to gaze into Roseland's trembling eyes.  "I wager you won't even last three months."
         Roseland's eyes burned hatred for the elf, but still they glistened with tears.  The two of them stayed locked in glares before Roseland stormed away.  "C'mon Gaum.  We'll show him." She stopped in front of the boulder and gave it a shove. It was soft to the touch and moved easily. Like a balloon. She growled at the deception.
         "Gaum-Ha-Ra," Gaum corrected.

         She was about to follow when Fleecreck called out to her. "Remember little Brush; not everyone becomes a hero."

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