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A community to help each other reach our goals. |
WELCOME TO DESTINATION: GOAL ZONE The place we meet to reach our goals. If you would like to join our ranks, please go to "Destination: Goal Zone Introduction" ![]() ![]() ![]() MISSION STATEMENT: Our mission is to encourage and motivate our fellow goal-chasers to work towards reaching their goals. GROUP RULES: 1. Respect is of utmost importance. If you find yourself strongly disagreeing with another member, please re-read your posts before you submit them. Be sure that what you are posting is encouraging, uplifting and helpful -- not the other way around. 2. Participation in this group is voluntary, but should something happen that requires you to bow out, you may do so by simply emailing the Generals directly. 3. Each member's goals are their own -- there are no "group goals." 4. Each member should have 1 to 3 goals, but no more than 3. The goals do NOT need to be writing or WDC related. As far as dates that goals must be achieved by, that is up to the individual members. Goals may be daily, weekly, biweekly, monthly or even up to a year to work on. We want this to be something to have fun while we reach our goals - not something that drags you down and makes you feel bad. 5. This is a yearly activity that starts in January and ends on December 31st. If you must bow out, a simple request to be reinstated will be allowed when you are ready to resume. 6. There is no dumb or stupid question except the one you do not ask. In other words, if you have a question, do not hesitate to ask. We will do our best to answer it. I'm sure in the beginning stages of this, there will be lots of questions and some confusion. We will be working very hard to make sure questions are answered, confusion is clarified and improvements are made to continue this activity in the spirit of fun and encouragement. LEVELS: Here, we have 3 levels. You can earn your way up these levels by completing certain tasks and maintaining a positive, encouraging presence in the group. Your level will appear under your name, with your goals and your progress bar. Moving up the levels is optional, at your discretion and the discretion of the Leaders. Promotions are based on effort and positive interaction with other members. Member - This is the level you start out as. Everyone (except the leaders who founded this group) starts out as a member. Assistant Group Leader - .Assistant group leaders are chosen by Group Leaders to help them in their duties to encourage members, reward members for hard work and effort, and to help hold group members accountable towards their goals. Group Leader - Group leaders are chosen by the Assistant Forum Moderators and the Forum Moderators to lead groups of 4 or 5 members alongside an Assistant Group Leader. Their responsibilities include choosing Assistant Group Leaders, encouraging group members, rewarding group members for hard work and effort, and holding group members accountable towards their goals. Assistant Forum Moderator - Assistant Forum Moderators are chosen by the Forum Moderators. In addition to the responsibilities of Group Leaders, these folks also have the responsibility to monitor the group forum posts to make sure they adhere to group standards, to update group members of any updated policies, and to help the Forum Moderators in any way possible to ensure the smooth running of this group. Forum Moderator - Forum Moderators are the big bosses around here - in addition to working on their own goals, they also have the responsibility to monitor the entire group and forum for adherence to guidelines and to raise funds for rewarding group members. They are responsible for creating rewards such as Trinkets, commissioning Merit Badges, and planning group celebrations at certain times of the year to keep members encouraged to work towards their goals. CURRENT STANDING FORUM MODERATORS: Rhoswen - Relentless Victory ![]() Beacon's Anchor ![]() runningwolf04 For everyone who completes the entire year, even if their goal wasn't reached 100%, there will be a big prize as well. These prizes will be announced at a later date. For now, you can earn Merit Badges throughout the year. These will be random, and chosen by other members of the group as well as leaders. Anyone who donates 50K or more to our cause will receive a Generosity or Supportive Merit Badge. Click here to SKIP TO THE FORUM MESSAGES Rhoswen - Relentless Victory ![]() Level - Forum Moderator Group - Overall Progress - 0% complete Goals ▼ Beacon's Anchor ![]() Level - Forum Moderator Group - Overall Progress - 0% complete Goals ▼ Level - Forum Moderator Group - Overall Progress - 0% complete Goals ▼ runningwolf04 Level - Moderator Group - Overall Progress - 0% complete Goals ▼ Level - Group - Overall Progress - 0% complete Goals ▼ Level - Group - Overall Progress - 0% complete Goals ▼ Level - Group - Overall Progress - 0% complete Goals ▼ Level - Group - Overall Progress - 0% complete Goals ▼ Level - Group - Overall Progress - 0% complete Goals ▼ |
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