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Rated: E · Fiction · Adult · #2206225
A Giantess Story About Call Of Duty. Giantess: Misty
“Come and eat lead you zombie fucks!!!” Misty yelled, holding nothing back as she sprays into the hoard in front of her. The other three would scold her for wasting bullets, but in her mind as long as they go down it isn’t a waste. Holding her hand’s on her assault rifle as bullet after bullet fired. Eventually they all went down, which was perfect cause Misty was low on ammo.

What was not perfect, is that she saw more coming around the corner “Uh, you lot just don’t stop!” Misty said as she turned around and left the building. She planned to explore and see what rations she could, but obviously that plan will not work.

At least not with backup.

That’s where her other three team members come in. Russman, Stuhlinger and Marlton. The four, have met together on this zombie apocaplyse and quickly formed a team together. From there, they survived as a team. From a bus depot, to buildings in china, to an underground old west city and even against a zombie general apparently. Regardless they were one hell of a team and she trusted them.

“Hey nerds!” She shouted out “Come help me clear this building!”

“Nerd, really” Marlton said coming from his own building. Empty handed it seems. She saw Russman and Stuhlinger following as she makes a crack.

“What, the three of you having a jerk circle”

“No you ran ahead like an idiot” Stuhlinger as Misty frowned. As close as they have become, she will admit she thinks strongly about all three.

Russman, a bit crazy but ultimately someone she can trust. He was like the closest thing to a father she has had. At least he was caring.

Stuhlinger and her don’t get along. In fact if it wasn’t for Marlton, Misty would of shot him in the face long ago.

While Marlton, well she likes Marlton, and she does mean that way. She isn’t shy of sharing it either. Any chance she will say and try to flirt. Geek doesn’t pay attention to her though.

“Let’s just do it, let’s hope this building is good” Marlton said grabbing his pistol and handing Misty more ammo. She reloaded her gun and flashed him a smile.


And with that, all of them headed in. With all four together, the zombies stood no chance. All of them calling out their targets as they gunned them down. They cleared the first floor easily. Admittedly had some trouble with the stairs but eventually pushed up there as well.

She smiled as she lead the attack, and spotted the chest first.

The mystery chest! To be honest Misty had no idea what it is or where it came from. All she knows is that it gives out guns full of ammo. With a smile she waited for all the Z Bags to get blown as she moved her way in.

“Score! Dibs first!” She said as she dropped her weapon and moved over with excitement.

Stuhlinger moving and grabbing the discarded gun “How many times do i have to tell you, don’t throw your fucking gun!” He said barking at her.

“I’m about to get another one! So shut up!” She said out loud as Marlton just sighed, while Russman was checking the windows. She went down and opened the box, lifting it up as she grew a smile on her face. She watched it go wide as the music started playing. Misty on the edge of her seat, hoping that she will get a good LMG. Those hold the most bullets, so in a zombie invasion, of course they are the most liked. She waited for a while, for a long time until finally she saw the gun. Misty only had one reaction.

“Fuck yeah! Wonder Weapon!” She said beyond happy. Bringing her hands in and grabbing the weapon from the box. It closed afterwards as she smiled widely, she loved it.

“Look at this, i haven’t seen a gun like it” She said being honest. It was blue and purple, and was like a flamethrower. Except no tip at the end, instead a barrel it seems.

The other three get their gun situation sorted out as Misty looked over it. A huge smile on her face as she wanted to see what it was doing. Ignoring the others she started to go downstairs.

“Where are you going?” Russman said asking.

“Gonna test this baby out. Shoot some zombies. You know, the usual” She said heading out and walking out. It only took one look from Stuhlinger for Marlton to move.

“Fine i’ll go chase her” He said walking out.

Misty arrived at the bottom, looking around at the zombies far in the distant. Only three of them, should be easy practice”

“Misty! Hey!” She heard Marlton say coming down the stairs. Holding his own gun “Thought you might need backup”

“Back up, more like you just want to stare at my ass” She teased flashing him a smile. he didn’t reply, instead just rolled his eyes. The teasing, it just never stops.

The two walked over to the zombies, getting closer as they both look over. The Zombies became alert as they started to slowly shamble over.

“Let’s do this!” She said, holding it like a Mini gun and ready to shoot. She aimed it up, and fired. What happened though, is that it didn’t reach. Instead it barely went out in front of her.

“Fuck! It’s short range, and only like a foot in front of me!” Misty said seeing the purple fog disappear in a second.

“That’s pretty ineffective Misty”

“I’ll call it the Shit Shooter” She said as she was angry. Wasted her gun on this

“Test it on a Zombie, i want to see it’s effect” Marlton said, being the nerd that he was.

She walked right up, getting closer and backing up at the same pace. She didn’t expect much, but she still fired the weapon. The gun dropping the purple fog again as the Zombies got covered.

She got ready, ready to see the Zombies come out. They didn’t though. In fact when the Fog disappeared, it was gone.

“It makes them... disappear? Not useless i suppose. Great if we are in a corner and need to create a wall” Marlton said looking around “Well, suppose we should go back to the others. Come on Misty”

“Right...” She said as she was confused, and a bit disappointed. She turned around and got ready to turn around, ready to turn and follow Marlton. Until she felt something on her boot. She felt something touch it, scrape against it as this confused her.

Looking down though, holy shit was she satisfied. She saw three tiny zombies! By her big brown boot and trying to claw it down!. None of them made it through though. This thing didn’t make zombies disappear, it shrunk them! Holy shit!”

Misty grew a big smile as she was beyond ecstatic. Dancing and jumping as she looked at the three zombies. Oh this was gonna be too fun. They were weak, and they were easy to get rid of. They would have to be an inch, maybe inch and a half

Misty with a giant smile adjusted her hat, and brought her foot into the air. Stomping down onto the zombie. Flattening it under her boot. The zombie died with a simple step, becoming nothing but a shrunken blood stain and shrunken. The other two being zombies didn’t run like humans would. Meaning they were the next victims of her stomp. She stepped on them as she was having the time of her life. loving every second of it. She looks over her shoulder and she can tell that Marlton was already back with the others. She did not want to though, she needs to find more zombies. She runs and looks for some of them. Running and sprinting away as she tried to find a horde. Imagine the fun she would have.

And eventually, Misty did find the horde. A large horde, just standing in the middle of an alley. With barely any room this was the type of shit Stuhlinger would force her to ignore.

But since she was all by herself.

“Hey Z Heads! Over here!!!” She shouted, as loud as she can. The zombies looking over and getting more into it. All of them started running and moving to her. Misty stood her ground though as she was ready.

A smirk on her head as she fired, firing the fog as she waited. Since it went away quickly she had to keep her finger on the trigger. The gun was not changing, no movement inside. Maybe...

Suddenly she sees Zombies approaching on the other side. Now with the size of ants they were so small. No threat to her. The whole horde became smaller as she let go. Fuck, this was gonna be so much fun. Just to keep stepping and stepping. The fog went down and Misty was so focused on the small zombies that she didn’t know that one was lagging behind. And got through after the fog disappeared. She noticed seeing a dirty and scared foot stepping on some zombies. She jumped. Seeing a zombie girl coming for her. Killing her own kind cause why the hell would she care.

“Shit!” Misty said as she grabbed the Zombie. Trying to toss it off. The zombie though was trying to bite her. Misty got pushed onto the back, laying on the ground as she killed who knows how many zombies. The other zombies started moving closer to her, planning on nibbling her skin as she was pissed. If she died like this, to one zombie and a bunch of bug size zombies so could never live it down. Mainly cause she was dead.

She spun around and got onto the Zombie. Mounting it with her legs as she grabbed her gun. Hitting it hard over and over again. Smashing the Zombie girl’s head off. Pissed off she quickly got up. Looking over herself to see Zombies on her.

“Piss off!” She said as she moved her hand, looking for any zombie on her. She found one on her jeans, scaling her. So she brought her hand forward and smashed into oblivion. Her palm being much more deadlier then any weapon. This happened every time she caught a Zombie on her. All over her body, all of them dying to her palm.

“Okay... now to focus on all of you” She said, smirking down to the horde. She raised her foot and her boot started stomping once again. Misty having so much fun as she was doing this. She took her time as she was starting to love this thing! She called it shit shooter, more like Shrink Shooter. She is willing to keep this thing over everything else.

For the next fifteen minutes, she stomped the zombies. Just having fun messing with them. Some of them were simply stepped on, some of them were jumped on when she did an extra stomp. She got down onto a knee once, flattening them with her hand.

Even once, she got an idea. With the last zombie, she spun around and lowered her ass onto the ground. She lowered it down and flattened the zombie under her jeans.

She just sat there, among the destroyed Zombies. She just finished a horse all by herself, and she did not even struggle. She was a one woman war with this damn this! Misty loved it, nothing could ruin what she was feeling.

“You stupid slut!!!”

Except for that asshole. Looking over she could see Stuhlinger, Marlton and Russman coming over to her. All with guns in their hands.

“What happened here!?” Marlton said, seeing the remains of a zombie scattered all across. if only he knew it was one zombie.

“Dude! You won’t believe this!” Misty said getting up “This gun doesn’t teleport it-”

“Wait, were you just testing your gun!” Stuhlinger said interrupting her “Damn it Misty, we need to stick together. You can’t just leave by yourself”

“I handled it”

“And what if you didn’t. What if you got swarmed. You would of died. Think about it next time.

“I wasn’t worried-”

“Exactly! That’s the fucking problem!” Stuhlinger said in her face.

“Maybe we should cut her some slack” Russman said, knowing what was coming.

“No she needs to fucking hear this! This is not a fun day out, this is an apocalypse. You need to use your brain, however little it is. You understand me Misty!”

“i’m understanding your acting like a prick”

“Not gonna help” Marlton said to the side, face palming.

“Misty, you are by far the stupidest Bimbo i have ever met in my life!” Stuhlinger spat, as that was the last straw.

“What am i?” She questioned, looking at him with an intent to kill.

“A bimbo! A big stupid Bimbo!!!” He yelled, not backing down.

There was silence in the air for a while, until she backed up. Taking a couple of steps as she made up her choice. She’s done with this shit.

“You right about one of those words. I am big!”

And with that she fired her weapon. The three guys being shocked and amazed as a fog surrounded the. They all started coughing as they could not see anything.

“Misty! What the hell!” Russman said as you do not turn a weapon on your teammate, everyone knows that

“Like i said Stuhlinger, right about one word. Big”

Almost like she commanded it, the fog turned off and down below the three boys were shocked at what they saw. It was Misty! But she was giant! Towering over them like a goddess. Only an Inch and a half tall they were nothing compared to Misty. Seeing the remains closer, they could see it was stepped on Zombies. Left and Right.

“Fuck...” Russman said shocked

“You bitch!!!” Stuhlinger said as she fired his weapon. Bullets flying towards Misty. Didn’t get that far though, in fact she could barely feel it in her skin. Russman joined in, freaking out and panicking. Something that was normal for him.

“Yeah... i’m taking those” She said as she reached down and pulled all three of their tiny guns. Useless to her now, so she tossed them behind her shoulder. Far away from the three. “So this things shrinks. Good to know it works on assholes as well as Zombies”

“Why!?” Marlton yelled, walking forward and confused. She smirked from above.

“Cause i’m pissed. Stuhlinger pissed me off, and now he has to pay.” And with that, Misty lifted her foot. Lifting it over the three as they scurry.

Misty watched with amusement seeing them scatter and run away from her. She stomped her boot down, as she then gave chase. Since the three were so close together. She could easily kept them corralled. They were fucked, now it was just up to Misty to do what she wants. She was thinking about what she will do?

She toyed with them for a little bit until she knew. Getting down and sitting on the road. Kicking her feet up as she grabbed them. Pulling them close as she dropped Marlton and Russman by her crotch. It was towering over them. They could not even run anymore, cause Misty would easily catch them. They were just standing there in amazement and shock at the giant girl.

Down below, each had their own type of copping. Russman was slapping himself, convincing himself it wasn’t real. A weird thought in a Zombie Apocalypse but it’s what happening. Stuhlinger was of course swearing at her. Not like she cared though. He literally meant nothing to her. Marlton was just staring in... amazement, and shock. It was a weird feeling, one that he has had for Misty before but it really felt different right now. No doubt about that. She was so... much more.

Right now, Misty sat down and pulled off her boot. Seeing no Zombies around she felt comfortable to put her new favourite weapon down. She looks down to her new teammates. She is pretty sure this in avoidable. So she just turned the numbers from four to one. Not like she cared though. She can turn a horde into ants! Plus, she has had it with these three. She wants them small, for one reason or another. Moving her gloves to her boot, she yanked it off. The three small guys looking her way as they could smell.

“Sorry, no shower in the apocalypse” She said laughing at just how bad it stinks. She was getting it bad up there, so down there for the three guys. It must be so much worse. She smiled as she wasted no time, wanting to get rid of her annoying little pain in the ass. Stuhlinger stopped swearing at her for a second, as she then brought her hand right down. He could do nothing as her fingers came for him. Grabbing him between her thumb and her index as he felt himself raised up. The other two looking in fear as she raised him up.

He could not move as he gets pulled up to the giant hot face of Misty.

“Well, what do you have to say now you little shit” Misty said, the biggest grin on her face. She felt so powerful. Stuhlinger was always bigger then her, but now. He was literally fucking nothing. The idea, admittedly was getting her a bit turned on.

Admittedly, Misty was impressed with what he did next. He started swearing right at her. Just swear after swear, she ignored most of it cause she doesn’t care about a small bug’s opinion. What she does want to do is put him in his place, so she held her fingers closer. Squishing him.

“Shut it bug! I just thought of the most appropriate place to you. Right in my boot! Enjoy your stay Stuhlinger” Misty said as that shut him up real quick. He could do nothing as she shifted her fingers around, bringing him closer to her foot. She brought him closer as she stuffed him in her boot. Throwing him in there as he got no time to react.

No time to react to the land, no time to react to the smell. Because as he looked up and above him, he saw the giant foot come down. Her bare sole on him as Stuhlinger get’s flattened right under. Getting pushed onto his stomach as he could do nothing.

Right now, she smiled to herself putting the boot on. She put it on and zipped it up, wearing Stuhlinger. The other two were shocked about this. Needless to say a bit scared. And well, as well as they should be.

She grew a smile on her face as she looked at Russman. “Sorry, but i kind of need one for each boot. This isn’t personal” And with that, she opened her other boot. Pulling it back as her shoe was free. She then moved and slipped it in there. Stuffing her boot with her foot as only this time her fingers were pushing Russman into it. He disappeared into the boot and got the same terrible experience that Stuhlinger got. Both of them trapped under, unable to do anything as she smiled to herself. That might as well be their new home, cause she was one hundred percent sure she was never gonna pull them from that hell.

Now with the two gone, she only had one target on her eyes. Marlton. The boy who she has very openly lusted for. To say he would be fucked would be... far too ironic.

“So... pretty cool huh” She said starting with some small talk “Shrinks Zombies and as it turns out humans. I wonder what else i can shrink”

“Misty, the power has gone to your head!” He shouted to her, of course thinking that. The little dork “Please, grow us back and hopefully we can move past this.

“Hm... good plan, i got a better one though. How about i keep those two food wasters in there, and i keep you somewhere too. Then i go around, shrink whatever the hell i want and become... well a goddess in this zombie apocalypse”

“Look, this is too dangerous. What if you get into the fog. You will be-”

“Shrinking yeah, i know. I’m not an idiot” She said as she put on an angry face “You always talk to me like i am a fucking moron. Well tell me, am i a moron now”

“Look... Misty, if i came across like that i’m sorry” He said backing down, something she liked but she still kept an angry look. She shifted her gloves down and grabbed him.

“Yeah yeah! You can say what you want, but in the end i know your just talking shit...” She said as she hung him ahead. She thought about this for a while, until she started to laugh out loud. Something that confused him “Actually, that just gave me a good idea. Since both of them are in my shoe, it ain’t fair if i put you in a good place while they are in a bad one. And since you like acting like a smug asshole, how about i put you in mine”

“What!” Marlton said, afraid and scared “Please don’t!” He shouted back as she looked at him, and then cackled into laughter, Loud ones, with her mouth right in front of him. She loved fucking with him, it made her feel good.

“Well, that scared the shit out of you. I would never do that to you, well not right now Marlton” She said as that was not off the table “You see, Marlton i like you. And right now, your with the greatest girl in the apocalypse. Your about to love the next while, i’m telling you that. Your gonna be my personal boyfriend”

“B-Boyfriend?” He questioned back. It wasn’t the first time Misty has tried to do that. Hook up with him. Of course Marlton turned her down, but now he could not. “D-Do we have too?”

“You know, i don’t get you. A guy like you, and a girl like me. You should be stalking me! Instead i’m the one after you. Got to admit though, i like you more because of it. And now that i got you... well we’re gonna have some great times ahead”

She illustrated this, by bringing Marlton right close to her lips. She puckered her lips and gave a powerful kiss to the shrunken man. Her soft lips pushing into as it was not that hard. He gets pushed hard, right into the lips as it was the biggest kiss he has ever felt. It happened, and it was powerful.

It did not last long though, as she pulled Marlton back and hung him there. She hung him right across from her face as she just had to “So how was it Marlton. As great as you always imagined? Our first kiss?”

“Bigger...” He said back, a little bit shocked and a little bit angry. This is a very short sighted decision made by her, but it was not like Marlton had the power or authority to tell her otherwise. She was in charge right now, and that was clear.

“Well, i think it’s about time we get going. I have had enough fun with you” She said moving up “Let’s put you away until next time” And with that, he got stuffed right into the chest. Right into the chest as he got stuck in between. Could literally do nothing, as he got pressed by the giant exposed breasts of Misty. Right in the middle as he got secure. Due to her outfit, he could still see everything on the outside. With her standing up and looking out.

“Time to get moving” She said as she took one simple step. And stopped. “Fuck, eh feels so good in there. Like little insoles” 

For next while, all Misty did was take steps around the town, not with much of a purpose but just to enjoy Russman and Stuhlinger in her boots. They are gonna die in there... but funnily enough Misty didn’t care. All she cared about was herself, oh and Marlton of course. He was finally hers. Sure defenceless now, but she never looked at Marlton and saw a big protector. This was the perfect role she wanted.

After taking a couple more steps, she heard her little boy toy speak from between her giant tits.

“There are some zombies over there” He said as Misty spotted them. On the other side, only four but still that means it will be fun. “You gonna avoid them?”

“Fuck no, we are going to have some fun” And with that Misty walked over with no fear. Something Marlton took note of. She has always had that fearless edge about her, but now it seems to be something a bit more.

She walked right over and made a loud noise. Getting the zombies to come over. Once they saw her, they shuffled their way over. Which made them real easy for Misty to shoot. She shot the fog and sure enough, they walked right through it.

Looking down this time, she saw the small zombies that came out.

“Fuck, i am never gonna get tired of this thing” Misty said loving her gun.

“It was that simple” Marlton commented. A little surprised “Will it run out of Power? Or Fog?”

“Hope not. Then i will be pretty screwed” She said casually. It was at this point he would comment about how she shouldn’t have used it irresponsibly without knowing everything. Of course he kept his mouth shut, cause right now he was not in a position to talk to her like that.

If she wanted to, she could push her giant tits together and end Marlton that way. Not something he would really like. She dropped the gun by her feet. Reaching down she grabbed one of the zombies. Between her fingers the Zombie had no chance of biting her. Not only because of the way she was holding it, but by the fact she was wearing gloves. Meaning she was pretty much fine. She brought the Zombie right up to her eye, seeing the little shit move and thrash about. It was still trying to get to her, which was pretty funny. Admittedly a little cute.

She then smirked as she brought it right down to Marlton between her tits. Bringing him down as the Zombie thrashed. To him it was normal size, and he was defenceless.

“What if i just let him go. You two could play around in my tits for a while” She teased and mocked, knowing Marlton wouldn’t like that”

“Please don’t” He said back to her as she simply laughed.

“Yeah your right. You probably want my tits all to yourself” She said as she brought her hand over. She brought her hand over and smashed the zombies head between her fingers. Beheading it in frankly in a second as she then dropped it down. The corpse falling down as the other three didn’t care. She simply laughed as she lifted her foot up. She lifted her foot up and stepped down on another one. With one boot as she then killed another with the other. It was this point she felt a certain crack under her toe.

“Oh...” She said as she did not finish one bit. She is pretty sure she just killed Stuhlinger. He got smashed under her toe. She fiddled with her toe, her toe pushing it as she felt like she was just playing with a mess right now. Well... suppose she should do the same with the other one.

She found Russman hiding near the end of her foot. Her toes searching as she touched him. He could do nothing as she opened her toes wide. Smashing it between him as she just ended the life of one of her best friends so quick.

Not that she cared though, which surprised her. She spent so much time with them, and now she doesn’t care. Maybe it’s because they are bugs to her, or maybe because she felt so powerful to them.

She didn’t care though. Which made her wonder if she would have the same feeling with Marlton. This was quite the change, but a change she liked.

She looked down to the last zombie and racked her brain, she was trying to come up with something smart and something creative to do with it. Boot is fun, but too simple. Smashed between her tits, no Marlton is there. Plus she did not want a Zombie to bite her tit.

Wait... that was it! She grew a giant smile, moving and reaching down. Pulling the last zombie as she brought it up. She wore a smile as she brought the zombie right to her lips, as she then opened her lips.

Opening it wide ready for a bite, she brought the zombie up and took a bite. Slashing it in half with her powerful teeth as the Zombie became a crawler.

It tasted terrible, fucking terrible! But the power thrill she was getting from it was frankly ridiculous. She grew a smile as she titled her head back. She titled her throat back as the Zombie fell down her throat before it got the chance to bite her tongue. She enjoyed the swallow, and she enjoyed the idea that the zombie came down and died right into her stomach. She felt so powerful.

She had it all right now. She had a tiny boyfriend, she had an unstoppable gun, she had a banging body. She had it all.

The one thing she wanted though, is the Pack A Punch machine.

Can you even imagine?
© Copyright 2019 Lover Of All Giantesses (xkiba4lifex at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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