Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2198353-angels-and-demons5
Rated: 18+ · Short Story · Adult · #2198353
a girl with true life events
I never even realized how much I love sunflower seeds, or realized how good they tasted. I swear I could suck on them all day. He gives me a bag of sunflower seeds to let me know hes still around. Who is this mystery man, I suppose its someone I never truly even met. He comes and goes but he always seems to still be around. He doesnt exactly reveal himself, he disguises himself in another persons body. How can you do that. Im only one person I can only be one person but how can you be more than two people at one time. Obviously this mystery man sparks my interest. Or is it a woman? Ive done quit all the other drugs, smoking is the only thing i havent quit, i even quit drinking. i wont even pick up one drink. So trying to sub sunflowers for cigs is probably my next move this mystery person has me to do. And the reason I say that is because I saw an unopened pack of cigars and cigs both of them unopened in one morning. It might not mean anything to you but those are the little clues that i look for. Now how far am i suppose to go with this little game they call life i dont know. but i plan to find out and go for the win. To know exactly how to play this little game of life, and how far i can go at beating it if i can beat it at all. i dont know why i dont have it figured out yet but i sure wish i did. I know that i have dear friends watching over me and that im so happy about. I truly do cherish each and everyone of them. it feels so good to lay your feelings out and be able to talk to someone. we all say hateful things we dont mean at the time, i guess to realize what we have when dont have it.Thats a big one for me, realizeing what i have before i lose it.
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