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Rating and Reviewing for RAOK |
Writing.Com is about to celebrate its 19th birthday! I am proud to be a member, with this profile, since 2006. A lot of you may not be aware that I had a previous portfolio back when it was Stories.com! I believe it was 2001 and I had it for a couple years before I lost it due to financial troubles. I do not remember the username I used so I have no way to see if it still exists, unfortunately, but I still am proud to say I've been a supporter of this site since near the beginning! This site has done so much for me that I really want to give back by paying it forward. So, this activity is to raise gps for
So, here's the deal: I will rate or review one FICTION story of your choice (all ratings allowed) from either your own portfolio or a portfolio of your choosing. Sorry, no poetry! All proceeds will be donated to RAOK. Here are the prices: 100,000 gps or more: I will give an in-depth review and rating for 1 book of up to 20 chapters or 100,000 words (keep in mind for this option, the longer the novel/novella, the longer it may take me to get through all the chapters, but I WILL get it done. I may only be able to do 1 or 2 chapters at a time due to work and other commitments. Please be patient!) 50,000-99,999 gps: You will get an in-depth review and rating for 1 short story of up to 10,000 words 25,000-49,999 gps: I will review 1 short story of up to 7500 words 10,000-24,999 gps: You will receive a review of 1 short story that has no more than 5000 words. 5000-9,999 gps: I will review a piece of flash fiction up to 3000 words Under 5000 gps: You can have me review a very short flash fiction piece that is below 2000 words Enter by filling out survey form below:
Please use the forum to ask any questions or comment only. Use the survey form for all submissions. Thank you! |
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