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Solve Mysteries, Paranormal |
Case#01 12.02.2015 It's 8 am the grand opening of my office I scan the office around check to make sure the copy machine had enough papers in it. Check out the file cabinet, pen, paper clips, staples fax machine I recently buy last week everything is looking in order. I finally took a seat at my huge desk and test my desk chair. I tilt my head back smiling to myself stretch feet on the desk. My very first great start so perfect I said to myself. I hear a knock on the door the bell ring signaling someone has entered the office. I straighten myself and watch a fancy woman walk in. It certainly looks as though she seem wealthy with her entrance a few men that look like bodyguard stand beside her. I stood up flash her a pleasant smile and introduce myself "Dulce Ferrero".stretching my hand to reach hers to salute her. Client~ " I am Anastasia Remington I am in need of your services she stretches her hand and shakes my hand *we salute one another* then she turns half of her body towards the men with her as one of the men pass her a file. She turns back to face me and look me in the eyes placing the file on the desk.*She lean on the desk I need you to follow the man in that file. There is good pay I can offer you I don't care what he is up to. Me~Picking up the file flicking through them*hmmm Mr. Remington, what are you up to* "Mrs. Remington" are you sure? you know if you dig up a closet you might find something in there you never wish you find I said as my lips curve. Client~Miss Ferrero can you do it or not tell me now dear. Me~Absolutely! Client~Can you start now Miss Ferrero? Me~Yes I can *there is a deposit required* and I also need a copy of your identification, signature, and places. Opening one of the drawers pulling out a form and a pen. I watch Mrs. Remington taking a seat filled the form, sign it and print her thumb on the bottom of the form. Then she places her purse on the desk and digs up a large envelope. Client~ There*smile and wink* ..... Miss Ferrero down payment placing the envelope of money on Miss Ferrero 's hands "Please work fast" I thank you now and I bid you a good day. Miss Ferrero also please feel free to call if there is more information you need. Me~Have a pleasant day Mrs. Remington I was going to walk her out but she signals me to stay put that her men will walk with her. I watch them all walk out. I flick through the dollar bills *what a great start I say to myself... *big grin across my lips* Time begins: 9:36 pm I arrive home without thinking twice I walk over to the office unlock it and walk to the desk. I pick up the file and I scan it again this time being careful not to over look at anything I took a seat turning the laptop on. I start researching for Mr. Remington and all of the places he frequents most. He is very wealthy or even wealthier than his wife he is a busy and well acknowledge businessman. I look down at the file and mentally capture his schedule I take notes and highlight them as I take slow sips of my coffee. *Fuck I said to myself* I am going to need my'Turbo Plus 128GB USB 3.0 Flash Drive, my night vision binoculars. With the file in one hand I pick my cell phone with my free hand and I call one of my friends that are detectives to get complete surveillance access. Hearing the phone ringing on the other end 5 rings go by when I decided to leave a message Calvin picks up. Me~Hi Calvin glad you pick up what are you up to. Detective Norris~Hello darling long time no see or hear from you how can I help with. Me~You know me too well Calvin*I laugh lowly on the background* I need full access to surveillance for a certain person, Can you come by tonight? Detective Norris~Give me 10-15 mins darling and I will be there in a jiffy. Anything to drink? Me~Bring some of the Jim Beam Devil's cut it's been a while since I had it. Detective Norris~No problem darling on my way. *clicks phone off* There was a knock at the door I grab my .45 from the desk and quickly answer the door peeking through the peephole. Detective Norris arrives home within 20 minutes he held a bottle of Jim Beam Devil's cut on a hand and flowers on the other. Me~Hey you putting the .45 in my holster.*chuckling* *kissing his cheek* Detective Norris~ Hello there beautiful darling *grinning* *he hugs her and kiss her back. Calvin hands over both flowers and bottle of bourbon and walks himself to my desk. He opens my laptop took a sit on my desk chair click a few keys and hacks up the entire police surveillance. I lean forward beside him and kiss his forehead "my man" *knuckles* both chuckling. Calvin got up pulling the chair towards me and grabbing a chair for himself and we both started to look at Mr. Remington frequent places as Calvin click on different places I took notes. I notice in the videos a few of them he was holding on to women*maybe his secretary yeah right I said underneath my breath* They were looking as if they were enjoying themselves*drinks and all* 'oh my' I turn the laptop towards me and click pause and enlarge the images just to be sure it was really Mr. Remington. "I say to Calvin it's definitely him but he is very careful showing his face I mention to Calvin they are very compromising "Calvin" nod his head agreeing with me. As he grabs the bottle of Jim Beam Devil's Cut and reached a few glasses filling each one to the top. I grab my glass *grinning* I raise up the glass and clink it with Calvin's glass *cheers* we both said.. we drank half a bottle and research all we could. It was 4 am in the morning after we gather all the information we found, Me~Calvin I am going to need some sleep to meet with Mr. Remington later or at least make an appointment. Calvin~ I have work darling I am heading home. Me~hey no drinking and driving ...shower and rest your eyes that sofa turns into a bed. And if you need comfy clothes to rest go on the bottom drawer in the bathroom there are some men clothes that belong to my uncle. Calvin~Mumbling ok, ok I will stay. night darling. The next door neighbors woke me up to yelling at each other I realize it's almost 8 in the morning *fuck* I said underneath my breath* I jump up from the bed and walk to the closet grabbing my red blouse and white shorts. I walk over to the bathroom and jump as I see Calvin in the toilet just pulling up his pants*a loud laugh escape my lips* you are late too I grin at Calvin. I kiss his chin *alcohol breath Calvin*. I step into the shower and wash quickly *yawning* I stop the shower and step out to dry and get dress. I dress quickly because I already knew I was going to be late so it took me like 1 min to fix my hair and brush my teeth. I walk over to the kitchen to grab some coffee see ya later soon Calvin I have to go. Calvin~I 'll call you after work. I walk over to the garage and step into my truck and drove a block away from Mr. Remington 's building I was timing time when I receive a text from Calvin I step out quickly out of the truck and walk to the streets sticking out my thumb hollering for a taxi luckily the same usual driver that drops merchandise to Mr. Remington stop. I took the address acting like I didn't know where the place was and hand it over to the driver. To the address below, please. Driver~Oh you are not far Miss Me~Miss Duarte, I said flashing a smile at the driver." like I am going to tell him my real name I scoff. As he drives to the address I answer Calvin's text in his text he had written that Mr. Remington was hiring that it was going to be a good idea to act as if I was looking for a job he also gave me a tip be polite he likes that. I texted him back with a picture attached do you think he goes for it. Calvin reply back oh hell yeah he will. The taxi driver arrives at the building with Miss Duarte sitting on the back seat. I step out of the cab and walk to the main door directly to the receptionist I gave her my best smile. Me~ Ms. I pointed at the hiring sign I believe you are hiring. Receptionist~Yes, Mr. Remington is!... come follow me. I follow the receptionist she walks us to the elevator she walks in and press #5 I follow her as the elevator arrives at floor 5 the bell dings and there is an automated voice saying you have arrived in floor 5. We both step out she walks me to a room where there were three more girls. Receptionist~Mr. Remington will decide which one to hire he is with a person at the moment he will be right out. I took a sit and smile at the other girls hoping none of this girls will get hired I sat there and watch Mr. Remington walk out "next" he said the other person's name" Mr.Remington~Please walk right this way. I almost stop breathing as I hear his fancy voice and elegant style omfg I said to myself this outfit is not going to do it. Meanwhile, at Mr. Remington 's office, Mr. Remington doesn't even step out of his office and I see the last girl before me leaving looking upset. I hear Mr. Remington voice calling out next and when I walk in he looks tense 'my luck' I said under my breath. Mr.Remington~ Take a sit, Miss Duarte, he looks up and down at me. Please tell me why is it you like to work for Remington Associates. Me~ I look him in the eyes my God he is gorgeous hard for any woman to resist, for a moment I thought I was going to freeze and before I took a sit I shake his hand introducing myself. Mr. Remington if I may say I am here to do my job as you please on anything I can help you with. But I am going to be sincere with you I have no experience on what I am applying for.. You see I am in need of what the job is going to offer me financially and emotionally. Mr.Remington~*Clears throat* Miss Duarte you are the only person that has made sense during the interview, you are hired. What you say Miss Duarte can you start tomorrow at 8 am? Me~I open my eyes wide and flash him a thankful smile...Oh yes, Sir I can you will not regret it. I reach out my hand to meet him as he welcomes me into the company. Mr. Remington~Well Miss Duarte I have a meeting until tomorrow. He walks out of the office satisfied. It had been a fantastic day work was easy with Mr. Remington he promotes me the same day as his personal secretary. I follow through all his appointments, clients, acquaintance, staff. I made sure Mr. Remington didn't need anything before 5 o' strike and I clock out as he confirms he no longer needed my assistance for the day. I walk a block from the building where I was park at and stop by the Cafe nearby. I walk into the cafe and order a small coffee the attendant took my order I walk back out I took a sit and a few minutes later he walked to the table where I was sitting at and brought me the coffee. I sat there blowing the cool air at it then I pick up the cup carefully bringing the cup to my lips I sip slowly savoring its taste as the aroma filled my nostrils. My cell phone buzz and it was Calvin I read the text "Dulce Mr. Remington has an appointment with a client at 8 pm. I gasp feeling all hairs rise up." Before replying back I said to myself so he doesn't put everything on his agenda. grrr *fuck* I said between my breath. I text Calvin back where are the coordinates? I press send. He texts back "where are you? you can follow me let me meet you" cell buzz again I am at the cafe a block away from his building I click on send putting my cell phone. I pick up the cup and continue savoring its taste taking bigger sips. I look up and seen Calvin truck approaching so I started to drink it a bit faster. By the time Calvin walk to my table I have done down the coffee, I hear Calvin~ "hey beautiful looking great how was the first day?" I flash him a smile well it was fantastic I was working for him all day at least. He kept me busy plus he promotes me for his personal secretary. Calvin~ "No shocker" Dulce did you know about his meeting at 8. ..... I suspect but was not quite sure Mr. Remington it's pretty sneaky *growls low* I guess I lag on my intuition working for him. *curving lips* Calvin~"Are you sure you were not more intrigue in his personality than on what you are really there for.? *smirking* shut up Calvin. it's 6:45 pm I need to change meet me home okay? she shakes her head. Dulce pick up her purse and dig in for a 5 dollar bill and left it on the table pin underneath the coffee cup. She stood up and push the chair forward and walk to her truck. Then she steps in and started the ignition without fastening her safety belt drove off a few blocks away to her house and park on the rear. I walk bare feet enter the code at the door then walk into the house ran upstairs and started a steam shower. The shower was great but short as I step out of the shower Calvin arrives at the house I still hear the truck on suddenly he turn off the engine and step out I hear him slamming the car door. I walk over to my dresser grab my intimate clothes and then walk over to the walk-in closet. I grab my skinny black jeans and my combat boots and a few black t-shirts. Then I throw on my leather jacket by the time Calvin walks in the house I am double knotting my boots. I walk over to the dresser that's near the door open the purse and shake the bag picking up my both my ID's and credit cards. I pull the drawer out and dig my hand into picking up my I.P badge and place the ID and badge on my back pocket. I walk out of the room into the stairs and walk downstairs. I hear noises coming out of the kitchen that when I knew where Calvin was to busy in the refrigerator *laughing lowly* to surprise him. I walk to the kitchen "Hey you are you rating my fridge *laughs again *. Let's go are you ready? it's 7:30 pm. *Stuffing his mouth* Calvin~ I am "clearing his throat". Follow me......It was pitch black outside when we both walk out Calvin walk me to my truck tapping my back making sure I was caring my conceal then he hopped into his.I turn my blue-tooth on and my cell phone on self pick up, phone buzzing Calvin~ "can you hear me darling" clearing my throat Yes I can now. Calvin~ "good this place we are going to.... looks like a woman won't be caught in there so stay close once we are out in the building. I am going first at all times."When we arrive there were lights on in one room of the building we park on the rear Calvin walk over to meet me. It was already 8 it looks like the meeting started earlier. We started approaching the building outside the building there was not a soul we could see. I follow Calvin as we enter the building the last room of the building was light up. I whisper to Calvin over here let's enter through here Calvin raise his brow, Calvin~ "How you know that was there?" *she smirks* woman's intuition he follows me and what appears to be a closet it was a door entrance to the room we wanted in. I peek in through the crack of the door noticing a few men by the other entrance door armed. Mr. Remington seems to be seating down signing some papers or stacking papers of some kind. My wolf super hearing kick in quite clear I hear Mr. Remington telling the other man beside him I want it done now *pronto *. I signal Calvin it's time to go he grabs me by the waist and led me back out. It took just a few minutes when we are finally out of the building Calvin was dying to know how I knew. *I whisper* I will tell you later suddenly we hear the first man walking out. We start walking faster as I am assuming he hears our steps so the man started walking faster behind our footsteps. I found a hiding spot before approaching my truck I reacted to fast that I snatch Calvin into my hiding spot. *He gasps* I cover his mouth as we both hear the man turning around to walk back to the building. It was midnight when we both arrive back at the house the hours have gone by pretty fast and I have taken a few photos with my camera. I park inside the garage then I step out I walk to the office. Tossing my keys to the corner table by the door and then sat on my desk chair. Placing my cell phone on the desk and attaching it to the laptop.... images begin to appear. I quickly zoom pictures there was the suitcase full of me on the desk and the meeting with men. Looking up at Calvin as he walks, it looks like money laundering to me it seems like each man had *shaking head* Has his wife gone insane *taking a deep breath* This seems the opposite of what she is thinking but this is only the beginning of our investigation. Calvin~ Mrs. Remington is thinking he has a double life with women. She doesn't suspect of this or maybe she already knows about this, and want to catch his infidelity so that she can take all his money who knows we will get to the bottom of this. I took notes as I scan every detail of the images. I look at the time and it was already 3 in the morning when I realize I need to get some sleep before I step into Mr. Remington's office. I am taking off Calvin you can sleep in the guest room or the couch she smiles tiredly and walks upstairs to her room. Until later Cal... The aroma of fresh brew coffee woke me up Calvin was downstairs making me a cup. I look at the clock it was 6:30 in the morning the sun has not even risen up yet. I walk downstairs in my robe messy hair as if we were living together. I reach the kitchen and Calvin flash me a smile offering me a chair and the fresh brew cup of coffee he had made me. Calvin~ "Hey beautiful" Hi, handsome I said softly I reach for the coffee then reach the chair taking a seat as he tucks me in as he stands beside me Mmm the aroma of the coffee was filling my nostrils. So you start early today? I ask... Calvin shakes his head 7:30 am he said softly. Well you better get going it's 7 he smiles finishing his last drop of coffee. Calvin~ have a great day beautiful... Likewise handsome I flash him a smile when I watch him walk out of the kitchen to the living and stepping outside. I momentarily start thinking about this morning images of Mr. Remington. he doesn't look crooked *I curve my lips* then I reach the cup of coffee into my lips sipping it slowly. I look up at the clock on the microwave I better get ready I thought to myself. I finish my coffee then got up and walk out of the kitchen to the stairs into my room. I walk into the walk-in closet and pick out a suitable outfit for the office than walk to the shower taking a quick shower. I then walk out of the shower into my room and got dress as the hour was approaching for me to leave. It was 7:45 when I walk to the garage and step into my truck Mr. Remington had a meeting at 9 am. I turn the ignition on and drove off to the office when I arrive this time I parked my car inside the building 's parking lot. I had arrived minutes before Mr. Remington. He walked in as I was putting in order the files I had to prepare for him to use today. "Good morning Miss Duarte" he smiles good morning Mr. Remington smiling back. He signals me with his watch he was ready to walk into the meeting room. I follow and walked beside him the room was filled with employees. The room was quiet momentarily as Mr. Remington start his speech. It took a few hours then he dismisses the room asking me to stay. He needed to keep me updated with everything we sat beside one another discussing a lot I have learned. Then he dismisses me walking out to his office. I finish my notes and walk out too. *That evening* Dulce had in mind to get this case close no matter what so she set her mind to it. Dulce walk into the main doors of the Nightclub following Mr. Remington and a lady appearing to be his wife *keeping her distance* looking closer in her incognito disguise. "It's not Mrs. Remington" curving her lips. Dulce start snapping photos of the couple. He walks over to the last table where there was very little of the light and less crowded. She took out her mini binoculars watching closer as she bumps into a tall male figure. She looks up and saw his eyes glimmer. "Okay" saying to herself Dulce's nostrils flare taking his scent and the lady beside him. He super hearing activated and she starts listening. "So it's a job his pulling" on what? she said under her breath..It seems as Mr. Remington notice someone watching he place something down behind the chair and pull the women abruptly to the exit door. Dulce didn't want to look suspicious so as she kept her eye on that table she walks to the bar asking for one of her favorite poison "a Dewar's on the rocks" as she stared at the table. As soon as she receives the glass she chugs it quickly. She walks over to the table and took a sit as she scans the entire place being careful no one has noticed her yet. She pulls the chair out where Mr. Remington place the item and she saw a tiny flash-drive sort of glue to the chair. She grabs it quickly replacing it with her empty flash drive and took off to her truck. She unlocks her truck and grab her tablet connected the flash drive and copy it to her memory as she changes clothes and hairstyle. She heard a beep signaling her it was complete she removes it and walks back to the Nightclub. Walking with a grin in her face differently from before and walk to the empty table pull out the chair and took a sit. The bartender notices the empty table is no longer empty and walks by as he sees her signaling him. He approaches the table she is hoping she is not caught yet. Hi the bartender says... hi I said back a bottle of Dewar please ... "is that all? he asks" Yes she places a $100. on the table, as she replaces the flash drive back she hears footsteps before her and she act as if she drops one of her contacts. She fits herself to grab the bottle and thanks to the bartender. He grabs the money and walks away... she walks out of the Nightclub runs to her truck and step in without any seat belts on she turns the engine on and drive off. At the same time, she is texting to Detective Norris asking him to meet her home. Calvin meet me home that night it was late he knew Mr. Remington very well. He worked at his services all these years and he didn't care a slight bit to mention it. I couldn't crack the code that I had to type down to see the images encrypted in it. Calvin helps, as usual, cracking the code and giving me full access Mr. Remington wanted me to see those. Calvin~ "Darling I must confess something that 's been hard to hide from you, " Me~And after hearing his confession I anger instantly throwing the bottle of alcohol I had in my hands hoping it landed on him I growl and scream *Get the fuck out* Calvin ~ calm down and listen he needs you that man you been hunting around for someone else. .... *Eyes glowing* I breath loud and deeply trying to content me. I ask Calvin to leave I needed to think and rest for what was coming tomorrow. *Turns out*that evening Mr. Remington has been watching my every move. He knew my real identity all along but decided to let me have his encrypted information to make it easier*he also knew of my secret* he was also a beast in desperate help. In the crack of dawn my cell phone ring I get up and rub eye to focus on the number that was calling. *I gasp* Lucas Remington. I pick up and answer*hello* Mr. Remington~Miss Duarte or shall I call you Miss Ferrero Me~Call me Miss Ferrero Mr. Remington~Please stop by my office first thing we need to talk I am sure Detective Norris explain. Me~ I exhale *he did sort off. I will meet you first thing. Mr. Remington~Thank you and click his phone off. I couldn't go back to sleep for that extra hour I needed so I walk downstairs to the office turn laptop on the images pop up and I scan each one. 30 minutes went by and shut the laptop off started some coffee and walk back up to the shower. After showering I pick out what I was going to wear and I dress calmly but my with images of that woman and that dark tunnel. I walk back downstairs grab my traveling mug and pour some fresh coffee on it. Then I walk to the garage and started the engine to my truck. I step into the truck open the garage door and drove off. I figure I didn't have to hide my truck or how I really dress when Mr. Remington knew all about me. I cruise slowly sipping my coffee until I arrive at Mr. Remington building. I park the truck in the building and took the elevator to get to the office. Mr. Remington was already waiting for me am I late? I ask Mr. Remington he reply no grabbing a sit for ... Mr. Remington~*Please sit and by all mean comfortable* He pulls his chair and took a seat beside me he grabs his tablet and slides his finger opening as the images pop up. And show me what I saw on those files I took from the club last night. Mr. Remington ~Please call me Lucas may I call you Dulce Me~yes Lucas. Mr. Remington. You had this fancy lady pointing at a picture of me acting like the real Mrs. Remington asking you to follow me. She is not my wife she is an impostor well to make the story shorter she is my wife's sister. That woman in that cage *look at her* pointing at the picture that's my wife she is a prisoner. To the leader of pack or clan however, you wish to call him and his men. They imprison us together in different prisons but I manage to escape and I told my wife I will save her to stay strong but I didn't know when or how. Dulce, he wants my wife to be his mate but my wife never wants him*she feel disgusted by him* he always told my wife she will be the one giving him an heir. So when he found we had married he infuriated and I went to work thinking I had left her in a safe place guarded *he cowardly* sends his men to kidnap her. I already had rescued her before it's how I know this tunnel. When he found out his so call belove mate had her mate help her escape he follows with his man and capture us at gunpoint *yes silver bullets* This time there are too many guards to bribed and most hated me. It's when you come along it's a dangerous place with many beasts as you and I are and I will owe you my life for it. You are the only one that is like us *beast too*. Her sister turns on their families and it's lovers with the leader so he sends her to keep me out of reach of my lovely Luna. Those guns and money you saw the other night it's paying for others to come help. They were my friends and bail out on me after I pay them and armed them. Turning their backs on me and taking the Leader's side. Me~I see clearly now how she wanted to take it all *her sister* Mr. Remington~ the woman knows everything about her twin sister and she can take it all I don't care for materials but I want my Luna safe and sound like before and in my arms. I don't want her to be torture ever time the leader asks her to mate with him*she refuses* Are you going to help *he cross his arms* and look up at Dulce anxiously. If you agree tonight at midnight it's time to attack Mr. Remington reaches his hand to me shake it with a hard smile across his face. I reach his hand and shake his hand *yes I agree* Mr. Remington~Come walk with me he shows me a closet full of weapons he also pointed at the vests *we must wear these * there is an extra one for Luna. We'll travel in your truck they already know mine I 'll meet you at quarter till 10 pm tonight but first where is your truck.?.. Me~On the top of the parking lot I am sure you already know what it looks like the keys are in it. Mr. Remington opens a secret passage that had an elevator to the top parking lot. Mr. Remington~ You will see me coming I need you to pass me all the supplies and go home park your truck until I call and inform you that I am on my way. In the meantime will work this day like others to prevent enemies to know what we had planned. *shaking head* Have lunch with me. Will you? On lunch break meet me at my office we will order take out. Me~ yes *nodding* her head she stood up and walk to the front desk as usual and open the file cabinets organized dig through them as usual as Mr. Remington continue too as if it is a normal day. That afternoon went pretty smooth then I clock out and left home and before I step into the elevator Mr. Remington caught up to me. I look over at him dinner reservations today? I said to Mr. Remington holding my luggage on one side of my shoulder and a file in my other hand. We both step into the elevator. Mr.Remington~ May I call you by your first name? And no I have no dinner plans. me~Yes you may...*she flash him a smile* may I call you Lucas and will you come to visit my home for dinner tonight at 8 pm? Mr. Remington~Sure my treat if you allow me *take out *? Me~ I nodded my head and look at him as a low laugh escape my lips Yes I said. The elevator bell ring announcing we were already on the rooftop both at the same time step out. And as Mr. Remington reach his car he waves until tonight *Dulce* I wave back yes Lucas. I reach the truck unlock it and step in I turn on the ignition took a sit and fasten my seatbelt before I knew he was gone. I drove the truck down and starting to reach the exit when a strange car passes by almost hitting my truck. I stop momentarily and call Calvin the answering machine answer and I clock the phone off *leaving messages wasn't my thing*I place the phone on the dock then the phone vibrated I look up and seen Calvin's name on it. I press talk on the truck 's blue-tooth I hear Calvin swearing then he gets on the phone. Dulce, you got some way of distracting people when they are working. *huh I said he proceeds to explain that the car he was following escape then he describes what it looks like. I responded back to Calvin that a car fitting that description has cut me off on the exit of Mr.Remington's building. Calvin~ I'll call you back *click* I continue driving home I cruise slowly I was not in a rush to arrive home. My eyes were scanning the streets and my mind setting up everything that is supposed to happen *with luck* we both come out of this alive. I reach the street to where my home is located I turn to arrive home. I reach the remote and click open the garage I took my shoes off feeling relief on my feet placing them by the door. Then I walk into the house I turn the living room light switch on and I *scan the house* My nostrils sniff around making sure there were no strange smells signaling I was in danger. *the house was clear* I walk up the stairs into my bedroom my thoughts at that moment was to make a hole on the comfortable huge bed and fall asleep. Instead, I walk in the bathroom and set up a shower as I get undress. I step into the shower the water was so steamy*just perfect* I put my hands against the wall as the water cascade down my body. I close my eyes enjoying the way my body relax almost dozing off . 15 minutes had gone by I started to reach for the body wash and sponge lather myself and finish my shower. After washing truly I turn off the shower and step out. I had wash my day off I was feeling so relax. I dry myself and reach for the robe hanging on the back of the door. I dry off the steam of the mirror and look up didn't put any makeup left it clean as I like it to be. Then I walk to the walk-in closet choosing my favorite clothes to wear *black skinny jeans, black shirt, combat boots. Then I reach up on the shelve for my shotgun *wow* it's been long since I gave it good use. I walk over to the bed and lay the gun down and the clothes. Then walk to the dresser and grab the box of silver shotgun bullets I store on the bottom drawer.*yeah a werewolf such as myself* storing these ha'. I got a dress quickly and put on my combat boots on my favorite part of my outfit. It was 8 pm and Lucas was approaching the house he beeps the horn as I grab the remote to the garage door walk downstairs and watch Lucas pulling in. *I wave* He took a few minutes before walking in he had dinner in the truck. He steps out of his car with 2 bags of Chinese food as he steps into the house the aroma of the food hit my nostrils. *Mmm* I said Chinese food Lucas smile in the other bag he had a foil pan of Lasagna. Shall we have dinner inside or out in the patio I ask Lucas? Lucas~Out in patio it's nice he walks over to the patio with the bags in his hand *I get some dishes* I said. I walk into the patio and set up the table he open the bags and place the food on the table. The aroma of the Lasagna became stronger *homemade* I ask. Lucas nods yes my wife's favorite. Lucas~ What do you want to eat? a smile crosses his lips. Me~ Hmm they both smell great I think I 'll have both. *Lucas chuckles* They both start to eat both with great appetite Lucas and Dulce eat until they couldn't fit any more food. Finishing both bags of food. I stood up and walk to the bar inside and grab a few glasses a bottle of chilled wine. Then I walk back out of the place the glasses on the table and pour some wine. I sip my glass at first slowly then I tilt my head back downing it quick Lucas had already down his. He grabs a few paper towels and hands it over to me I wipe my self stood up and grab the dishes Lucas grab the empty containers and walk over to the trash can. Then he follows me to the kitchen as he starts planning the last details of our journey. He grabs a map and point at the coordination. I shake my head following his finger on the map. Lucas~*we must stay together* or otherwise, we won't survive. Me~ Agree An hour later we both walk over to the garage and hop in my truck. We are taking the first steps to this journey *the drop-off* of the getaway car and weapons and clothes. We headed to the location as we arrive nearby we turn off the engine and step out we camouflage the truck both working together quickly. When we were done we both look up and right before each other eyes *our eyes glow* still in human form we reach our hands and shake on it then we both shift into the beast we both hide. At the moment our journey was to meet again at a safe place *my home*. The breeze was cool to our furs we travel deep into the forest. Lucas and Dulce stop momentarily by a creek to wet their tongues then soon before we knew it we were in my yard. After a long stretch, Dulce shift into her human form walk upstairs and got dress quickly as Lucas walks into the guest room and shift into his human form grab the clothes Dulce had left on the bed. They both meet again at the living room Lucas sit across me there was silence for a moment Lucas had drifted away and watched him drift away took me away also. The silence broke when heard the front door knock Calvin walk in and both our eyes glow. Calvin aka Detective Norris~Mr. Remington everything is done as you instructed and that guy that was following you it's lockdown on my basement. Lucas~ In a deep voice he asks Calvin if he was ready for his position. "I watch Calvin nod yes"....... A few hours went by when Lucas knew it was less security at the prison where his wife was living Calvin signal Lucas that he was taking off and ready to end the case. "I watch Lucas turn to walk out he looks at me and in a deep voice, he said *Be careful sweetheart* I nod my head saying yes *I will* you too take care. Lucas looks at Calvin as he walks away and then he turns his face to look at me. Lucas~ *Are you ready Dulce*? You do know you don't have to do this *his eyes look watery* I will be greatly in debt with you for the rest of my life. Me~I am ready Lucas I am all the way I am not backing off. *My word is my bond* She looks at Lucas as a thank her. Lucas~If we follow what we plan it's going to work. Lucas walks out to the yard remove his clothes and shift to the beast inside him. I watch as he waits for me I strip off my clothes then I shift into a wolf. I walk to the yard and we both look at the moon and howl at the same time. Lucas and Dulce disappear into the forest they speed through the trails. They pass several creeks and caves only stopping a few times for a drink. Lucas and Dulce had arrived they scan the whole area they notice a few men and a few wolf one in each corner of the property. Lucas had no doubt the men werewolves too, they both had each other back. The first wolf approaches Lucas and Lucas without hesitating he goes throat first as Dulce tackles him down as Lucas leave wolf 1 down with a ripped throat.They both take a few steps as wolf 2 sneaks behind Dulce dragging her down with a simple scratch from wolf 2 fangs. Lucas jump on wolf 2 growls furiously reach his throat ripping it out. Dulce stood up and they continue walking as they see man 1 shifting into a wolf. Dulce jumps making them both roll out in the field as Lucas comes along as man 1 it's pin down and goes for the throat killing it instantly as the others. The breeze gets colder making their furs rise up they continue walking. Man 2 surprise to see 2 wolfs coming his way shoots out wanting to hit 1 of the wolves no succeeding he drops his rifle to the ground and shifts to a wolf and between turning in a wolf Dulce jumps and goes for his throat killing him. They reach the entrance of the property Lucas goes in through the balcony and Dulce go down to the basement where the prison is located she hear the struggle and crying. She catches this guard beating on Luna *Lucas 's wife* Meanwhile Lucas meets with the leader still in human form he was getting ready to go trouble Luna as Lucas bumps into him. Calvin arrives and goes behind the guard as the guard watch Dulce approaching. The guard picks up his rifle to shoot at Dulce as Calvin grabs him by the throat hit the guard with his shotgun. The leader jumps in the air his eyes glowing Lucas growls viciously the leader it's turning. Lucas allows him to turn when he can just jump in the air and finish him taking his life. Calvin and Dulce release Luna she 's hurt she can't content flashing into a wolf and human form *she is weak* and have lost a lot of blood. Calvin grabs Luna as Dulce leads him to the truck and in between reaching the truck wolf 3, that she didn't notice jumps in the air tackling her making roll around the grass. Calvin puts Luna down grab his shotgun from his back and shoots out to hit wolf 3 hitting him in the back leg. Lucas and the leader bump head tackling one another and growling loud, they both standing firm. Dulce sees her chance jumps in the air and goes for wolf 3 throat as wolf 3 yipes as Dulce shake her head penetrating her fangs deep. Calvin walks closer to Dulce and caresses her ears *good girl* Dulce walks where Luna is and lick her blood softly. As Calvin pick her up in her arms again Dulce continue leading Calvin to the truck they finally reach the truck Dulce shifts into human form and helps Calvin removing the camo of the truck and opening the door of the truck. Calvin gets Luna in the back cab of the truck and Dulce looks for safety kit. Dulce takes the safety kit to Calvin and sets out all the necessary life saver she could find. Calvin proceeds and takes care of Luna. Dulce turns the ignition on and takes full speed to save Luna. Dulce looks at Calvin through the rear view mirror for about 45 minutes until Luna becomes stable. Lucas and the leader continue fighting *the leader it's hurt and it's weak* but not giving up. Lucas decides it's time to end his life and tackles the leader down once more Lucas pin him down and bites his heart out.Dulce, Calvin, and Luna have finally arrived at Dulce home. Dulce reach the remote and click open the garage Dulce park her truck inside. Calvin and Dulce step out as Dulce open the cab's doors Calvin grab Luna and walk to the guest room laying Luna down being careful. Dulce walk in the guest room walk to the closet and grab the blankets and cover Luna. *Now she needed to heal* Calvin and Dulce walk out of the guest room. Dulce walk to her bedroom and Calvin to the living room and when they thought it was safe Luna's sister force herself into Dulce home. Attacking Calvin from behind asking for the whereabouts of Lucas. Dulce with her super hearing hears Calvin being choked she grabs her shotgun and loaded it up. And quietly and quickly walk downstairs taking the opposite direction of the living room walking in through the secret passage straight to the living room facing Luna's sister back. Dulce call out Calvin 's name and Luna's sister came running towards her as Dulce shoots out hitting her on the heart. Pieces of Luna's sister body flew in the air Calvin runs to the guest room to check on Luna and Dulce follow when they arrive Luna was fast asleep. Meanwhile, Lucas had a few scratches and wound that his fallen enemy has to give him. Lucas found a cave nearby Dulce 's home and rest to heal. It has been a week and no sign of Lucas Remington his wife Luna was already started to ask a question. Dulce try to avoid the question because she didn't know the whereabouts of Lucas if he was still alive or dead. She told Luna that Lucas knew how to take care of himself and that she was sure he will appear soon. Dulce wanted to take advantage of her spare time she walks out to the yard and undresses. Once she was nude she started her transition into the beast. Her eyes glow, her bones crack forming larger bones in her transformation her nails appear as claws. She howls in pain something she had to get used to over the course of the years. After transformation *she-wolf* run out of the yard into the deep forest she was enjoying the breeze that caresses her fur. She went up and down the hills of the forest through trails until she reaches a creek stopping momentarily she step into the creek. The current was calm and she dips her nose into the water multiple times then took a drink of the fresh running creek. After stretching her legs she decided to head back home. But ran into a male wolf his scent reminds her of someone. The male wolf scans her and approaches the she-wolf after the male took her scent he nozzle her. After the nozzle, the she-wolf continues her return home and the male wolf follows behind her. When she arrived she transforms into her human self and went she look behind her she gasps in surprise to see Lucas. She looks over at him looking at large wounded scars in his body. She walks inside her house straight to the downstairs bathroom and grabs some clothes putting them quickly. Then she looks in the cabinet and grabs some clothes for Lucas. We talk for a few minutes I directed him into the guest room. I follow him to show him he look back to thank me with tears in his eyes. I hear Luna cry with joy he walks to the bed and sat beside her they both hug each other I look inside the room a smile cross my lips* then I close the door behind me |
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