Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2192016-My-Life
Rated: E · Short Story · Writing · #2192016
Tells about a little girls life to her death
Hi, seeing how this might take a while you might want to grab your glasses and cozy up with a warm blanket in a nice comfortable chair. My name is Haven and I'm gonna tell you my life story and before you click away just stay a little while and if you still aren't feeling the story then you can click away. So I was born on the day of October 1, 2005 at exactly 6:30 AM around the same time my mom was diagnosed with Vertebral hemangiomas, if you don't know what that is it basically means that she has multiple tumors on her spinal cord witch means she is also terminal and if you don't know what that means it means that she could die any second. Me and my older brother had to grow up taking care of each other because my mom was always in pain and she could barely even walk most days and my dad well he was never really around much he was always at work or out of town. My brother was always there for me just like I was always there for him until he started to get in trouble with the law he started to push me away and started to hang around with the wrong crowd and him and some of his 'friends' got into some trouble and he was sent to JDC if you don't know what that is it is the Juvenile Detention Center he took the blame for something they did just because was older and felt obligated to take the blame. After that I felt like I was alone I had no one to help me take care of myself and my mom I had no idea what to do I had no idea what to think. I was scared what if I gave my mom the wrong pills what if i give her to many hell I barely knew how to take care of myself. I finally got the hang of things after a couple of weeks I learned my moms medications in no time I had the days and times down I would write down exactly when i gave them to her so I would never forget. I learned how to cook simple dishes like Mac&Cheese and Tuna Casserole then I moved on to more difficult dishes like Steak and Potatoes or Homemade hamburgers. Time flew by so fast before I knew it my brother was out of JDC I was so happy to see him it was one of the happiest days in my life but he wasn't as happy as I was he... changed a lot it almost felt like i didn't even know my own brother I felt like he didn't want me anymore like he was ashamed of me.
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