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Elastigirl stops a bank robbery by accident |
Lilith was walking through the halls of her temple wearing a pair of black sweat pants, a loose fitting tank top with a faded band logo, and a pair of black leather combat boots. The temple was boiling hot today and extra humid, like the worse days of summer where it would just be best to stay home and crank the AC. But this was of course on purpose, the goddess found three followers who weren’t being cooperative complaining about such juvenile things like “You crushed my friend into red paste” or “You are no goddess you are a psychotic demon”. Which Lilith saw as rather rude so she turned one into a pair of purple panties that were one size too small, and turned the other two into socks. But to be a bit “kinder” to them she let them keep all their senses in there new form, Lilith was already sweating buckets due to the heat alone so she sat down in her throne to let the three followers really think over what they did. She flipped on the interdimensional TV, she wasn’t even looking for a universe to play with but just something to pass the time. After awhile she found a bank robbery, it was rather cartoonish as the six robbers were piling up literal sacks of money from a stupidly large vault door. There were two women and four men judging by their body type, each of their masks were different a bunny, a gimp, a jester, a wolf, a nun, and a grim reaper. The women in the bunny mask seemed to be the leader as she shouted orders and watched the hostages. Lilith grew a bit more interested after the Jester said they had “Two minutes till the cameras came back on” and Bunny shot into the air and told the hostages to get out and flee. They didn’t question this and all made a mad dash out the front door. After everyone but the robbers evacuated they huddled up by the pile of money bags. Bunny pulled out some weird metal box contraption “Okay so we all get the plan right? We use this to shrink us and the money and then escape through that air vent” she said pointing at the lower wall near the money bags. The rest of the team nodded before the bunny pressed the button and all the robbers shrank so small they would be specks to anyone normal sized, but sadly for them only four bags of money were caught in the shrink radius. Lilith burst into laughter at the whole luck of the situation, she didn’t do anything and now not only were the robbers shrunk but they couldn’t even steal all the money. The robbers debated growing back and trying again but then they heard chanting outside for “Elastigirl”. It would take far too long to grow back and try again so the six cut their losses and tried to head out the vent with the four bags of cash. As any good law-abiding citizen would do Lilith used her influence and caused the vent fans to blow as hard as they could sending all the robbers in different directions as Elastigirl came in. Gimp mask didn’t go far as he flew out the way the robbers entered, the bags of cash towering over him like skyscrapers as he could see every little weaving in the sack. He heard something scrape across the tile next to him, it was the shrinking device. He was about to get up and grab it to try and undo this cluster fuck of a get away when he looked up and saw a gargantuan being speeding towards him. It was Elastigirl in her tight Red and black spandex that formed perfectly to her body. Her heels clicked against the ground as she looked rather confused, probably due to all the money and serious lack of robbers. The Gimp fell over as the goddess sized super hero got closer, the ground shaking like a 6.5 earthquake from her foot steps. The clicking of her heels were deafening as she got closer. He closed his eyes in pain when you opened them he saw the shrinking device get smashed under her right foot and looked up to see her left heel coming down for him. Time slowed down for The Gimp as patches of dirt fell off the sole of her heal and crashed around him like balls of hail, his view was filled with darkness as the super hero’s foot eclipsed the sky, he felt it press against his body until his bones gave way all at once and he popped. Elstagirl stopped looking at the pile of cash baffled by the fact it was just left here, looking in the vault and still nothing. She scratched her head in complete confusion, the only clue she had was an odd drop of what seemed to be blood on the floor next to some silver dust. The Wolf went up and around due to the AC blowing at maximum power, if anything he was the luckiest of the six. He found himself blown downward as he just barely missed a slow spinning fan blade, all he saw below him was the tile bank floor which seemed like miles down. The Wolf closed his eyes some what accepting his fate until he landed on something like tree branches made of fabric pool noodles. He hit multiple strands of the soft branches slowing his fall till he safely landed on the ground. The wolf looked around to see a thick tall brown forest, the ground had a few thin white platforms that could easily slide around. His entire world felt like it was moving, slightly up and down but mostly forward. He knew he was on someones head but it didn’t matter, if he could just get off and escape maybe he could grow back. He chose a random direction and started pushing through the flowing bushy brown forrest. The hair was honestly very soft as he didn’t mind it brushing against his body. The wolf was having trouble pushing through as the thick healthy strands would need at least a machete to cut through. He looked up to see if the forrest was getting shorter, just to get get an idea if he was close to the edge. But to The Wolf’s horror he saw a massive black gloved hand above him. It charged down straight for him as Elastigirl gave a little scratch. The fingers bent the trees down on top of him, the massive spires past over him three times each time flattening his form more and more until he was just a red spec of dandruff. Elastigirl stopped scratching her head as she noticed something before heading towards the bank teller desks, The Jester was caught off guard by the sudden gust of wind, she was sent flying through the air vents before taking a rather long fall. She landed on something hard and smooth, it wasn’t wood and wasn’t cool like tile so it wasn’t the floor either. She lied there in pain for a bit before an odd smell slithered up her nose, it was peppermint. The Jester’s eyes shot open as she tried to get up but her body was stuck to the surface, she was surrounded by fields of white with bursts of neon red and in the distance saw blurry version of the bank. Elastigirl tried to think of where the robbers could have gone, as she went to check the security footage. Elastigirl walked around the bank teller desk and saw a sign “Love is sweet, Take a treat” with a glass bowl of mints. The Jester heard the clicking of heals against the tile grow closer and closer until the landscape was cast in shadow. The Jester felt weightless as she was lifted into the air with the mint candy before hearing a voice boom around her “Just one wouldn’t hurt”. Elastigirl tossed the mint into her mouth without a second thought The Jester was tossed into the humid cave onto the hero’s warm moist tongue, the candy landscape she was stuck to started to melt. Elastigirl’s hyper active beast that she called a tongue was tossing the mint around licking every inch of it, anytime she licked the Jester it would push the poor robber into the dissolving candy more like quicksand. The curious tongue eventually focused on the Jester, trying to figure out what this added flavor was, it was like having a wet body pillow press against her back. Eventually as the mint grew thinner the Jester was able to see again, being trapped to her candy disk. The tongue grew bored of it’s new toy and tossed it aside, the Jester looked up to see the pearly white molars. She let out a mix of a scream and a blood curtailing cry for mercy before the molars pounded her to to dust. Elastigirl entered the security room as she chewed up her free candy, she swallowed it before letting out a satisfied minty fresh ahhhh. The nun was blown furthest away from the sudden gust in the vents. He was blown out on the far other end of the bank, he flies out of a vent across a room before slamming into the back rest of a swivel chair. It didn’t hurt as much as say slamming into the tile floor but knocked the wind out of him as he fell to the cushion. He looked up from the chair catching his breath as he saw a wall of monitors with black and white footage of the mostly empty bank. The Nun realized he was in the security room, suddenly he hears the door open before a loud crunch and gulp. He knew someone was coming, with a new shot of adrenaline he stood up and ran to the edge of the chair. But looking down there was no way he could just jump without at least breaking both his legs. The Nun thinks of another plan fast, if he climbs the back of the chair he might be able to jump on whoever came in and hitch a ride outside where his friends probably are. He starts running towards the back of the chair but half way there the floor below him does a 180 and sweeps him off his feet. He lands on his back looking up to see a goddess size Elastigirl, he was awestruck by her size and beauty. He froze up and waited to be scooped up and taken away by her to the police station. But that didn’t happen, due to his black suit and mask with black hood Elastigirl couldn’t have noticed him if he was bigger. Elastigirl turns around as the Nun gets a view of two blood red moons separated by a line of darkness crashing down towards him. Elastigirl plops down into the leather chair it felt extremely well used as if 90% of the cushion stuffing had been pushed out and all that was left was the plastic slate. The hero milf wouldn’t mind as she wouldn’t be here long and grinded the seat to get comfy, she could hear the old chair creaking and popping under her weight. The Nun let out a yelp as he realized what was happening before he was pinned under one of the blood red moons. He wondered how something that looked as soft as a cloud and jiggly like jello could feel like 10 steel elephants pushing down on him. The stuffing in the cushion felt compressed to him now as he just lied on hard concrete. His body was screaming in pain on the verge of giving in and flattening, He would scream but the spandex suit was smothering him. The Nun might have survived but the shifting of Elastigirl’s hips made his body give in. The left cheek would lift slightly above him before slamming back down each time compressing his body flatter and flatter till it was a red stain on her red suit. Elastigirl chuckled lightly to herself as she wondered if the cracking of the chair was because she was too much for it to handle or if it was just an old chair. She looked around the security terminal before finding a tiny device. She skimmed the footage and realized the device must have froze the image for most of the robbery. She got up and headed back to the sacks of money near the vault, leaving a red blot on the seat that would forever be unnoticed. Elastigirl started putting the bags back in the vault as the bankers could figure out where it goes later, once it was all in she shut the door. The Grim Reaper was in the vents the longest out of everyone but didn’t actually go far, he was just slammed around for a few minutes, his body feeling very sore from hitting the metal walls. When the vents finally spit him out he finds himself in free fall, just barely missing the blade of a slow spinning fan. He sees the tile floor hundreds of feet below him but also notices Elastigirl walking towards where he was falling as he hears the vault door slam shut. He aims for her, since her soft flexible body is probably softer than tile floor. Mr Grim almost misses her but plows into her stomach, it didn’t effect her as it was like a butterfly flying into a window. He pressed into the safety net like tummy but quickly began to slide down her perfect figure, Mr Grim desperately grabbed for anything before getting lucky. His hand was able to grab onto the seam between the red of her suit and the black thong. He hung on for dear life as he heard her heels clicking below him like the seconds of a clock ticking down to when he would lose his grip. Her hips slowly swayed side to side like it was trying to knock him off but he pressed on. He tried not to think about how through a few layers of clothes he was inches away from a super human’s womanhood. Elastigirl walked out of the bank and down the steps, each extra drop almost making her hitchhiker lose his grip. She walked to her motorcycle before explaining to the cops that the robbers seemed to disappear and there is no footage of them leaving, she will go check the alleys and back roads to try and find them. Mr Grim felt like his arms were going to be pulled out of their sockets but luckily for him Elastigirl sat on her cycle leaving him a small enough drop to let go. He regretted this choice almost instantly as the black leather seat left in the midday summer sun was burning hot, he was like an egg dropped into an unbuttered frying pan as he stuck to the seat. He was horrified by how large she was compared to him as her crotch alone towered over him like a 6 story building. Elastigirl finished explaining to the police what happened and headed off on patrol to find the robbers, unlucky for Mr Grim the back roads were extra bumpy and in terrible shape. Every bump would cause her to lift high into the air before crashing back down into the seat, sending a small jiggle through her body. The first thing to go when she landed more forward were Mr Grim’s legs, they snapped like toothpicks under her crotch. To make things even worse when she hit another bump her spandex suit peeled him off the seat and tossed him under her crotch, he landed on his stomach and when she smashed down again his spine broke in two. He was crying and begging for it to end and he got his wish, with one last bump Elastigirl went even higher into the air lifting grim off the seat as he flipped in the air. He was basically vertical when her womanhood slammed down on him like a sledge hammer completely flattening his body into a small flat dot. Elastigirl looked for hours but couldn’t find a trace of an escape vehicle, never knowing she already “caught” all the suspects. Lilith leaned back with a laugh, happy she hardly had to do anything to watch the pathetic humans meet their demise. But she stopped, she only saw five of the robbers crushed into oblivion where was the last one, the bunny leader. She rewinded the “show” and kept focus on the bunny once the vent turned on. The Bunny went up high into the air vents but like the Gimp she didn’t go that far. The vent spewed her out and let her free fall, she had a soft landing and looking around saw fields of green literally. She had landed in one of the sacks of cash. The Bunny froze in fear as Elastigirl loomed over her and looked right at her. But Elastigirl couldn’t notice the speck of a leader in the cash. The Bunny heard the heels click away into the distance, at one point hearing some sort of crunch echo through the bank. The Bunny tried to climb out of the bag but couldn’t get a grip. She tried for awhile but eventually heard the clicking heels slowly return as the goddess hung over her. She watched Elastigirl bend down, feeling she had been noticed until the super hero grabbed the bag and closed it. The Bunny felt weightless for a moment before hitting the ground, she realized what was going on as she heard a few more sacks drop around hers. She screamed at the top of her lungs not wanting to die such an ironic death but it was too late as Elastigirl tossed in the last few sacks on top of the others the tremendous weight of the cash she planned to steal came crashing down on top of the bunny. Leaving her as a red blot on a dollar bill. Lilith burst into laughter at the poetic death of the leader. She switched off the tv still chuckling, also having completely forgot about the transformed slaves she was torturing. Which may have been the best for them because now Lilith was thinking of some more ironic ways to kill her slaves. She left her throne to put the ideas into practice. |