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Lilith is a goddess about to finish her Centuries long goal. |
Lilith stopped for a moment towering over her throne. She stood bare naked as sweat dripped down her body and shimmered in the light of her temple. Lilith was wondering if she should savor this moment, it had been a long 290 years but she was about to finally snuff out the last living beings who defied her. The pathetically tiny city sat on her throne, the citizens looked up in horror waiting their demise by the two pale wet suns crashing down onto them. Some of the citizens did disappear as they became followers of Lilith, but most stayed knowing that being a follower is worse than death. Followers of the goddess would gain eternal life…in a sense, they became tiny slaves to the cruel goddess. She would do as she pleased with them eating them like popcorn, using them as a seat cushion for her throne, getting them to lick her clean, or even turning them into clothes for years at a time till the clothes became a stained pile of threads soaked in bitter salty sweat. And after her slaves suffered a painful fate she would just resurrect them and do it all again. Lilith finally decided to draw out the city’s destruction just a bit. She grabbed the arm rests of her throne and began to slowly lower herself onto the city. The bubble cheeks eclipsed the light over the city. Droplets of sweat dripped off the pale moons crashing down and destroying smaller buildings and flooding roads. Lilith slowly and teasingly wiggled her ass as it descended, just this tiny action caused windows in the city to wobble and threaten to shatter. Lilith stopped as she felt the needle of of the tallest building poke her goddess cheeks. “This is it I’m finally going to wipe you good for nothing micros off this universal plain. Some of you still have a chance to leave this doomed city, just think you get eternal life and hey maybe you will get a good job like being the extra bumps on my night time toys. Every few nights you could be covered in a goddesses warm love juices, which I must say is a real honor. Or maybe you will be lucky and just be a dish sponge for a few decades, what do you got to lose really?” Lilith spoke down in a mocking tone, she didn’t honestly care if she got more slaves she had billions at this point. As she was thinking she had a sudden ping in her stomach and grew a devilish grin. Without warning to the city below a horrid tornado spewed from Lilith’s goddess size ass. She spewed gas onto the city for a little over half a minute. Any air in the city was replaced with sulfur gas that smelled of eggs decomposing in the summer sun. Buildings were blown away like a nuke just went off, cars and people were sent flying like plastic bags in a tornado. Anyone caught in ground zero were pushed into the ground by the sheer force of wind and happy they died quickly since if they did survive the smell would be a torturous memory forever imbedded in their minds. Lilith stood up tall and grabbed her gut as she started laughing. She wasted no time finishing off the survivors as she slammed her ass back down on the throne and bounced in her seat still laughing sinisterly, slaves all over the temple heard the laughter and shivered in fear. The last handfuls of survivors didn’t stand a chance as Lilith slammed down on top of them shattering all of there bones. they felt every crashing fall till their bodies gave in and popped like a packet of ketchup under a leather boot. Lilith felt the last useless soul pop under her divine cheeks and started to catch her breath from the laughter. She slowly faded into silence as she felt something empty. She knew she should be happy, every living being in her universe is now her slave. It’s all she ever wanted but now there is some type of emptiness. Days started to go by with slaves doing their daily chores, a bit confused (but still happy) that their goddess hasn’t called upon them for entertainment. Lilith sat in her throne thinking she could just torture the billions of slaves but they will all just come right back. She could start killing them but then what would she do when the last one pops, she would be left alone in her universe. She sat for awhile in silence, no one dared to ask her what is wrong as that could just end with them being turned into toilet paper or placed somewhere on the goddess’ uncleaned body. Through Lilith’s sad boredom she summoned a tv, a tv to watch the happenings in other universes. She watched bored seeing people go through their day as she once did centuries ago. She watched a women making some type of dip in her kitchen, she was wearing a teal tank top that seemed to have trouble holding her breasts, black yoga pants that looked like they were strangling her lower body with how little they left to the imagination. She had blonde wavy hair that went past her shoulders, emerald green eyes, and lips painted a reddish purple. A phone rings for the women as she walks off and a man walks into frame he was in a white lab coat and slacks. He had short brown hair and black rimmed glasses. He did seem rather fit for a scientist, Lilith saw him slide a weird device into his pocket before using his finger to get a taste of the dip on the counter. Lilith tried to use her power to get a better look at the device in his pocket when suddenly it goes off. The man shrinks down to half the size of an ant and falls into the bowl of dip. Moments later the women walks back in as Lilith was still watching in shock. “Okay Martin that was Becky, I’m going to head up to the party, you should join us once you’re done with your secret project” The women called out in a valley girl tone, almost talking teasingly at the end. Little did the women know Martin was done with his project and was trying to scream up to her for help. His fall left him completely covered in the dip but he got a bit of excitement as the women looked down at him with a smile, his heart sank as she licked her lips. “I guess one chip wouldn’t hurt” the women said casually before reaching to put a chip in. Martin tried to swim away but the thick white dip made it impossible to swim with any form of speed. The chip dived into the creamy pool and scooped under him. Martin was lifted into the air begging for his life and to be notice, all the while Lilith watched with pure delight and excitement literally on the edge of her seat. The pillowy relish purple lips slowly opened as Martin was brought into the moist cavern before what sounded like a car being compacted sealed him in darkness. The women began to chew tossing the chip and Martin around, he was able to dodge her pearl white molars for a bit but once the chip and dip mixed into a larger ball of mush her was brought under the crushing teeth. First his legs were shattered and then sliced off, he screamed bloody murder before being tossed to the other side and feeling his body shatter under the first bite. He was in unbelievable pain until the molars slammed down one last time completely flattening his head and torso, the only part of Martin still whole was his arms which were swallowed with the rest of the mush. The women let out a loud burp with a satisfied look on her face “I am amazing, this dip is killer” Lilith took a moment sitting in shock not even realizing yet that this whole situation made her pretty wet. As the women picked up the chips and dip to leave Lilith tried to use her influence to add more tinies to the dip but nothing happened. She turned off the tv thinking once more. “So I can’t influence them on a massive scale but I can influence other universes on smaller scale.” A large devilish smile grew on her face as Lilith found a way to fill the emptiness inside her. |