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I wrote this draft having seen how much the world has changed in such but a short time. |
A Touched Mind In my opinion, I think life is awesome because eventually everything is under God's control and only Him alone. We are His subjects and we are His children. Don't you believe that that is a pure fact? And that Him being in control gives us dominion for when He is in control we are in control. Man is a supreme being according to the Bible which has to be true for it is His word. Plus nothing else really explains why man is somewhat special. Meditating upon His scriptures day and night will surely open your eyes to the truth. See, there is a god of this world, the devil himself, who is our common enemy. Until we all come to that realization and understand that all we have is each other and that love is the only remedy to all our conflicts we will suffer under his vicious rule. For the scripture says, love your neighbor as you love yourself so always have your neighbor in mind. It further points out that your neighbor isn't just the person living right next to you but rather anyone who might be in need of your help according to the parable of the Good Samaritan. See only the Bible alone displays the real and vain truth of who we are and what we are up against. When Christ Jesus was on earth He vaguely warned us against serving God and Mormon . He specifically told us to give to Caesar what belongs to Caesar. Therefore money can only be the devil's for God doesn't need any of that to survive. Let's be honest and trace where money came to existence in the Bible. Christ himself had no need for money but he rather chose to walk with the rejected for He knew that they needed Him more. Shouldn't that be the point? Didn't the wise point out that money is the root of all evil? All we get to see nowadays are the norms. Where people thrill your downfall, where hate is the new love and being fake is the new real. Sodom and Gomorrah was just but a story in the Bible and when the Bible hinted that we would go back to those days, I thought of it as a joke for I didn't believe that such was possible. A few years later it's all happening right in front of me. Where evil is being praised in most TV shows and all we're doing is sitting and waiting for the new era to be ushered in. An era of lawlessness, where evil manifests in the world and this environment then gives the devil and his minions' power to do as they please. All this being done through one avenue, our children, where they are being corrupted with the ways of the evil one. Jesus said, "Let the little ones come to me." So if we truly care for what's about to come. Let's focus on the children for the system has found a way to enslave the adults through work and provision a system that takes and rarely gives. |