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This was a theme given to me by my friend and the tittle says it all . |
Life is nothing but a game A game of chess where The smartest wins the game. Brain is very crucial in it Cause it determines your chances To win with also no army by your side. Then comes your hand You need it to portray your choices. Then again it may get its own mind And deceive your brain! Then another player in this game is the soul, The soul that tells you where u belong, The very soul that guides you to your destination, The one that you were born with The one that you keep on forgetting As soon as you get involved in the material luxuries. Then comes The famous heart ! The one that is the most delicate! It is the one that fights with your brain , hand and soul. This is the game changer for many. The heart is something that we adore, We adore it if someone has a big heart. We adore the heart that places humanity above religion, But we hate the ones with small heart. We hate the ones that have a heart made of stone. We hate it even more when someone is heartless. Then again we blame this very heart For breaking like a glass! We blame it for being a player . We keep on saying that The heart is the most complexed one ! But how is it complexed when we are Not sure about ourselves! We don't know what we are and what we want , We keep on changing and blame the heart for it! As we proceed in this game , We encounter other players, Who are on the same game , Maybe at different levels, Fighting different devils , At different situations . We may tend to like the way The other players perform We may feel that they are better than us. We may try to copy them ,follow them. In the process we lose a part of ourselves. Then again on one side We admire the other players On the other hand we get jealous of them . We admire their strength, their tactics We admire their intelligence But on the same time we get jealous Of them having more strength than us Of being more intelligent than us. That’s how this game rolls With us having the inferiority complex. When we start failing we want to cry We feel like a complete failure when We continue to fail again and again , We ask god that why all the troubles come to us only ? We fear to cry in public cause we are told that It makes us weak and nobody likes a weak person. We are told to hide our emotions from others Cause nobody likes an emotional person. We are told that feeling these emotions are not okay We are told that we need to delete them , But what happens if these are natural When we are bound to feel them What happens if we don’t learn to control them. That’s when they turn worse than before The normal emotion becomes extreme The one that’s not good But we don’t know how to control it ! Then on the other hand , We expect people to show sympathy , When ever we face big loss in our life, Like losing a close one , Like failing in exam of life, Like getting your heart broken , Like getting involved in accident , When we don't get the response we want, We curse people for being heartless , We hate everyone for not showing their emotions! When we see others in trouble We don't want to help We feel that it will invite more trouble, But on the other hand When we are in trouble And are seeking for help We hate when others don't help. Why is it that we hate people For doing what we do! For thinking like us ! We get into arguments We get misunderstood We get blamed We feel nobody understands us We cry and feel sad thinking That when will someone understand us When will people start thinking like us. When someone copies What the whole crowd is doing Then we call them sheep We feel that they are good for nothing That they can't do anything unique Can't express their thoughts . What's the fun in doing what Everyone else is doing We call it boring . We get scared whenever We want to do something We ask our self what will others say Will they disapprove my actions Will they make my life hell We can't escape this trap Trap of fear of being left alone. Why is it that We get broken by our own expectations We get let down by our own selves We make big impossible expectations When will we learn from our mistakes When will we stop expecting things. Why do we have to become Like somebody else Why can't be become like our own selves Why do we have to compete with others Why can't we compete with ourselves Why can't we try to be better than yesterday. Why can't we learn to love ourselves Why do we have to wait for others to love us. Why can't we help our self Why do we wait for others to help us. Why can't we just be our ideal selves. The ideal self that we imagine becoming Since we were young Since we started talking and dreaming Why can't we stop making life hell for ourselves. The day we learn to except ourselves Just the way we are The day we learn from our mistakes The day we stop keeping expectations The day we don't require anyone else That very day we will become our ideal self . |