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Two teenage twins start a curse of bad luck. Will someone break the curse? |
One night Marvella and Amorette put their kids to bed. The kids ask, ¨Can you tell us the story again.¨ Amorette and Marvella look at each other and say, ¨Of course.¨ Marvella looks at Amorette and asks, ¨Do you want to start first?¨ Amorette nods, ¨Sure.¨ She walks towards the bookshelf and grabs the huge scrapbook and the extremely old book that tells each generations story. She sits back down and starts to read. There once was a loving married couple lived in the kingdom named King James and Queen Calissa. Ever since they got married they were trying for a baby. After 3 years,they were blessed with beautiful identical twins, a baby boy and a baby girl. They named their baby girl Jeanette because it means God is gracious, and named their baby boy Jeremiah because it means exalted of the Lord. The Birth of the curse One day it was Jeanette’s and Jeremiah’s 16th birthday. Their father called them and said, “I’m so sorry I have to leave on this special day of yours, but I have to leave on a special business trip in Australia, Sydney I won’t be back for a while,” then he hung up. Jeanette and Jeremiah looked at each other and cried on each others shoulder. They walked up to their room and all of a sudden they heard screaming and gunshots. The twins looked at each other in terror. Jeremiah told her “Don’t leave this room and lock it, I am going to make sure mom is safe.” She starts shaking her head and says, “No please don’t, please your my best friend, please.” Jeremiah puts Jeanette in his arms and held her and whispered, “I need to make sure mom is okay and bring her in here.” Jeanette shakes her head and cries. Jeremiah kneels down and whispers, “You need to be quiet.” Jeremiah stands up and quietly opens the door. As soon as he opens the door a teenager stands at the door with a gun pointed to their moms head. Jeanette whispers “Julian,” she gets on her knees and pleads for her moms life. Julian smirks and says, “It’s either your mother dies and you marry me, or a curse is to be upon you forever.” Jeremiah yells, “Neither, both of those are terrible.” Jeanette looks at Jeremiah and says, “I’m sorry,” she walks over to Julian and says “Let go of her, I will marry you and except the curse forever.” The beginning of the curse Julian lets go of their mother and grabs Jeanette by her arm and brings her to a separate room. Julian locks the door and says, “We will be getting married tomorrow and you will bare me kids.” Jeanette starts to have tears roll down her face and says, “Okay, Why are you doing this?¨ Julian smirks and says, ¨I want to have the throne and you know what I need to do in order for me to do that.¨ Jeanette sighs in disbelief and says, ¨You wouldn’t!¨ Julian laughs and says, ¨Oh I definitely would, I would do anything to get the throne,¨ he hesitates and continues ¨don't worry I won't kill them until tomorrow, after our wedding and you bare me children.¨ Jeanette starts to cry. Julian puts her in his embrace, "I don't wanna have to do this my beautiful princess, but you gave me no choice. " Jeanette looks at him and whispers, "Please don't do this to me my love, I'm sorry I left you for Jaxon, I will marry you just don't hurt my mom and Jeremiah," she cries even more and says, "Jeremiah is my best friend, he has been there for me my whole life, please." Julian wipes her tears and says, "I'll think about it okay beautiful." She nods and says, "Okay, thank you so much." As the night came upon them Julian and Jeanette went to bed and he wrapped his arms around her, and they fell asleep. The next morning, Julian wakes her up, "Rise and shine beautiful, it's time to get ready for the wedding." She wakes up and gets out of bed. She asks him, "What time does it start?" He smiles and says, " In 4 hours." She jumps out of bed and asks, "Why are you just now telling me this I'm going to need an extra hour." He smirks and says, "I can't reschedule the wedding." Jeanette sighs and says, "Okay, I will just have to hurry." Jeanette gets dressed and searches for the perfect wedding dress. She enters the store and automatically thinks ,"this is going to take forever to find a perfect dress." The store clerk bows and asks, "What could I help you with princess?" She smiles and says, "Just call me by my name and there is no need to bow, and I am looking for a wedding dress." The store clerk squeals and says, "I have a few ideas, come follow me," they walk into to a dressing room and continues, "I have made these dresses for a special event and I want you to use one of these dresses." Jeanette nods and says, "These dresses are so beautiful." She turns around and lays her beautiful, sparkly blue eyes on the perfect dress. It is a white, long, laced, flowy dress. She turns towards the store clerk and asks, "Genevie, can I have this one? It is absolutely perfect." Genevie looks at her and says, "Of course, you can have it for free, you have always helped me to pay for meals, rent, basically with everything." Jeanette looks at her and says, "Thanks but I'll pay for it, you can repay me by coming to my wedding, don't worry I will buy you a dress and everything, and I want you to live in the kingdom with me." Genevie looks at her and asks, "What, are you serious?" Jeanette nods and says, "Of course your my best friend." She looks at her watch and says, "I have to get going I only have 3 hours left," she looks behind her and says, "Come on you're coming with me." Genevie walks behind her and the both head back to the kingdom. They head straight for the bathroom, and puts on her beautiful dress. Jeanette looks at Genevie and asks, "How should I do my hair?" Genevie paces back and forth, then all of a sudden she says, "I have the perfect idea." She curls her hair, then puts a crystal pearls headpiece, then a beautiful lace veil on her. Jeanette opens her eyes and looks. She starts to have tears roll down her face, "Thank you so much Genevie." Genevie starts getting ready while Jeanette finishes up. She grabs her lace wedding shoes. She puts her makeup on, and waits till Genevie is done to head out. Julian walks into the bathroom and grabs Jeanettes waist and asks, "Are you ready beautiful?" She looks at him and replies, "Yes." They drove to the place where their wedding is to be held, in a church. The pastor started talking. (I would write it, but I doubt anyone wants to read it) The pastor turns toward Julian and ask, "Do you take Jeanette to be your lawfully beloved wife?" Julian smiles at her and says, "I do." The pastor turns toward Jeanette and asks, "Do you take Julian to be your lawfully wedded husband?" Jeanette hesitates and remembers he will kill Jeremiah and her mom if she doesn't. She sighs and says, "I do." The pastor smiles and says, "Your bodies are now one, you make kiss the bride." Julian walks over to her and kisses her. When he did she felt like fireworks were going off, her heart was pounding fast. she knew this was a sign of true love. But she knew she had to be very vigilant. He could kill her loved ones very quickly. Julian drove her back to the kingdom. When he got to their room, he locked the door and they didn't come out till the next day. The next morning, when Jeanette woke up Julian was already gone. She got out of bed and saw her phone wasn't on the table stand, so she got up and looked through the drawers and saw a folded up piece of paper saying a ritual that will put a curse upon Jeanette's family. Jeanette couldn't believe her eyes. She wanted to lay down on her bed and cry herself to sleep. She decided she was going to divorce Julian before he put the curse upon her family. So, she walked around the house to make sure he wasn't home. Then she called a divorce lawyer. As soon as she finished her call, she turned her phone off and called down Genevie. Genevie comes running down the stairs and almost falls. Genevie looks at Jeanette and fixes her posture. She clears her voice and says, "Yes, my queen, I.. I.. I mean Jeanette." She smiles and says, "I'm going into the city, do you want to come?" Genevie squeals and says, "Of course, I would love to." Without Genevie knowing Jeanette left without Julians consent. They both head to the city. Once they get there they go into the grocery store and walk around. All of a sudden Jeanette starts to feel really dizzy. Her legs weaken and with her quick reflexes she grabs the closest thing next to her to keep her from falling. Genevie looks at her with concern and asks, "Oh my goodness, are you okay?" Genevie helps Jeanette stand up and they start to walk, while watching Jeanette very cautiously. She stops Jeanette from walking and feels her forehead and its burning up. Genevie walks Jeanette out of the store, and the moment she lets go of her arm, Jeanette drops to the floor. Genevie screams, "Help, somebody." Everyone looked toward that way and noticed it was the queen and a huge group of people ran towards them to come help. A little girl tapped on her shoulder, and asked in a sweet tiny voice, "Is our Queen going to be okay?" Genevie bends down so she is face to face with the little girl and said, "Yes, she is going to be okay." Genevie gets back up and calls Jeremiah, "Hey, we need your help, Jeanette wanted to go to the city and we just came back from the store, she is burning up and she is now unconscious." Jeremiah yells, "What!, I will be there in 3 minutes." Genevie questions him, "How are you going to be here in 3 minutes, where you are right now, it is 10 minutes away." Jeremiah says, "I will speed, I am a prince I can pay for a fine easily, but right now my sister is more important." Then he hangs up. Genevie starts to pace back and forth, hoping Jeremiah will get here soon. Jeremiah's comes swerving into the parking lot and jumps out of his car and runs to Jeanette. He puts Jeanette in his arms. He lifts her up and takes her in the car. The little girl walked over to Jeremiah and asks, "Can I come with you?" Jeremiah looks confused and asks, "Where are your parents?" The little girl sniffles and says, "My mom left me at the store and says she's never going to come back and get me." Jeremiah looks around and sighs, "It's what my sister would want, I guess you could come." The little girl smiles and hugs Jeremiah and says, "Thank you so much." The little girl, Jeremiah, and Genevie head to the hospital in a hurry. Jeremiah holds Jeanette in his embrace with tears rolling down his face. He whispers repeatedly over and over again, "Please be okay, you're my best friend." They arrive at the hospital in a minimum of 3 minutes. Everyone rushes Jeanette in the hospital. Jeremiah runs through the hospital and screams, "Someone please help, there is something is wrong with my sister." The nurses immediately get up and rush Jeanette into a room. They call for the doctor and says, "We need to take her to the emergency room." Jeremiah tries to follow, but they pushed him back and said, "Sorry, you can't come, until we're done." He paces back and forth. Every minute felt like hours. Finally, after half an hour. The doctor comes out to reveal the news. The doctor looks at Jeremiah and says, "You may want to sit down." Jeremiah gets extremely nervous. He screams, "Oh my word just tell me what is wrong with my sister please." The doctor looks at him and says, "Okay, your sister has a very high fever, which is the cause of her burning up. But her falling unconscious is not." He stands up and asks, "Then what is it?" The doctor gulps and whispers, "She's pregnant." Jeremiah stands up and says, "She's what?" The doctor answers, "She's.." Jeremiah interrupts, "I know what you said, where is my sister she has a lot of talking to do." The doctor tells him, "You can't she is resting." Jeremiah sighs and asks, "How far along is she?" The doctor looks at his chart and says, "She is 2 months." Jeremiah looks really confused and says, "But she has only been married to Julian for a day." Then Jeremiah remembered she was dating her best friend Jaxon. Jeremiah grabbed his phone and called Jaxon." Jaxon answered, "It's nice to hear from you again bud, how is that beautiful sister of yours." Jeremiah rolls his eyes and answers, "Well, we are in the hospital waiting to see my pregnant sister." Jaxon becomes confused and says, "Wait, you have another sister?" Jeremiah sighs and says, "No, I don't have another sister." It takes a few seconds for Jaxon to get what he means. Jaxon comes to realization and says, "Oh, wait Jeanette is pregnant oh my goodness, Julian is so lucky to have a beautiful child with a beautiful girl." Jeremiah scans him, and says, "It's not his." Julian asks, "Then who's is it?" Jeremiah mumbles, "We think its yours." Julian gasps, "What!" Julian runs towards Jeanettes room she was held in, but before he could get the door open Jeremiah grabbed him by the arm. Julian tries to squirm out of his grasp, "Let go of me, I need to see her." Jeremiah sighs and lets go, but warns him, "Be extremely quiet she is sleeping and you don't want to wake her up." Julian nods and the quietly opens up the door open. He walks over to where Jeanette is sleeping and sits right next to her. He sighs, "This is all of my fault, I should have been more careful." Jeanette opens her eyes and asks, "Where am I?" Julian stands up and hugs her, "Oh my goodness, I was so worried, your in the hospital." Jeanette tries to sit up, but Julian forces her to lay back down. Jeanette asks, "Why am I in the hospital?" Julian sighs, "Well, you fell unconscious and you had a high fever, and you are...." Jeanette asks, "And I'm what?" Julian continues, "You're... you're pregnant." Jeanette stands up, "What!" Julian grabs her and sits her down, "I'm sorry, this is my fault." Jeanette asks, "How is this your fault?" Julian sighs, "Because it's mine." Jeanette stutters, "B..bu..bu..but what am I going to do now, what am I supposed to do about Jaxon?" He answered, "We'll figure it out, I promise." He puts Jeanette in his arms, and says, "We just won't tell him, you are pregnant." Jeanette argues, "Well I am already 2 months pregnant and it is already starting to show." Julian kisses her forehead and says, "We will have to tell him, but we can't say its mine." Jeanette nods and says, "Okay." Julian continues to hold Jeanette. Then all of a sudden Jaxon comes into the room Jeanette was being held in. He rips Julian off her and screams, "What are you doing with my wife?" Julian snickers at him, "What am I not allowed to see my best friend, I haven't seen her in a month already." Jaxons rolls his eyes, "Whatever," he turns towards Jeanette and asks, "How is my beautiful Queen?" Jeanette sits up, "I'm doing fine." Jaxon kisses her forehead and asks, "What happened?" Jeanette replies, "Well, Genevie and I went out to the city to go walk around and shop." Julian interrupts, "You did what!" Julian elbows him, "Let her finish." Jeanette continues, "Genevie noticed I was turning pale, and I started to lose my balance, so she brought me to the car and she let go of me to open the door, and then everything turned black." Jeremiah walks in and says, "That is when she fell unconscious." Jeremiah pushes them out of the way and put Jeanette in his embrace, "I thought I lost you, you scared me so bad." Jeanette smiles, "I'm so glad you're here." Julian looks at Jeanette and whispers, "Are you going to tell him?" Jeanette nods, she turns to Jaxon and says, "I.. I... I'm pregnant." Jaxon looks at her in surprise, "What, already." Jeanette nods and says, "Yup." Jaxon put her in his embrace and says, "I am so glad we are already having a baby." Jeanette smiles, "Yup, me too." The doctor comes into the room and says angrily, "Your not supposed to be in here, you need to get out." |