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Rated: XGC · Fiction · Adult · #2185415
Part two where Robyn gets new shoes.
Dan worked hard servicing the various women the computer created. The women played their parts and enjoyed every moment of their existance, while making Dan suffer. Dan serviced a different woman every hour for twenty straight hours until Robyn returned. Dan treated them all like queens even though he hated them all. The worst part was that he became so miserable he began to miss Robyn. At least with her it was something new. By the time he had given the first ten women pedicures with his mouth it was becoming an almost monotonous task.
Finally Robyn returned, this time wearing a short dress and knee high boots. "Computer, remove the salon." She commanded authoritively. Dan was momentarily relieved before Robyn spoke again. "No pedicure today, I'm just here to check on you and get your help picking out a few new pairs of shoes." That wouldn't be so bad Dan thought. Robyn spoke again "So, Dan, did you have fun while I was gone?" Dan had been miserable but he answered "Yes Miss Robyn! I served twenty different women, but none of them had feet as perfect as yours!"
Robyn was pleased that Dan had enjoyed himself, not realizing what he was really going through. "I'm glad to hear it. Computer, create a large shoe store, all shoes size 7." Instantly they were standing in a shoe store which measured thirty meters on each side. Robyn sat down and pointed to her boots. "You're going to be my lucky shoe salesman today. Start by taking my boots off." Dan crawled over to Robyn and removed her boots, revealing that she had worn the same socks two days in a row. "I hope you don't mind, I didn't change my socks." Robyn said, slightly embarrased. Dan answered "I don't mind at all! I think your socks smell absolutely divine!" With that Dan leaned forward and sniffed Robyn's two day old socks. "I absolutely adore that aroma!" He exclaimed.
Robyn stretched her legs out. "Well I'll keep that in mind. But for now, lets take them off and start our little shopping trip." This time Robyn removed her own socks, exposing her feet. Dan looked at her sweaty feet and asked "May I kiss them Miss Robyn? Pretty please?" Robyn giggled "Oh, of course you can! You don't have to ask permission every single time." Dan was repulsed by the smell but he leaned in and kissed each of Robyn's insteps before moving down and kissing each of her toes. "I really love your feet, Miss Robyn. You are so kind to let me serve them." Robyn laughed "The way you're going at it, I'm starting to think your in love with my feet!"
Dan smiled and said "I am in love with them. They are my world." What really hurt was that the second part was true. Her feet seemed to be his only reason for existing. Robyn casualy laughed and said "Maybe my feet like you too. But right now, what they'd really like is a comfy pair of sandals. Lets go pick some out!" With that Robyn stood and walked over to the aisle of sandals, with Dan following close behind, staring at her dusty soles. Robyn picked up a pair of flip flops and dropped them on the ground. "Bring those." She commanded without even looking at Dan. Dan picked up the simple white flip-flops and followed Robyn as she picked out two more pairs of sandals.
Robyn sat down at the nearest bench while Dan struggled to carry the shoes to her. When he got to her, Robyn extended her legs to make it easier for Dan to put on her new shoes. Dan kissed her feet again before placing the white flip-flops on her feet. Robyn stood up and walked in the shoes from one end of the aisle to the other while Dan watched. The shoes made her already long toes look even longer. When Robyn got back she lifted her heel so Dan could see her foot better and asked "What do you think?"
Dan answered "Miss Robyn, I think they are beautiful on your perfect feet. " Robyn was delighted. "You know, as much as I've wanted someone to play with my feet, I've never been comfortable showing them off. " Dan kissed her feet once again and said "I'm sure everyone will love your feet just as much as I do!" Robyn laughed so hard she almost fell over. "Yeah, I doubt everyone is going to fall in love with my feet like you. I'll be happy if nobody complains that they smell." Dan wished he could complain about the smell, but instead he leaned forward to sniff her toes yet again. "I can't imagine anyone complaining about that smell."
Robyn was content, but still had other shoes to try on. She pointed to the next pair, a pair of gold colored strappy sandals and said "Those look cute. Put them on me." Dan obeyed, strapping the sandals onto Robyns feet. Robyn looked down "Those might look good if I painted my toenails." Dan answered back "May I paint your toenails next time you come to visit?" Robyn smiled and said "It's a date!"
Robyn's shoe shopping trip continued until she had selected four pairs of shoes. Three new pairs of sandals and one pair of pink mary janes. "Computer, replicate the shoes I have selected, and one clean pair of socks." Robyn commanded. The new shoes appeared and were ready for her to take off the holodeck. Dan was hoping for a reprieve, just a moments rest that had been denied him for his entire existance, but he would not get it today.
Robyn looked at Dan with a kind smile "I have to go, I have a business meeting with a certain Ferengi tomorrow and I want to be well rested. But I want you to know, I was thinking about you serving all those women today, and even when my duties got to be too much, the thought that you were here, happily licking feet made me smile. So I'm going to leave you with a treat. You said you like my socks, right?" Dan answered "More than words can express, Miss Robyn." In truth of course he hated her dirty socks. He hated her feet. But oddly enough, he didn't hate Robyn. He hated what she was doing, but somehow he couldn't bring himself to hate the only real human he ever knew.
Robyn was really starting to like Dan, or at least the fake personality he was forced to adopt. So it was intended as an act of kindness when she said "Computer, replace the shoe store with a laundromat. Remove all the machinery and replace it with a single bucket, a faucet and a clothesline." The room instantly changed, leaving Dan confused. Before he could ask what was going on, Robyn spoke again "Computer, create 1500 pairs of socks, exactly like the ones I wore today." Several bins of dirty socks materialized, filling Dan with dread. Robyn looked at Dan with a smile. "You can stay busy washing my socks until tomorrow. Just promise me you'll wash each pair exactly how I say."
Dan looked up and said "I promise I'll wash each pair exactly how you say, Miss Robyn." Robyn smiled "Good. I want you to pick up each sock individually, and sniff it. Then give it a big kiss. Say 'Thank you Miss Robyn!' each time. Then I want you to take the sock, and suck on it for about a minute before you hand wash it in the bucket. When the water gets too dirty, just drink it and refill the bucket. You can hang the socks to dry." Dan kissed Robyn's bare feet and thanked her profusely. Inside Dan was beginning to realize there would be no release, Robyn really thought she was being kind to him! Robyn picked up her real socks and said "I guess you should start with these. Just the thought of you eagerly cleaning my socks all day long makes me feel like a Goddess."
Dan kissed her feet one last time before she left him to his task and said "Miss Robyn, you are my goddess." Dan knew it was true in a sense, she had more power over him than anyone other than a literal god had ever had over anyone. For just a moment, he felt genuine admiration for her. That quickly ended when he found himself sniffing her sock. The reality set in quickly as he kissed the sock and said "Thank you, Miss Robyn!"
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