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Pack on the pounds as you explore the world of Armello, but try not to get eaten yourself! |
Pack on the pounds as you explore the world of Armello, but try not to get eaten yourself!
This is an interactive story. Each chapter tells part of the story and often ends with multiple choices. Make a choice and move to the next chapter in your story. When you reach a chapter that hasn't been written yet, don't be shy... make an addition! The creator of this Interactive Story provides this information and guidance:
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Armello is a competitive multiplayer game themed after a board game, created by the League of Geeks, where each player plays an anthropomorphic warrior vying for control over the fantasy kingdom of Armello. This interactive is a bit of a re-imagining, where many of the warriors will likely up end getting more plump than fit over the course of their adventures! Be it through eating a ton of tasty snacks, to swallowing their fallen opponents, expect your favorite Armello heroes to be packing on the pounds.
How the World Works: Armello is a kingdom where the various clans - Wolves, Rabbits, Rats and Bears - lived in harmony, under the pure, magical force known as the Wyld. However, this once idyllic world has been tainted by the Rot - a horrible disease that gives its victims incredible power, at the cost of driving them into madness. Even the King of Armello has succumbed to this disease, driven to tyranny and madness by the Rot's dark power...
How the Adventure Works: Champions vow to slowly build their strengths by performing quests, which test their fighting ability, wit, body, or spirit. Once they feel ready, they can face the King himself. Victory against the King, through seduction, combat, magic or rot, will result in that champion being crowned ruler of Armello. Failure at any point before this will result in some sort of Bad End.
How Items and Abilities Work: Champions will not be given various random items or abilities at the beginning of each day; instead, they will new items or learn new abilities organically through their adventures, at the author's discretion. Like in the game, these fit into a few different categories: Items, Spells, Trickery, and Followers.
I reserve the right to edit or delete chapters in this story as I see fit. |
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