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Rated: E · Poetry · Cultural · #2183047
Kind of a socio-political poem I guess.
We once had the greatest of all
Of all countries you could name.
To such depths has been our fall
Polar shift like was the change.

In our greatness we grew secure
And in our pride we lost our sight.
So what was clear became a blur
To make things low appear upright

To lose so much can spur despair
But was it lost or stolen away
By those that lie then on it swear
Til most believe on what they say

Our loses cannot be recouped
All roads back have been rerouted
It appears that we've been duped
Having hope in all they've touted

Now so mired in their deceptions
That no way out can be perceived
Through greed & great deception
Lives not one loss to be retrieved

Today things are so inside out
Up is now down and left is right
Right seems wrong facts in doubt
Went in without now dark is light

There is no way out I can find
They hobbled us with their ways
Away with our rights they grind
So all that remains is to pray

Prepare ye now I do declare
Soon will be you cannot buy
There is coming a great despair
You make your bed and in it lie

Fear people when all goes wrong
Having no food they want yours
You won't stop them not for long
Not even if you have strong doors

In groups they steal and plunder
Some will even rape and pillage
Marshall law we shall fall under
No place is spared not a village

I suppose that this could be considered as complete or as incomplete at this point, but at this point this all I have.
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Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2183047-Once-Great-Epic-Fall