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Rated: E · Book · Biographical · #2182738
Happy Valentine's Day!
Ok, so this is my first blog attempt.... I'm not even sure what I'll write about. How about an introduction to me?
My name is Ann. I am a mother of two boys and a grandmother of 1 granddaughter. I have three little wiener dogs. I met the love of my life back in 1989 and we were married in 1991. We will be doing our vows again soon. I am so excited! He is the best man I have ever known. I have been in the same job for 11 years now, in a legal profession, writing about people's lives for the courts.

Valentine's Day, one of my favourite's of the year. I know I will get roses and a beautiful card on our way out to dinner. I have made a card for him, and bought him a small gift to open. I am so excited, because he is going to love it! I love to make him smile! He just told me today that he would like to take me on an adults only vacation in April, either to Mexico or Bahamas! My choice! He's making his way through my bucket list lol.

Do you believe in soul mates? I do, but that could be because I am with mine. I dated other men, and I know what I have with him is rare, and will do anything in my power to make sure it lasts. The great part is that he feels the same. It works so nice when both have the same goal.

I've seen relationships, where you wonder why they are even together. Or worse yet, they are together because one is using the other, so they don't have to worry about the money. I understand when children are involved, but if you have no kids? Quit using them and move on. Sorry, vent is over. I try not to do that too much. I see a lot in the courts. When I'm not there, I try to stay positive. the good thing about seeing all I do, I also get to see how good my life truly is.

I have to go and get ready now. We are going to dinner at 8, but we like to go for a walk first, especially with the weather being nice today for a change.

Hope you are enjoying you Valentine's Day!
July 27, 2019 at 1:51am
July 27, 2019 at 1:51am
I just got back from Cedar Point! What an amazing time!
I love roller coasters! I am so blessed to have a man that loves them as much as I do!
We can’t wait for my granddaughter to be old enough to take with us! Teaching her the thrill of the coasters will be a blast!
Have a great weekend everyone! I know I will!
July 20, 2019 at 11:09pm
July 20, 2019 at 11:09pm
I can’t believe it’s been four months since I last posted.....
I’ve had so many deaths around me.... friends, family, the last being my step-father, the only man that had been a father in my life. I’m going to miss him most.
I’ve had three fathers in my life. My adopted father died when I was three years old. When I turned 18 I met my birth father... but didn’t give him the time of day until I was pregnant at 25. I gave birth in December, and buried my father in March, on his birthday. My step-father, I met him when I turned 18. He was married to my birth mother. He was awesome! He was a police officer and a very funny man. We built a relationship pretty quickly. He was the father he didn’t have to be and I loved him so much for it. It didn’t matter that I was no longer a child, he knew I still needed him in my life. I could never repay that debt. A couple days ago, we went up to celebrate his life on his birthday. He’s been gone a month now, but the hurt is still raw. I know he’s finally at peace, and no longer in pain, but my heart hurts so much knowing he is gone.

Now I’m back home, and for the last two days I’ve been sick... headaches, sore stomach.... today I’m finally starting to feel like me.

I am blessed to have had him in my life for as long as I did. I am so thankful he came into my life and shared his with me. His children accept me as their own and I love them and thank them for sharing the great man that was their father with me.

I’m going to close this post for now.... the letters are blurry lol.

Have a great weekend.
March 21, 2019 at 6:06pm
March 21, 2019 at 6:06pm
Again, too busy at work to spend much time for myself, let alone blogging.

Hopefully I will finish my work some time tonight so I can do this further. Later, hopefully..
March 14, 2019 at 3:51am
March 14, 2019 at 3:51am
I have been so busy I haven’t had time to blog.... sheesh!
Work is so busy right now!
I have been trying to get a doctor in this new city of mine, no easy task I’ll tell ya! I also have to get some immunization shots before my trip to Mexico, that’s not going too well.
My Sweetheart has spoiled me so much! I got a new pair of skates, a new elliptical and this trip to Mexico is on him. Wonder what he is planning for my birthday on Sunday..... should be interesting.,
I have to get some sleep now!
February 22, 2019 at 12:17am
February 22, 2019 at 12:17am
Good day... ok so Thursday, this week has kicked my butt! I’m taking a break to write this.

I had a friend ask me for for my input to her situation, but she didn’t like it lol.
She and her husband divorced. Since she didn’t work full time, and the money from her marriage wouldn’t be processed until it was final, she moved in with her mother. They have a great relationship, so that was all good.

Problem is, that was three years ago! She’s had her money from the marriage for two years, yet still lives off her mother, I told her it’s time to grow up and move on. Your mother already did her job raising you, it’s time for her to have her life back! It’s one thing to get help when you’re in a pinch, but I told her she is at the point now of abusing that help. Her mom won’t tell her that. Or that it was her moving in that cause her mother’s relationship to end. She also thinks it’s okay banking her six figure marriage settlement, cause her mom has a lot of money. That’s her money. It’s not yours to spend yet! Let your mom enjoy it while she can.

Unless your parent has had a stroke, or some other kind of illness, where they need your help daily to stay out of a nursing home, they do not want you living with them. I feel so bad for her mom. It’s her time to enjoy her life, not resort back to supporting her fully grown, forty something year old daughter! She says she helps her mother. Bull Crap! Her mother was doing fine before she moved back in. Who’s using who? Get a full time job and move on!

Am I wrong? Maybe my perspective is too narrow?

Side note: we are still friends and she still lives with mama. I told her I’d ask on here to see if anyone agrees with me, or if they side with her.....
Now to see if anyone even reads this 😂

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