Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2182180-Character-Sketch--Tomas-Crichton
Rated: 18+ · Assignment · Educational · #2182180
Supporting Character for Vignette Assignment 4
Name: Tomas Crichton
Age: Looks 30 real age 100+
Location: A small cottage in Crieff, Scotland
Family History: Descended from a family of dragon shifters
Career aspirations: Sells the wool he sheers from his sheep
Race: Scottish Human Dragon-shifter
Features: Strong, patient, and protective
Appearance: 6’1”, blond spiky hair, light blue eyes, clean shaven.
Likes: Whole food grown in his own garden or bought from a farmers’ market, classic literature, Traditional Scottish music
Dislikes: Processed food, Television, Darkness
Physical condition: Athletic, muscular
Ailments: None
Education: Secondary Education
Socioeconomic background: Upper-lower class
Parents: Dragon shifters who died in battle with the Necromancer
Siblings: Liam Crichton
Ambition: Protect his brother and Stephanie from the man who took their parents
Hobbies: Cooking, reading, sewing, knitting
Significant Others: None
Intelligence: Well versed in both light and dark divine magic
Emotional Stability: Feels guilty for the loss of Stephanie’s parents, his inability to protect Liam, and his attraction to Stephanie. Her disbelief and rejection of what she is frustrates him but he persists in convincing her.
Flaws: Stubborn, set in his ways, keeps his emotions to himself
Pivotal events in life: Losing his parents and brother to the Necromancer creates a desire for revenge. After Stephanie’s parents die during the raid in which he is able to free Liam, Tomas vows to keep Stephanie safe. When he learns of Stephanie’s plans to visit the Necromancer he follows and rescues her from a trap meant to ensure her death.
Favorite foods: Anything he can by at a farmer’s market
Favorite music: Traditional Scottish/Celtic music
Favorite reading material: Ancient and classic literature. The older the better
Religion: Prays to and worships old gods not known to most men
Personality: Role-model
Habits: Rises with the son no matter how late he goes to bed. Sings while he works.
Favorite thing to do: Take care of his family, and soar through the sky on his own wings
Comfort level with opposite sex: Is very capable of wooing a woman for as long as he wishes to keep her. Becomes uncomfortable around Stephani due to his attraction.
Things he/she takes pride in: The care of his flock and quality of the wool he sells
Things that bother him/her: His brother rejection of drinking animal blood in lieu of human.
Things that make him/her laugh: Not much of a laugher until Stephanie comes along
Speech patterns: Suffisticated, avoids contractions and slang when he can. Slips into Scots Gaelic when he is impassioned.

Prose Synopsis

After witnessing the death of two of his closest friends at the hands of the Necromancer Osisris, Tomas took their infant daughter Stephanie to America. In order to put distance between them for her own protection he placed her in the foster system. He and his brother Liam kept tabs on Stephanie as she grew up. When they learned of her going to England to visit Osiris at his invitation, they made sure to be there to rescue her from the trap he was setting. After rescuing her, he must find a way to convince her of what she is and what she can do before Osiris rebuilds his un-dead army.

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