Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2181410-Office-Nightmare
Rated: E · Short Story · Thriller/Suspense · #2181410
Some people just won't quit...

"You just won't quit?" asks Liam swiveling in his office chair.

"No, I won't quit. I won't quit you, and I damn sure won't quit us," exclaims Scott as he stands in the doorway of Liam's office.

The clear night sky, polluted by the city lights, engulfs the background of the conversation.

"Look, it was a holiday party, we got drunk, I kissed you. That was a mistake. If you want to file a complaint, then do that; but stop making it seem like we had a full on relationship. It's kinda creepy," Liam continues as he adjusts his chair facing his computer.

"I know you want me. Stop playing with me LIAM!" Scott screams banging his hand against the wall.

Liam looks up concerned, but not showing it, "Don't lose your way hon. I know everyone in this office is gone, but please don't misinterpret my kindness with weakness."

Scott stares at him for a while, and Liam looks up from his computer, "You done?"

Scott walks away shaking his head in a nodding gesture, as he pounds his fist against the wall walking further into the unlit office space.

After waiting awhile, and getting his bearings, Liam gathers his things and prepares to leave. As he walks toward the parking garage stairwell he walks past Scott's office. "Hey, let's have a conversation when tempers are a lot less volatile."

"Have a good night Liam. That talk sounds like it would be nice," Scott replies with a sinister smile drawn upon his face.

"Goodnight." Liam continues, pushes through the stairwell door, walking down the stairs. As he reaches the chilly dimly lit parking garage he fumbles about his backpack for his car keys. He can faintly make out footsteps in the garage. The sound puts him on edge, making him drop his keys underneath a car beside him. He gets on his hands and knees and reaches for the keys and finally, after a moment of struggle, reaches them. He stands upon his feet, and turns to walk toward his car, but standing before him is Scott. Liam covers his mouth to muddle his scream as he bends over trying to catch his breath, holding onto Scott's arm. As he regains his stance, Scott swings a tire iron across the left side of Liam's head. His fall from grace feels as if it takes place in slow motion, his body eventually hits the cold hard pavement.

"You just won't quit! You just won't quit! You just won't quit," screams Scott banging on his own head.

Those words reverberate in Liam's ears as he his vision fades to black, and his head lies in a puddle of blood.

© Copyright 2019 Vick Rolling 🏳️‍🌈 (vick04041986 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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