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Something we all do, get coffee. Ever wonder about that person across the floor? |
There was something about the woman sitting alone in the corner of the bustling coffee shop. Totally oblivious to the flurry of activity around her. She kept looking up at the door as if expecting someone, but that someone never arrived. She buried herself into whatever she was working on with her laptop. She took slow sips of her coffee, the cup was too big for tea. Every once in a while a man would approach her feebly attempting to have a conversation. She pretended she did not understand English. When the poor guy walked towards his waiting friends, acting like he did not just get shot down by a gorgeous woman, she shot another sly grin, took a pen and made what slash mark on a separate piece of paper. Was she keeping track? On the other side of the coffee shop in directly opposite corner, an older man, sat watching the entire scene. Although in his, 50's most thought he was younger. He did have a slight touch of gray in his hair which just showed he lived a life. His face was clean shaven. He tried the facial hair at a few points in his life, a beard did not work on his face. The gentleman refused to color the little bit of gray he had in his dirty blonde hair in his head. Which was all his he owned who he was and felt if people did not like it they were not people that he would associate. He sat there watching the crowd sipping his coffee. Would go back to his book, the one he was trying to finish to get to the publisher. At the same time watching other women dealing with the same interruptions by other men trying to pick them up first thing in the morning in a coffee shop. Before the working day even started. Not really humored as it seemed to be an annoyance to women who just wanted to enjoy time for themselves. This woman though seemed to enjoy the chase as she kept putting off man after man. He was keeping a running tally, at last count it was 10 maybe 15 would be suitors. He was curious if that count was accurate. He looked down again, than felt someone standing over him. Without asking she sat herself down. "Enjoying the show"? She asked without an introduction. She did not seem offended was just curious why this stranger was watching her for the last hour. "You are either a writer or a professor, maybe both." She continued. Seems she was about to play a little game herself. "Well, I'll tell you what, Ms. Holmes, if you can figure out what I am doing here, I'll buy the next round of coffee." He figured what could hurt and she was very attractive. "I like the witty comeback, this will be fun. I don't think coffee is suitable. We each have to guess, what we do. Lunch on the loser." Although there really would not be a loser in this game. "I'm in, first a refill? I'll get for both of us". He figured he may as well buy her a cup of coffee, that was his intention anyway. Coffee always seems to bring a sense of calm to two people. As he looked around again he noticed that the shop had switched gears. Gone were the business men and women, dressed to impress a would be client or even an interview. Going over last minute meeting details or presentations. Checking their watches every five minutes, obviously wondering if they even had time to sit for coffee. Last check of the watch and bolting out the door for a hopeful deal that would put them in the big leagues, whatever that was. Next in were the moms or stay at home dads with the little ones in tow. They had some time. Talking with each other about the latest achievements that their children accomplished. New ways to get their children to take that much needed nap. His children were much older now and he is several years divorced. This time was just a way to get out of the house for a time to meet with friends. Back to this stunning woman in front of him. Looking back across the table at his new companion she did not fit any of these profiles. She had been there the same amount of time, not seeming in any rush. Her only attention was given to her laptop and her files next to her. Of course to the occasional would be suitor, which brought these two together. "I will allow you to go first with a question." She interrupted his inner peace, it was time to play this guessing game. He looked across the circular table. He had already noticed how her clothes fit her body, they did not leave anything to the imagination. She was dressed professionally. Beige silk blouse that clung to her chest. Her skirt was knee high red. Not just any red, fire truck red. Again as she walked it was noticeable that this woman took care of her body. He guessed that she was 5'6", the legs though, well it's a cliche. The skirt hugging her perfectly round rear. He felt a throb in his pants. She looked at him eager to get started. "Well, you really like to take control of situations." He smirked at her thinking that this would be a great way to take his mind off of the book for a bit. He always enjoyed a little intellectual stimulation, which would go a long with the stimulation he was already feeling. in this case his partner seemed like a good challenge. She would not be afraid to voice an opinion. "Oh, do you have an issue with women that take charge?" She jumped on the right away, he led her to that point. He knew certain words trigger emotions. So saying control would lead her to assume he had issues with strong women. "Not really, I find strong women highly sexual, yes he said that word, wanted to see how far he could push this envelope. "As long as it does not lead to pacifying the partner." The gentleman was likely making a reference to a past relationship with that comment. "Fair enough. I'll begin." She had already prepared a few quick questions to ease into the major ones. She looked her table mate over. His eyes were what she noticed first besides the hair. They were not the typical color of someone with brown hair. Were more gray. She caught herself staring. She was already feeling warm. Her face started to flush. "First judging from your demeanor and slight gray, I am guessing you are somewhere in your early 40's, maybe late 30's. Here it was again she really was being overly generous. "Thank you no I just turned 53 this September". He said back with a slight smirk, he knew that his age was a surprise to most. "Wow, never would have guessed. I was actually going to say your late 30's however you have an older disposition. A confident air about you. Plus you are built better then some guys I know half your age." She bit her lips when she said this. He knew that little flirtation meant that she was attracted to him in more ways than one. She continued. "Believe it or not I have been watching you between these interruptions. Almost like you are working on something yet not sure, I noticed also at times a look of frustration on your face." She is good. "You have a good eye, to notice these things." He was also looking at her deep blue eyes, reminded him of his swimming days. He drifted off in thought. "My turn" He knew the game of guessing a woman's age. Do not too low as it would seem a joke, too high it would be insulting. This woman though presented a challenge. She has a young well kept body, her eyes were not showing any sign of age. Not a touch of gray in her hair. However, some clues gave him some ideas. He paused on purpose. "What's the matter, don't worry about it most do not even come close." She jumped in as he expected. "Not at all, I am just making sure I get this right or close as you were very kind with your estimate." He was being purposely coy. "Well, judging from just outward observations, as well as what little I witnessed at your table" He continued. My guess is 32." He knew she was probably a little older, however figured this was a safe guess. "Not bad, 35 actually, I am trying to delay my slow march to 40." She smiled at him knowing he had been scanning her the entire time, hoping he was undressing her in his mind. "Thank you, was difficult to figure." Now was the hard part. What could she be doing? "So, now the question of what it is you do?" He let her continue this guessing. "I am just going to go with my first speculation as they say that is the best. You are a writer, trying to finish a book." "Got that right my coffee partner." He had another name in mind, figured this was generic enough. "I am having trouble with this is right, and under a tight deadline. Pretty much of my own doing." He had about 3 weeks left to get something to the publisher or the whole contract was void. "You do look a little stressed, I have seen that look before in other writer friends I have. You are so deep you cannot go back, so you have to move ahead." She nailed that one. Another smirk at that double entendre. "In my estimation I have about 50 pages until I feel I can finish." This was a rough estimate he was stalled in the climax. His mind was really drifting to what he was hoping for would happen with this gorgeous woman..He looked at his table partner again and slyly grinned. "In any case, my turn to determine what is you are working on, buried in all those files and paper work." He himself had many friends that worked in private practice, doctors, lawyers whom at the end of the month were trying to finish mostly invoices and reports for their own files. "I am just going to talk this out based on my own observations. Judging by the way you handled those "suitors", you are a not a lawyer. You would be more direct. You were getting a thrill playing a little mind game with them. Not being mean, just finding that simple way to send them elsewhere." "Go on, you are correct I am not a lawyer." Her eyes were starting to brighten and twinkle. "My opinion is that you know how humans behave given certain situations, that if you act a certain way there will be a response." He was now just teasing, he knew what she was, maybe not exactly, however, felt he knew what field she had studied. "My belief is that you are a psychologist, perhaps a therapist. I am not sure of your specialty though." He got her. "Absolutely, I am. I work with children with various brain functions." I help families and schools with developing methods to help the children succeed in their lives". "That is wonderful, challenging and rewarding at the same time." He was drawn to people that did good in this world and the woman across from him was doing something that he wish existed when he was a child. He was not diagnosed with ADHD until he was an adult, yet still managed to get through college and graduate school. He suffered greatly with relationships and careers, finally deciding to write, as it was independent and he could work on his own. "Seems we have a bit of a tie, as we each determined the other correctly." She observed that yes they were able to determine the other, although he was closer to her age then she was, that was not a deal breaker. So did not really have a stipulation for this. "Tie breaker time". She looked at him determined to get him to open up in a way they had not discussed. She was getting turned on, and could tell he was also, she had been sneaking her foot closer to him under the table the whole time, finding her way up his leg. He did not seem to mind as he directed her to his crotch, which had been hardening almost the moment she sat down. "What are you thinking about right now mister..." She was fishing for two things here, his name, which they never had officially introduced themselves and something more. "You can call me Danny, for now." He used that form of his middle name as his author pseudonym, he figured at some point he would tell her his real name, or she would get it from him somehow. He again smirked at that thought. "Well nice to meet you, my name is Natasha, I know not a real American name. I never really like the name, however when I found out it was the real name of the Marvel character Black Widow, well that changed everything" She looked at him, he nodded and smiled, seemed he knew where it came from and she would learn later he loved comic characters and anime. "Well Natasha, may I call you Nat?" You can actually call me Adam, my real name." He was feeling comfortable with the young lady. He usually was really nervous around attractive women, this one though had a calming affect on him. Probably why he had not noticed till now her shoe less foot rubbing his cock till now. He looked at her, she saw her flush, and something came to his mind that he normally would not say to a woman he just met. He felt though that this particular woman would not mind. "I'm guessing red lace, thongs to be specific. Strapless. I also think you are not a big fan of clothing at all with that body of yours." Wow, he really went there. His testosterone levels have spiked since they were sitting there and he was feeling very confident in himself. "You're half right, lavender not red. Although the rest you nailed." She purposely used that word, as she was getting exceedingly aroused, hoping he would catch the hint. She looked at him eager to guess what his undergarment of choice was. She could not believe how rock hard this 53 year old man still was, and how big he felt. She had been with men half his age and they could not hold an erection this long. "Commando". He just blurted out for the hell of it. "Holy fuck!" She said to herself, she felt herself get wet at that. "It was warm out today, sometimes I just like the freedom." He looked at her and her expression on her face, he knew what was happening. In the 10-15 minutes that this conversation was happening, Natasha had slowly slid her chair around the table, to get closer to him. She leaned into him and told him she was dripping wet and wanted his cock deep in her. He looked at her and those deep blue eyes, gave that smirk that George Clooney is famous for, and shook his head, whispered back, "not yet, I want to play some more." He had already had his hand under the table, her hand was rubbing the outside of his pants, ready to unzip. He pushed her hand away and again shook his head. She could not decide if she was upset at this or liked that this man was taking control unlike again some of the other men. They kept talking, small talk, although it was getting harder to concentrate. He had smoothly moved his hands slowly along her thigh, she twitched a little however opened her legs up more to accept his warm touch. "Are you from this area originally or a transplant like everyone else." He was just conversing distracting her, he was really going to see how far he could push her. She gulped. Her face was flush, perspiration appeared on her arm. "I moved here about 5 years ago, from the Midwest. Needed a change. It seemed after a lot of research that this area was bereft of people that can do what I do." Her brow was now sweating. Lips trembling as he kept inching closer to her clit and pulling back, totally teasing her. He took his hand out from under the table and slowly licked his fingers. You could hear a purr coming from her. "I have been here for almost 20 years. Met my now ex wife. Bounced from job to job till I decided to strike out as a free lancer." He opened up his legs and nodded at her, allowing her to rub his engorged manhood. He went back under the table moved his fingers closer to her clit, felt how wet she was and smiled at her. She was biting her lip, seemed to be her thing. He wanted to play a little more. His fingers opened up her and he started rubbing her clit with his thumb, all the while having a normal conversation with her. Every so often she would let out a silent hum, enjoying what was going on inside her. It was so noisy in the cafe no one noticed. "I live close to here." She said as she really was about to explode and if they did not leave soon she would rip off her and his clothes right there. They were about to get up when she coyly looked at him, "zipper up." She had managed to unzip him and was stroking his head the entire time. The drive back was excruciating. They took his car the whole way there she was in face down in his crotch. Licking the head all the way down his shaft, slowly. She lightly nibbled every so often. Sticking her tongue in the hole, just sucking on his head. Each time she went down she opened wide to get his whole cock in her mouth. Using than licking back up, repeating this over and over again. He did his best to drive the car, was very difficult to concentrate while he was being given the most amazing blow job ever. He would be paying her back in kind when they got to her place, which thankfully they did. He parked the car in front of place, struggling to get his cock back into his pants. He followed close behind her, starting savagely at her ass. She lived a 4-bedroom split level home. Large living room, huge kitchen. He guessed that she liked to entertain and cook. He learned later that she did not entertain as much as she wanted. She looked back at him grabbed his arm and pulled him upstairs to her bedroom. Her cat was resting peacefully till now. Jumped off the bed quickly. He was now taking charge, grabbed her arm back turned her and pushed her to the bed. She fell back grinning from ear to ear. She wanted more of his cock, he again pushed her hand away, she tried to sit up, he pushed her back down, putting his hand on her shoulders. It was payback for the car. Now....I bet reader you are waiting for a full on vivid description on what went on in the bedroom that day. Sorry to disappoint. That is not what this story is, it's a story of two people that met in a coffee shop. Sure it got sexual, in the end the sex was not as important as these two lonely hearts coming together. That's the kind of sex it was. Two people finding one another, enjoying each others bodies and as if they had been lovers all of their lives. Believe me when I tell you that this was no one night stand. These two continued this long after this day. Each day began like the first day they met, over coffee. |