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Three kids awake in strange room, what ever happend to them. |
All three kids awoke almost at the same time, but being awake doesn't help against the darkness that surrounds them. The first thing 9 year old Billy recognized was that the floor felt strange, like it was made of glass and he was also naked as the day he was born. He didn't knew where he was or how he got here, he was playing at the local park and then got dizzy. That was all he remembers. After a few moments his eyes began to adjust to the darkness and he can see two other shades that could be people lying in the strange room. “Hello, is there anybody here?” He asks into the black surroundings. His question is answered by mumbles from the direction of the other shades he can see, he also discovers slight movement from them, just as they would wake up themselves. The other two kids woke up through a voice around them, the 6 year old Jenny and her one year older brother Dustin suffer from the same feeling of disorientation as the older boy. Both of them recognize that strange surface and also that they are left without the clothes they used to wear. “Where are we, it's so dark. Why am I all naked?” The little brown haired girl asks in the room. “I don't know I just woke up the same.” Dustin answers with fright in his voice. Billy was the first to get up on his feet, his eyes already got custom to the dark room and he recognized that the shades are indeed a little girl and boy, both looking younger then you and also naked. After a few more moments they all stand up, the floor is slippery, just like walking on glass. All of them can now see much better and they check up the strange room they are in. It was completely empty, round and with an incredible high ceiling. The room was also pretty big, at least 8 feet from wall to wall and it was round. The three kids look for a door, but the room seems to be made of glass beyond the glass walls they see some sort of brown cloth made curtain that surrounds the room, even underneath. “Hey I know you both from the park, we played with each other before I passed out.” The older boy says. “You're right, it's als the last thing I remember.” The little girl answers. Almost in the same moment the little boy begins to cry. “I want back to mommy.” Tears running down his face in streams. That's when the whole room began to shake sending the kids tumbling to the floor. None of them have an idea what's happening. “Oh no, is that an earthquake?” Billy asked more to himself. Then they all see that more light floods their cell and it started to get surreal. From the sky giant trunk sized tendrils colored like skin descending from above. The whole room continues to shake and pan as the room is getting moved upwards. The three tiny kids scream as they slide from one side to another, as bright light suddenly blinds them. It only takes a few moments for their eyes to adapt again, even if there are still colors flash in their view because of the drastic change of contrast. The surroundings look strange for the three kids, almost like the local ice cream parlor but gigantic. Confused and scared the kids look around, as they turn around all of them can't suppress another scream. In their view they discover an eye larger then the moon or anything other they ever saw, from their it looks directly down at their tiny bodies. I love America. The Caucasian, black haired guy thinks to himself. Everybody so much distracted by themselves, idiots. In mother Russia no mother would let their small children go to park alone. His thoughts are distracted by his little treats he snatched in a nearby park, they will make a great topping for his Ice cream. As the room moves further away the scared and crying kids can make out the face of an middle aged man, but he must be several 100 times their size. The grin on his face is scaring them even more, even with them being naked they cuddle together, giving them a glimpse of safety. “What is going on here?” The tiny girl sobs, people can't be this big. This must be a nightmare. I WANT TO WAKE UP!” She screams inaudible to their giant captor. Igor doesn't want to waste more time, he don't want to waste any drop of that tasty frosty cream. There aren't many things the USA is better, but ice cream was definitely one of it in his book. With ease he opens his empty salt dispenser, followed by a paranoid look around. He sits in a corner and there are only 2 other people in there with him. Not like anybody could see them or hear, but he lives by the philosophy bette safe then sorry. Igor got a little bulge in his pants as he starts to pan the dispenser, emptying it's content directly on the whip cream topping his treat. Suddenly the ceiling is removed, the sound of metal scratching on glass is almost deafning for the tiny prisoners. Then suddenly the rollercoaster of demise sends them screaming and sliding in direction of the opening. Unlike in movies or cartoons nothing moves in slow motion for the tiny kids, after a few seconds the slide ends, the kids still scream unheard as they drop several feet. With a splashing like sound they land on something soft, at first it seems solid but as they try to move they sink in the creamy surface, trapping them in place. The giant Russian man saw exactly where their tiny sprinkles landed, he remembers their wonderful bodies. He saw them well as he shrunk them. The older boy had a rather big penis for his age and he had discovered that both boys are good in shape. In his mind pictures of their muscled torsos flash up while he also keeps his attention on not scooping them up to early. The tiny girl, he remembers, wasn't that sporty. More like slender and cute, her skin was flawless and soft. He remembers in detail picking a three up as they were around 3 inches tall, that way he could enjoy watching them shrink between you fingers. Like others before them they lost conscious during the process. It's probably better then them creating any unwanted attention. Half watching and half fantasizing he watches them fight against the sticky whip cream, but they are stuck. In his mind he has the picture of the tiny screaming kids struggling, moving their delicious legs and arms in panic. The mind game really turns him up, if he wouldn't sit, everybody could see his bulge. Pictures of the kids trying to eat their way out of the mess let's him snicker, his mind was very productive. At first the tiny kids didn't knew where they landed, it was soft and sort of solid. As they try to move they start to sink into the white mass like it would be quicksand. All three are screaming while they struggle to not sink any further. Dustin was the first to recognize what that white ooze was, as some of it got into his mouth he tasted whip cream. “This can't be. I think this...this... is a cup of ice cream.” Now that he said it the kids feel the cold temperature coming from underneath. Then the world around them exploded, a massive metal object pierces the ground just a few feet next to them. The impact let's the whip cream fly through the air, to their luck its so soft that hits doesn't hurt. That experience was enough to freeze them in place, they want to move but their bodies doesn't obey to their will anymore. Then the armageddon continues as the titanic spoon tears through the ground more. For them the next few minutes feel like an eternity, non of them counted how often the instrument of destruction nearly hit them, destroying the new world around them. This ice cream is sure stuffing. Igor thinks to himself. Time for the grand finally. After a short calamity the spoon tears down again, hitting the surface almost next to them. This time the tiny kids are send on a vertigo as the ground beneath them starts to move upwards like the fastest elevator in the world. Then a sharp pain and the world around them gets silent, they didn't feel it that much, but through the quick change of high their miniscule eardrums tear. As the world stops again they look into the direction of the mans opening mouth. For them it looks like a maw that could eat whole worlds. A last time they start to scream for help, unheard by everybody normal sized. Not even Igor can hear them. No one of them is granted the gift of passing out as they get moved into the fleshy dark cave, their brain is pumping adrenaline in all parts of their not even ant sized bodies. Then the light dies mostly and the ground is shaking violently. It only takes moments the ice under them has molten and streaming deeper in the cave. For the tiny kids the ground starts to change, it feels warm sticky and moving. They are all now sitting on the giant mans tongue, from above giant splashes of salvia hits them. Then an invisible force moves them deeper, and a moment later all three plum to their certain doom. Igor let's his last spoon of ice cream, together with the kids, melt on his tongue. Then his desires are fulfilled, he feels their miniscule bodies on his tongue. Like always time starts to expand for him to an eternity of joy, his complete mind is empty. The only thing he now knows is the extasy on his mind, just at the moment he swallows he feels cum flowing from his dick into his underwear. He enjoys the feeling for a few moments. Time for spare pants he thinks, getting up from the table and hiding the wet spot on his brown pants, as he goes into direction of the toilet. Damn, if tinies wouldn't die on plane I would bring souvenirs. He thinks as he opens the door to the customer bathroom. |