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A scientist kidnap a girl to make experiment on her, one day she escape and kidnap him too |
Before the story begin : This a roleplay i have done with Korzenn. This story is simply the retranscription of our conversation with a litte edit to make it more easy to read. I am still in roleplay with her so i will keep update this as much as i can. If you want to know more about her oc Korzenn you can find all the information here : https://aminoapps.com/c/ourlandof/page/item/kozrren/D864_BzgiNIm8dPLWv7dQdL88dmX... (But please dont go spam her) CHAPTER 1 : The meeting Jack was walking on the park and looking at the tree in Central Park suddendly someone tap his shoulder from behind. A grin on her lips and her peircing glare looking forward. - "Y...YOU?" - "Yes. Me" she grab him by the throat but don't squeeze him. - "What are you doing here??" - "Hunting" She start walking forward "and I found my prey" she grin. - "Me but how the fu** did you found me?" - "I found you by smelling you out, a talent you gave me and I am going to return the favour." - "Please let me go ! I have a family !" - "Oh poor you, I had something good too before this!" she show her body "People see me as a monster!" She lift him into the air. - "BECAUSE that what you are now sorry but we cant change the past!" shouting at her. - "I can change you though, not nearly as much but enough for you to suffer under me." - "What do you mean??" He look at her with an nounderstanding head. She smirk and punch him in the face knocking him out. She go to a abandoned ware house. CHAPTER 2 : The syringe waken He wake up next to a table with a empty syringe on it. His arms are tied and his down on a bed. He slowly wake up and he looks around him he discover the place and that his arms was tied. Korrzen walk out from behind him. - "You feel any different?" there is a foul smell on the room. - "Its smell strange.." he notice the syringe "What is that?" - "Oh it heightens your sense of smell is all" she smirk "why is that?" - "It is empty right why you use that on you?" - "Use what on me? I used the syringe on you" she sit on his lap "And it is very hard to keep up your hygiene when like this.." She smell horrible like she haven't washed in a year. - "What is that horrible smell?" he only breath a few second but can still smell the odor. - "Thats me, and you don't even know what your experiments did to my bodily gasses" she smirk "I am going to have fun." - "How can you smell like that! Please let me leave!" - "No I won't." Korrzen lift up her arms and stretch as the smell unsheathed and hit him in the face. It reaked worse than any fart you have ever smelt but it also had the smell of sex mixed in. - "Omg when was the last time you wash!" he turn his head to avoid the smell. - "I haven't washed since the experiment, and a select amount people liked this new body." - "You what omg that impossible how can people like that odour and how can you surpport yourself?" - "Support myself? They gave me food to live and they liked the smell" She press her sweaty armpit on his nose "you don't?" - "No its horrible they must have gas mask it's impossible to breath that without filter." - "Aw poor you, I am sure you will love it soon" She get up and smirk "what now?" - "Its finish ?! I can go back to home?" he said happy. CHAPTER 3 : The sewege torture She laugh out loud. - "No of course not!" she turn and lift her ass. - "Please im sorry for what i have done!" - "That means nothing." She take off her sweat pants letting only her panties and stick her ass in his face. It was like a sauna that stank of fish and egg. - "My digestion has been a little off recently" - "Its so sweat even with your panties what have you do?" - "I have eaten what I can find is all." She take off her panties and plant his nose between her cheeks. It was 3x as bad, her ass was sweating and his nose was caught in the middle. Jack try to move away but he is stuck. - "PLEASE!!!" - "Oh I feel something coming out~" her cheeks squeezed on his nose. Jack try to hold his breath but she did it she fart on his nose. If you could smell it, it would be like a dead corpse was fucked and cummed in by 50 men who all didn't was once. It was very hot. - "You like it?" She take her ass away and take off her clothes "it really is deliscious" She turn around smirking as she throw her dirty panties over his head "aw I missed." - "Whats that thing on my head it reeks" as he take a few sniff. - "My under garments but I was aiming for the nose" she smirk and walk over to a box. - "But this smell not that bad" as he move his head to let the panties fall. She take out a ring gag - "Then you won't mind me farting again? Then we will actually start." - "No thanks im good." he said scared. - "Aw" She walk to him and put the gag on him forcing his mouth open "ready?" - "No... please." She put her ass to the mouth gap as she fart into it allowing him to taste it. It is a sour sweetness. Jack fills the fume enter inside his throat and caught. - "You enjoying it?" She bring her ass away and put a ball gag over it keeping the fart in "I am gonna make you love those farts." Jack has his mouth in fire it was so hot and putrid he said no with his head because he cant talk with the gag. She smiles at him. - "You want more?" she walk forward and place her hand on his head. She grab her cheeks "You don't even know the start of what I did to my body after the experiment. I saw what I could do, I got money by selling my body to who ever payed, eventually the only people who would use me were disgusting men and the homeless but I survived and found this perfect place" She walk away to a pipe "in the other room is a entance to the sewers" I walk into the other room and after a minute walk back looking very plump. - "Are you ready? because I can convert all of this stuff in me to gas but I won't just do that" She smirk and scratch her ass "I want to stain you with my smell." She sit on you again but this time much heavier with liquid sewage filling her body "how should I do it?" she take off the gags. - "Finally i cant talk and breath! Put your mouth away its stink." - "That's rude, maybe I should make your breathe smell like me.' - "How can you be so evil.." - "You did this~" she lean in as she talk giving him a full wiff of her sewage breath. It was like some fat man had been sweating in her mouth just after a run. - "What kind of thing you eat to make your smell breath like that?" - "Oh, I have had to eat what I found, even used gym clothes" she lick her lips and lean closer "Why is that?" - "Because its.." Jack cant talk or watch in her eyes without smell her breath so he turn his head to the right. - "Huh? It's? What?" she exhasibate her words making more fetid air leave her bloated mouth. - "Stink" he closes his eyes. She smile and kiss his cheek. - "Open that mouth if yours~" she turn his head to face her. He try to shout his mouth. - "Open up and this will be over with~" she kiss his nose. - "Okay, okay but just stop." The smell was so bad he open his mouth to stop breathing from his nose but regret very fast. She give him an open mouth kiss as she breathe into his mouth. The putrid taste of worn clothes on her breath. Jack try to get away but she lean in more before taking her mouth away. - "You didn't like it?" - "Its aweful your breath his so hot and disgusting and i have the impression to smell it from inside." - "Good" she smile and fart on his lap, he can feel the heat of the putrid fart. - "I know i have done bad things but what your doing now is horrible!" - "Oh is it?" she move around on his lap as her squishy body presses on him "this is just pay back." - "Oh your body is cover of sweat." - "Aw, whats the matter? Is my rubbery body too sweaty for you?" she smile as she get up leaving wherever she touched damp and stinky. - "I have the feeling that i smell almost like you its horrible.." - "Aw, I am sure I can do worse" she walk over and grab his arms and lick her lips. - "WAIT what are you doing to do" as he try to move. She lick his cheek. - "You are going to go a few more days like this, I will feed you so don't worry." Jack fill the liquid on his cheek slowly go down. - "A few days i was thinking it was the last one torture!!" THE RP IS STILL PLAYING SO I WILL KEEP EDITING THIS EVERY DAY CHAPTER 4 : The dog slave She laugh - "How you thought wrong slave" she put a collar around his neck with a chain leeding down. |