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Rated: E · Article · Political · #2175302
The Truth about the principles of Theresa May
Almost every news report showed Theresa May dancing at the Tory conference on Wednesday.
Does the prime minister understand the irony of dancing on the conference podium to ‘ Dancing Queen ‘ by Abba – a group from a country in the EU?
Theresa May has outlined five opportunities:
” We want to support people in reaching their full potential. We want a society that is fair and rewarding. That’s at the heart of all the policies we announced this week.”
1. Getting more council house built:
By ending the cap on local authorities borrowing against the assets to new development.
2. Helping save lives with a new cancer strategy:
Speeding up diagnosis as part of our long – term plans for the NHS.
3.Freezing fuel duty for the ninth year in a row:
Putting money in the pockets of hard working people.
4. Introducing a Skill – Based immigration system:
Based on people skills, not where they come from and that ends free movement.
5. Banning deductions from workers tips:
Boosting pay and offering a more honest arrangement for consumers.
The UK Prime Minister said on Thursday 18th October 2018 that she did not rule out a Brexit deal that could leave Britain tied to the EU beyond 2020 in an extended transition, even though she said the measure would not be needed in practice.

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