Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2173960-Noah-And-The-Ark
Rated: E · Poetry · Religious · #2173960
A little piece from The Bible...

Here is a poem of Noah, a righteous man
At a time when sin was abound in the land.
God told him to gather animals male and female
Clean and unclean, Two each, “do not fail,”
Of the fowls flying in the air by sevens,
That flew under the blue aired heavens.

The Lord warned that for forty days and nights,
The waters would blot everything from sight,
snuff out life from everything that had given birth,
He was bringing rainfall, that would cover the earth,
And everything as far as the eye could see,
Way deeper than the height of you and me.

Noah followed the Lord, his faith was bold.
Even though he was already six hundred years old.
Noah, his wife, his sons, and their wives
Surrendered unto God and He saved their lives.
The flood waters were upon the earth so deep,
But in the ark their heartbeats the Lord did keep.

Every living thing was destroyed far and wide,
upon the ground, man, cattle, and the creeping things died.
The fowl of the heavens were gone from the earth,
Drowned in the deep waters’ din and dearth.
Noah and his family were the only ones left alive.
the ark kept them safe, like a queen bee in her hive.

“And the waters prevailed upon the earth an hundred and fifty days.”
-Genesis 7:24 (KJV)
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