Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2173435-A-Coyotes-Dream
Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Animal · #2173435
Very short piece
A Coyote's Dream

Quiet was the night, in which i stood paralyzed. I whispered to the moon as the stars dimly accented it's eerie aura. Then I casually raised my paw and brushed my ear. The red sands of the desert were brightly lit by the moonlight on this October's Eve. A jumping cactus was nearly twenty feet away and yet it's shadow was cast up to just before my snout. The air was cool and still and not a sound was to be heard for miles around. As I slowly raised my sight to the rocks across the desert sands, that same old familiar sound began to resonate across the earth with a commanding ring. It was coyotesse, howling a long call into the darkness once again.
Then suddenly, as though I were summoned by my paws without a choice, I built up the momentum to spring into a run. First my back legs caught the red sand and tossed it into the cool night air, then my front legs launched my body off into the distance. My gait was as fast and graceful as the wind which suddenly kicked up across the desert's great expanse. Building speed now, I ran towards coyotesse with the exhileration and power of my entire spirit. Although, I was niave to the tricks of beautiful mate just yet. As I encroached upon her, just down a small decline in the landscape, she smiled a toothy grin of white and then turned and ran towards the direction of the moon. The chase was on.
Now I began to build speed into a full sprint. Although I was male in stature, I could not seem to catch her. She accelerated like the ever increasing wind further into the distance on this awesome night. Mustering my strength now, excitement raced from paw to tail, as this game of chase became pure exhileration. Yet for all the strength that I could seem to conjur, still further into the distance she ran. Narrowing my gaze down now, I directed every last ounce of energy into my sprinting. Then, finally, I grew closer. However, what was to happen next would be a moment in time i shall never forget.
She was just within reach, as she quite suddenly stopped. Then, adjusting my sight in the deserts dim light, I aquiesced that the lanscape ahead would drop. Then she turned to the right and spun around. I took to the left. There we stood, face to face on the edge of a tall cliff. The moon above and red sand below. It was as though my nature was bound to raise my teeth into the night. Shortly thereafter, she followed in tradition. Together in harmony, we howled. A long and piercing call that echoed down the wall of the cliff and thoughought the canyon below. As the moonlight now reflected off the river far below, our souls were intertwined in this shrill sound that dominated the night.
Lowering my gaze back down, our eyes met. The color in her iris was a subtle gray, sparkling like the stars above. The wind died down, and predictably so, a meteorite lit up the night sky as though to signal that our hearts were to be woven together for all of eternity.

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