Bukowski Road Not Chosen
Other Poems
Jake Cosmos Aller
in Down in the Dirt
Bukowski Road Not Chosen
John ("Jake") Cosmos
While reading Charles Bukowski poetry On
the metro ride home Listening to Buddha bar music On
my oh too hip IPod
I begin to see myself as I was Over
30 years ago when I was merely a bit player A minor
character in a Charles Bukowski poem
A wild young
underemployed intellectual Hanging out in dismal bars and
dives all over Asia and California Hanging with disreputable
women and drunks and drinkers And characters out of his
kinds of haunts
A mad poet bard of the
underground A drunken poet in a drunken bum show That
nightly played in his head
Then one day I met the
women of my dreams And went down a different path A
long slow path to respectability
And now 30 years
later I am no longer a wild man I am still a poet
at heart But I am now also a bureaucrat In a button
down suite
Doing the people's business Working
for the Government I've become the Man
I wonder Would I have been better off Going down
that another path
Would I have ended up Somewhere
else Doing something else
Would I have been
as happy Would I have been as successful?
is no answer that satisfies The longing in my heart For
that wild thing That still lurks beneath It's
civilized cover
And I know that I am still A
mad poet at heart Railing against the injustice of the
As I work day by day in the belly of the great
beast of State I recall the ancient Chinese
saying, "Confucian during the day while Taoist rebel at
night" Playing out in my head and nightly dreams In
the true American Upper class patrician tradition
close the book and look out the window Get off the train,
and walk slowly home
And realize I had no
choice But to take the path that I've trodden on
so I put aside my misgivings And say goodbye to my
"Bukowskian"desires For another night of domestic
Was it worth it all to take the
conventional path And not take the bohemian road to hell and
I look at my wife and realize I had no
choice, had no choice But to follow her to the ends of the
And beyond by her side as we walked our
path Of shared destiny
Goodbye Charles
Bukowski wherever you are May I meet you in a bar in the
next life And figure out where we should have gone
then the drinks are on me.
Dreams Litter the Ground
John ("Jake") Cosmos
In the fall weather As I walk amid the
falling leaves I see the signs everywhere
the fall of America The once great and mighty
Empire Everywhere signs of the fall appear
dark skies mirror The darkness that settled over our
Death, destruction and random acts of chaos Are
all around us Surrounding us with visions of doom
can stop the bloodletting No one seems to be in charge
the leaves fall And the darkness descends The fall
of America continues

Name Is Nobody
John ("Jake") Cosmos Aller
name, it is Nobody No one cares who I am I am just
a nameless clone In the cold unfeeling bureaucracy
one of the army Of civilians who flood into and out of the
city Every day
A non-entity, A
ghost A govbot A cyber A spook A
faceless automan A bureaucrat
Just a grey
suited cog in the machinery And no one cares No one
knows who I really am
And I am legend Everywhere
and nowhere
Just the way this modern world All
shred of humanity Crushed beneath the cruel wheel of
In the cold harsh world There is no
room anymore For true human feelings
We are
just robots, clones, machines And so I go to work Put
on my mask
And no one hears my inner screams And
no one will ever care

in the Air
John ("Jake") Cosmos Aller
is a strangeness in the air A sense of cosmic unease Hangs
silently in the purple crystalline sky
America woke
up And decided it was time To quit following like
lemmings Over the Clift
As the pied piper
chants Stay the course, stay the course We were
like lemmings following him Dying to save his wounded
Today there is that strange difference In
the air As Americans woke up And threw off their
chains of fear
