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Rated: GC · Fiction · Thriller/Suspense · #2172221
Daniela Thompson seeks revenge against high school rival Cassidy Jenkins........
Cassidy Jenkins hadn't seen her childhood friend, Daniella Thompson, since their high school days. When she suddenly receives a call saying that she is coming for a visit, Cassidy is overjoyed. But Daniella has learned of Cassidy's recent marriage to Tyler Jenkins, and is jealous of Cassidy's happiness. When Daniella tries to come between Cassidy and Tyler by making advances towards Cassidy's husband, Tyler. When Cassidy discovers Daniella's secret and the real reason Daniella is here, can Cassidy forgive her friend?
Chapter 1
"Hello?" Cassidy Jenkins answered her cell.
"Cassidy?" Daniella asked.
"Daniella?" Cassidy asked surprised to hear from her childhood friend. "I was just wondering about you?"
"I just want to let you know that I was coming for a visit."
"You are? That's great, Daniella! You can meet my new husband, Tyler!" Cassidy exclaimed excitedly.
"Yeah, that would be nice!" Daniella replied in a somber tone.
"Well, Daniella, I hate to break off our call, but I have to be getting to work now." Cassidy told her.
"Yeah, sure! See you in a few days!" Daniella said, hanging up.
Cassidy hung up and began to get ready for work as a paralegal in her father's law firm, she couldn't believe she would see Daniella again. It's been so long--too long! One thing bothered her though--their rivalry over the quarterback James Mitchell, whom both Cassidy and Daniella both had eyes for. It had been an ugly rivalry to which Daniella won the heart of James when the two married right after they graduated high school. Cassidy never heard from Daniella again--until now!

Daniella had packed her few belongings that James had let her have. When Daniella and James first married, it seemed the two were inseparable. They were the picture of happiness--that is for the first two months. Then James changed. He became possessive over Daniella. He controlled her every move, from the friends she had to the family she could talk to.
Things escalated further when James began beating Daniella and leaving bruises on her, even putting her in the hospital a few times. Daniella thought she was a dead woman--until a month ago when Daniella finally had enough and shot and killed James when he was sleeping.
The next morning, she woke in a daze to the news of Cassidy's marriage to celebrity architect to the stars, Tyler Jenkins. After Daniella's ordeal the last 10 years, Daniella seethed with anger toward Cassidy. How could she end up happy when she was miserable? It wasn't fair that Cassidy got what she wanted and she ended up in a nightmare of a marriage. Daniella blamed Cassidy for her marriage woes. After all, Cassidy gave up on James way to easily, and Daniella wanted Cassidy to pay.
That's when Daniella made up her mind to ruin Cassidy's happiness at all costs. Daniella intended to steal Tyler away from Cassidy and make Cassidy pay for everything she went through. Her troubled life was Cassidy's fault.
Chapter 2
"Dani!" Cassidy shrieked with excitement when she spotted her friend in the airport while waiting for her.
"Cassi." Dani shrieked with fake excitement as she gave her friend a hug, while secretly eyeing Cassidy's husband, Tyler.
"Oh, Dani, it's been so long." Cassidy said sadly. "How did we ever lose touch with each other?"
"I know." Daniella lied. "I'm sorry for everything.'
Daniella and Cassidy talked about old times while waiting for her luggage at the baggage claim. When it finally came out, Daniella pointed it out and Tyler, like the true gentleman, picked up Daniella's luggage and carried it to his and Cassidy's car. Daniella was amazed that they had a driver. No, more like jealous!
As Max drove Cassidy, Tyler and Daniella back to Tyler and Cassidy's mansion, Tyler poured Cassidy and Daniella a drink from the mini bar in the limousine. As the three enjoyed the drink, Daniella thought about her revenge on Cassidy and how to make the moves on Tyler. He was a man Daniella could fall for with his rugged good looks and chiseled features, those gorgeous blue eyes the color of the ocean--Daniella could get lost in them forever.
"Dani?" Cassidy spoke, breaking Daniella free of her thoughts.
"What? I'm sorry Cassi. I must have been lost in thought." Daniella lied, as she continued to think about having Tyler all to herself.
"What do you want to do first when we get home?" Cassidy repeated.
"Oh, surprise me!" Daniella told her friend.
"Well, why don't you two take a swim out in our pool while I make you two some lunch." Tyler suggested.
"That's sounds good, honey." Cassidy said, giving him a kiss on the lips.
Max had just pulled into the drive of Cassidy and Tyler's mansion. Tyler grabbed Daniella's bags and followed Cassidy and Daniella up the front steps to the front door as Cassidy pushed the code for the security alarm.
Once inside, Cassidy led Daniella to her room--actually wing--that she would have all to herself. Amazed as she was by Cassidy's success, Daniella couldn't wait to take all of this from Cassidy for payment for all her hurt.
Daniella still couldn't believe that Cassidy managed to get everything while she lost all she had.
"I'll wait for you out by the pool." Cassidy said to Daniella.
"Okay. I'll get dressed and be out there in a few." Daniella promised.
But first, Daniella had to put the first part of her plan into motion.
Chapter 3
Daniella dressed in her sexiest bikini...a blue bikini...and threw on her coverup. Daniella held her long locks up as she tried to decide whether she should put it up or let hang loose around her shoulders. After a few minutes, she decided she looked sexier with it hanging loose around her shoulders. Satisfied with her look, Daniella grabbed her cell and headed downstairs to meet Cassidy and Tyler out by their pool.
"What took you so long?" Cassidy asked her when Daniella finally emerged from the sliding glass door.
"Oh, just had to get ready." Daniella expressed as she flung her coverup into the lounge chair and flipped her locks in Tyler's direction.
"You. . .look nice." Tyler commented, trying not to get excited by Daniella's appearance, as hot as he thought she looked.
"Yeah, Daniella, you look great, as always." Cassidy said, a bit jealous.
Daniella's performance brought Cassidy back to their high school days. Daniella always seemed to get the guys, even the ones that Cassidy was interested in. She remembered how Daniella took advantage of the fact that she also liked James Mitchell and managed to land James before she could tell him how she felt. Now that she was married to Tyler, it seemed to Cassidy that Daniella was trying to do the same? But Cassidy shook it off thinking that Daniella was above that now. . .we were all adults. . .no time to play childish games we played back in high school.
Daniella went in the pool giving a show for Tyler. And as Tyler loved Cassidy, he couldn't help but look at Daniella. She was hot and sexy, not that Cassidy wasn't either. But there was something about Daniella. . .something that he couldn't take his eyes off of her. He felt guilty for the way he looked at her. . .like he was cheating on Cassidy. . .but. . .he just couldn't take his eyes off her.
Daniella swam in Cassidy's pool, all the while, watching Tyler. She liked that he couldn't take his eyes off her. . .her plan was working. Soon, Tyler would be all hers. And Cassidy would be left out in the cold. . .just as Cassidy deserved. . .
Cassidy, not wanting to watch Daniella's obvious game, made an excuse to go into the house and get some snacks for them to munch on. When she got into the house, Cassidy opened up the refrigerator and took out the ribs that Tyler would barbecue for their dinner. Cassidy knew Daniella liked barbecued ribs. She placed the ribs on the cart along with the barbecue sauce for the ribs, the spatula, and salt.
When she brought the ribs outside for Tyler to start grilling, she couldn't help but notice Daniella was hanging all over Tyler as he fired up the grill. Even after a swim, Daniella looked great. She couldn't help but think that Daniella was after Tyler. . .she hoped she was wrong. . .but she just wasn't so sure.
"So, Dani, what brings you out here?" Tyler asked, trying to keep his eyes off her gorgeous body.
"My husband died recently and I needed a break." Dani explained. "I haven't seen Cassie in awhile so I thought 'why not?'"
"Well, I think Cassie is glad to see you. . .and catch up."
"So how did you and Cassie meet?" Dani asked with mock enthusiasm.
"Our jobs." Tyler explained. "I was an architect to the stars and Cassie was an interior designer we were both working for the same celebrity on their house."
"Was it love at first sight?"
"No, Cassie couldn't stand me at first."
"Oh, really?"
"It took me months to get Cassie to warm up to me."
"Yeah, Cassie always did seem to be like that." Daniella reflected back on their high school days.
"But I finally won her over and I couldn't be happier."
"Yeah, Cassie does seem quite happy." Daniella remarked, a hint of jealousy in her voice.
Cassidy came out with the cart so Tyler to begin grilling the ribs. She couldn't help that Daniella seemed a bit too comfortable chatting with Tyler.
"Hey, you two. . .are you hungry?" Cassidy asked, as if trying to break the ice.
"Yeah, it's about time you brought those ribs out." Tyler joked.
"Mmmmmm, my favorite." Daniella remarked.
"I know. And Tyler makes the best ribs." Cassidy told her.
"I can't wait to try them." Daniella licked her lips seductively, catching a glimpse of Tyler eyeing her.
After twenty minutes of uncomfortable silence watching Tyler grilled the ribs, Tyler finally brought the ribs to the table where Cassidy and Daniella were sitting.
"Ribs are ready!" Tyler announced.
"Yeah. I can't wait!" Daniella said as Tyler put a rib smothered in barbecue sauce onto Daniella's plate.
"Mmmmmm." Daniella said, as she took a bite immediately. "These are so-o-o-o good, Tyler. Cassidy is right. You do make the best ribs."
The three of them enjoyed dinner and spent a few more hours by the poolside before turning in for the night. As Cassidy watched Daniella head up to her wing, Cassidy and Tyler got into a heated spat.
"Really, Tyler?" Cassidy accused. "You couldn't take your eyes off of her!"
"What do you mean, Cassie?!" Tyler defended himself.
"The way you looked at her?"
"She's a beautiful woman, but that doesn't mean I want her?!"
"She was doing it on purpose!" Cassidy accused. "She wants you! It's our high school days all over again!"
"Oh, come on, Cassie! You're paranoid!"
"I don't think so!" Cassie warned Tyler. "She has an agenda and you're it!"
"Don't be silly, Cassie!" Tyler told her. "You know I only have eyes for you!"
"But you couldn't take your eyes off Dani all afternoon!"
"I can't take your accusations!" Tyler said, storming off.
Cassidy couldn't help it. She knew Daniella was up to her old tricks. She couldn't believe that Tyler couldn't see it.
Chapter 4
Daniella couldn't be happier as she listened to Cassidy and Tyler fighting. All she cared about was that her plan was working perfectly. Cassidy was making the usual assumptions she did back in high school. And Tyler didn't believe her. Soon, Tyler would be all hers. . .and Cassidy would be left out in the cold. . .just where she belonged.
As Daniella made her way downstairs to work on the next plot in her scheme, Cassidy fumed upstairs after Tyler had marched out of their room and into one of the other rooms.
Tyler, on the other hand, decided he wasn't going to lose any sleep over Cassidy's paranoia. It was ridiculous that Daniella was coming on to him. She was just his wife's friend from high school. He had no interest in her. Why couldn't Cassidy see that?
As Tyler tried to sleep, he heard the door open and someone come in.
"Cassidy?" Tyler questioned the intruder coming in. "Come to your senses, did you?"
But there was no answer, and assuming the intruder left, Tyler tried to go back to sleep. But instead, he felt a warm hand caress his body, and assuming it was Cassidy, turned over and planted a kiss on her.
"I'm sorry, Tyler." Daniella lied. "I had no idea there was anybody in here."
"What are you doing in here?" Tyler said, when he realized it wasn't Cassidy he just kissed.
"I had to find another room to sleep in." was Daniella's excuse. "The sheets in my bed were all wet when I went to pull down the blankets."
"I'm sorry to hear that, Dani." Tyler apologized.
"I'll go check out what's wrong." Tyler told her. "Just to make sure there's no leak."
"No, you don't have to do that." Daniella told him. "I'm sure the sheets will be dry in the morning."
"It's no problem, really." Tyler offered. "I pride myself on having a leak-proof home and if you have a leak, I need to fix it."
"Can't you do it in the morning?" Daniella asked him, hoping to buy some time before she could get back to her room.
"Okay, I will wait until morning." Tyler promised her.
"Thank you, Tyler. You're such a doll." Daniella said sweetly.
"I think I will go sleep in my own room with my wife, where I belong." Tyler said.
As Tyler went back up to his and Cassidy's room, Daniella made her way back to her room and crawled into the bed, knowing it wouldn't be long before she had Tyler right where she wanted him. . .and Cassidy would be alone. . .just like her.
Chapter 5
Cassidy woke to find Tyler sleeping next to her, snoring as loudly as ever. It kept Cassidy awake and she couldn't sleep ever since Tyler came back into the room. Not wanting to give into Tyler, Cassidy got up and put on her bathrobe to prepare breakfast. Cooking always managed to make Cassidy feel better.
But when she got downstairs to the kitchen, Daniella was already there dressed in a sexy black dress, cooking breakfast.
"Daniella, what are you doing in my kitchen?" Cassidy demanded.
"Well, I saw how busy you and Tyler were, so I wanted to help out a little."Daniella told her sweetly.
"Well, I don't need your help." Cassidy spat out. "Especially with you looking like that!"
"What's wrong with how I look?" Daniella asked innocently.
"That dress?!" Cassidy raged. "How many people cook in a sexy black dress?!"
"Well, I had a prior commitment so I got ready and thought I would make you and Tyler dinner before I left." Daniella explained in her sugar-sweet voice.
"Yeah, I bet!" Cassidy screamed at her. "Why don't you admit you're trying to take Tyler away from me!"
As Cassidy threw out accusations, Daniella continued cooking, remaining calm. Cassidy's ranting woke Tyler, who was still asleep upstairs, came downstairs to see what all the commotion was.
"What is going on down here?!" Tyler exploded.
"I was just making you two some breakfast and Cassie just flew off the handle?" Daniella said in her sugary sweet voice. "And she flew into a rage."
"Cassie, what is wrong with you?" Tyler asked. "She's just making breakfast."
"Dressed like that!"
"I told your wife that I had somewhere to go, but thought I would make you two some breakfast before I go." Daniella explained as sweetly as possible.
"There, Cassie, she's just making breakfast for us." Tyler tried to get Cassie to be rational.
"She's trying to take you away! Who makes breakfast in that attire!"
"Cassie, she just told us she had somewhere to be after making breakfast." Tyler continued to reason with Cassie.
"You know what, Tyler, I'm leaving." Cassie yelled. "If you're going to take her side, you can have her!"
Cassidy stormed out of the house and to her car and drove off. She had to get out. Drive somewhere--anywhere, but at home. Daniella was ruining their life and Tyler couldn't see it.
Meanwhile, Daniella had breakfast ready and on the table when Tyler came back. She was sitting at the table waiting for Tyler and Cassidy to join her.
"Breakfast is served." Daniella told Tyler when he came back to the kitchen after failing to reason with Cassidy.
"Thanks, Daniella." Tyler told her as he sat down to eat.
"Where's Cassie?" Daniella asked him, secretly happy inside.
"She left." Was all Tyler said.
"I'm sorry, Tyler." Daniella said as she squeezed his hand.
"It's not your fault."
"Is there anything I can do?"
With Cassidy gone, it was time to make her move. Daniella soothed Tyler's hand, as she inched her hand further up his arm, rubbing it soothingly. Enjoying the touch, Tyler let Daniella caress him, as he was hurting from Cassidy's tirade.
Still hurting from Cassidy leaving so angrily and her irrational behavior, Tyler kissed Daniella. Daniella had Tyler right where she wanted him. Tyler grabbed Daniella and kissed her, as the two ended up in a passionate kiss.
While Daniella and Tyler were getting passionate, Cassidy was driving so fast as thoughts of her argument came back to her, making her more angry that Tyler would side with Daniella. The past was coming back to haunt her.
Daniella was coming between her and Tyler just like when they were in high school when Daniella came between her and any guy she was interested in.
Cassidy, seeing the oncoming car through her angry tears, swerved to the side of the road and went off into a ditch.
Chapter 6
As Daniela was busy seducing an unsuspecting Tyler, Cassidy lay unconscious in her car in the ditch with her head on the steering wheel.
A passerby who was making his usual jog, found Cassidy's car and called 9-1-1 to get the paramedics on the scene.
Then he checked Cassidy's wrist for a pulse and found one, although very faint.
The paramedics arrived on scene within 10 minutes and rushed to see how Cassidy was. They check her vitals: Temp--98.9, Pulse--110, Respirations--24, Blood Pressure--190/99, O2 sats--70 and falling fast.
The paramedics put an oxygen mask on Cassidy to help get more oxygen to Cassidy's brain. They reported Cassidy's condition to the hospital via radio before putting her in the ambulance for transport to the hospital.
"Do you know this lady?" the paramedic asked the jogger.
"No. I found her car while out on a jog." The jogger asked.
"Well, does she have any identification?"
"I saw a purse in the car." The jogger told the paramedic. "It said Cassidy Jenkins."
"Thank you sir." The paramedic said. "We will give her husband a call."
As Cassidy was on her way to the hospital, the paramedic riding in the ambulance gave Tyler a call.
Back at Tyler's home, Daniela was about to unbutton her blouse to give Tyler a show after kissing him passionately when the phone near the bed began ringing.
"I'm sorry, Daniela, but I must get this. It could be my employer." Tyler said, feeling guilty about what he was about to do with his wife's friend.
"Hello?" Tyler said, after picking up the phone by the bed.
"Mr. Jenkins?" the paramedic said.
"Yes, this Tyler Jenkins."
"I'm afraid to tell you, but your wife is being taken to the hospital."
"The hospital? What happened?" Tyler asked the paramedic.
"There's been an accident. Your wife is holding her own, but is unconscious."
"I'm on my way!" Tyler said, hanging up and pushing Daniela off the bed and putting his pants and shirt back on, making Daniela a little ticked off.
"Can't you forget about Cassidy?" Daniela said selfishly.
"Who the hell are you?" Tyler accused. "I thought you were her best friend?"
"Oh fine. Have it your way." Daniela said with irritation.
As Tyler left Daniela alone on the bed, Daniela felt hurt that Cassidy always seemed to win.
"Damn you, Cassidy!" Daniela said. "You won't win this!"
Chapter 7
Daniela was left to sulk after Tyler fled to the hospital to see Cassidy. When he got there Cassidy was admitted to her room where she was resting peacefully. Or so the doctors and nurses thought. But Cassidy was having anything but a peaceful sleep. Despite being in a coma, Cassidy was wracked with nightmares that Tyler had left her for Daniela.
When Tyler held Cassidy's hand, Cassidy's eyes twitched. She wanted to wake up but something was preventing her from doing so.
Suddenly, Cassidy's monitor started beeping and Cassidy was in cardiac arrest as doctors and nurses entered Cassidy's room with a crash cart to begin CPR on Cassidy.
A nurse's aide shuffled Tyler out of Cassidy's room, despite Tyler's objection to remain in the room.
Several minutes later--it seemed like an eternity to Tyler--the doctor came out to give Tyler the news:
"Cassidy was poisoned."
"Poisoned?" Tyler asked in surprise. "Who would do that?" Then he thought of Daniela. Could she have done this?
"We have given your wife the antidote and are waiting to see if she responds to the treatment." The doctor informed Tyler, just as Daniela arrived to check on her friend.
"Is Cassidy alright?" Daniela asked sweetly, almost too sweetly it made Tyler suspicious.
"Mr, Jenkins will give you the details." The doctor told Daniela before walking away.
"Doctor, can I go see her?" Tyler asked the departing doctor.
Tyler felt a hand on his shoulder as Daniela tried to comfort him, but he pulled away from her.
"Leave me alone."
"I just want to help."
"After trying to seduce me?"
"I couldn't help myself." Daniela defended herself.
"I love my wife."
"I know. And I'm sorry."
"Well, if you're so sorry then you'll pack your things and leave our home." Tyler lashed out at her.
"Okay. If that's how you feel."
Tyler didn't say a word. He just left her standing there as he walked on to see Cassidy.
"Fine. Have it your way, Tyler! For now!" Daniela whispered to herself, as she went back to Tyler and Cassidy's home and packed her things and then headed for a motel.
Chapter 8
Daniela didn't feel the least bit sorry for her seduction attempt on Tyler. Cassidy deserved to lose Tyler and Daniela was determined to sleep with him and destroy Cassidy's marriage, the way she destroyed her marriage.
Daniela flashed to the night before her husband, Stefan, and her fight the night before he died when he confronted her over what Cassidy had told him about cheating on him. It was a bitter fight between them that led to a heart attack that ultimately killed him.
It was from that moment on, that Daniela vowed revenge on Cassidy by seducing Tyler. She couldn't believe that her best friend would rat her out about her one-night stand with an office worker. She told that secret to Cassidy in confidence. But little did Daniela know, it wasn't Cassidy who told the secret to Daniela's husband--the person who told Stefan not to tell Daniela who told him. That's when Stefan lied and said it was Cassidy.
In an undisclosed location, a mystery figure was calculating his revenge as Daniela was driving to the hospital to visit Cassidy.
Daniela parked her car and checked in with the front desk at the hospital. Heading to Cassidy's room, Daniela attempted to gain Cassidy's forgiveness before Tyler could spill the beans about her seduction attempt.
And it was a good thing Tyler had to go to the office to meet with clients about their plans for the house he was designing for them.
"Cassidy." Daniela said, knocking on Cassidy's door.
"Daniela?" a groggy Cassidy said upon waking from a deep-drug -induced sleep.
"Hey, I'm sorry I haven't visited. Been busy."
"That's okay."
"So, how you been feeling." Daniela said, breaking the ice between them.
"Lonely. I miss Tyler." Cassidy said depressed.
"Well, I'm sure he'll be by shortly." Daniela encouraged her.
"Yeah." Cassidy said unenthused after her and Tyler's argument.
"Hey, he loves you."
"Yeah. You think so?" Cassidy's spirits perked up.
"Yeah. He told me so after a long discussion."
Cassidy felt a little better after Daniela told her about Tyler.
"So, I just wanted to apologize for any inconvenience I may have cause you and Tyler?" Daniela told her.
"That's okay. I forgive you." Cassidy told her, as she fell for Daniela's story.
"Friends?" Daniela said with crossed fingers behind her back.
"Friends." Cassidy said as the two besties hugged each other.
"So when do you get to break this pop stand?"
"I don't know. The doctor is due any time."
"Well, when you do get out, what you say, we go for a burger and fries?" Daniela offered.
"Sounds good." Cassidy agreed.
"Well, I'll let you get some rest." Daniela said as she headed for the door.
"Thanks, Dani." Cassidy said before Daniela disappeared.
Daniela smiled knowing she had duped Cassidy into forgiving her. Cassidy was always a sucker for forgiveness. As Daniela got into her car and turned on the ignition, she was unaware that she was being followed.
Chapter 9
Daniela was driving back to Cassidy and Tyler's home when she looked in the rearview mirror and noticed a police car with flashing red and blue lights. Pulling over to the side of the road, hoping the cop would pass her by, Daniela waited on the shoulder, since she wasn't doing anything illegal.
But the car didn't pass her by but pulled up behind her car. The officer got out of the car and walked up to Daniela's window, tapping on it as Daniela rolled it down.
"Is anything wr----" Daniela started to say but was shocked when she realized who it was. "James?"
"Daniela, darling!"
"You're dead?"
"No, Daniela, I'm not!"
"But how did you survive the fire?"
"I got out before the smoke and flames consumed me."
"But, they found a body?"
"Well, obviously, it wasn't mine!"
"I got to get going, James. I'm expected at a friend's home."
"Well, it was nice seeing you, Daniela."
Daniela drove off creeped out that James was alive after she was sure he had died in the fire. Daniela got back to Cassidy and Tyler's where Cassidy was recuperating from being in the hospital. She sensed Daniela was in a frantic mood when she came in to the living room.
"Dani, are you okay? You look as if you've seen a ghost?"
"I have."
"My husband?! He's alive!"
"What? James is alive? But you never said he died?"
"It was too hard to talk about, Cassie." Daniela said, covering for her lie.
"How did you find out?"
"A cop pulled me over and when he walked to my car window, it was James."
"I'm so sorry."
Cassidy comforted Daniela, who was distraught at James' sudden resurrection.
Meanwhile, back at a motel room, James stood in front of the bathroom mirror, laughing as he pulled off his mask, revealing an old classmate of Daniela and Cassidy's, Jeremiah Tompkins, who was in town to seek revenge on Daniela for dissing him back in high school.
Chapter 10
Cassidy felt for Daniela. She never knew James had died. But to have Daniela think that he was somehow alive--it didn't make sense? But Cassidy would find out that a lot of things wouldn't be making sense.
Meanwhile, Jeremiah began to put the second part of his scheme into play. It was time to reveal the not-so-dead husband!
"Hello?" the mystery voice said, picking up their cell.
"It's time." Jeremiah informed the person.
The mystery person did as they were told and got into their car, driving to town to put the Jeremiah's scheme in place.
Daniela waited for Cassidy, who agreed to meet her for coffee. The mystery person watched the two girls from a distance--as Jeremiah instructed them to do.
But Cassidy couldn't shake the feeling of her and Daniela being followed. She looked behind them to spy someone sitting at the table behind them.
"Dani, I think that guy is following us?" Cassidy said.
"Oh, don't be crazy, Cassie. Why would they follow us?" Dani told her friend.
"It's just funny how he sat down immediately after we did?" Cassidy said.
"It's probably just a coincidence. I wouldn't think too much of it."
"Maybe." Cassidy said, but she still couldn't shake the feeling he was following them.
But Daniela got a sly smile on her face. Cassidy was slowly slipping away. Now, she thinks someone is following them? It wouldn't be long before Tyler caught on and had her committed......
....Paving the way for her to be with Tyler Jenkins--the man she's wanted since high school!
Chapter 11

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