From Mars Adam.R.Crump
From Mars - Part 3
Garbled Message
Deep Space Network (DSN - for short) is the system that all space
agencies use to send signals into space and communicate with space
missions of one kind or another. This same network was used for the
Mars Mission.
DSN has dish antennas in Spain, Australia and California. The reason
for this is that as the Earth rotates, at least one part of the
network will have any part of space in its view at all times. This
allowed us to communicate freely with the astronauts when we needed
there is a time delay, and the further that you get from Earth, the
longer it is. By the time the crew reached Mars, there was twenty
minutes between each transmission. That meant forty minutes of
waiting for a response of any type. In forty minutes, things can go
astronauts had been on Mars for a month and the information they had
gathered had not only been invaluable to scientists, but also for the
'Atlas' company who funded the majority of this trip. They had also
been trialling the new portable life station, and it had worked. This
had been the company's greatest success.
N.A.S.A had provided some funding,
but with most governments pulling out of the space race in the late
2020's due to food shortages and overpopulation; space exploration
had fallen mainly to private enterprise. This had given Atlas the
opportunity to make its money. First with trips into the upper
atmosphere, then to the Mir Space Station which had been turned into
an orbital hotel, and finally the moon where the first moon city
'Helios' had been established.
mining of Energium now funded the majority of all space exploration.
the information gathered, the 'Atlas' company had decided to give the
go-ahead for planet colonisation. Large quantities of Energium had
been found beneath the Martian surface, which would provide 'Atlas'
with the money it would need to colonise the planet. With the
successful trial of the new 'portable life station' colonisation of
Mars was now considered possible. 'Atlas' had billions of dollars
invested in the trip.
It was on the last day of the mission that things went
wrong. A surface walk into a canyon adjacent to the life station had
been planned, with instruments picking up signs of a large frozen
water reservoir at the bottom of the canyon. It was to be the
astronaut's job to go to the bottom of the canyon and see how much
water was there. If a large supply of water could be found
colonisation would be made much easier.
The trip was planned, the astronauts went, but it wasn't
water they found. It was something much much worse...

Control Centre! Helios, May 18th 2057...
all started with a garbled message. Everyone in the Central Command
Centre heard it, but none of us could believe it, especially me. The
message was a video feed, but it came in short bursts, with static in
we have a problem here over...
The voice belonged to Captain Abigail Price; her anxious
face filled the screen, covered in sweat.
protocol failed...
Secondary protocol? What nonsense was this?
have one astronaut confirmed dead, Chris is KIA over...
She sounded worried and jittery, and was
continually looking over her shoulder.
and Josh are comatose but stable over...
We could see the bodies were lying on the ground beside
the communication station.
found the water source...
I looked over at Colonel Armistad of the
United States Army, he also looked worried.
there was something else over...
And that definitely wasn't a good sign.
permission for an emergency return to Earth, awaiting further
instructions over and out...
I looked to Armistad, and the Colonel shook his
cannot let them come home!" the gruff Colonel stated.
I raised my eyebrows.
are my astronauts Colonel. I will not leave them on Mars!"
I will not risk something getting back to Earth. I am under strict
orders not breach the security of Earth and I take my orders very
seriously James."
you know something I don't Colonel? What was she talking about when
she mentioned secondary protocol? What could be so dangerous as to
make a call not to bring our people home?"
The Colonel narrowed his eyes.
are some questions
you don't want to know the answers to James. This is one of those
That statement threw me. What was the Colonel keeping
from me? Our communication had always been open, but the look he was
giving me now, suggested that the time for sharing had past.
message was sent twenty minutes ago." I stressed. "Who
knows what could have happened in that time. They could be perfectly
from Chris, I
thought quietly to myself; because Chris was dead already.
they could be compromised; this is not a democracy James. I will not
endanger Earth's security. This is not your call; you knew the risks,
and so did they."
I watched in horror as the U.S Army Colonel depressed
the communication button.
Price, your orders are to remain on Mars, and await further
instructions. You will not return to Earth. I repeat, you
will not return
to Earth."

you judge the Colonel too harshly, you have to know the facts.
the Colonel finished giving his orders he walked from the room. The
look on his face suggested that he didn't want to talk, but the
'company' had left me in charge of this operation, and god
dammit I wanted answers.
I caught up with him in the hallway leading from mission
He kept walking. I knew he could hear me; this was his
subtle way of trying to tell me that our conversation was not going
to happen, but I always was persistent.
we have to talk..."
Still nothing! Still the same upright march he had been
doing since leaving the control room.
damn you...I have a right to know, those are my astronauts up there."
Armistad stopped
at this. I am not sure why, maybe he had had enough of my
whining. Maybe he felt something akin to understanding - he had
lead men into battle in his younger days. Whatever it was, it changed
his mind. He turned and barked...
with me Celtigar!"
He led me to his office. A rather plush, comfortable
room. With leather furniture and an old fashioned wooden
desk which looked like it had been passed down through his family for
generations. It was this desk that he sat behind now, putting his
feet up on a worn corner that looked like it had seen the edge of his
boot many different times.
know what it is like to be responsible for the lives of others James,
and this is the only reason I am now going to share this information
with you, but I warn you this information cannot be unlearned.
am under very strict orders here and while you don't
have classification to know this information, you do have a
right to know. Before I begin I have one condition. Nothing that I
share with you now is to leave the room; this information has been
classified above 'Top Secret.' There are only a small handful of
people that know this, and things have been done to make sure that it
stays that way. Do we have an understanding?"
The words masked the unsaid threat. 'If you tell anyone,
we have ways of making you disappear.' I nodded, wondering quietly
what I had got myself into.
The Colonel began...
asked me before what secondary protocol 2010 a Mars Rover,
sponsored by the European Space Agency landed on Mars. The Rover
spent a week roaming the surface of Mars until it came to canyon.
The Rover's instruments picked up a large water supply at the bottom
of the canyon, and was sent down to do some tests, where
the signal was lost. The official statement was that the Rover had
suffered a mechanical failure, but that wasn't quite right.
In the seconds before the Rover went offline, it sent a
signal to the Odyssey, a satellite that was orbiting Mars. The signal
showed a shape emerging from the water it was running tests on. The
shape had no defining features, but it had some form of arms and
those arms had smashed the Rover to pieces."
The Colonel studied me intensely, watching for my
reaction. It came seconds later when I put the facts together.
was the same canyon we set up our base beside wasn't it?"
Armistad nodded.
was why we were so adamant that you set up the Mars base in its
current position. When the Europeans reviewed the tape, they realised
that nothing like what they had seen on the tape had happened before,
so they called in N.A.S.A specialists. As soon as N.A.S.A saw what
the video contained, they immediately showed our department. After
our department viewed it, we took measures to make sure that no one
else saw, or could share the information."
I narrowed my eyes.
car crash that killed the Mars Rover team in 2010? That was you?"
The Colonel stared, he didn't offer any answer and I
didn't push for anything else, but I could tell by the look in his
eyes that his department had had a hand in the deaths. After a short
uneasy silence he continued.
department came to the conclusion that whatever had been at the
bottom of that canyon was not friendly, and could in fact pose
a threat to humans landing on the planet, so we set up an action plan
in case of contact. When 'Atlas' made it clear that they wanted to
get to Mars and establish a base we managed through N.A.S.A to kindly
offer our own astronauts to fly to Mars and establish the base. Your
company jumped at the chance..."
Armistad was
right, 'Atlas' had jumped at the chance. N.A.S.A astronauts were some
of the finest on the planet and with their extensive
training were perfect for the mission we were attempting.
The offer had been generous of N.A.S.A who in the past had
declined any invitation for the use of its astronauts in
private enterprise. I had been worried about there being a catch to
the deal, and had made noises with the company management,
but when the astronauts did everything they were asked to our fears
settled like silt on an ocean bed, and eventually they were
forgotten about.
Armistads deep
voice broke through my thoughts and once more I absorbed the story he
was giving me.
your company didn't know was that the astronauts that N.A.S.A had
trained also had a secondary protocol. Once they had finished their
primary mission, Captain Price and her fire-team (a specially trained
team of Space Combat Soldiers) were under strict military orders to
find out what had happened to that rover. Today they initiated
secondary protocol. They were to scout the area, identify any
threats, and if hostile, destroy them."
I stared at him unbelieving. I couldn't believe what I
was hearing!
happened to them Colonel?" I asked.
The Colonel didn't mince his words.
failed..." However at this stage of my story we
were unaware how just how catastrophically they had failed.