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Merged Fairy tale of Rapunzel, Cinderella, Rumpelstiltskin. |
People used to be farmers, long ago. Working on the dry soil and barren lands was hard and people did not try to cut down trees from the lush forest because of poor materials either. Many people became beggars as they couldn't grow any food to feed themselves or their families. Among these beggars was a woman, an old enchantress, and perhaps the last in her line of descent. She wore black veils even in the scorching heat of summer, hiding what people assumed were wrinkled eyes and sagging cheek bags. Although what people did not know was that her pale skin was fresh and soft like women twice as young as her. She used a special cream, an ancient recipe passed down to her. Her hair was a bright gold that would shine in the sunlight if she ever took off her veil. She wore a long black dress, as she was widowed, her husband also being someone who used magic. This woman was just a farmer like all the others. Instead of selling all her herbs, she kept a portion of them and used them in magic potions. People often told her to marry the rich merchant next door, one of the very few people privileged enough for some extra money. Those who earned a little bit were already grateful, but this merchant was very greedy. This enchantress was named Evanora and she had a daughter, about two months old. She had named her daughter while looking out of the window of her little sod house, looking longingly at the neighbor's fortune and beautiful garden and said, Rapunzel. So, Rapunzel was born. Even with a daughter named after rampion, Evanora needed real rampion for a potion that she hoped would make hair grow impossibly long. So Evanora decided to take some rampion from the garden next door. She knew it would be a big risk, and that the neighbors never answered her pleas for scraps of food. Evanora did not want her child to starve either, and her garden was growing terribly. So at midnight, Evanora snuck into the garden. Evanora quietly shut the door of her brown sod house, and crept into the next door garden with the dew from the grass rubbing against her ankles. She bent down, her knees sinking in the soft dirt and tried to neatly tear a plant from the ground. "What are you doing?" A sudden voice from behind made Evanora jump, tearing the rampion from the ground with a sharp, hisssssssss. The merchant, Cayden, wearing his best red shirt with long white shirt tails, and black dress pants trying to set of his pale skin and brown eyes, "I'm sorry sir but my daughter is crying and we have eaten nothing for the past two days. May I please have some rampion?" Evanora asked. "For the exchange of your daughter you may have as much rampion as you like. If not, I'll call the police." Cayden threatened. The police were royal soldiers who rode on horses and were meant to help people, but Evanora knew that getting the carrier to send the mail would take at least a week. However, the more Evanora thought about it, her daughter might not be happy with the merchant but at least she would be fed and well-kept. "I accept." Evanora said. Rapunzel grew up in a great big mansion, with pure white walls and gold framed pictures. Running water and proper beds as well as a real kitchen with a stove, as compared to the burning coal fire in Evanora's sod house. So Rapunzel, a pretty girl with waist long golden hair, and fair skin grew up working in the mansion until her hair became a feather duster and her skin turned a similar shade to ash. Until the day the letter came. A nice courier walked up to the door and rapped on it three times. Rapunzel opened the door for him. He gave her a card that read: THE ANNUAL HARVEST BALL IS HERE! "Wonderful" Cayden clapped his hands together. "I shall go to the ball to show off my splendor and sell my merchandise!" "Papa, may I please go to the ball?" Rapunzel asked in her sweetest voice. "No, you have to many chores to attend to. My socks need mending, there's fruit to be cut, chimneys to be swept and laundry to be done. The yard needs to mowed as well." "I can do all my chores, please let me go to the ball." Rapunzel pleaded. Cayden slapped her and screamed at one of the servants, "Take her to the tower! The outside world has corrupted you. I warned you not to love these foolish things society makes valuable!" As ironic or as ridiculous Cayden's order was, it was still followed through. Rapunzel found herself inside the tower she spent her life cleaning. The outside was pretty, it was a plain white tower with windows that led up to the top. The bottom was crowded with pink rosebushes. There were stairs leading up to a thick, brown wooden door with a silver bolt on it. Inside the door was a straw mattress, a light pink vanity, and a singular, rectangular window. Other than that there was nothing. "Stay in here." said the servant and shut the door. Rapunzel heard the scuff of the door bolt shutting and then footsteps getting softer as they descended the tower, and then the heavy breathing of her own crying. She stayed there for hours, and when night finally fell and the light faded away, Rapunzel buried herself in the straw and fell asleep, trying to stray away from the world. She awoke to a light rapping on the door and the beggar from next door walked in. "What are you doing here?" Rapunzel asked getting out her 'bed'. "Child, I can't stay here for long, eat this soup I brought you." She placed down a tray in front of Rapunzel and after a few moments of hesitation grabbed the bowl and spoon from the tray and started eating. "Why are you here then?" Rapunzel asked between bites. "I snuck in. Eat quickly." The beggar reached for the empty bowl from Rapunzel's hand and gave her an apple. "Throw the core out the window. I need to go." "Wait!" Rapunzel cried, "What's your name?" The door slammed shut on Rapunzel's question. Rapunzel threw out the apple core and started pacing the room, finding no cure for her boredom. During the evening though, she found a small needle and started sewing the straw together to make a blanket. Rapunzel had no further visitors the next day, except for a servant that dropped by to give her some food. Rapunzel was good at sewing, as she had made all the maids dresses and aprons. The next day Rapunzel heard someone yelling her name from outside the window. When she looked over she saw the beggar. She could vaguely make out the words, "Let down your hair!" Confused as she was, Rapunzel leaned out of the tower and let down her hair. Her waist long hair grew until it reached the ground of the hundred feet tall tower. Rapunzel gawked as the enchantress made her way up Rapunzel's hair, but Rapunzel felt no pain. When the enchantress reached the window sill, Rapunzel's hair was made back to it's normal length. "Eat this child." The enchantress gave Rapunzel another tray of food. "How?" Rapunzel asked. "I'm an enchantress. I gave you a potion in that last meal." The enchantress ran her hand over the blanket Rapunzel had created. "If I gave you some silk, would you be able to make a dress for yourself?" The enchantress asked. Rapunzel looked up, surprised. "Yes." And so the enchantress pulled out a caterpillar from her pocket and gave it a drop of some blue liquid. A minute later, the caterpillar started weaving out blue silk faster than Rapunzel's eyes could make out the individual strands. The caterpillar then merged the silk into large piece soft fabric, not only one kind of fabric, but three, on plain blue, one sparkly white and one dark blue. The leftovers were made into thread. "Here you go." The enchantress walked over to the windowsill and Rapunzel's hair grew once again. After a while her hair went back to normal. Rapunzel picked up her needle and started sewing. By the time the moon came out, Rapunzel had herself a dress, and even made her hair. The next morning Rapunzel heard the cry again, and lowered her hair. "You look beautiful child, now come on, let's go." The enchantress had brought a lock pick and opened the door to the stairway. Rapunzel's hair became normal again, and remade itself into it's design. The enchantress and Rapunzel showed up at the ball right as it was beginning. As Rapunzel was taking in the castle's splendor, the merchant walked over to her. "Hello miss, have we met? You look familiar." Cayden said, twirling one of her golden locks. Rapunzel scanned the ballroom for the enchantress but couldn't find her. "Come, let's give regards to the prince." Cayden dragged her to the terrace where the prince was watching the ball. "Good evening!" The prince said, and then let his eyes search over Rapunzel, "So this is the girl?" "Yes. She made this dress out with straw and a needle!" Cayden said. "Very well then, I accept your offer." The prince handed Cayden a bulging sack. "What offer?" Rapunzel squeaked. "You work for the prince now, and I refurnish that tower with this money!" Cayden smiled and left. "I never agreed!" Rapunzel said indignantly. The prince motioned to a guard who grabbed her arm, but just as he turned to take her, the enchantress appeared. "Wait!" the enchantress cried out. "What is it?" The prince muttered. "I have another offer. If you can guess my name by tomorrow evening, I'll give you tons and tons of money, triple what you gave Cayden. If the girl guesses my name and you don't, then I get the girl." The enchantress offered. At the thought of more money the prince smiled, "Agreed!" Then the prince ordered the guard to let Rapunzel go, and then sent all his guards to give him a list of every name in the kingdom. Rapunzel was allowed in the castle and she asked everyone there for their names. Rapunzel spent the night fitfully, even though she was given a plush pillow and mattress. The next evening the enchantress appeared before the prince. "So what have you got?" She asked. The prince began reading off a long list that curled at the floor. "Eva, Alice, Madeline, Stephanie..." "All wrong!" Rapunzel, it's your turn." The enchantress said. Rapunzel opened her mouth and then forgot all the names she sent the afternoon memorizing. She felt one thought bubble to the top of her head and said, "Evanora,." "That's my name!" Evanora then dragged a confused Rapunzel back home. Instead of a sod house though, Evanora took Rapunzel to a small two storey building, the bottom floor being a shop for medicine and the top floor a well furnished and neat home. Not as grand as the mansion, but not as dirt poor as the sod house either. Once they were back home, Evanora explained to Rapunzel what she did. "You see Rapunzel, back when you were two months old, our garden was suffering, and I could not feed you well. So I gave you to Cayden in exchange for rampion. After I heard you crying in the tower, I decided to help. At the palace, I used our most significant power: Only family members know our names. After you officially become an enchantress to, everyone will forget your name. It seems like a curse, but when used properly can be a blessing, as it just brought us back together." Rapunzel smiled, "So we'll just run this store and... Happily ever after?" "For us, yes. However, the prince will become a beggar and Cayden will enter bankruptcy. That's what happens when you become greedy. That's why Cayden made the deal with the prince and has already lost his money. Rapunzel grew up happily after that, occasionally giving the prince a few scraps of food whenever he came by, and some medicine to Cayden. After she learnt how to be an enchantress herself, she let Cayden and the prince scramble themselves together, while she happily tends to her garden.Once they were back home, Evanora explained to Rapunzel what she did. "You see Rapunzel, back when you were two months old, our garden was suffering, and I could not feed you well. So I gave you to Cayden in exchange for rampion. After I heard you crying in the tower, I decided to help. At the palace, I used our most significant power: Only family members know our names. After you officially become an enchantress to, everyone will forget your name. It seems like a curse, but when used properly can be a blessing, as it just brought us back together." Rapunzel smiled, "So we'll just run this store and... Happily ever after?" "For us, yes. However, the prince will become a beggar and Cayden will enter bankruptcy. That's what happens when you become greedy. That's why Cayden made the deal with the prince and has already lost his money. Rapunzel grew up happily after that, occasionally giving the prince a few scraps of food whenever he came by, and some medicine to Cayden. After she learnt how to be an enchantress herself, she let Cayden and the prince scramble themselves together, while she happily tends to her garden. |