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Rated: 13+ · Poetry · History · #2170041
As we survived 9-11 we recognize the horror of it all.
As we survived 9-11

As we survived 9-11 we recognize the horror of it all,
and we wish all things could go back to normal from back then
which the tragic event was a big downfall,
and for our world should not have been in the game plan.

As we remember the others of 9-11 that did not survive,
and grieve for everyone who is missing from our lives, our friends’
lives from this event we can only wish they could still be alive
today and there is no way that we may do any pretends.

As we remember this horrible day every year
at this time let’s give thanks to the lives that did survive,
and let’s remember the good in those that did not survive that year
we pray for them as we strive
for them.

By Sharmelle Olson
September 2018

Line Count: 13 Lines
Word Count: 137 Words
Stanzas: 3 Stanza
Rhyming Scheme: abab, bcbc, dedef,
Form: Free Verse
Prompt: 9-11 Writing Contest
Written For: "9 - 11 WRITING CONTEST"
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Deadline: September 25th 12am WDC time.
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