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After multiple attacks on world governments, the President must unite the world. |
Prologue New York City The Big Apple is a sprawling city, full of businesses, millions of people, tourist attractions and a major location for many aspects of the United State's government, as well as international governments and businesses. A grand feature of the city was the United Nations Headquarters. Flags of dozens of nations fluttered in the wind. The polished steel reflected the sun's rays of light, and a massive security perimeter was in place. Not only was the United Nations General Assembly in session, but the Vice President was there. In the Assembly Hall, dozens of men and women representing their respective countries sat. The Vice President sat in the front row to the right of the podium, a three star general to his left, an aide to his right. The U.N. had gathered today to discuss the threats from Iran and North Korea, the leaders of which were not present. Canada's Prime Minister was currently speaking. "We as an international community, one with the goal of alliance and peace, must come together to rise against these threats. As shown in the past months, economic sanctions, political pressure, and diplomacy have had no impact. I speak today on behalf of Canadians to say we stand with the United States in this fight, you have our arms Mr. Vice President." The Prime minister extended his pointed hand at the VP, who smiled and nodded. The general leaned over, "Well Garth," as old friends, the formality of "Mr Vice President" had fizzled away, "Looks like we have more allies now. Brazil, Columbia, Mexico, Spain, Italy, Poland, Norway, South Africa, Saudi Arabia, India, Japan, South Korea, Australia and now Canada have all pledged support. The Germans, British and Israelis are debating, but it looks like we'll have their support." "Good." Garth clapped alongside the audience as Canada's Prime Minister walked down from the podium. Outside, the NYPD, Secret Service, and United Nations Security Force guarded the building well. Snipers on the roof, an airspace restriction as well as road restrictions were in place, SWAT teams were strategically placed both in and out of the building. An officer stood next to a trash can, his tenth hour of doing so, to make sure no explosives, weapons or dangerous materials were placed in it. His name was Henry Bowers, a 20 year veteran of the NYPD. Broad shouldered and standing 6 foot 3, he was menacing to any would-be-criminals. He looked to his right to see a drunken man stumbling, a bagged bottle in his hand. "Money Officer?" The man chuckled. "Any money?" "Come on ya drunk, get outta here 'fore I arrest ya!" He pushed the man away. As he turned back, he saw a trash truck approaching the gate. The gate consisted of several security tiers; four men with assault rifles stood in front of a lowered barrier, three security guards stood behind, while a fourth was in the security hut controlling the barrier and running information on the truck. Two of the men with long guns had K-9s, trained to detect guns and explosives. The officer's radio sounded, "This is Gate One to Command; we have a trash truck claiming he has clearance to get inside, but we have nothing on the schedule. Can we get a double check on that please?" The men with dogs began inspecting the vehicle. As they approached the back, the dogs went crazy. Almost immediately the passenger jumped out and fired a pistol at one of the men and his dog, they collapsed. He turned and fired at the other guards who had no idea what just happened. The truck driver slammed on the gas and rammed through the barrier, becoming littered with bullet holes as it sped through. The man who jumped out fired three more times before crumpling to the ground to the shots of the officers. The truck continued to speed through until a sniper fired, the bullet piercing the windshield then striking the man's chest. The steering wheel, now under no control, guided the truck into the side of the building, destroying parts of the wall and sending debris flying.. Dozens of men had surrounded the vehicle, and three black suburbans appeared. They slowed and took positions around the truck and exited. A CAT team, they specialized in reacting to high risk and complex attacks against a VIP or special building. "This is Bowers, I'm outside Gate One of UNHQ, we have shots fired, officers down. I'm closing traffic I need emergency units on scene now!" With one hand he held a 9mm, the other he guided traffic. The explosion took him by surprise. He ducked and turned around to see the massive fireball reaching into the sky. The lower half of the building's windows shattered, and he saw the unthinkable. The building suddenly began crumpling and leaning, cracks splitting up the sides, as the upper floors started tilting. He watched as the grand building collapsed onto the street just dozens of yards away. A school bus was underneath the position and disappeared as the building fell. He covered his face to protect from the dust cloud forming. "This is Bowers, we have a code red situation, mass casualty incident. All units report." He ran towards the complex, desperate to find survivors. "United Air 11A-7, this is London Tower, we see you are not in a direct path to be in landing pattern. Please proceed to drop the following altitude and speed-.." "London Tower this is United Air 11A-7, steering and controls are down, alert emergency services, I do not know where-.." Abwir flipped off the communications. The horizon was beautiful, and he knew it would be his last. He looked at Malaki, "Brother we are minutes away from seeing Allah. We will have served our purpose on this world, and it is a great one." The two men smiled and grasped hands in brotherly bond. Damien WilkesAt the Palace of Westminster, Parliament was in session just as the UN General Assembly was. Men and women representing Britain were voting to support the notion to officially join the “Allied Nations of Democracy” against Russia, China, Iran and North Korea. Outside, the Queen's vehicle stopped in front of steps, where a half dozen men and women stood waiting. A military man opened the door and shut it as she began to take the flights of stairs. One of the men was Prime Minister Forbes. "Your Majesty, we currently are voting on the measure. Preliminary reports say we will pass. My office has already reached out to Ambassador Hobbs to relay the message to the United Nations and the President." The Queen's withered face let a smile creep across it. A group of military men accompanied by suited men with SMGs ran over, a sense of urgency about them. "Your Majesty, Prime Minister please come with us!" They grabbed the two by their arms, giving them no free will but to come with them. An alarm started blaring and an explosion sounded. The group looked to the sky to see the massive 747 plummeting to the ground, it's left wing torn off. A SAM missile had struck the plane but not stopped it. The security men covered the Queen and began rushing her to a vehicle. Crowds near and far to Wilmington were in shock and awe as the plane slammed into Parliament, completely demolishing the building. The main torso of the plane continued to drag across the ground and swept the Queen, Prime minister and their entourage to their deaths, leaving a charred path behind it.As the job demanded, the men had given the ultimate sacrifice in service to God, Queen, and country. South Korean President Jain Kow stepped into the sun atop the balcony. Thousands of citizens stood below him, cheering and applauding. Having just won the Presidency, it was custom to appear before the people who elected him. Prime Minister Lee and the Speaker of the National Assembly stood behind him in support. “My fellow Koreans”, he spoke in his unique Korean dialect. “Yesterday, you elected me as your President. Today I come to humbly accept. My administration will work to push peace with the North, lower taxes and allowed better business environments, and rebuild our shattered healthcare system.” Applause. Across the street, a seven story apartment building was under construction. A group of men with coffee stood by two police officers. Bag in hand, Kim approached them. “Excuse me sir. You cannot be here.” The officer raised his hand. Kim drew a silenced pistol and shot the officer in the head. He repeated it three more times on the others, spraying blood on the walls. Kim looked around and after seeing no one, took the flights of steps. General Fin chuckled at the officer’s joke. A group of South Korean military men relaxed in a room near the balcony. Just twenty feet away stood Jain, giving the speech they were watching on the tv in front of them. “General, do you think the new President will have success with the North?” “I believe so. Unlike his predecessor, who I do admire, this President has some guts, and the will to act in situations. So whatever the outcome, war, peace, something’s going to happen under him.” The shot was heard by the entire room. They watched the scene unfold on tv, the bullet striking the President’s face, unfolding it in a bloody, gruesome second. Seconds later, an explosion rocked the building. The four men jumped up and unholstered their guns. A dozen uniformed soldiers ran down the hall with M4s in hand. General Fin led them out of the room and looked towards the balcony. At the end of the hall, only fire and debris remained. An officer stopped the general. “Sir, you should back away, the area is very dangerous. I will escort you to the safe room in fact, follow me.” A red light started flashing, succeeded by an annoying alarm. Fin put his gun back in its holster and jogged behind the officer. The thousands of people below could still be heard, but instead of cheering, it was screams of horror and fear. |
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