Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2169038-Ice-Crystals-on-the-Trees
Rated: E · Poetry · Activity · #2169038
A Puente Poem

Wondrous white snowflakes filled an iris blue sky
Dreams of sledding the thick, blanketed hills are finally realities
Who will build the best snowman, with ebony eyes, and a wide smile
Best to dress warmly, so we can create snow angels for hours
We'll end the day of play with marshmallow-topped hot chocolate
Winter Wonderland beauty, with all magical

~ Ice crystals on the trees ~

Warn that once strong limbs will possibly soon fall
Dreadful thoughts of dangerous winter driving are now a reality
Agonizing pain from shoveling heavy, wet snow will be experienced
Best to dress warmly, as blasts from bitter cold will be like ice through veins
Slippery, sloshy sidewalks will surely water-log shoes
Blizzard left no visibility, as we squint through bright white


Written for "Invalid Item
Poem prompt: Puente
13 lines (6-1-6)

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