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For The Dialogue 500 |
***********word count 482********* "Alllrighty. Deep breath. Just knock on the door and ask..." "Can I help you?" "Hi! Youdon'tknowmebutIknowyouandIwaswondering..." "SLOW DOWN!" "Sorry... I was wondering if you'd read some stuff I wrote?" "I'm assuming you're a member of WDC?" "What's WDC?" "WDC is a web based writing community I run." "You do?! Holy crap! That's awesome!" "Holy crap is right. How do you know me but I don't know you?" "I see how you may be confused by that, I can explain. Can I come in?" "Nope. You can explain from there." "This is super awkward now." "Yes. Yes it is." "It's a funny story, I'm sure once you hear it we'll have a good laugh and it'll put us both at ease." "I hope so." "I work for the post office and I sort your mail..." "You've been reading my mail!?!" "Nononono! I mean it's against the law, but even if it wasn't it just wouldn't be right so obviously I wouldn't do it. We see the addresses and stuff and I noticed a lot of your mail comes from publishers and editors and writers and egghead-y kinds of people so I figured you must be a big deal! I'm a writer! Well, dunno if anyone actually reads my stuff, but I like to write, and I was hoping you'd read some of my work and tell me what you think?" "Go to www.writing.com. That's what I think." "Gotcha. Well thanks for the..." "I have to go, have a good day." "...suggessstion??" "Who was that, hon?" "Some girl who works at the post office and looks at our mail. She figured out we're in the writing business so she wants us to look at some of her work." "She looks at our mail?!" "Only the outside bit." "Did you take a look at it?" "Her stuff? No! I don't know her from Adam's cat, why would I do that?" "You do that all the time on WDC, why not in person?" "It's not the same. I told her to go register and put her stuff there." "I adore you, but I think spending all your time in a virtual environment is starting to turn you into a robot." "Truth. We could both use a vacation. I guess it wasn't nice of me to tell her to scram." "Especially considering how we make it a big deal that WDC should be an inclusive and encouraging environment..." "You've made your point! Let's get away for a bit and when we get back I'll read her work." "Did you get her name?" "No, I'm sure it'll be easy to find her at the post office." "You're gonna show up there and say "Hey who's the girl that wanted me to read her work but I blew her off and crushed her dreams??" That'll be..." "Super awkward? Yes. Yes it will. I'm gonna go pack." |