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by Hiccan
Rated: 18+ · Folder · Erotica · #2168210
Corrin chooses to laugh!
It had been a heated battle. The forces of Askr had all but routed the Muspellian forces when Surtr and his personal guard had entered the fray. In an instant, the Askrian forces and their many Heroes had been pushed back to the point where the ranks shattered. Corrin had been separated from the rest of his squad and while he was worried about his friend Jaffar and his nephew Shiro his mind raced with thoughts of the safety of the Shrewd Strategist, and his friend Soren. All of the Muspell soldiers Corrin had seen so far had been skirmishers lightly armed with swords or bows, things that the bristly mage would not do well against in open combat alone.

An Askrian mage that Corrin recognized from Soren's detachment lay dead on some rocks and the Fateful Prince's heart ached with sorrow for the man's demise and guilt at how he used the man's corpse as a track to hopefully find the rest of his friend's forces. Peering from behind a rock he spied what seemed to be a prisoner wagon emblazoned with the colors of Surtr's forces. He saw Soren in chains through the bars and couldn't help himself. The barefoot princeling took off like a shot towards the wagon cutting down Muspellian Axe Fighters and Knights as they came.

He wondered why the branded mage inside the prisoner wagon seemed to be waving for him to stop until a heavily armored figure stepped from behind the wagon. Corrin stopped in his tracks and went white at the sight of none other than the Muspellian King Surtr himself standing between the suddenly not so brave prince and his goal.
"Well, well what have we here? I thought we were lucky to have captured just one of the Order of Heroes members but now here comes another practically begging to come along for the ride. What is your name boy?" He sneered gripping his scythe.
"I-I am Corr-Corrin prince of the now unified kingdoms of Nohr, Valla, and Hoshido. I have c-c-come to free those prisoners of yours!"
"These prisoners? Most of these men either surrendered or were defeated you know? Why would you want these louts back?"
"I-I will save my friends and comrades! You won't stop me!"

With that, the young dragon-blooded warrior charged forward with his Yato l aiming to pierce the king's chest. In surprise, Surtr swung his scythe forward at neck level aiming to decapitate the teen but hissed in anger at how the surprisingly lithe warrior ducked under the strike. After avoiding the swing Corrin anticipated that the king's next move would be to draw his blade back and successfully jumped to avoid the returning blade aimed at his lightly armored ankles. The attack was avoided but it meant little as he made a fatal mistake in sparing a glance towards the prisoners the Prince left himself open to Surtr's fist knocking him flat on his back. He rolled just in time to avoid the king's armored boot crashing down where his head had been just seconds ago and got to his feet quickly.

Suddenly though the prince was forced to a kneeling position by what felt like an impossible amount of force. He searched around and saw a Muspellian cleric who had just arrived to help her liege. Corrin recognized the stave glowing in her hands as a Gravity staff just like the one his own youngest sister wielded. He could barely move under its effect and was using most of his strength just to keep from being driven to the dirt. Surtr laughed at his clearly defeated opponent and approached to end it. With the last of his strength, the Fateful Prince threw his Yato at the Healer who easily sidestepped the weapon.

"Ha, so you've given up then? What happened to the brave prince who was telling us all how he'd defeat the Mighty Surtr and save his friends? Does the sniveling worm shaking before me perhaps know where he's gone? You've failed both things and now you are about to die."
"O-one thing."
"I've only failed at one of those things villain!"
Surtr whirled around to see the now emptied prisoner wagon and his Cleric dead on the ground. On closer inspection, he saw Corrin's thrown Yato embedded where the lock should have been. The prisoners having fled in various different directions were far past the point where the King could pursue.
"K-kill me now dastard. I go to the next life happy that I traded mine for my comrades."
"No, my boy, you gave this life to me and I will make you regret that. Nothing angers me greater than a heroic type like yourself. This life of yours will continue but in service to me personally and my needs."
"Ha! You've gone mad if you think I'd ever serve in your army!"

Surtr picked up the fallen healers staff and reapplied the Gravity spell to his now sole prisoner. Corrin was driven face-first to the ground where he stayed as he saw Surtr waving down a platoon of passing Muspellian cavalry. He barked some orders at the men who nodded and set to mounting upon the prisoner wagon while Surtr turned back towards his prisoner. One of the riders opened the door as Surtr picked up the prince by his collar and dragged him towards it.

"You ca-can leave me in your dungeons for an eternity. I will never serve you!"
"Cease your pathetic mewling. I have raised three children and heard them cry less than you!"
The powerful king threw the captive half-dragon into the wagon then recast Gravity upon him. Corrin was now completely pinned to the ground and could barely see as Surtr approached him with a strange crystal in one hand and a bag in the other.
"First a test. Tell me boy what was your name one last time?"
"I-I won't re-repeat myself to you fiend!"
"Fine then. For now, you are but a nameless fool to be interrogated."

The king sat down next to his captive and pulled the teenaged warrior's feet into his lap. Corrin swallowed hard and did his best but couldn't move an inch under the repeated uses of Gravity that had him pinned down. King Surtr lifted his feet to an angle that had the gravity bend Corrin's toes back and the boy groaned at the pressure. Corrin saw the king's hand approaching his soles and shook his head back and forth.
"NO! Wh-what are you doing fiend?! Stay away from there! I'm your prisoner already just throw me in your damned dungeons!"
"Oh? Such a fearful reaction from someone who was so brave but a moment ago. Such a strapping warrior can't be this afraid of being TICKLED, can he?"
The half-dragon prince visibly winced at just the word and Surtr broke into uproarious laughter as he released him and stood up.
"Ahhh I used to tickle my daughters when they were but babes but I have never seen a reaction like this. You I will keep for a long time."
Surtr withdrew a strange crystal from a pouch and approached the trapped prince with it.
"Hnnngghh what is that you dastard?!"
"Ahh, this? Why my boy this is but marvelous creation of my chief strategist Loki. A prototype to deal with you pesky Heroes that those Askrian worms free. This little toy will remove your memories of all things and leave you a wonderful blank slate."
"Wh-what?! Y-you fiend! No! Why would you do something so horrible?!"
"Not so brave anymore, are you? It's supposed to be used to bring you worms back to fighting for Muspell but I will offer you one last choice. Fight for me loyally whelp or suffer as a slave for the rest of your days."
"Ne-Never would I choose to join you!"
"Ahh, but you will. Just not as a warrior you've seen to that here."

With that Surtr pressed the crystal to Corrin's forehead and smiled at the light that seemed to flash through the dashing teen's eyes. The warrior shook his head but then smirked at the heavily armored king.
"Ha! Your trinket has failed! I remember everything, not the least of which my victory over you!"
"The gem will only take effect after you sleep but it must be a restful one after an exhaustive ordeal."
The king walked back over to the prince's bared feet, shedding his gauntlets as he did so. He dropped them on the youth's stomach as he walked by and with the effects of the Gravity they might as well have been boulders.
"Mind you this is a trial run and as such, I'll keep you around where I and my entire court can see you every day. Such a nice body wasted hidden under such armor. Is that why you show these feet boy? Eager to show the ladies at least part of your pretty body?"

The fiery king trailed a finger up the sole as even under the weight of the Gravity spells the Prince shook.
"Hnnn-ngghggghehehe f-fiend! Don-geeeheheh-don't to-touch those..."
"You are so very interesting. To be so sensitive here yet to stride into battle with such a weakness unarmored. Oh? Were you saying something, my nameless friend? Pray to tell repeat yourself for me but do it quickly. I tend to play with whatever is in my hands when things grow dull."

Corrin's saw the king's finger mere inches from his sensitive soles and lost his nerve.
"Pl-pleeheeheese don't touch those!"
"Touch what exactly? I am a King so I'd ask you be clear in what you are telling your king not to do."
The fingers grew closer and the princeling could feel his heart in his throat. He swallowed at just imagining those rough digits over his smooth feet and begged for mercy.
"M-m-my feet...please don't touch those."
"Eh? These feet you mean? Surely after striding about a field of battle like this, they can't be that sensitive. I think you worry for nothing I simply wish to touch these prizes I've taken. Unless... Tell me my rebellious hero are they ticklish?"
"Ye-the-es they are! Please, please do not touch them!"
Corrin's mind was slightly hazy from Surtr's strange crystal but still, he recalled all the times from when he was but a small child who had never even touched a sword when his older siblings would tickle him. Xander as a way of light punishment for whenever he had gotten in the cookies and Camilla simply because she believed he enjoyed it. He'd not minded it at the time because he was small but now as this King taunted him the memories of all the times he'd spent cowering under the bed from the "Tickle Monster" came flooding back.

"Well then? Say it all to me clearly and I will show mercy."
"Pl-ple-please don't tic-tickle my feet King Surtr! Please!"
"Very well."
Corrin's sigh of relief was short lived as a handful of some strange powder caught him straight in the face. He coughed and sputtered while King Surtr rubbed it harshly into his cheeks, chin, and ears before ripping the chest plate of his prisoner's armor clean off. Corrin gasped at his captor's strength as he busied himself with pouring more of the powder onto Corrin's athletically muscled chest. He worked it into the sinews and hollows of the teen prince who sputtered still.
"Wh-what is this now?"
"Another of Loki's wonderful creations it amplifies the sensitivity of its victim and weakens them physically. We were planning to coat arrows with it to recapture heroes like yourself, my dear...What was your name?"

Surtr looked expectantly to Corrin who's tongue remained still. The King frowned and pulled another handful of the powder from the bag and let it sprinkle over his captives feet.
"What?! You promised mercy!"
"Your continued breath is mercy. I have no plans to stop. Now you were about to tell me your name? Or if you'd prefer to skip to this..."
Surtr placed a singular finger on Corrin's big toe and moved it around gently like a joystick. The Prince went bright red at this and bit his lip to restrain himself from an embarrassing outburst. Instead, he hissed through his clenched teeth.
"I-I am Prince Coohorrin of Noohohr."
"Ahhh so that's the name of my lovely prisoner."
King Surtr idly pushed Corrin's long yet shapely toes around as he continued his questioning.
"So what makes such a tender-footed lad as you a Hero? Perhaps you were the most ticklish fool in your homeland?"
"I and my fohohorces stopped a wahahar-DON'T PLEASE! I BEHEEEHEG YOU!"
"I have done nothing. Such sensitivity in these now."
Surtr wiggled his fingers just short of his captives soles and marveled at how Corrin started to giggle simply in anticipation.
"Pl-please dohon't...ehehehe...anythihihng but that."
"Too late Prince Corrin you made your choice. Now continue on with your story. Maybe if it's good enough I'll think of a better use for you than a slave. Perhaps my own personal tickle pet?"
"I ahahnd my siblings stopped a waaha-AHARHAHEY GEHET AWAY FROM THEM!!"

Once more Corrin who had once been a hardened warrior noble had burst into squealing giggles at merely the notion of King Surtr's rough fingers running over his soles. In annoyance, Surtr produced a dagger and Corrin thought that he was about to die. Surtr instead ran the blade up those pretty feet and began sawing at the stirrups of Corrin's armor running under his arches. They broke and revealed a delightful new strip of Corrin's quivering skin to him. He smiled wide and ran a callused finger over the skin making the Prince's eyes go wide and all of his remaining resolve to evaporate.

"Ooooh, such a strong reaction. You were quite ticklish there already weren't you? Now though it seems that this must be nigh unbearable."
"Mmmm is it? Ha maybe if you'd fought in that war instead of ending it you would have toughened up a bit. Soft and sensitive things like these suit....they suit a dancer."
"Does it? What part tickles worst? This?"
Surtr stroked up the sole with his finger but this time circled around the plump ball of his captive prince's foot. Corrin turned bright red as he screamed.
"No? It doesn't tickle? Then I guess I'll have to try harder."
Surtr's fingers went wild over the prince's broad soles who went wild behind him. Corrin's head was swimming and he could feel hot tears pricking in the corners of his eyes.

Surtr had struck gold when idly scratching at the stem of Corrin's big toe. He smiled as he set a finger in a similar position for each of his captives dainty toes. The bright red Princeling trembled where he was pinned to the ground. He was gasping for breath already because of how sensitive that damn powder had made his feet and now his vision was growing blurry. Surtr's warning about what would happen if he lost consciousness rang in his head.
"Corrin is a fine name for a hero but far too grand for such a weak thing like you. Once you are gone I think I'll name my new court dancer something as silly and weak as his former self-was in his final moments."
Panting for breath the hero of three kingdoms pleaded once more with the mad king.
"Pl-please Ki-king Surtr I beg you. No more! I can't take it! I should never have ch-challenged you. Just, please don't-"
Surtr's fingers dug into the tender stems in a coordinated attack mid-Corrin's pleas for mercy.
"Now you're finally speaking to me the way you should have been. If you had begged for your life from the beginning I would have simply killed you and both you and the Askran kingdom would have been better off."
"Oh I'm certain there will be and thanks to my Strategist Loki, I will have the best weapon for them. A volley of arrows trailing this dust and armies of battle-hardened heroes will be giggly children. To think it's all thanks to you and these pretty feet. Maybe that's what I'll call you. My personal dancer Twinkle-Toes. What say you to that?"

Surtr turned back and saw that his prisoner had lost consciousness and smiled. He sat back and laughed almost as hard as Prince Corrin had in his final moments. There was still quite a bit of distance to the castle and all he had to occupy his time was thinking of what color silks to dress his new pet in.

He awoke in a darkened room with only the feeling of cold stone on his rear. Twinkle-Toes the dancer wished that King Surtr would let a fire be lit in his private chambers when he locked him in here. Sometimes after his baths, his bare frame couldn't even touch the cold stone floor without breaking down into giggles and squeaks. He checked himself in the mirror as he awaited the guards to fetch him for his practice.

Twinkle-Toes had been Surtr's personal dancer for a few months now. To say he was used to his routines would be wrong instead it was that these routines were all he knew. The silver-haired slave-dancer's first memory had been Surtr smiling and then explaining his new life to him. Apparently, he had been lucky enough to have been personally selected by King Surtr to be his personal dancer. It was a great honor that had been bestowed upon him due to his beauty and skills as a dancer but most importantly due to an interest, the King had in tickling the teen until he was red in the face.

He admired himself in the mirror and made sure the dancer's belt was firmly attached to the skimpy underwear that made up part of his dancer's attire while thinking of how strange his life seemed. He had no memories of life outside the castle before he had become Surtr's tickle pet and while occasionally he thought of how odd that was he would dismiss it as it was something he could do nothing about. Occasionally though when he was before his king Surtr though it was as if there was instinct ingrained in his body, telling him to run from the man. That would probably lead to nothing but him losing what privileges he did have around the castle after he was eventually recaptured. So he'd never acted on the feelings besides where would a fool like him even go? He had no training as a warrior and was so damnably ticklish due to his baths that a small child could tickle him into a submission without much effort. Twinkle-Toes adjusted the small vest that was the only other part of h
is skimpy outfit and pouted as he didn't think today's practice would have any different results than the last few weeks.

The doors opened as the guards had come to fetch him and as he left with them of his own volition still it was like there was a buzzing voice in the back of his head telling him to run, that he could defeat these men. Twinkle-Toes shook his head to dispel that fool notion earning a quizzical look from one guard wielding a bow. He shrugged and smiled at the soldier.
"Sorry, preparing myself mentally. Must do my best today!"
The guard stared for a moment before turning away muttering something about how they'd see about that. They arrived at the room where he would prepare and the dancer braced himself.

Twinkle-Toes barely blinked as the warm honey was poured over him. The first time that he'd done this training they'd had to hold him still as they massaged the sweet gel into his skin but now after realizing the futility of any resistance he stood as still as he could as the pair of Troubador's assigned to the snuck in their usual stolen tickles to Twinkle-Toes broad and softened feet. He bit his lip to stifle the giggles as that would encourage their mischievous ways and after they'd finished working it in between all of his toes They did indeed signal to the guards that their task was done so that they could be on their way. Twinkle-Toes breathed a sigh of relief at how simple this part had been today while thinking back on the times that he had not been so lucky. A good couple times, in the beginning, he'd been late to practice due to those two saying his giggles had smudged their work and insisting they apply another coat to the silly silver-haired teen. Surtr was no int
erest in his excuses and would keep him later at practice to make up for it.

The newly dubbed Twinkle-Toes entered the dungeon chamber with his chest puffed up. This would be a time he completed the challenge and won himself his freedom for a week. He'd managed the feat two or three times in the past and had savored the time away. He would spend his vacation in a local village helping the farmers tend to the crops and entertaining them in the evenings with his newly found dancing skills. These short respites were Twinkle-Toes favorite part of his servitude and he enjoyed every second away from the Muspellian king and his mad daughters who shared their father's strange love of seeing poor Twinkle-Toes begging and out of breath. He surmised that this had something to do with the war he'd about with the Kingdom of Askr but judging by the state of the Askran prisoners used in the challenge Twinkle-Toes assumed that Surtr must be winning it.

The honey-soaked slave dancer looked down into the massive under the floor filled with men and women wearing the tattered remains of Askran white uniforms. The bars separating him from them were sturdy but were purposely set far enough from each other to allow the prisoners to reach up at him with their whole arms in certain places and just their fingers in others and in yet others just their tongues which yearned for the sweet honey his skin was currently slick with. He knew that his Surtr had purposely starved these prisoners so they would use those in this game.

Everyday Twinkle-Toes was brought here to the dungeon to practice his dancing atop this grate. If he could dance until the sunset he would win a week of rest in the village, unmolested by Surtr, Laegjarn or any of the Muspellian army. They said dance but even in the times that he'd been victorious, he hadn't managed to keep dancing. The way it really worked was that if Twinkle-Toes could keep himself from begging for mercy until sunset Surtr would say he'd won. He breathed deeply as looked out over the Royal family as well as generals Loki and Hellbindi who'd gathered to watch the show. He knew that if he failed today he'd be forced to entertain Lady Loki's detachment tomorrow and the hungry gaze on the devious cleric further reinforced the idea in his head that it would be an unpleasant experience.

He leaped on to the grate and began his dance of desperation. The silvery haired slave managed to just keep ahead of the fingers, hands, and tongues of the prisoners as he spun and bounced but eventually a misstep led to him catching a jabbed finger into his sole. He squeaked at the touch and looked down seeing a woman sucking the honey off her finger and coming right back to try and get more. Twinkle-Toes did his best to stay ahead but the damage had been done and Surtr was already leaning forward in his chair.

More and more fingers and tongues caught glancing dips into his sensitive feet causing more mistakes as his sultry dance was now accompanied by his own yips and squeaks as the former prince focused more now on trying to not to laugh. Eventually, he slipped and a hand grabbed him firmly by the wrist pulling his forearm through the grate where it was descended on by dozens of hungry mouths. Twinkle-Toes tried as hard as he could to pull himself free but was hindered by the awkward position he was in and how he was trying to keep his sensitive feet away from where his fellow prisoners could reach them.

He felt his fingers kissed, his forearms scratched and even his bare thighs licked where they could be reached but when one prisoner got ahold of his cute pointy ears that was the end. Instinctively he tried to slap at the fingers and tongues going wild on the sensitive organ but only got himself in a worse situation as his other arm was dragged through and a rope secured around it. His struggles led to his embarrassingly erect manhood slipping from beneath his dancer's thong and joining the rest of him in being teased by tongues (out of spite by the prisoners at this point.) Twinkle-Toes laughed and eventually his resistance started to dwindle.

"Lord Surtr I must say I am disappointed in your pet's performance. I had heard tell that this show was a sight to behold and instead I see the boy brought down quickly and trussed. Surely he has failed the challenge?"
"Yes Loki this was a poor performance by my trophy today but it's not over till he begs. However, since I think the dancing is finished let's send him down."

Surtr signaled to the guards who pulled a lever and the grate swung open dumping the barefoot dancer boy right into the hands of his tormentors. He was pulled free of the rope securing to the grate and was summarily descended upon by a hundred hungry mouths. His not at all modest already dancers garb was ripped off so that even more of his naked skin could be ravaged.

His toes and fingers were all sucked upon for that delicious honey and even nibbled upon just to make him squeal.
His taut stomach was like a canvas for the tongues which lapped up and down at the muscles hidden behind the pale skin making the imprisoned teen scream. Twinkle-Toes butt was nipped at from all directions as the prisoners shoved each other out of the way to get at the honey dripping off the firm cheeks, The slave boy screamed from that particular torment. A pair of particularly large pair of prisoners had muscled their way through and staked claims on Twinkle-Toes smooth and hairless(Surtr made sure of that by having the maids pluck any of the usual undergrowth that would usually sprout there.) armpit hollows. They had equal parts of their own saliva as well as the delicious honey in there at this point but continued on holding their prey still and tongue bathing him as he lost his mind his to the torment. His gorgeous feet though received the worst torment of all. Eventually, the massive horde of starved madmen began to focus on those honey soaked treasures just as they alw
ays eventually did. As his toes were pried apart and the webbing inside tormented he quickly surrendered to the torturous fingers and tongues.

"He has chosen to give up. Guards! Pull him out and bring him here."
The Axe Fighters climbed down into the pit and started waving their weapons to scatter off the giggling wreck of a dancer boy. A few refused to flee and tried to instead suck a few last drops of delicious honey off him but after two or three were knocked aside with the backs of their axes they all fled.

The Axe Fighters pulled the ticklish slave up on jelly legs and carried him over to the ladder which had been lowered down into the pit. They pulled up the exhausted teen through a group effort and then stood back as a scene which had replayed itself many times in front of them took place. The shining and sticky Twinkle-Toes took off and made a beeline straight for the throne where he leaped into the lap of King Surtr of Muspell and fastened his arms around the king's neck. A few of the newer guards drew their blades at what they thought was an attempt at their king's life but stood down at seeing him instead run his massive hand through the silver-haired teen's hair.

"There, there I'm sure entertaining Lady Loki and her troops won't be that bad. You were beautiful for the time you were dancing. Until that trip, you were truly a sight to see."
"I-I just hate them so much, my king. If it wasn't for them getting in the way I could have put on such a beautiful show for you."
"That's no way to speak of your king's guests Twinkle-Toes. Especially considering Lady Loki will have you in her care for a while after this..."
"No my liege I would dance for whoever you commanded me too. I'm talking about these stupid feet of mine. How am I to dance beautifully for the kingdom of Muspell with such large and stupid things?!"
"Ha-ha, I'll hear no more of my personal dancer disparaging his best assets. Those big yet tender feet of your are mine just like all of you and they happen to be my favorite place on my giggly pet to play with. Now come let your king see you smile."

With that Surtr stood carrying his servant with one hand while the other began his favorite game which they usually played after practice. Despite Twinkle-Toes protests, he didn't resist.
"This little piggy is just beautiful."
"Ha-haha my kihing noohoo...."
"this is wrong. fight back!"
If Twinkle-Toes wasn't busy beaming at his king who was wiggling the tired slave boys toes back and forth to chase away his sad expression he might've given thought to the voice in the back of his head.
"And this little piggy did beautifully. He danced just fine for his king. Cootchie cootchie coo."
"Ahaha-haha nonohoho my kihihng HAHHEEE, not the tickle tahahalk too-HEHEEHAHEEOHHONOHO?!!"
"run! you could escape right now if you just ran!"
A confused expression flashed across Twinkle-Toes face but disappeared just like that as the story of the naughty piggies continued.
"Is this little piggy looking forward to his bath time? To getting scrubbed clean for his king's bed?"
"Ahhhyehes I lohohve bath time my kin-OHGODSHAHA-mmphdohon'tdohothat"
"please! run, fight, resist! you have a place to go back too!"
"Does this little piggy here want the powder in his bath? Does this naughty little tickly piggy like having the powder rubbed into his piggies at bath time for his king?"
"Yehehes my king.. I lohohove it so muhuhch-AHAHA BE NIHICE TO THE LAHAH PIHIHGEEEEEE-AHHHHA"
"he's taken everything from you. your friends, family, and subordinates are desperate to see you! I beg you please remember!"

Surtr reached that final piggy and wiggled it back as he watched the once proud prince and hero twist squirm in his grip. He thought back to how at one point the naked boy he was taking to have pampered had claimed he would destroy the king and laughed right along with his pet. He blew cold air on the erect manhood of his dancer boy and laughed again at how it made his trophy stiffen up I'm his arms. He decided right then and there that this would be the fate of as many of those fool heroes as he could catch.

"Well then let's get this little piggy to his bath! Lets get him nice and scrubbed for his king. Does that sound nice Twinkle-Toes? "
"Ahahayehes my kihing it sounds wonderfuhuhul..."
"no...that isn't your name...you are Prince Corrin of Hoshido...remember...please"
"Let's have them put extra powder in your bath tonight after all we've got a whole other foot of piggies to count."
"Hahaha couhuheent both my kihinhg. Otherwihihse one will gehet jehealous."
no...damn you Surtr...
"Very well my pet you know I love to tickle my slave."
"Your slahahve loves to be tihihickled."
...no I dont...somebody please save me...

So Surtr carried off his ticklish dancer boy to the royal baths as inside Twinkle-Toes giggly head the trapped Prince Corrin screamed for help. Loki smiled at the sound of laughter echoing in the halls. Perhaps the King would enjoy the hero she planned to capture in the same way.
Portfolio -> Fire Emblem Heroes tickly doom!
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