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Title is unknown as of now, however it is a work in progress |
CHAPTER 1 20 years later Planet Draponia Charlotte Zander is the only Daughter of Prophecy to stay on Planet Draponia. She has been raised around magic her whole life. She knows of the Prophecy and what awaits her and the other daughters. Exactly two months from today will be their twentieth birthday. Her grandmother, who passed on three years ago, taught her how to prepare for the arrival. Charlotte stands on the highest cliff, watching the sun rise over the water. The island is protected by wards to prevent it from being seen by air or sea. Her grandmother brought her here the night she was born, and she has been here since. No one is allowed to leave the island, the risk is to great. If the Drakoons discover her before the others arrive, the fate of all world’s will fall. The two moons of Draponia stand side by side in the cloudless sky. The sun begins it’s ascent bringing with it a new day. A gentle breeze brings the smell of salt water and seaweed to the island. The sky begins to light up with the pinks, purples and blues of dawn. This is Charlotte’s favorite time of day. Everything awash in new light, plants stretch their leaves trying to soak up the first rays of sun. Animals awakening for the beauty of a new day. She turns around wanting to watch as the sun touches the island, but her violet eyes notice a strange dark shape on the beach. " What could that be?" She asks herself as she heads to the beach. There are only about thirty people on her island home. The main house was built by the villagers for the Daughters of Prophecy. Other little cottages dot the land here and there. The only way onto the island is the large enchanted platform next to the dock on the beach. Every other day it is used to bring necessities to her people. Charlotte steps onto the glistening white sand and stops in her tracks. She realizes the shape is that of a man. He is moaning and trying to roll onto his back. She runs to his side dropping to her knees. She looks over his body trying to find any injuries. Her hand touches his shoulder in an attempt to help him over. Images of this man in a battle with Drakoons, injured and sick people running around. The image changes to one of a large dragon laying on the ground with wings spread allowing people to climb all over him. The dragon flying away taking people to safety. Again the image changes, this man changing into the dragon, Drakoons all around, he opens his enormous jaws and clamps them shut around a horde of the enemies. A man standing in a field surrounded by children of all ages, laughter filling the air. The sun shines on his short hair making it look like red-gold scales. His bare upper body glistening from sweat as his lifts one small child after another. Swinging them in circles, muscles bulging with each movement. "Mistress Charlotte?" Arthur’s questioning voice enturpts the images and they vanish. "Oh Arthur, Thank the Goddess you showed up. You must help me get this gentleman to the main house." Charlotte’s voice is gentle. "But who is he? How do you know we can trust him?" His voice becoming worried. "I can not explain it, but I know he is not a danger to us." She didn’t want to let anybody know about the images yet. She needs to figure out how it happened first. "Help me get him to the house. We need to see to his injuries." Taking on a slightly commanding tone. After all she was one of the Seven Daughters. "I will go get one of the other men then." Arthur replied surprised by her tone. Charlotte looks back at her charge. His hair is the first thing she notices, golden with highlights the color of flames. She rips a piece off the bottom of her blue skirt to wipe the sand and grit off his face. He has a strong cut chin, with high cheekbones, he has laugh lines around his eyes and mouth. She wipes the last of the sand off his face just as his eyes open. A deep cerulean blue stares back at her. "Are you an Angel?" His voice is husky and soft. "No," She smiles brightly. “ My name is Charlotte Zanders. I live on this island. I saw you laying on the beach as I was watching the sunrise.” She’s relieved he is awake. “Can you tell me if you hurt anywhere?” “Mmhmm, my head is the only thing that hurts. I must have been knocked out at some point before I came through the protective veil.” He sits up flexing muscles and stretching to make sure nothing else is injured. “Mistress Charlotte, ahh I see your charge has awaken.” Arthur came running up to them with another man behind him. “Has he said who he is or what he is doing here yet?” “I am Chief James of the Dragon Clan. My village was attacked last night.” He answered. James ran unsteady fingers through his hair, he could feel a large lump right behind his left ear. He looked back to the angel who found him, he couldn’t help but think of her as his angel. Her blonde hair is braided into a long plait down her back, vibrant violet eyes staring back at him. The sun shining behind her gives her an ethereal glow. Her skin looks smooth as white silk, his fingers itch to see if it is truly that soft. “Arthur, we must get him inside. I am sure he will tell us everything once he is rested and has a hot meal. Can you walk Chief James?” Charlotte’s gentle voice startles him out of his thoughts. “I’m sure I can,” He laughs as he stands. His legs feel a little rubbery, but he has definitely had worse injuries. “ Lead the way Angel.” He can’t stop watching her. “Sir, you should not speak to Mistress Charlotte that way.” Came Arthur’s indignant reply. “She is a Daughter of the Prophecy after all.” “Really Arthur, he didn’t say anything wrong.” Charlotte glances at him amusement in her eyes. “I’m sorry Chief James, I don’t know what has gotten into him. He usually isn’t this rude.” She can’t believe the way Arthur is acting. “Please, call me James.” He can understand the wariness of these men. Nobody has come to or left this island in twenty years. You have to have a special amulet to get through the protective veil, without this key all that would be visible is an enormous rock wall protruding from the ocean. “ Arthur, to put your mind at ease. I am sworn to protect The Daughters and mean no harm to your Mistress.” They stopped in front of a massive pale green house. Saporan trees, with large branches covered in delicate purple leaves, surround the building. Pink roses climb trellises on a wrap around porch. Little orange flowers dot the small yard, a stone path marks the way to the door. An older lady stands in the entrance way. “Good morning, Mistress, how are we today?” an elderly woman with gray hair and a slight curve to her spine stands in the entrance way. “We are well Padma. Please have a room made up for Chief James.” Charlotte smiles at the woman as she enters. “ Follow me, James. I’m sure breakfast is ready.” She turns to him suddenly shy. “I’m sorry would you rather lie down first?” “I think food and an explanation is in order. I heal fast so don’t worry about me.” There is a glint of mischief in his eyes. “That is, unless you would rather talk in bed.” Charlotte’s pale blue blouse doesn’t hide the blush rising over her body. James can’t help the tightness in his groin at the sight of her innocence. He has had his share of women, however he has always dreamed of having this Daughter of Draponia. He had never laid eyes on her before today, but his dream still does not change. He wants to be the one for her, he would give his life for her. Seeing her sweet curves, and pouty lips has reinforced his desire to have her. “Oh, I… I didn’t mean it like that.” She stutters. “I…I just thought you might want to rest after your accident.” She looks at him from under her lashes, her blush deepening. “I was teasing Charlotte, I am fine. My shifter blood helps me heal, the lump on my head is even gone.” He grabs her hand, a shock goes through his system at the contact causing him to strain against the fabric of his pants. He rubs her hand over the back of his head to prove it’s healed. “See, no worries, let’s go eat.” He gives her a sexy grin. She tries to take her hand back, but James holds it a little longer. He’s reluctant to let her go even for a second. He feels a connection to her, he sees the curiosity in her beautiful violet eyes, knows she feels something too. Fate has thrown them together. |