Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2165847-The-Drakes-of-Heaven-and-Earth-2E
Rated: ASR · Fiction · Action/Adventure · #2165847
Fairy Tail OC story. Earth Dragon Slayer(Male). Prior to episode #14.
Arriving at Hargeon Town, the three wizards start the look for their missing guildmembers.

Erza Scarlet: Alright! I'll ask the locals standing by if they've seen them. Clay! Search the Inns and shops! Griffin! Get us an aerial view!

Clayton Grimm: Uhhhm...Erza...

Griffin: Aren't you forgetting something?

ES: What am I forgetting?

CG: Maybe how they look like since we've never met them?

ES:Right, right, right! Natsu Dragneel is a lean, muscular young man of average height with a slightly tan skin tone, black eyes, spiky pink-colored hair, and has abnormal sharp canines; Natsu has a scar on the right side of his neck, hidden by his scarf. Natsu's main outfit consists of a sleeveless, gold trimmed, black waistcoat, often left open and untucked, exposing his bare chest, a gold trimmed, black cloth around his waist that reaches his knees, held by a leather brown belt with an oval-shaped silver buckle, white knee-length trousers with black ribbon ties, a thick black wristband on his left wrist, black open-toed sandals and the scale-patterned scarf he received from his adoptive father, Igneel. He has also been known to wear a rolled up comforter strapped across his back, though he rarely carries it in battle.
His Guild Mark is red, just bellow his right shoulder.

Gray Fullbuster's most prominent feature is his spiky black-colored hair. He has dark blue eyes, and his body is toned and muscular. He's also known to strip down to his boxers, even in public. Still, his most consistent pieces of clothing are his necklace, which resembles a sword with a stone in it, a metal bracelet and a chain which is attached to the belt loops on the right side of his pants.
His Guild Mark is black, and on his right pectoral.

CG: 😑 He just walks around naked!?!

Griff: 😒 And I thought the dancing guy was weird...

ES:[Continuing] Lucy has brown eyes and shoulder-length blonde hair that is usually tied by ribbons in a variety of colors in a small ponytail to the right side of her head with the rest of the hair loose. She is buxom and has a curvaceous body. She always has a belt that, along with keeping her skirt up, holds her Celestial Spirit keys and a whip with a heart-shaped end. She often wears black, leather high heeled boots.
Her pink Fairy Tail mark is located at the back of her right hand.

Griff: Ah...So she's a Celestial wizard...

CG: First the exhibitionist, now a dominatrix!?![Because of the whip.] Man! These guys sounds weird!

ES:[Continuing] Happy is a small blue cat with a white stomach. He has a rectangular head, with pink ears, big black eyes with small, thin eyebrows, and light blue cheek marks near to his tiny whiskers, two on each side of his face. Happy has a triangular nose that leads to semi-round upper lips on the sides. His body is rectangular too, and unlike normal cats, he walks on two leg like Griffin. He has a long, white-tipped tail; and the other parts of his tail are blue. Happy is usually seen carrying around a green backpack, where he keeps food and item for combat. This backpack also covers his green Guild Mark that is on his back.

CG: Well...I don't see anyone in town that looks like what you've described...

ES: What!?! Of course you haven't! We didn't even search the town!

Griff: He doesn't have to. Clayton can use the Earth itself as a "sixth sense" to perceive anything on the ground via seismic vibrations.

CG: I can even make out the smallest details, most noises, even isolating any specific vibration, allowing me to "hear without my ears". I call it my "Seismic Sense", that's one of the reasons I wear these footwraps instead of normal footwear, lets me use my Seismic Sense more effectively. Thank you Toph Beifong!

[Meanwhile, in the ATLA/TLOK Universe.]

Toph Beifong: Hehehe...You're welcome kid! You're welcome...

[Back to the Fairy Tail Universe.]

CG: On top of my 6th sense,[Points to his left eye.] I can use Abiotic Eye Magic to control and manipulate any connected earthly abiotic matter in front of me, even using it to see anywhere my Seismic Sense can reach, which is about 5km in radius. Basically, as long as their connected to the same ground as I'm on, I have eyes and ears just about everywhere...

ES: Well if they really aren't here, they must be on a boat in the harbor, or worse...Let's move out!

[The three of them arrived at the harbor.]

ES: Damn...I don't see them anywhere. Griffin, find the harbormaster and ask if they've seen them. Clay, you and I will ask the people around the harbor.

CG&Griff: Got it!

[As Griffin looked for the harbormaster, Erza and Clay asked the locals around the harbor.]

CG:[Sarcastically] Well...You know what they say...Thirteenth times the charm...

ES:[To a local] Excuse me sir, but have you seen anyone with these symbols?[Shows her guild mark on her left shoulder.]

Stranger 1:[Lying] I haven't seen no one with them marks...

ES: I understand. Thank you for your honesty...

CG: You mean dishonesty?

ES: What!?!

S1: You calling me a liar, boy?

CG: No. Your heart is saying your a liar...

ES: What do you mean, his heart?

CG: Remember what Griff said about my Seismic Sense?

ES: Yes...

CG: Well, I can also tell when someone's subtle body language is different, even small spikes in their heart rate! Here,[Hands over his goggles to Erza.] take a look for yourself, these goggles are capable of judgment vision, meaning they'll tell you if anyone's lying or not![Erza puts the goggles on.] Now! We'll ask you again...[Pulling down his left sleeve with his fist up] Have you seen anyone with this symbol besides me, her, and the Exceed behind you?[The Stranger looked back to see Griffin floating behind him.]

Griff:[Singsong] Hellooo harbormaster!

S1:[Sweating lightly, Lying] I...I haven't seen anyone with it!

[Erza grabs the man, lifting him up with her left arm, and her sword drawn on her right arm.] LIAR!!! YOU HAVE SEEN THEM! NOW TALK!!! AND YOU WILL BE SPARED!!!


Stranger 2: Hey Bobby! How've you been buddy!?![Sees him being held up by Erza.] Hey Bobby!?! Are you in trouble or something?

Bobby: Not now Billy!!!

Griff: Excuse me sir...but have you seen anyone around here with this mark?[Pulls up mane, showing his mark.]

Billy: As a matter of fact, I have! Three youngsters and a flying blue cat to be exact!

[Erza drops Bobby]

Bobby: *Ow!*[Runs off.]

ES: Did any of them have bluish-black hair?

Billy: Sure did! He got knocked out cold by a pink-haired boy, tied up, and thrown onto a small boat with him, the cat, and a busty blonde broad. Then they sailed off with this odd fellow of a ferryman quite some time ago. The poor souls are trying to get to Galuna Island. I'd take you to their myself, but my wife would have my head if she knew I was sailing there. Says it's too "dangerous".

ES: They kidnapped Gray!?! Those bastards!!! They've gone full-on rogue! We need to find a boat and...

Griff:[Interjecting] Um, what part of "Magical All-Terrain Vehicle" do you not understand?

[Clayton pulls out TERRA's Magic Keys and presses both the Summon button and the Jet-Ski button. In a flash, the MATV appears in a flash of light, transforming from it's ATV-Form, to it's Jet-Ski-Form, splashing in the harbor below.]

CG:[Activating his life-shirt in his tank top] Come on![Jumps into the drivers seat.] Hop on!

[Griffin grabs Erza, gently placing her behind Clay. After that was done, he went to the front cockpit of the seacraft to take his seat.]

[Five minutes out to sea.]

CG:[Raised voice] We keeping course Griff?

Griff:[From the cockpit's intercomm] Yeah, as long as we keep going between east-southeast and southeast, we should see it eventually.

ES:[Raised voice] I should really be thanking you both, if it weren't for you Clay, I'd be back in town getting nowhere! And Griffin! Thanks for actually following my orders!

Griff: You are in charge of this retrieval mission after all.

CG: I'm guessing the wizards we're trying to get back aren't the order-following type!

ES: You don't know the half of it!

Griff:[Shouting] ROGUE WAVE TEN O'CLOCK!!!

[Sure enough a rogue wave was coming from that direction.]

CG: We can't outrun it! It's too wide! We've got to face it head on!

[Clayton turns the Jet-Ski directly into the path of the wave.]


[As they hit the rogue wave head on, they were sent high into the air.]

CG: Wooohooo!!!...What the...

ES: Oh, no!


[The crash sent Clay skidding to the starboard ledge of the ship, causing splinters from the deck to puncture his life-vest, making it useless. Erza was only sent in front of the jet-ski a couple of feet, while Griffin was still safe in the cockpit located at the vehicle's bow.]

ES:[Disoriented]Uuugh...Is everyone alright?

Griff: I'm fine...[Looks around] Wait! Where's Clay?


[Clay was hanging from his hood that was caught on a broken plank of wood protruding from the starboard deck.]

Griff: Crap! Hang on!

Pirate Captain: Where do you think your going, Stow-Away!

[Before they knew it Erza and Griffin were surrounded by swashbuckling pirates.]

ES: Stand aside! Our friend needs our help!

Griff: Please! If you let us get him to safety, he can repair your ship and we'll be on our way!

Pirate Captain: Well you landed in the wrong ship! This here ship and crew here be mine, Captain Havoc! Hand over all you jewels and we might let you leave here with your lives! Wait a second! Are you another talking cat!?! Well I'll be! Oy! Polly! Looky what we've got here![Points to Griffin.]

[A female Exceed came swooping down from the ship's Crow's nest, landing on Captain Havoc's tricorn hat. She resembles a Tabico cat in appearance, sporting a red bandana covering the top of her head and her left eye, a black leather bicorn hat, with her ears protruding from slits in the brim of the hat. She wears a cream-colored poet blouse, crimson red waistcoat, black leather doublet, purple scarf, stripped drawers, a pirates belt, a deep blue sash with a thinner leather sash, and three gold loop piercings in each of her pointed ears. Her right eye was sea green. Voice to reference: Olivia Morgan: More specifically, her performance of Mary Read/James Kidd in AC4: Black Flags.]

Polly: Well, well, well...look at this furry, scurvey dog! You be a tomcat, but wear a skirt like a proper girl![Polly any the rest of the pirates laughed hysterically.] And look at his knight in skanky armor, the lassie looks like a hooker's hired goon![They laugh even harder.] And it looks like ye matey over yonder be hanging by the threads there four fathoms above the ocean blue![They all laughed.](fathom=six feet)

Griff:[Whispers to Erza.] Grab Clay. I'll cover you...

Captain Havoc: Let's give these stow-aways a proper flogging!(Flog=Severe beating)

[The pirates charge the two, but Griffin sent them back with monstrous fists. Escorting Erza to rescue Clay.]

CG:[Begging] Plehehease! I can't swim...ANYONE! HELP!!!
[Clayton gets pulled up from the back collar of his coat.]
[Relieved] Ohohooo...Who ever you are...Thank...😧...yooou...

[Clay realizes it's not one of his friends who came to grab him, but a big, brute of a pirate.]

Pirate Brute: Can't swim!?! Well, well, well...looks like ye would make great shark bait then.[He laughs sinisterly.]

CG: I don't think so! Earth Dragon: Tectonic Fists![Clay's fists were covered in very thick gauntlets of the previously described Earth Slayer Rock.] *THWACK!*

Pirate Brute: AAAAAHHH...*CRASH!* *SPLASH* [The brute yelped as he was sent flying through the port side, taking three other pirates with him into the sea below.]

CG:[Boasting] Hahaha! Who's shark bait...Now?
[Clay failed to realize that he was comically suspended in air, just out of arms reach of the starboard poop deck.]
Wai! No![Clay fruitlessly attempts to run back to the edge like a foolish coyote, only to fall.]

CG: AAAAAAAAAAH![A steel-clad hand grabbed Clayton's right gauntlet at the last second.]

ES: Hang on!

[Erza helped Clay back to solid footing.]

CG:[Greatful] Phew! Thank you! DUCK!!![Erza quickly crouched as Clay caught a round shot that would have hit Erza square in the back.]


[Erza and Clay see three pirates reloading a smoking cannon.]

CG: Sorry! But I'm returning this to its sender! Earth Dragon Maker: Armcannon![Clay shoots back the cannonball at the pirates, altering it so it split into a volley of fists striking the swashbucklers, sending them into the sea.]

CG: Hey Erza? Where's Griffin?[Wilhelm scream] *SPLASH*

[Griffin was single-handedly sending waves and waves of pirates into the water below.]

Griff: I grow tired of this![Draws his quarterstaff from his back.] Face my fury!

CG:*Whistles* Griffin's actually getting serious...those poor soul...

ES: Clay! Cover my six!

[Erza and Clay went back to back, sending oncoming pirates left and right.]

ES: I'll head towards the helm! You make sure no one gets up there but you or Griffin!

CH: You'll have to flog me and me crew first! Polly! Send the pussycat straight to Davey Jone's Locker!

Polly: Ay, ay captain![She draws three of her many cutlasses, one in each forepaw and one held by her long tail.] Oy me harties! Scupper that clipper down there![Polly was referring to TERRA, sure enough, a group of pirates began to approach the MATV.](Scupper that=Throw that overboard)

CG: MY BABY!!! DON'T WORRY SWEETIE! DADDY'S COMING! EARTH DRAGON MAKER: CELLULOSE CALTROPS!!![Clay stomped the deck, sending his magic to make small wooden spikes surround the MATV, stopping the pirates from advancing.]
Earth Dragon: Tectonic Arms!(A more powerful, yet harder to maneuver variant of tectonic fist, instead of only covering his hands from tips to elbows like gauntlets, this variant covers from his shoulder blades and out.) Alright you filthy pirates! Say hello to Ruby[Pumps left fist slightly.], and Sapphire[Pumps right fist slightly.]

[Meanwhile, in Steven Universe's Universe.]

Ruby: Hey Sapphire! Did you hear something?

Sapphire: It's nothing, Ruby. We're just being referenced.

Garnet: Hm...Nice!

[Back to the Fairy Tail Universe.]

[After defending TERRA from five waves of pirates.]

CG: Come on! Show me what you got! Show me what you---*CRASH!!!*[Clay was rammed by the pirate crew's battering ram, sending him into the Captain's Quarters.] Well okay then![As Clay was about to rejoin the fight, he noticed a pile of assorted instruments, with a letter tucked between the strings of a fiddle. After unfolding the the letter he read.]

Dear Captain Havoc,

         Ever since Anne's passing, the band and I haven't sounded the same. We keep arguing about missing cords and sour notes, but the truth is, Anne Mary and Polly are the only vocalists that can give our music any soul. We don't blame Polly at all for refusing to sing in her absence, we view it as a sign that we no longer can stomach playing in a ship that haunts us with the memories of losing Anne. We're leaving these instruments behind, hoping that someone else in the crew will be musical adept.

                                       Fare thee well,
                                                 Charles Chaney.

CG:[Thinking long, and hard. Starring at the fiddle] Hmmm...*Ding!*[Clay grabbed the fiddle, tuning it like his mom taught him.]

[As Erza was fighting Captain Havoc and his men on the poop deck, Griffin and Polly were about to show down.]

Pirates:[Cheering Polly on from the sidelines] Give 'em hell Polly! Spay the tom! Show him whose boss!

Griff: Okay! That does it! Now you've got me angry![Griffin transformed into his battle form, revealing a body that resembles a lion anthro-like Goken from the Street Fighter games.] Prepare for unimaginable pain![Griffin charged at the queen(female cat) with an overhead swing, aimed for Polly. At the last second, Polly evaded the attack and was nowhere to be seen as Griffin violently shook the ship when his staff hit the deck.] What the...

Polly:[Behind Griffin, in her own battle form.] Quite a swing ye got there![Dropkicks Griffin to the other side of the deck.] But it be pointless if ye can't hit me![Polly dished out a barrage of slashes, most hitting Griffin.] By the time I'm done with you, I'll turn you from a tom to a gib(neutered male cat)!!!

Griff:[Pissed] If only you knew who you were talking to, peasant!

[As Griffin and Polly's weapons were locked together, Erza had Captain Havoc in a headlock. The fight didn't seem like it would be ending soon untill Clay began playing the fiddle beautifully. Confusing his friends, but putting the pirates at a standstill. He then began to sing a shanty.]

🎵Why apon this lovely day
Must this wretched fiddle play?
All the sky once stainless blue🎵

Pirates:[Joining in]
🎵Every note he strikes untrue.

Summer deep, embowered with flowers🎵

CH:[Breaking from Erza's hold, putting his arm over her shoulders, singing along]
🎵Silent music, in the hours
In the east a feather moon
MAN that fiddle out of tune.🎵

Polly:[Sheathing her swords, grabbing Griffin like Capt. Havoc. Singing beautifully]
🎵God's hand never missed a mar
At the making of a star.🎵

All together:
🎵There no truce excuse yet made
For the bungler at his prey.🎵

CG:[Finishes the song on the fiddle. The Fiddler, by Rick Jay and Richard Greene.]

CH,Polly&Pirates:[Cheering, wanting more]

CH:[Jolly] Ha ha har! It been too long since we've sung a shanty, lad! We can't flog you and ye mateys now! I don't suppose you'd want to be going into account with us, do ya!?!

CG:Hmmm...As tempting as it would be, being a Pirate crew's shantyleader, I have a better idea! Earth God: Secret Art: Human Golem Clone.[Clay and Earth were emitting from Clayton's body, which then in golden rays of light, formed a being that looked exactly like Clayton, but in his birthday suit.] Here you go![Hands over the fiddle and bow.] 😓 Crap! I can't make any clothes here...

Polly: Oy! You! Put these on lad![Polly hands the newly born golem a pair of puffy trousers.]

Golem Clone:(With a Caribbean accent) Thank you queen![Puts on the trousers.] Alright me buckos! Who's ready to roll the old chariot!

Pirates:[Cheering] Ay!

GC: Then let's get this shanty a going![Plays the fiddle.]

🎵Oh, we'd be alright if the wind was in our sails
We'd be alright if the wind was in our sails
We'd be alright if the wind was in our sails
And we'll all hang on behind...🎵

🎵And we'll ro-o-oll the old chariot along!
We'll ro-o-oll the old chariot along!
We'll ro-o-oll the old chariot along!
And we'll all hang on behind!🎵

CH:[Grabbing Erza's hands to dance]
🎵Oh, we'd be alright if we make it round The Horn
We'd be alright if we make it round The Horn
We'd be alright if we make it round The Horn
And we'll all hang on behind...🎵

🎵Oh, we'd be alright if we make it round The Horn
We'd be alright if we make it round The Horn
We'd be alright if we make it round The Horn
And we'll all hang on behind...🎵

🎵And we'll ro-o-oll the old chariot along!
We'll ro-o-oll the old chariot along!
We'll ro-o-oll the old chariot along!
And we'll all hang on behind!🎵

Polly:[Singing beautifully]
🎵Well a night on the town wouldn't do us any harm
A night on the town wouldn't do us any harm
Oh, a night on the town wouldn't do us any harm
And we'll all hang on behind...🎵

🎵And we'll ro-o-oll the old chariot along!
We'll ro-o-oll the old chariot along!
We'll ro-o-oll the old chariot along!
And we'll all hang on behind!🎵

🎵Now, another festival wouldn't do us any harm
Oh, another festival wouldn't do us any harm
Woah, another festival wouldn't do us any harm
And we'll all hang on behind...🎵

🎵And we'll ro-o-oll the old chariot along!
We'll ro-o-oll the old chariot along!
We'll ro-o-oll the old chariot along!
And we'll all hang on behind!🎵

🎵Oh, a drop of Nelson’s blood wouldn’t do us any harm,🎵

🎵Oh, a drop of Nelson’s blood wouldn’t do us any harm,🎵

🎵Oh, a drop of Nelson’s blood wouldn’t do us any harm,🎵

🎵An’ we’ll all hang on behind!🎵

🎵So we’ll ro-o-oll the old chariot along!
An’ we’ll roll the golden chariot along!
So we’ll ro-o-oll the old chariot along!
An’ we’ll all hang on behind!🎵

🎵Oh, a plate of fioran stew wouldn’t do us any harm,
Oh, a plate of fioran stew wouldn’t do us any harm,
Oh, a plate of fioran stew wouldn’t do us any harm,🎵
🎵An’ we’ll all hang on behind!🎵

🎵So we’ll ro-o-oll the old chariot along!
An’ we’ll roll the golden chariot along!
So we’ll ro-o-oll the old chariot along!
An’ we’ll all hang on behind!🎵

Pirate Brute and the other pirates who climbed back onboard:
🎵Oh, a nice fat cook wouldn’t do us any harm.
Oh, a roll in the clover wouldn’t do us any harm.
Oh, a long spell in gaol wouldn’t do us any harm.
Oh, a nice watch below wouldn’t do us any harm.
Oh, a night with the gals wouldn’t do us any harm.🎵

GC:[Finishing the song on the fiddle, Roll on the Old Chariot, first half by David Coffin, second half by Stan Hugill.]
[The pirates cheered at the newborn's fiddle skills.]

CH: Yaharr! You play that fiddle like ye were born to! What's your name lad!?!

GC: Me name be...hold...I don't think I have a name...[Hollers to Clayton] Hey Da! What me name be!?!

CG:[Flabbergasted] Wait! I'm not your dad!

Griff: Actually, you kind of are. After all, you did create him. Even his soul is made from yours. Ergo, he is like your child.


ES: He's right. You should think up a name for your son.


Griff: How about Grant?

ES: Yeah...Grant Grimm. Or how about, Grant Chanty-Grimm?

CH: Can his middle name be Charles? And me and me crew will call him "Charlie"

CG:[Sarcastically] Oh, great! Now the pirates are getting involved...

Pirate Brute: Oy! We aren't pirates...

Polly: Little John's right! We be privateers. See![Shows a Letter of Marque.]

ES: Well that's more settling...

GC: Grant Charles Chanty-Grimm...Yeah! I like it! I'd like to be in account with ye all!

CH: Wait! Grimm!?! You don't mean like the late, great Captain Rodney Grimm do ye?

LJ: "The Grimm Reaper?"[Looks over to Clayton] Ye surname be Grimm?

CG: Wait! My some odd great-grandfather!?! How do you know about him? My dad said he was just a famous shipwright.

CH:Ho ho! No boy! Your ancestor be the most revered privateer in history! His magic-made ships are impervious to all damage. Only a Grimm can break or repair it!

CG: Wait! I know who you're talking about! His fleet was the stuff of legends! He's my ancestor!?! How cool!!!

Polly: This fine vessel we on, be once a ship of the Grimm Reaper's Fleet. The Flying Exceed, whatever an exceed be...

Griff: It's what you and I are.

LJ: That explains why the lad broke the deck, but not his vessel, or the pint-sized lion.

Griff: Wait, what did you call me?

ES: So, Clay is the only one capable of repairing this ship?

CG:[Jokingly] Oh, No! Grant's a Grimm too! He can repair it no problem![Realistic] Well actually, Grant should be able to theoretically do all the magic I can do...he'd technically be a Dragon Slayer too since I'm one...

GC: Let's give it a go![Grant inhaled all the ship's debris, just as Clay would have, he exhaled the debris, repairing the ship back to it's former glory.]

Griff: Well I'll be! It worked!

CH: Ha ha! The Flying Exceed has returned to it's former glory! Three cheers for Charlie!

Exceed crew:[Cheering] Charlie! Charlie! Charlie!

GC: Thanks me mateys! But we really should be thanking me da Clayton! Three cheers for Clayton!

Exceed crew:[Cheering] Clayton! Clayton! Clayton!

CH: So! Where you be off to in such a hurry?

ES: We need to get to Galuna Island to return our friends home.

CH: Well will be happy to help you! After bringing us both a shanty boy, as well as a repairman for our ship! Jonesy! Have the ship come about! We be sailing for Galuna Island!

Jonesy the helmsman: Ay, ay Captain Havoc!

CH: Charlie! Play us a tune!

GC: Will do, Captain![Grabs an accordion.]

[As the privateers sang their shanty, Clay approached Erza to have a chat.]

CG: Hey Erza! Everything alright!?!

ES:[Lying] Yes...every...everything's fine...

CG: Man! I didn't even need my Seismic Sense to see through that lie! Come on. Tell me what's got you down?

ES:[Chuckles] I forget there's no point in lying to you...Out northwest of here...the---

CG:[Finishing] Tower of Heaven. I know...we don't have to talk about it If you'd like.

ES: I'd appreciate it...So...You can't swim, can you?

CG:[Embarrassed] No...no I can't. Probably the worst wizard you could have for this mission because of that...god it's so embarrassing...

ES: Don't be embarrassed. Lots of people can't swim. Tell you what, there's a pool deep enough in Magnolia for you to practice swimming, I'll teach you if you want! No one else has to know.

CG: Thanks, I appreciate the offer, but I KNOW HOW TO SWIM already...I just CAN'T SWIM!

ES: I don't get it...aren't they synonymous with one another?

CG: Not for me...you see...

Griff:[Sitting in his hood, Interjecting] He's physically unable to swim. When Gaedey and Gednus made Clay an Earth Dragon Slayer, he lost his natural buoyancy due to being significantly denser than the average human.

Polly[Sitting next to Griffin in Clay's hood.] Aaah! So that's why you were practically begging for ye mum's teet! Instead of floating like a buoy, he sinks like an anchor!


Polly: Quit yer belly-aching! I just needed a break from singing, yer tom told me ye hood makes a grand seat!

Griff:[Adding on] And a good hammock!


Polly: Aaaugh! Come on ye old tom! Let's go up to me Crow's Nest. We can take claps of thunder 'til we see the island!

Griff: If "claps" means "shots" then I'm in, Hey Clayton! I'm taking your hood with us!

CG:[Through his teeth] Fine. Just go.

Polly: Last one there's a rotten grouper!

[They fly off with Clay's hood.]

CG: Man, he can be a pain!

ES:[Giggles] Come on! You know he cares for you!

CG: Yeah, I know...Say Erza?

ES: Yes?

CG: You already know about my Seismic Sense right?

ES: Yes, I think I understand it for the most part. Why?

CG: Well...back in Magnolia, in the guild hall...I sensed something deep under the ground...It was humming with immense magic...nothing like I've ever sensed before...it's big...but in the center of it!...it resembles something like a kid!

ES: Could you make it out with you Abiotic Eye?

CG: That's the thing! I couldn't...Must be an enchantment or something...might just be the hum of magic obscuring it...Do you know anything about it?

ES: No...can't say that I know what's under the guild. Master Makarov prohibits everyone from going there, even S-Class wizards. However, I'd refrain from telling anyone else about it. The Master must have a good reason for keeping it a secret.

CG: Yeah, you're right...So...any idea just how badly punished these awol wizards will be?

ES:[Growing angry] Those idiots...we're just trying to stop them from getting themselves killed...
And what do they do? Kidnap a wizard trying to save them, them bringing him to the quest they are prohibited from taking![Slams fists into the ship's railing.] Damn! If only there were two of me to properly beat some sense into them!

CG: Wait! What did you say?

ES: I wish there were two of me?

CG:*Snaps* That's it! I'll make a human golem clone of you! That'll show them that they'll have to fear and respect you even more with two of you!

LJ:[Eavesdropping] Aaah...Going to run a rig on yer mutinous mates? Sound like a good one!

CG: I know, right?

ES: Can you really do it?

CG: Sure I can! All I need from you is to clearly your mind, a strand of hair, and a tear drop!

ES: A tear drop? What for?

CG: Well there'd be enough of your soul in it to make it a new, unique soul, that is born from both our souls, but resembles yours the most. They don't say the eyes are the window into the soul for nothing!

ES: This might just show how serious their transgressions are...Will it be permanent like Grant?

CG: If you want! I can even make it so you have a mind-link with it!

ES: Then let's do it!

[Clayton took Erza's bare hands. Using his Earth God: Secret Art: Human Golem Clone spell he used to make Grant, clay and dust began emitting from them both along with the same golden light, then the matter from them both fused into one, until eventually a formless body was made.]

CG: Alright! Now put a strand of your hair in it. It can even be from your eyelashes or eyebrows!

ES: No...It deserves the hair from my head!
[Erza plucked a strand of hair from her right tendril, then placed It at the body's chest, resulting in the body phasing in and out of appearing like Erza.]

CG: Okay...Now all we need to do is add our tears...I'll add mine first.[After adding a tear from his left eye, the body glowed more intensely with golden light.]
Alright! Now yours.[Erza draws a tear from a tear duct, then drops it on to the body's chest, but instead of finishing the spell, the body became smouldering hot, glowing scarlet red.]
Wait! Something's wrong! Keep your hands on it no matter what!!! I'll fix this!

ES:[In pain] Hurry! I don't think my hands can handle much more of---*KABOOM!!!*

[A large eruption of molten rock, ash, and cinder came from the golem's body. Covering Clayton and Erza in black soot.]

ES:[Coughing] Did we do something wrong?

CG:[Coughing] No...We did everything right! I think we accidentally did a unison raid...

Polly: Blimey!

Griff: What are you two doing? Trying to blow-up the ship!?!

LJ: Oy! That lass prone on the deck looks like the armored broad in her birthday suit!

[He was right. The spell was successful. The golem looked exactly like Erza, but was completely in the nude.]

Exceed crew:[Gawking over the voluptuous body of the new golem.]

[Grant shot several of the privateers in the head with his Earth Dragon Maker: Duel Hand Cannons, knocking them out cold with concussive blasts of rocky ore.]

GC: Oy! Ye all best avert ye deadlights from me baby sister if ye know what's good for ye!

[Polly and Griffin swoop down to cover the clone.]

Polly: Ye bilge-sucking sons of biscuit-eaters! Back away from the maiden!

[The clone got to it's feet, looking between Clayton and Erza.]

Erza Clone:[In a voice a tad higher than Erza's] M-momma? Papa?

ES:[Speachless] Momma?

CG:[Sarcastic] Great! I've met a woman in less than a week and I've already got two full-grown kids with her...

Griff: I guess that makes me her uncle.

Polly: Oy! How about you just make me and the tom here be the lassie's godparents!

ES: Very well. I designate you two to be her godparents.

CG: So! What should we name her? Obviously can't be Erza Scarlet. That'd be to confusing!

Polly: Well...she did blow like a volcano...

LJ: How 'bout "Magma Scarlet"?

CG: Tha actually a really good name for her.

ES: Then it's settled. Your name will be Magma Grimm-Scarlet. Welcome to the world of the living...daughter!

Magma Scarlet: Oh! Mommy![Magma hugs Erza in a tight embrace, oddly enough, Erza was actually tearing up.]

ES: Come on, Clayton! Family group hug!

CG: *Sighs* Doesn't seem like I'm getting out of this...Screw it! Why not![As Clay was approaching the two of them, Polly smacked Clay in the face with her tail.]
Hey! What the hell was that for!?!

Polly: Ye can't just go and hug ye nude daughter! Just thinking it over is making me sick to my stomach! Hold on, girly! I should have a blouse that'll fit ye!

MS: Thank you. But there's no need...REFORGE![After saying her spell, Magma became outfitted with armor looking exactly like Erza's usual combat fatigues.]

ES: Wow!

CG: Since we made her with a unison raid, she can use both of our magics fused together to create her own armor...

Griff: And since she has Erza's The Knight Magic, the armors she creates will have the same attributes as the armors Erza has in her arsenal...same with her weapons.

CG: And because the both of them are golems, in addition with having all our previous memories, they can alter certain aspects of their appearances, namely their hair, voice and eyes...

GC: Is that so![Grant's scalp glowed gold with light, as it faded, Grant's new hairstyle was reviled to be dreadlocks in a bun.]Oy, mates! What ye think 'bout me new hairdo?

Exceed crew:[Cheers in favor]

MS: Mother? Father? Would you like me to change my appearance as well?

CG: One; please don't call me that, call me Sir, or Clay! Second; Keep this appearance until we've returned home. Three; Until we return home, me and your "mother" will address you as Erza#2, until you are properly introduced to Fairy Tail.

ES: Our mission is to retrieve two Awol Fairy Tail wizards, their prisoner, Gray Fullbuster, and the Awol exceed, Happy. If any of the awols give you trouble, don't be afraid to retaliate with force. We'll rendezvous in the Galuna village, explain to them the situation, and unless the mission they have isn't out of the way, we'll leave and head back to Magnolia as soon as possible. But first, remove your right earring, and I'll remove my left, that way only Griffin, Clay and I will be able to tell us apart.

MS: Yes ma'am![She absorbed her left earring back into her body.] While we're here, let me fix the scorched mess my birth left behind.[With that said, Magma used the same magic technique her "father" and older brother did, inhaling all the soot, ash and embers, then exhaled them out to restore the floor to it's proper form.]

Polly: Land Ho!

[Galuna Island was visible in the horizon.]

CG:[Using his goggles as binoculars.] Erza! I think I see Lucy, but it looks like she's being chased by a wizard on an Earth Puppet! She's running straight for a cliff![Gives goggles to Erza.]

ES:[Using goggles as binoculars.] Dammit! She needs help![Hands back goggles.]

CG:[Showing Griffin through the goggles.] Griffin! Throw me at that big pile of rock![Puts on goggles and hood] That way, you and Polly can carry Erza and Magma to the island!

Polly: Ay! Ay!

Griff: As you wish.[Griffin transforms into his battle form, grabbing Clay like a javelin.] *YEET!*

[As Clay was thrown towards Galuna Island.]

CG:Griff definitely threw me hard enough, but it looks like I'll overshoot them at my current path! Earth God Forge: Icarus Wing's![Vines creeped through the upper openings of his coat, wrapping his upper back, and from the vines, a pair of faux-wings made with the frame of light, yet strong and flexible magic wood, and air-defying leaves for feathers. Only capable of short flights, more suited for gliding. Breaks down as they are used.]

[After correcting his trajectory, Clay used the last of the spells use to boost him towards his target]

CG:[To himself] It's Showtime!

>> To be Continued >>
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