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Rated: ASR · Fiction · Action/Adventure · #2164814
Fairy Tail Oc. Earth Dragon Slayer(male). Pre-episode 14.
A few days after entering Magnolia, the now nineteen Dragon Slayer and his feline friend Griffin get into an argument.

Clayton Grimm:[Annoyed] Come ooooon Griff! We're almost there! Two blocks more isn't going to kill us...

Griffin: And two hours looking around the town's markets to view the local goods isn't going to kill us either! Besides, we might be able to find a decent place to live.

CG: I've already got that figured out! I spoke with the local mayor earlier this morning and he agreed to let us rent a new home for half the price, as long as I help out with the local maintenance and projects. You can't beat a new home for 35,000 jewels a month! Where do you think I was this morning?

Griff:[Mutters] Stuffing your face with the local dirt...

CG:[Mad] Say that again you bag of fur...


CG: Is that so?[Taunting] Ooo! Would you look at this? Free samples of hand-made candy from all over Fiore? Don't mind if I do[Eats assorted candy] Hey Griff! Do you want some?

Griff:[Repressing rage] CLAY!

CG:[Continuing on] OH WAIT! You can't enjoy these sweets like I can...[Pushing on]You wanna know why?

[Griffin slams down a handmade mug back onto it's place with such force, it was pulverized on impact, along with trashing nearly all the vendors' kiosks, ruining millions of jewels in inventory and property.]

Griff: DON'T. YOU. DARE!!!

CG:[Yelling] Because YOU! ARE! A! CAT!


[Moments before, at Fairy Tail.]

Macao Conbolt:[To Cana Alberona] Don't you ever just wake up in the morning and think, "Gee, maybe I should start the day with something small. Maybe a mimosa or two? Seeing as I'm going to chugging down a dozen barrels of beer later anyway!"

[Faint rumble]

Cana Alberona:[About to start a new barrel] Your just pissed that I won our drinking game yesterday.[Begins to chug beer]

MC: First-off, you were drinking against Master Makarov. Second. That was two weeks ag--[Macao was interrupted by a deafening boom originating not far from their guild hall. Scaring nearly everyone out of their seats. The shockwave shattered all the hall's ceramic and glassware, as well as Loke, Laki, Levy, and Wakaba's eyewear. Also causing Cana to accidentally dump her drink all over herself.]

CA:[Coughing up beer] What the hell was that!

MC: Whatever it was. I'm pretty sure everyone in Magnolia felt that.

Wakaba Mine: Probably just Natsu and Gray starting a fight on the way back.

Master Makarov Dreyar: It'd better be. Taking a request out of one's capability is one thing. But not asking for permission for such a potentially life-threatening quest is unacceptable. I may go a bit easy on Lucy, since she's new to being in a wizard's guild, and really just desperate to have ends meet.
As for Natsu, he aught to know better. That boy! He'll be lucky if I make him the S-Class wizards' official Sparring dummy!
And for Happy! Well, let's just say that the ideas of shaving or spaying him is growing on me. Maybe even both.

[Laki and Laxus both chuckle menacingly with sadistic grins, Laki holding a surgeon's scalpel and mayo scissors, while Laxus held a shaving razor and hair scissors.]

Romeo Conbolt: Dad? What does Master Makarov mean by "spayed"?

MC: Great! Thanks a lot Master! Now I have to give my boy "The Talk"...

MMD:[Ashamed of himself] Sorry...

Erza Scarlet: They'd better be aware of how insulting this is for the guild. Going against our customs like they mean nothing! Natsu better not be giving Gray such a hard time back. Because if he does, I'll make him regret it![Erza forks up a piece of her hardly-touched strawberry cake, slightly chewing, stopping to spit out a ceramic shard, then continuing to chew.]

[Entering Fairy Tail is our Dragon Slayer. With a small, yet prominent red paw mark on his forehead, rubbing it, until it began to fade away.]

CG:[Looking around] Hmmm...not the worst interior I've seen, but far from the best I've seen...

[Erza slams her fist on the the bar top, standing up quickly.]

ES:[Irritated] Natsu! You'd better not given Gray a hard time getting back home! Because if you did...[Erza dashes towards Clayton, simultaneously drawing her sword, placing the tip between his collar bones.]
[Angry] I'll have you begging for your...life?...Wait! Your not Natsu!

CG:[Cautiously] Uhhh...no...no I'm not...My name is Clayton Grimm. Friends call me Clay. I'm here wishing to join your guild...maybe I came at a bad time...[Steps back towards the door.]

ES:[Stuttering] No!...I'm mean yes...Well sort of...Oh! Sorry!...[Sheaths sword.]...I...

MMD: Unfortunately, you have come at a bad time, but that's no excuse for our behavior towards mages whom wish to join us in Fairy Tail. Please forgive her.

CG: Sure. So...If you don't mind me asking...What happened that's got you all so on-edge?

Mirajane Strauss: Well, you see...It's kind of a long story!

WM: Not really...

CG:[Walks past Erza, closer to the bar.] So, what is it? Maybe I can help!

MMD: As long as your going to join Fairy Tail, I see no reason to keep you in the dark. You see, we divide the requests we get by two major boards. The one over there,[Points to primary job board in front of Nab Lasaro.] Is where all the requests that, after some consideration, seem suitable for all of our wizards to partake on.[Looks back at Nab.] IF THEY'D ONLY JUST PICK ONE!!!

Nab Lasaro:[Annoyed]Mmmm...

MMD:[Continuing] As for our second board upstairs, we post requests only permitted to our S-Class wizards. Even prohibiting non-S-class wizards from going upstairs in the first place.

CG:[Piecing it all together.] And I'm guessing that this "Natsu" guy, went upstairs, took an S-Class request to try and complete, with a new guild member, despite neither of them being S-Class wizards, all that, and without getting permission, let alone telling anyone!

[Enter Laxus's personal bodyguards, The Thunder Legion.]

Evergreen:[Ticked off.] Damn! Can't believe that shockwave broke my glasses...[Pulling out a new pair.]

Bickslow: From the looks of it, that shockwave did more than break your glasses Evergreen!

Freed Justine: Laxus! We have you snacks and drinks you requested.[Hands over a paper bag, full of Laxus's favorite snacks and beverages.]

Laxus Dreyar: Thanks. Did you find my Sound Pods yet?

FJ: No sir...I regret to inform you that we haven't located your headphones, but we will search every inch of Fiore until we've found them, and if still no luck, all of Isgar itself.

LD: Just make sure that you at least find both of my databases. I have a lot of good songs on those things. I'd be furiously if either of them get damaged.

Bickslow: Hey boss? Who's that guy?[Points to Clayton.]

LD: Just some kid, wanting to join Fairy Tail. Doesn't look all that strong. Probably will never be an S-Class candidate, let alone a S-Class wizard. Hehe...

Bickslow: I don't know boss...he looks like he might one day be a decent mage...when he's old and grey! Haha!
Dolls: So-So! Mediocre! Average! Decent!

Evergreen: Please. I agree with Laxus! I bet you a million jewels that he couldn't even put a scratch on Scarlet while he's here!

Bickslow: Hope you put your money where your mouth is Ever! Maybe the kid will surprise us!

[Continuing on to the story.]

MS: Wow! You nearly pieced it all together! You must be pretty bright.

CG: Really? How off was I? Did I miss anything?

LD:[Opens soda bottle.] One.[flicks bottle cap straight into the trashcan on the other side of the guild hall.] It wasn't Natsu who went and stole a request from upstairs. It was his cat.[Starts drinking.]

CG: His cat? Wait? Are we talking about a normal house cat? Or a bipedal, flying cat, that can also talk?

LD:[Stops drinking.] The latter...[Resumes drinking.]

CA:[Stops drinking.] Wait? You've seen other cats out there that are just like Happy?[Resumes drinking.]

CG: Are you kidding? My tourist of a friend Griffin is one! From what he said they come from a very distant land. Think he said their called "Exc---"

ES:[Interrupting] Excuse me...but that eye of yours.[Points to Clay's right eye.] It's artificial right?

CG:[Hurt] A-a-artificial?

ES: I thought so. I just noticed that it's completely off color with your real eye. Whoever gave it to you obviously didn't pay attention to detail. If you like, I could refer you to...

[Clayton was lost in his mind, reliving every damaging stare he got since he was born. Hearing the insults etched in his memory. Flooded with the all too familiar sorrowful feeling of being seen as a freak. Then. That feeling was soon purged and replaced by unbridled rage at the insensitivity of society. His clenched fists were subconsciously being covered by thin gloves of hyper-dense Dragon Slayer Earth, appearing as dark granite, with dull, but pulsating, cherry-red light, leaking from the cracks.]

ES:[Continues explaining]...Although Porlyusica isn't much of a people's person, I'm sure she'll make you a proper prosth---*THWACK!!!*

[Erza was sent flying back after being suckerpunched by Clayton's passive Earth Dragon: Tectonic Fist, resulting in a path of destruction between him and Erza, as she layed in a crater just outside of Magnolia. The shockwave from that blow, triggered a 5.4 magnitude earthquake on the town. A streak of Erza's scarlet blood was slowly dripping from Clayton's right fist.]

[The entire guild was in absolute shock and awe of the feat their soon-to-be recruit accomplished. Bickslow flipped his visor up, revealing the same look as the others; Even his "babies" could be seen with shock on their totem-like faces. Cana and Laxus were so shocked, they performed a synchronized spit-take. Mirajane dropped the only intact drinking glasses, that she was wiping at the time, shattering on the floor below. Evergreen pulled out a wad of 1,000,000 jewels, and handed it over to Bickslow, who proceeded to pocket it.]


RC: Dad! I'm scared!

MC: Me too son! Me too...


[Elfman raises his hand.]

CG: Yes?

Elfman Strauss: Do you have any idea who that was you sent flying out of Magnolia?

CG: No...Why?

ElfS: She's Erza Scarlet!

CG:[Trying to memorize]Erza Scarlet...The name sounds familiar...Is she known by a different name?

Evergreen: Yes...Titania!

CG:[Remembering]Titania?[Clay's subconscious gloves crumbled into dust after this revelation.] Queen of the Faries, Titania!?!

[Everyone nodded.]

CG:[Seeing Ezra rapidly approaching with her Black Wing Armor, ready to return blows.] Oh, cra-*THWACK!!!* [Clay was sent crashing back behind the bar, straight through the bar top, being lodged in the wall.]

ES: I'll admit that was quite a suckerpunch you gave me.[Wiping blood from her left nostril.] But...what reasons could you possibly have to striking me? A death wish?

CG:[Dislodges himself from the wall, dusting himself off like nothing happened.] You know,[Cracks his shoulders via shoulder roll] I kind of was expecting a hit from Fairy Tail's famous female wizard Titania to have a hell of a lot more "Umpf", and better manners...


ES: Manners? You dare scold my manners? Do you have any merit for this accusation?

CG: How about the fact that you insulted me!

ES: Insulting you? I would never do such a thing! Insults are beneath me!

MMD: Actually Erza, you sort of did insult him...

ES: What? Master, how did I insult him?

MMD: The boy doesn't have an artificial eye. He has heterochromia.

ES: Hetero-what!?! What does that mean?

Levy McGarden: Well, it basically means that-

CG:[Interrupting] It means I have different eye colors!

ES:[Slowly realizing her mistake] Ohhh! And I thought it was a shoddy prosthetic! I'm sorry![Bows head in shame.] Please forgive me! I just thought you were an amputee as well!

CG: Ooh! So your an amputee? I can't even tell! So,[Starts poking all over Erza's arms and legs.] Which limb did you lose?

ES: Not a limb, no...I lost my right eye,[Pulls back her hair hanging over her right eye.] It was mutilated by my overseers who tortured me when I was a child slave, forced to help in the completion of a Tower of Heaven.

CG: You mean the R-System?

ES: That's correct, yes...

CG: Damn...Talk about a rough childhood...But anyways, that doesn't mean your an amputee. It'd be more accurate to say that you suffer from anophthalmia...

LMG: Doesn't that mean she'd be missing an eye from birth?

CG: Although that's what it's most doctors commonly refer it to, it's really just the medical term for the absence of an eye. So to be more accurate, it'd be anophthalmia via enucleation due to severe trauma

[Enters a mad Griffin.]

Griff:[Shouting in anger] Clayton Ishmael Grimm!

CG:[Terrified] Aaah! Griffin! I--It isn't what it looks like!

Griff: So...This doesn't look like you picked a fight at the guild YOU wanted to join, and not two minutes after our "disagreement", I told you to go join ahead of me, while I paid for the aftermath of our scruffle---

CG:[Interrupting] And I repaired all the property damage before I left!

Griff: Clay! What have we talked about interrupting me?

CG: Eeep![Grabs Mirajane to use as a human shield.] I'm sorry!

Griff: As I was saying...After I paid for the collateral damage you were unable to fix, I sifted through my newly bought rubble, salvaging anything that was still edible, and then picking out what to have for our upcoming meals. Then proceeded to put them in our room at the local inn. Only to have it destroyed as an armor-clad, red-haired woman, shot through the Inn, reducing everything to either inedible garbage or rubble, looking to see the origin of her propulsion being YOU!

CG:Yes! I mean, No! Uhhh, you see...[Nervously laughs] This was all just one big misunderstanding really![Grabs Cana to add to his false protection.]

CA: Hey! You can't use me as a shield!

ElfS: The same goes for my big sister! If you were a real man, you wouldn't need human shields!

Griff: I concur...

CG:[Continuing] But we've made up, And since we've cleared up our problems, all I have to do is repair that trail of destruction, and anything else in Magnolia that got destroyed! Well...except for the food...but I'm sure their are plenty of restaurants still opened and barely phased by your-

Griff:[Correcting] Our!

CG: OUR, destructive actions! So we can all calm down. I'll fix all of Magnolia in about five to fifteen minutes, and everything will be all goo-Woah![Clayton was pulled towards his feline companion via Griffin's telekinesis, knocking over Mirajane and Cana in the process.]

CG:[Begging] No! Please! Not the-*BOOM!!!!!!!!!*-Faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaace...[Clay's plea fell on deaf ears as Griffin delivered a uppercut capable of tearing most people out of Earth's gravitational pull directly with his face. The physical reaction of that strike, obliterated everything from the first floor's roof and uppermost walls above. As well as pushing anything and everything, away from the epicenter, and even breaking Evergreen's spare glasses.]

Griff: Sorry, did anyone catch what he said?

Fairy Tail:[In even greater shock] HE SENT THE NEW GUY SOARING TO OUTER SPACE!!!!!

LD:[To himself] Never thought I'd ever say this, but I think I'm afraid of a cat...

Griff: My apologies. I failed to introduce myself. My name is Griffin, and well...I'm going to assume you all know Clayton.[He says while pointing up where Clay vanished.]
We both have heard many things about your guild! Both good and...not so good. Nevertheless, we would be honored if you would allow us to join your guild.

ES: Either you two are ridiculously powerful independent wizards, or you came from another guild.

Griff: Ah, you are quite right! We are actually some of the founding members of the guild, Sorciers Sans Frontiéres.

WM: Who?

MC: Never heard of them...

Evergreen:[Struggling] Sorciers Sans Frontié...What?

Bickslow: Doesn't ring a bell...

FJ: I've never heard of any wizard guild by that name...

MS: I've heard about you guys!

ElfS: You did Mira?

LD: Well I've never heard of them, so they can't have been all that good.

MMD: They're not well known in the Legal Guild World, but they strike fear into the heart of the Dark Guild World.

Griff: Quite true. We have gained an infamous reputation in the Dark Guild World, and quite famous with the authorities of the nations of Isgar. As for the public and the majority of the overt world, we are merely whispers.

LMG: It might be because your guild doesn't have any guild halls or headquarters.

MMD: Also the fact that their master has never been to a single meeting.

Griff: That would be because our guild views all its members as equals, therefore, we do not have an appointed master.
As for the lack of a concrete HQ, well I'm sure our guild's name speaks for itself. We don't even have guild mark like others. We wear our emblem on tags, like so,[Pulls out two dog tags with both their faces on one side, and their guild mark on the other.] We only wear it when we are active in our guild. So by not wearing these, we show that we wish to move on elsewhere. However, we left on good terms and still have a great relationship with our former guild mates.

Laki Olietta: Um...Is he going to be okay?[Points up above, referring to Clayton.]

Griff: Oh, him? Yeah, he'll be fine. He has an impressive threshold for taking physical abuse. After all, He is a Dragon Slayer. They aren't trained to be push-overs, especially him.

RC: Really? He's another Dragon Slayer, just like Natsu? That must be so cool!

ES: That sort of explains why he's so strong.

MS: So, what kind of Dragon Slayer is he?

CG:[Screaming as he falls back down, burning from reentry] AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!...*CRASH*...
Earth...Dragon...Slayer...*BARF!!!*...[Clay up-chucks a small pool of molten lava, which burned through to the basement below, as well as burning the ends of the wooden plank floor.]

Griff: Are you trying to burn the place down?[Griffin scolds as he stomps out the ring of fire.]
Now,[Grabs Clayton by the back of his collar] start by fixing this place, then, the rest of Magnolia.[Drops him.]

CG:[Struggles to his feet] Ok Griffin...what ever you say!
[Clayton then inhales just about everything that wasn't nailed down. Then exhaling, he repaired the basement floor, followed by the entire first floor. He then look looks up to repair the structural wooden studs. After that was finished, he reconstructed the uppermost roof, working his way down until he got to the first floor roof. Catching his breath, he redid all the woodworking in a flash. Once he finished breathing out the the hall back to its former form. He began to restore the broken furnishings. Following this, he regurgitated pristine stacks of ceramic and glassware. Finally, he breathed out six pairs of eyewear. All this, took him about 15 seconds.]

CG:[Out of breath] Alright![heavy breathing] Come and get your glasses everyone...Hey! Who's Sound Pods are these?[Clay looks at the magic headphones hanging from his neck.]
[Reading from an engraving.]Property...of...Laxus Dreyar...

FJ: Those are Laxus's headphones? Where did you get them!?!

Griff: Well, if someone put them in the guild hall's second floor, or even the roof, it's possible that they got caught on Clayton as he went sky bound.

Evergreen: Well, let me return them to him! After all, I need to grab both pairs of my glasses.

CG: Sure! Go ahead!
[Clayton was in the middle of handing them to Evergreen when Griffin stopped him.]

Griff: Hold on! There's a note in it's clip.[Grabs note, unfolds it.]
[Reading aloud] Dear Laxus,

         I found your dumb headphones and extra clip thingy in the guild's bathroom, and because you refused to fight me the other day, I put them up on the rooftop of the guild hall. By the time you find them and read this, your other music thingy will hopefully be in Cana's stomach, after I slipped it into one of the front beer barrels.

                             Yours truly,
                                       The Salamander, Natsu Dragneel.

CA: So that's what the hard thing I swallowed when that first blast happened.[Sarcastically] Great...

LD:[Strong arcs of electricity arched out of him. [In anger]] Natsu!!! I hope Fullbuster brings you back soon...because I'm going to kill you!!!!!
But first, Freed! Open Cana's guts up! Bickslow! Hold her down! Evergreen! Help me find my database!

[The Thunder Legion began to approach Cana, ready to act out Laxus's orders.]

CA:[Stricken with fear] I had a feeling I'd die drinking, but I thought it would be great! and not like this!

LD: Sorry kid! Nothing personal...

CA: I'm gonna kill you Natsu!

CG: Yo, chill...I got this![Performed one Heimlich push on Cana, causing her to cough out the database. Then swishing it in his mouth to polish it dry.]
Here you go man![Hands over Laxus's headphones and second database.] Good as new!

LD: Thanks kid. Your alright. Thunder Legion! We've got a job to do.

[Laxus, Freed and his Thunder Legion headed out of the restored guild doors. Off to complete their mission.]

ES: Laxus, wait! I need your help to get the others back to Magnolia!

[Laxus stops, followed by the Thunder Legion.]

LD: Natsu can go jump of a cliff for all I care.
The cat---

Griff:[Interrupting] Which cat?

LD:[Thrown off] Uhhm, Happy? Yeah, Happy!

Griff: Thought so...

LD: Anyways, HAPPY, can be that villages new pet for all I care.
As for the blonde chick. Well, I feel a bit of pity for her, but just about everyone in the guild knows that hanging with that kid will get you either arrested or killed!

Fairy Tail:[Murmurs in general agreement]

LD: Freed! Is your team coming or what?

FJ: Yes Laxus! Thunder Legion! Move out!

[Laxus and the the others walk off for good.]

ES: Damn you Laxus. Our members' lives should be top priority!
Master! Please allow me to go out and return them here.

MMD: I'm sorry Erza, but if I'm going to allow anyone to go and bring them back, it has to be more than one S-Class wizard or equivalent.

MS: And me and Elfman are leaving tonight to go to the schools in the capital to inspire the kids there into pursuing a life and career in wizardry.

ElfS: The kids have been waiting since their last semester for this. We might be able to cancel, but...

ES:[Cutting him off] No! The children of Fiore are our future after all. Besides, it would be dishonorable if you were to break their hearts and cancelling days prior would be damaging to Fairy Tail's reputation.

CA: And it's not like Mystogen is here to help...[Drinks more beer.]

CG: I'll go-

Griff:[Correcting] We!

CG: WE, will go with you! We're S-Class wizards too!

Griff:[Agreeing] Indeed!

MMD: Not anymore you are!

CG&Griff: What?

LMG: You do realize that just because you were S-Class wizards in one guild, doesn't mean that your rank automatically transfers over to another guild you join.

CG&Griff: What!?!

CG: But we're powerful as all hell! We've been hired by The Magic Council dozens of times! We've taken down countless amounts of Dark Guilds...

Griff: Don't forget...our guild also bested Gildarts Clive in a fight!

Fairy Tail:[In disbelief] What!?!

CG: Yeah! We even have a tooth of his![Pulls out a molar]

WM: That could be anyone's tooth!

Reedus Jonah: Except it's not! I can confirm this IS Gildarts' tooth. His wisdom tooth to be exact.

Fairy Tail: What?

Griff: We even have a Magic Letter of Recommendation from Gildarts himself.
[Griffin pulls out the letter from his Magic Satchel, then handing it over to Master Makarov. After circling the seal with his finger, Gildarts' face became visible via Magic Hologram.]

Hologram Gildarts Clive: Is this thing on? Hello? What? I don't see a-Oh! Yeah, there's a light! What's it mean? Oh, okay...It is on! Hello my fellow fairies! Long time no see! Well...I...can't exactly see you guys, but this is good enough. Anyways...I'm making this letter as my formal recommendation for every member of...Uhhh...what are you guys called again? Okay, their called, Sorciers...Sans...Frontiéres...so, yeah! these guys...I recommend them as S-Class candidates should any of them wind-up in Fairy Tail! After all, they did knock me out-cold after twelve hours of fighting! Even lost a couple of teeth![Gildarts grins, showing several gaps in his smile.] It was crazy, one minute, I was fighting two Dragon Slayers who were holding their own, then BAM! When I came to, they said the Earth wizard slammed his head into my face. So anyways, these guys are pretty hardcore. Maybe even let them take an S-Class request or two huh you old geezer! Well, I'll see you all when I'm back at the guild I suppose. Later! And Natsu! Try and stay out of trouble! Wait...you found my teeth? Great! Now I'll be able to still score some ladies....

Fairy Tail:[Murmurs] Did they really beat Gildarts? Just how strong could the be? Better remember that name, so I don't pick a fight with them...

MC:[Confused] Wait! Why did he say that you found his teeth!?! Did you keep one?

CG: No! We kept them all! While he was recording the letter, I was making false teeth that matched them completely, then all I had to do is put the fakes in his mouth and voilà! He'll never notice, they work just as well as real teeth!

CA: I can't believe my old man could ever get his ass handed to him...

MC: Come again Cana?

CA:[Flustered] I-I meant THE OLD MAN![Laughs nervously, then continues to drink.]

WM: Okay! Are we just going to ignore the fact that this guy fixed our entire guild hall, and my shades in like, 15 seconds? What kind of magic is that?

CG: Well...Being a Dragon Slayer, I can consume any, and every kind of earthly materials. The more raw, the more power I can get!

Griff: Although, when he consumes structures of his own manipulation, he only recycles the the physical substances he consumes, and doesn't replenish his strength or vitality. Also, the more frequently he consumes and regurgitates any given object, the less he can use his magic to reinforce it, though after a while, this no longer is a problem

CG: And it doesn't work on food. I just end up digesting it! But once I have, let's say a two-floor house worth of materials, I can use my Earth Slayer magic, in combination with my families signature Magic, Forge Magic to build it in record time, I can also build or rebuild virtually anything in fractions of the time. It's actually part of the reason I wanted to join Fairy Tail in the first place. Thanks to your guild's disregard for property damage, I've made millions of jewels fixing you messes!

WM: Sounds like with a guy like you working out our damage control, Fairy Tail could save some serious cash on our bills. Probably will better our reputation too!

MMD:(Cha-ching) Then it's settled. Clayton Grimm, you will be in charge of cleaning up the collateral damage our wizards cause.

CG: Woah, woah, woah! I came to be a wizard first, and a contractor second! Besides, I don't fix anything Griff and I don't break for free! I should at least get 70% of the repair bills you get!

MMD: 10%
CG: 75%
MMD: 20%
CG: 80%
MMD: Uhhh...35%?
CG: 95%!
MMD Okay, okay...45%! That's my final offer!

CG: You heard the man Griff! That's his final offer! Let's go see if another wizard guild will give us a better deal...Maybe Lamia Scale, or Blue Pegasus?

Griff:[Playing along] I'm sure Quatro Cerberus would be willing to give us better incentives...
[Clayton and Griffin head towards the the guild doors, until they heard Master Makarov.]

MMD: Wait![Pause] Alright...50%!
CG: 60%!
MMD: Can...can we meet in the middle at 55%?

CG:[Thinking] Hmmm...yeah! I can live with that!

MMD&CG:[Shaking hands] Deal!

MMD: Now that's settled, Mirajane here will mark you with our emblem, and I'll allow you both to take S-Class requests, with permission of course, including aiding Erza in retrieving our awol wizards.

MS: So! Where do you want your mark?

CG: Well, I've been thinking it over and I think I want it on my shoulder blade,[Clayton takes off his coat and tank top.] But in a way so the Fairy's head is resting on my shoul...der...Ummm...is everything alright?

[Every woman in the guild hall was gawking at Clay's physique. Even Bisca was caught taking a good, long stare. Meanwhile, the men of Fairy Tail( Except for Romeo) glared at Clay's figure, that threatened their guild's social structure.]

Loke's Fangirls:[Pushing Loke aside, they throw themselves at Clayton, latching onto his supermodel body.] You're so hot! Take me out on a date! Are you single!?! I've never seen you on Sorcerer Magazine! Your SO dreamy! Marry me! Loke's got nothing on you!

Loke:[Cries hysterically into Cana's chest.]

CG: Sorry ladies...I'm more into women that can feed someone their teeth if they do them wrong!

[Taking those words to heart, the admirers proceeded to mercilessly fight in an all-out brawl with one another, leading out to the streets of Magnolia.]

CG: *Sigh* And this is why I don't do anymore work with Mermaid Heel...

Griff: You sure it's not because of Clairissa?

CG: No...Clairissa's awesome!

CA: Wow! I've heard of women fighting over a man, but for a man to be able to actually have women fighting over them...That's kinda hot!

Loke:[Crying even harder, burying his face deeper in Cana's chest.]

CA: Hey!?! Can you get off me you perv!

ElfS: Hey Mirajane! Why aren't you marking the new guy?

[Mirajane was caught in a deep trance due to Clay's build.]

ElfS: Mirajane![She failed to respond.]

MS: Huh? Oh! Sorry! I was just wondering what's this weird symbol on your right...big...strong...muscular...well defined...hazelnut...


MS: Shoulder blade!!![Nervous Laughter]

CG: Oh that's...

MMD: The Mark of the Moon Village. One of two sacred villages of the Giants. This one in particular is inhabited by the all-female tribe known as the Valkyries. Guardians of the Everlasting Frost of the True Moon Selene.

CG: Also commonly referred to as the Divine Moonstone. How do you even know about it?

MMD: The Valkyries lifted the Frost Vail that protects the Moonstone, and allowed me to be blessed by it's magic. As a result, I've gained the ability to use Giant Magic. The real question is why do you bare their mark?

Griff: He was raised by them since he was twelve. I was also present at the time.

CG: What the hell! They let you, a complete outsider, wield their Giant Magic, instead of someone they actually marked as on of their own? I know everything about their sacred places. The Sun Village, the Moon Village, even the Caverns of Procrea---

Griff:[Clears throat, nodes head towards Romeo]

CG: Uhhh...You know what! Forget about it!

Loke:*Sniffs* What was that last place?

CG: 😮...Uhhh...Mirajane? Are you gonna mark my back, or keep rubbing it?

MS: Huh? Oh! I'm sorry? I was just thinking that if you're going to wear that coat all time, it's just going to cover your hunky back! I mean, gorgeous mark! I mean Guild Mark!

Griff: She raises a good point...

CG: And your rubbing my back why?

MS: Oh! 😊 I've just never seen trapezoids so...defined and firm...REALLY FIRM...I know people say that muscles can feel rock-hard, but THIS feels like it's Diamond-Hard!

ES: And have you felt his deltoids? He can probably break down anything with a shoulder charge! Or swing a sword straight through an opponent in full-armor!

LMG: Are you feeling his pecks? I bet a thousand sledgehammers couldn't even put a dent on it!

LO: What about his abs? Feels like you can chop firewood on them 24/7, all without leaving a scratch!

CA: You girl's are looking too north! Look a bit down south, if you know what I mean!

[Cana was just about to join in on the groping until Macao and the others interjected.]


Jet&Droy: LEVY!!!

ElfS: MIRA!!!

Reedus Jonah: ERZA!!!



Griff:[Scratches a dinner plate, creating a sharp, ear-piercing, loud noise] Are you ladies done with your groping and rubbernecking!?! Hmmm? Alright then! Clayton! Put your clothes on! Clearly these women have never heard of self-control, let alone have any!
[Clayton puts his tank top back on, followed by his coat.]

MMD: So Clayton. Have you thought of another place to bare our insignia?

CG:[Thinking] Hmmm...How about my outer forearm?
In a goldenrod yellow?

MS: That's sounds like a good spot!

CG: 😮...😒...Mirajane?

MS: 😊 Yeah!

CG: Uhhh...you know i said my OUTER FOREARM right?

MS: 😏 Yeeeaaah...

CG: So...


MS: 😳 Uhhhm?...Making sure he doesn't twitch while I stamp him? 😊

MC: Mmmhhm...

WM: You keep telling yourself that...

[Mirajane finally stamps the young man on his left forearm, with the fairy's head a hands-width away from his wrist.]

MS: Congratulations! Your now an official member of Fairy Tail! Now for you! Griffin, was it?

Griff: That's correct, yes.[Griffin hops up onto the bar top.] I would like my guild mark under my muzzle, right under my mane.[Griffin tilts his head up and lifts his mane out of the way.] As for the color...make it royal purple.

MS: You mean right here?[Mirajane scratches Griffin under his chin and on his neck.]

Griff: Yes...hmmm...right...mmm...there...purrrrr...[Griffin purred as Mirajane scratched him. Then he got on all-fours and brushes and arches himself against Mira. Raising his tail in a slight bend, it twitching slightly. He then proceeds to rub his chin on Mirajane's hand.]

MS: Hehehe! I see you like getting petted, huh Griff! Before I forget, let me stamp you![Stamps the emblem three finger-lengths away from the edge of his mane.]

MC: I guess deep down, he is just a cute little kitty cat.

CG: 😨

Griff:[Snapping out of his trance, Griffin grabbed Mirajane's hand in a forceful manner, stopping it in it's tracks. Then turned to Macao with a soul-piercing death-stare.] Did you call me CUTE!?!

MC: Uhhh...yeah...Wh-*CRASH!!!*

[Before Macao could finish his question, Griffin darted towards him with a overhead punch, spiking him through the floor into the basement floor, creating a large crater of broken stone.]

WM: Macao!

RC: Dad!

CG: Sweet Gaedey! Griff!?! What the hell!?![Clayton quickly uses his Earth Priest: Tree of Life Magic to retrieve and heal the limp-bodied wizard(Earth Priest(ess) Magic is not as effective as Sky Healing Magic, for instance, it's faster than normal healing magic, but nowhere near the speed of Sky Healing Magic, although it does heal broader ailments and more thoroughly, but in order for it to be used to even compete with Sky Healing Magic, it needs to put all it's effort into healing without alleviating any pain, on the contrary, it stimulates cellular mitosis and cellular activity, especially in pain-receptors, resulting in greater pain than the original injury inflicted. Excellent for rebuilding bones and detoxification.)] You could have killed the poor guy! Help me get him outside, this spell works best in bright light. I got his legs, grab his shoulders![Clay and Wakaba carried the foliage-covered Macao into the streets of Magnolia, followed by Romeo.]

Griff: Since we are new members, we should warn the rest of our new family about our triggers!

CG:[Walking back in] Wow! That's some excuse. Okay everyone! As long as you don't talk crap about my eyes, and as long as you don't belittle Griffin in any way, shape or form, especially calling him cute, adorable, precious, little, kitty, or anything like that, everyone should be safe from us! Got it!?!

Fairy Tail: Got it!

CG&Griff: Good!

ES: Now that's settled, let's head out! I know where we can rent some fast Magical Vehicles...

Griff: No need.

CG: We can just ride TERRA! She's back at the Inn we stayed at, about four blocks from here but I can teleport her here with my keys...[Teleports the urban-camo painted MATV.]

Fairy Tail: TERRA?

Griff: That's what he our MATV-Hybrid.

LMG: Don't those things cost like, millions of jewels?

CG&Griff:[Correcting] Billions!

Fairy Tail:[Murmurs about inquiries revolving around Clay and Griffin's revenue.]

ES: Excellent! Then we should leave at once!

Griff: Before we go, Clay and I should go around Magnolia and repair anything that broke from our presence.

CG: Agreed! Don't worry Erza! This should only take us five minutes. Fifteen, tops! Ready Griff!?!

Griff:[Finally using Aera magic revealing his wingspan being nearly twice as big as the average Exceed.] I was born ready!

ES: Very well. I'm already packed to go. So just come back to the guild hall when you're finished.

CG:[Griffin grabs Clay's shoulders] See you soon![They flew off into town.]

[Less than two minutes later, they return.]

Griff: We're back!

CG: That seemed quicker than I thought. How long were we gone?

WM: About ninety seconds.

CG: Wooow! New personal record! Couldn't have done it without you Griff!

Griff: Nor I without you friend!

ES: It's good to see you both cooperating so well together.

Griff: Although we may occasionally fight, we still care greatly about one another.

CG: Wait up! We never even met everyone in Fairy Tail! We might as well since we're here, and maybe grab a drink while were at it!

Griff: I agree with both sentiments.

MMD: Very well. Let's start with me. I'm Makarov Dreyar, the third and current Fairy Tail Guild Master. As for the blonde man whom left earlier, he's my grandson, Laxus Dreyar. The team you saw him leave with earlier goes by the name the Thunder Legion, or the Thunder God Tribe. Their leader was the one with the long green hair, his name is Freed Justine. The other two are Bickslow and Evergreen. They proclaim themselves as Laxus's personal bodyguards, however, despite Laxus not technically being a member of their team, he's acts more like their boss.

WM: The name's Wakaba Mine. As for the geezer you K.O'd out there, he's Macao Conbolt and his boy Romeo.

LO: My name's Laki Olietta. I specialize in Wood Maker Magic.

Loke: I'm Loke, and I'M the hottest guy in the guild! I specialize in Ring Magic...

[Awkward pause.]

NL: O---kay? My name is Nab Lasaro. I specialize in...

MMD&CA: Standing in front of the request board, but not taking any?

NL: ANIMAL POSSESSION!...I'm also pretty good at hand-to-hand combat...

Vijeeter Ecor: My name is Vijeeter Ecor! Expert in Dance Magic and acrobatic combat!

RJ: My name is Reedus Jonah. I'm an expert at painting and Pict Magic.

Warren Rocko: I'm Warren Rocko. I'm the guild's telepath.

Max Alors: The name's Max Alors. I specialize in Sandstorm Magic.

Alzack Connell: Hey! I'm Alzack Connell...

Bisca Mulan(Her last name will change to Connell after the time skip) : And I'm Bisca Mulan...

AC&BM: We're Gun Magic Mages...

LMG: Hey there! I'm Levy McGarden! I'm kinda like the guild's scribe. I specialize in Solid Script Magic!

Jet: The name's Jet. I'm an expert in High Speed Magic.

Droy: And I'm Droy! I'm kind of a master at Plant Magic...

LMG: And together we make...

LMG,Jet&Droy/Shadow Gear: TEAM SHADOW GEAR!!!

CA: What's up! My name's Cana Alberona! I'm a Card Magic expert, fortune-teller, fan of booze...and available...😘

ElfS: Hey! My name is Elfman Strauss! I'm a real man! I use Beast Soul Magic, specifically, Partial Take-Over Magic in my right arm!

Griff: Ah...so you're the famous Beast Arm Elfman! I've heard quite the stories about you...

MS: And I'm Mirajane Strauss! Elfman's older sister. I---

CG: Wait! Mirajane Strauss!?! As in, "The She-Devil"? And Beast Arm Elfman!?! You guys are the Take-Over Sib...lings...Oh...I'm sorry for your loss...

Griff: You have my...OUR condolences...

MS:[Tearing up] Thank you both!*Sniff*

Elfman:[Holding back tears unsuccessful] *Sniff*...Lisanna...

[After the rest of the guild introduced themselves]

CG: Well...You already know my name and that I'm an Earth Dragon Slayer, foster son of Gednus and Gaedey, The Dragon King and Queen of The Earth.

CA: Wait! You were raised by two Dragons? Natsu was only raised by one!

CG: Well marriage was a new concept for Dragons at the time. It scarcely happened. Also, the majority of Dragons were genocided by a rogue Dragon Slayer. Hey! Does anyone know what Dragon raised him?

MMD: Natsu said he was raised by a Dragon called, "Igneel"

CG: Wait! Really!?! The Fire Dragon King Igneel!?! Hehe...Wow! What are the odds...

MS: What is it?

CG: Well my Dragon Gednus said that Igneel was one of his brothers. So that kinda makes us cousins.

MC:[In pain] Speaking of Dragons,*OW* did your Dragons disappear on July 7th, X777?*OUCH*

CG: Yeah! That's exactly when they went missing! How did you know?

WM: Because the same thing happened with Natsu and Igneel. Do you by any chance know anything?

CG: No, can't say that I have...[Clayton lied, being the only Dragon Slayer to know where their Dragons are, but nothing about the Eclipse Gate.]

MMD: I guess that's a mystery to be solved for another day...

Griff: Now some insight on me. My name is Griffin. As you can tell, I have unrivaled strength and speed. I've mastered the Lost Magical Art of Osmosis Magic, allowing me to learn spells from others, and have my usage improve when I'm in direct contact with it's caster, whether they use it or not. I can also transform into my battle form, but I really tend to do it only when I'm truly angry, and you wouldn't like me when I'm angry...

[Meanwhile, in the Marvel Universe.]

Bruce Banner:Huh?[Looks around in confusion.]...Strange...feels like someone stole my catchphrase...Oh well...

[Back to the Fairy Tail Universe.]

ES: Well..We should get going.

CG: Before we go...Do you have any brandy I can take for the road?

MS: You shouldn't be drinking and driving you know!

CG: No, my body can turn alcohol into gasoline when I drink it. Instead of normal urine, I can urinate gas for my Hybrid to save up on my magic. I've never even gotten drunk before.

LMG: That's...kinda gross...

CA: That sounds like what I imagine hell is like!

MS: Well, In that case...[Mirajane pulls up six Texas Mickeys worth of brandy.] Here you go!

CG:[Slaps down a thick stack of Jewels] Thanks...keep the change...[Chugs down a bottle, then eats the glass.]

Griff: Now that the formalities are done...[Griffin lands on the bar top, Holding a newly fixed drinking glass.]Who's leg do I have to brush up against to get some damn whiskey with a shot of cream liqueur?

MS:[Fill the glass with Griffin's request.] Here you go!

Griff:[Snatching the two bottles from her hands.] Thank you![Griffin guzzles down the poured drink, followed by the two, liter bottles. After finishing them both Griff casually walks over to where Cana is, snatching her new drink and guzzling it down.]

CA: Hey! I was gonna drink that!

Griff:*Ahhh*[Pulls out two large stacks of jewels, dropping one of in front of Cana, then walking back to Mirajane, dropping the other stack in front of Mirajane.] Keep the change

ES: Let's Get going!

CG: Right![Gets onto MATV-H.] Here Erza![Hands her a motorcycle helmet.] Hop on back and hold on![Snaps off hood from his coat, then secures it around his head like a leather cap, also putting his goggles on.]

[Griffin flies into the sidecar.]

ES: Very well.[Put on the helmet, then gets on behind Clay.] Let's go!

[Clay nods in agreement, starting up TERRA, the three of them head out of Magnolia. Heading towards Hargeon town.]

>> To be continued >>
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